Here’s a Great Gallery of Laughing Donkeys

They’re called jackasses for a reason…

I’m talking about those beloved donkeys.

They like to laugh, they like to have a good time, THEY LIKE TO PARTY.

Let’s take a look at these laughing donkeys because they sure are delightful.

1. What a cut-up!

2. Let me tell you a joke.

3. Some live action for you.

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#Laughingdonkey #KentishTiwnfarm

A post shared by Ann marie Haughey (@annmarie.haughey) on

4. I’ve heard that one before!

5. Two guys walk into a bar…

6. Having a good time.

7. Let’s see those pearly whites!

8. Oh, get outta here!

9. He already knew the punchline.

10. Having a good laugh.

11. Okay, what else you got?

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Swapped extra carrots for a smile ??? #horsedog #laughingdonkey

A post shared by Aimee Williams (@la_donna_scandalosa) on

I could look at those donkeys laugh all day!

Do you have any photos of your pets smiling or laughing?

We know some of you out there do!

Please share them with us in the comments!

The post Here’s a Great Gallery of Laughing Donkeys appeared first on UberFacts.

Parents Share Hilarious Reasons Why Their Kids are Crying on Twitter

Here come the waterworks.

And by that I mean kiddos having total meltdowns for…well, you know…kid reasons. It’s just part of being a mom or a dad.

Parents tweeted about the funny reasons why their kids were crying…

Let’s take a look.

1. How could you?!?!

2. Those aren’t good for you.

3. Just let him have one!

4. She’s not old enough yet?

5. Was it the last one?

6. Worst day EVER.

7. She wants it back.

8. That bag was important.

9. That’s dangerous stuff.

10. Don’t you dare…

11. Not a good idea.

12. Very upsetting.

13. Whyyyy? Whyyyyyyyyyy?

Parents, do any of these tweets look familiar to you?

Well, tell us all about it!

In the comments, please share stories with us about when your kids had meltdowns for ridiculous reasons.

The post Parents Share Hilarious Reasons Why Their Kids are Crying on Twitter appeared first on UberFacts.

2,400-year old ruins where found on…

2,400-year old ruins where found on the northern coast of Greenland, more than 300 miles north of the current northernmost town in the world. Inuit legends recount them encountering people they called the Tuniit (singular Tuniq) or Sivullirmiut “First Inhabitants”. According to legend, the first Inhabitants were giants, taller and stronger than the Inuit but […]

The post 2,400-year old ruins where found on… appeared first on Crazy Facts.