Weird Things About High School You Can’t Forget

Remember high school? Some of us do fondly. Others are trying to forget most of it.

But there’s no denying that we’ve all got at least a few good high school stories to tell. It’s a weird place where nobody’s quite a child but nobody’s quite an adult; including the teachers, sometimes. It’s a phase of self-discovery and frustration and social pressure. It’s basically a building of educational chaos, and nobody captures that quite like the humans of Tumblr.

These Tumblr posts represent just a few of the wonderfully absurd gems of high school shenanigans that are being shared on the platform all the time.

Check them out. Laugh, cry, remissness. Be glad you don’t have a test tomorrow.

15. Keep it secret. Keep it safe.

14. They’d be gettin’ lit

13. But will you know how to USE them?

12. You know the drill

11. Webster’s dictionary defines “lazy” as…

10. Drama kids are another species

9. We’re goin’ down, down…

8. Oh God I’m glad I never had this

7. Weird text but ok

6. Rules are made to be ignored

5. Kitchen Nightmares

4. Maybe they heard Gordon Ramsay?

3. Guess what they say about you in the lounge

2. Time is relative

1. This season on Normal High

If you’re past high school age, you’re probably enjoying a laugh and breathing a sigh of relief right now. If you’re still in the middle of it, godspeed, and good luck.

What’s your weirdest high school experience?

Tell us about it in the comments.

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Should You Include Your Mental Illness on a Resume?

The conversation around mental illness has come a long way in recent years. Bit by bit stigmatization is being removed and people are coming around to the fact that the brain is a part of the body, and like any other part, it can malfunction. Sometimes in big ways, sometimes in small ways. Best to recognize and deal with that, not shame each other, or ourselves.

But even for those of us with progressive outlooks on this subject, questions of what to be transparent about when in terms of mental illness do come up.

One Reddit user on r/AITA (Am I The Asshole) tells a tale of good intentions toward his bipolar friend:

AITA for telling my friend to remove his Mental Illness from his resume, to boost his chances of getting an interview? from AmItheAsshole

Usually in these threads, there’s a fair mix of opinions, or one prevailing opinion with a few dissenters.

This is the first AITA thread we’ve ever come across where we couldn’t find a single comment telling OP they’d done the wrong thing. We didn’t read them all of course, as there are over 1,000, but still.

Take a peek…

1. Some took a rather stark view of “embracing” mental illness.

NTA. [“Not the Asshole”]

There’s nothing to “embrace” about bipolar disorder. I have it.

His girlfriend needs to rethink her wording. Bipolar disorder is not something to be proud of and it’s not something that needs to be announced to the world.

I’m also bisexual and that’s a part of me, but that doesn’t mean my employer needs to know.

I also have hemorrhoids and it’s a part of me, but that doesn’t mean I’m putting in on my resume.

– Jerkforbreakingup

2. Others sought to define what “embrace” should and shouldn’t mean.

He “embraced it” by recognizing it, getting professional help and is treating the disorder. Great for him, but it really shouldn’t be on a resume.

His girlfriend might have bought into the “everything-acceptance” movement a bit too much.

– TwistedxBoi

3. People on the other side of the interview table agreed; it should go.

I’m partially responsible for the hiring of people on my team – I wouldn’t interview this person.

We’ll get 100 applicants for any open position. When you’re that inundated, everyone gets reduced to the few pluses and minuses we can see on your resume. Being bipolar sounds like it could be a complication, so we’re going to throw in in the bin with 39 other resumes and look at the 10 that don’t look like there are headaches.

I have a weaker immune system than normal and regularly blow through all my sick leave. It’s part of me, but I don’t go advertising it to the world and I certainly don’t advertise it to prospective employers.

A lot of people don’t get that a resume isn’t a holy Bible, filled with what must be your divine and irrevocable truth. It’s a tailored sale pitch that shows how you align with a particular job. It needs to sell you in the first 10 seconds too, because that’s how much time you’re getting on the first pass.

– Kaiphranos

4. Many wondered why his girlfriend would be so insistent about this against prevailing wisdom.

She sounds like a new university grad who hasn’t yet realized that the university bubble isn’t how the rest of the world works yet.

– Epyr

5. It’s important to talk about what a resume is, and isn’t.

A CV is simply details of your work and experience to show how you fit a role. It doesn’t want to have anything about you as a person, your social life, beliefs or in this case personal information.

The time for disclosing details of health issues is later on, when they ask about it. The gf is actually advocating putting companies in a difficult position as there is legislation on discrimination, so disclosing it so early will mean that they are reluctant to go forward with him, not because of his mental illness, but they are now aware of it when they are not supposed to be and it makes the recruitment process more difficult.

– Jambomo

6. It’s not fair, of course.

Maybe in a perfect world that would work. But there is still a major stigma attached to mental illnesses. It doesn’t add to his resume at all and it isn’t necessary to leave it in.

Having a mental illness doesn’t inherently define who you are.

Let your friend know that he’s got nothing to lose by dropping it off the resume for a few weeks and see if that changes the number of calls.

Or suggest having someone with resumes look it over from a bonafide professional or HR person.

– deb1961

7. Work is work.

Has his girlfriend ever had any job? My depressed ass is telling potential employers everything they want to hear.

I even dress nicer than I normally do and think about what I say more than usual.

And if they ask what I do in my free time you can bet I won’t answer writing bullshit on reddit.

– schottenring

8. Most advised to stay focused.

I’ve always been told not to include anything that doesn’t directly pertain to the job on your resume, so even hobbies or extracurriculars shouldn’t be included unless they’re relevant to the position somehow.

– littlegreenapples

9. If it’s not on any resume template, you should probably have a very good reason for including it.

Who in the world puts that they have bipolar on their resume?

Did the person even bother looking at how to write a resume or looking at resume examples?

I’ve never seen a section entitled “Mental Illnesses”

– bakingeyedoc

10. Bottom line: even empathetic people can misunderstand.

As a hiring manager, I have been confused by why several interviewees were talking about being bipolar.

To me, it was a red flag (because who talks about mental health at an interview unless it is a current problem?)

TIL, it is them embracing and taking ownership of the diagnoses and indicates they’re on top of it?

Still. Leave it off the resume, and out of the interview!

– NapTimeLass

It would be interesting to see what a mental health professional thought of this. The job hunt is hard for everybody, it’s no fun having a complication. We wish that guy the best of luck!

What do you think about this?

Let us know in the comments.

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14 Zoom Memes Everybody Understands Now

I’m gonna show my age for a minute…I remember when I was a kid seeing an advertisement for a video phone and thinking it was the coolest thing ever. Mind you, this was pre-smartphone. Cell phones were around but few people I knew had one. This thing in the ad was a home phone with a tiny little video screen you could allegedly use to see the person on the other end of the conversation.

This. Blew. My. Mind.

I couldn’t wait for the day when this was no longer a luxury item, but a common thing. It felt like I was gazing into the glorious future. Well, now that future is here and it’s…um…it’s fine?

We’re up to our necks in video chats, coaching each other through connection issues and bad microphones and a dozen other things that don’t feel as Star Trek-ian as I’d hoped they would as a kid. But at least we got some good memes out of them.

14. Lower standards mean higher happiness

Via: someecards

13. I woke up like this

Via: someecards

12. How has my social life gotten BETTER?

Via: someecards

11. You rang?

Via: someecards

10. We’re an out-of-sync a capella group

Via: someecards

9. Just be cute, use your mute

Via: someecards

8. The wonders of technology

Via: someecards

7. It’s lit

Via: someecards

6. At least somebody’s doing well?

Via: someecards

5. I’m the keymaster

Via: someecards

4. And they’d have gotten away with it too…

Via: someecards

3. My therapist needs a therapist

Via: someecards

2. Witness the real me

Via: someecards

1. Be selective of your vices

Via: someecards

So, maybe the future isn’t all we’d hoped for. But the cool thing about the future is that it’s always still coming. Maybe if we work together we can still make a better world, and a way to video chat that doesn’t make me want to stab my computer monitor.

What’s your worst/best zoom story?

Tell us in the comments.

The post 14 Zoom Memes Everybody Understands Now appeared first on UberFacts.

Tweets About Video Meetings That Really Nail It

We’re all using a lot more video conferencing these days, and that can either be a convenience or a huge pain. It’s definitely resulting in some pretty interesting moments, though.

People all over the internet are sharing their stories and takes on the new normal of remote meetings, and all its glorious chaos. Check out a few examples in tweet form:

10. There are no flattering angles

9. Every juror would be low key drinking a beer

8. Fate accepted

7. The tyranny of pants is over

6. Don’t be that person

5. Probably not effective communication

4. This is fine?

3. Nobody likes a show-off

2. Hell, I might be commando

1. It’s a glamorous life

Remember everybody, mute your mic if you’re not talking for a while, high angles are more flattering than low ones, and for god sake, don’t tap on your desk.

How’s your experience with video meetings been?

Share the disasters in the comments.

The post Tweets About Video Meetings That Really Nail It appeared first on UberFacts.

Teacher Tries to Embarrass Student and It Seriously Backfires

Growing up in a family of teachers, I know that there are a lot of approaches to education, and a lot of theories about the best way to help people learn.

Here’s an interesting tidbit: social ridicule can be very effective in changing someone’s behavior, but, unsurprisingly, it doesn’t generally help them learn much. Which is why it’s always pretty gross to hear about teachers employing the tactic, especially with young kids.

A big conversation about this got kicked off on r/PettyRevenge with a post about a teacher who got the embarrassment tables turned on him.

Teacher tried to make me look like an idiot in front of the whole class so I flipped it back on him from pettyrevenge

It’s good to hear that there was an apology. And as bad teacher stories go (especially those on this particular subreddit), it’s a relatively mild encounter, but it still stirs up a lot of feelings.

The writer was pretty proud.

Teachers with a healthier perspective chimed in.

Turns out instructors like this aren’t popular with anybody.

Why publicly embarrass a student other than for the sake of a power trip?

It’s just not a good policy.

Kids get enough of that junk from their peers.

The best authorities are caretakers, not bullies.

You can teach someone facts or you can teach them fear.

One of the best virtues is having the humility to admit when you’re wrong.

Also in the thread: a few good Monday-morning comeback coaches

Hopefully our classrooms will continue to move in a more mature direction. Keep calling out nonsense when you see it, kids.

What’s your worst class story?

Tell us in the comments.

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Hilarious Memes To Enjoy So You Don’t Get Bored AF

We’re worried about you.

You seem incredibly bored and you need a little excitement in your life.

That’s where we come in.

Because we have a ton of funny memes to shake you out of your doldrums!

Let’s end that boredom NOW.

1. Don’t come near me.

Photo Credit: Cheezburger

2. What a workout!

Photo Credit: Cheezburger

3. I sure hope so…

Photo Credit: Cheezburger

4. Not so funny anymore.

Photo Credit: Cheezburger

5. Man, I loved those cups.

Photo Credit: Cheezburger

6. Who are you again?

Photo Credit: Cheezburger

7. Wait just a second…

Photo Credit: Cheezburger

8. Have to insult them somehow.

Photo Credit: Cheezburger

9. They sure are bright.

10. Let’s take a dip.

Photo Credit: Cheezburger

11. Jerry is THE MAN.

Photo Credit: Cheezburger

12. How does this work?

Photo Credit: Cheezburger

Good stuff!

Now we want to hear from you!

Have you seen any funny posts lately?

In the comments, please share them with us!

The post Hilarious Memes To Enjoy So You Don’t Get Bored AF appeared first on UberFacts.

13 Times People Said Really Stupid Things on Twitter

Be careful what you say on social media because if you say something dumb or offensive, you will live forever in memes and articles just like this one.

And nobody wants that…

But these people obviously didn’t take that advice to heart, because they really blew it…

Let’s take a look.

1. Hmmmm. Really?

2. It’s their life!

3. I’m a big fan of Parmajahn.

4. It’s a mystery.

5. Seriously. Good point.

6. That’s not good.

7. You are brilliant.

8. I prefer the Michael Wave.

9. A whole new country!

10. Sounds delicious.

11. Geography major?

12. Did you mean quesadillas?

13. I’ve thought about this, too.

Wow…like I said, use your head before you post something online, okay?

Have you come across any examples like this on social media?

If so, please share them with us in the comments!

The post 13 Times People Said Really Stupid Things on Twitter appeared first on UberFacts.

Amusing Mental Health Memes That We All Need to See Right Now

It’s important to take care of your mental health.

And it’s especially crucial right now during this total shit show we’re all living through.

But we need to laugh in order to keep our spirits up, so let’s enjoy these tweets about trying to stay sane!

1. Here we go again.

2. Don’t leave me.

3. That was quick.

Oof ouch owie my mental health from dankmemes

4. Don’t make this a joke.

5. You’ll get through it.

Oof my mental health from dankmemes

6. Don’t try me…

7. Put on a smile.

Happy Mental Health Awareness Week! from dankmemes

8. You were saying?

9. Oh no!

Photo Credit: Cheezburger

10. That’s not good…

Photo Credit: Cheezburger

11. All of that stuff.

Photo Credit: Cheezburger

12. This could be dangerous.

Photo Credit: Cheezburger

Those are funny…and totally accurate…

How are holding up right now?

Talk to us in the comments!

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People Discuss What Red Flags to Look out for in Friendships

Have you ever had to “break up” with a friend before?

I have…and let me tell you it is not fun.

That’s why you need to pay attention to the red flags and not make friends with people who exhibit these in the first place.

So listen up!

Here are some good tips about what to look out for from AskReddit users.

1. All about them.

“Friends that only care to talk about their own success and aren’t genuinely happy for you and yours unless it amounts to less than their own.”

2. Not good traits.

“Really jealous and possessive friends. I’m a jealous person by nature, and even though my jealousy flares up when I see my friends hanging out with other people, I would never let them know.

Why? Because I don’t want them to feel bad about doing the things they love (eg. having a social life outside my little world)

If a person tries to box you up because they want you all to themselves, it’s not a proof of love or companionship. True love (in any kind of relationship like friends, family, lovers) is shown by respect and allowing the other person to have free will.”

3. Can’t be honest.

“Continually feeling like you want to say something but should hold your tongue.”

4. Like a bomb.

“When you hang out with them it feels like you’re defusing a bomb when theres nothing going on right then.”

5. Usually not good news.

“You see you got a private message from them and your gut reaction is to start getting nervous or anxious.

“What is it this time…”.”

6. A lot of backstabbing.

“Friends who gossip excessively.

If they’re talking about other people, chances are they’re talking about you.”

7. This is really annoying.

“Being dismissive of all your interests and achievements.

Meanwhile everything they do, no matter how mundane, is amazing.”

8. Needy Needy Needy.

“Always asking for favours but never there when you need them to return one.”

9. Let me breathe, please.

“Friends that don’t let you have any other friends and require 100% of your time when they can’t give you the same.”

10. Gets very exhausting.

“They call you only when they need you.

And then you feel guilty when you get mad because they’ve had a rough upbringing or something. And you feel like a bad friend and like maybe you’re overreacting. Because you know, they’ve been through a lot.

But still you want to vent to them about your problems because they might be able to sympathize but then you think that their problems have been worse than yours so you really can’t complain because in comparison you don’t have shit to complain about.

And they don’t call you or text you for a few months… but suddenly they get into an argument with somebody and they’re always in the right and they need somebody to reassure them that they deserve better.”

11. A big list.

“Friends who are good to you when one on one but constantly put you down In group settings. This is a big sign of insecurity/jealousy.

Other signs: inappropriate attention seeking behaviors, trying to twist the situation on you when confronted about things, not respecting your boundaries, is super friendly with new people but in a disingenuous “I wanna be liked the most” way.

Constant gaslighting, getting mad at you for not going by the exact same moral playbook as them, when in group settings they get really uncomfortable and try to change the subject or put you down extra if attention is on you, acting they like can take constructive feedback but actually taking it out on you in small ways throughout the rest of the day.”

12. They’re never wrong.

“Inability or unwillingness to apologize when he or she does something wrong.

It’s symptomatic of an ego issue that will eventually infect every aspect of your friendship.”

13. Uhhhh, that’s weird.

“My “best friend” in high school once specifically requested for me to post a picture of us for National Best Friend Day, or some similar holiday. I asked if she’d be posting a picture of us too.

“No, I have a lot of best friends. But I’m your main best friend so you should post a picture of us.” Was her response.

The next couple years were full of back stabbing & gas lighting, complete with occasional fallings out until we finally stopped speaking. Looking back, I can’t believe I didn’t see it coming.”

14. Up to no good.

“When they push other people out of the friend group. It happened in my group where there were 5 of us, she joined and basically bullied 3 out of the group. But it wasn’t obvious bullying.

A lot of things change, next thing I know I’m being treated like shit to the point I hate myself. Me and my friend managed to leave and make friends with the original 5 again.

The one that kicked everyone out is very social and no one rly likes her bc she’s not nice but she’s now found herself with no friends.”

15. Boundaries are important.

“You’ll gladly do a favor for them or help them out, but when you need something, they won’t do it, and act like you’re ridiculous for asking.

Also- when friends don’t respect boundaries.”

Well, now you know what to look out for, right?

What about you? Do you have any good advice in this department?

If so, please share it with us in the comments.

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This Cute Unicorn Dog Has One Ear on Top of Her Head

The pooch’s name is Rae and she’s your typical adorable golden retriever, except for one thing.

She only has one ear on top of her head, which kind of makes her look like a unicorn.

At least according to social media, where Rae has captured the hearts of all who see her.

At birth, Rae suffered an injury that left her with only one ear. Eventually, that ear made its way to the top of her head.

Recently, Rae got herself an Instagram account and she already has more than 200,000 followers. She’s affectionately known as the “unipupper.” People call her a “beauty,” and “so cute.”

“Oh my gosh. You are perfect in every way,” said one commenter. “I can’t get enough of this cuteness,” said another.

According to Unilad, her dog-mom got a little too rough playing with her and accidently injured her ear to the point it had to be removed. But she can hear just fine with her one ear atop her head.

And, if her Instagram pics tell anything, it’s that Rae doesn’t let something like a little ear injury stop her from being so cute that she’s the internet’s unicorn.

We’re looking forward to seeing more images of this sweet pup.

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