Get ready to slap your knees!!!
I’m talking about a lot of funny business that’s about to come your way!
This time, this hilarity is in the form of tweets.
1. I really miss basket weaving…
Me watching some of y’all pretend to miss shit y’all wasn’t even doing anyway
— Samira Basley (@SAMIRABASLEY) April 3, 2020
2. Remember those days?
my most erotic and forbidden fantasy… a nice meal in a restaurant with 6-8 friends… perhaps i am late because of a subway delay. perhaps the pasta is overcooked…. ah! i am getting ahead of myself
— ASYA (@communistbabe) April 1, 2020
3. This is very true.
y’all making these TikTok videos but couldn’t make a PowerPoint in school
— 6’3 For No Reason (@PlayboiJxy) April 2, 2020
4. We blew it!
Damn no one’s even mentioned this entire month is 420. We’ve strayed so far from the Light.
— No one you follow (@Salle2Shooz) April 1, 2020
5. Thank you, Father!
Social distancing baptism
— Stephen (@GeronimoFrost) April 1, 2020
6. Damn! Not messing around!
Chuck E Cheese on Gunhill goes rogue and has zero fucks left to give
— LivingLaCOVIDALoca (@RadioFreeBronx) March 30, 2020
7. The weirdo letters.
Q is too high up in the alphabet. I respect it but it has no place between P and R. Should be at the end with the weirdo/goth letters
— Brooks Otterlake (@i_zzzzzz) March 29, 2020
8. Don’t let him know you saw that.
Y’all look at how coach ham gets into his truck
(@kiingk__) May 24, 2019
9. Hopefully soon…
I’m high so I’ll say this: I wish I could hold my friends as babies
— mrs. niggas (@narkgregsputnik) April 1, 2020
10. Even better!
— Eoin Higgins (@EoinHiggins_) April 3, 2020
11. Totally for something else…
the government should give us each $8,000 not because that’s how much a batman pinball machine costs it’s for a different reason
— dirt prince (@pant_leg) March 31, 2020
12. Better keep a secret.
Bidet? No thank you. I got a water gun and a friend who can keep a secret
— Rauce Padgett (@RaucePadgett) March 24, 2020
13. There you go!
sometimes to reward myself, i will open up one browser tab for work and one for me
— Aparna Nancherla (@aparnapkin) March 27, 2020
14. Do it during The Golden Girls.
I don’t need sports to drink 8 beers and yell at my TV.
— Jason Mustian (@jasonmustian) March 28, 2020
15. Keeping themselves entertained.
Day 17: morale is weird
— Garrett Williams (@badboygargar) March 30, 2020
Good times! Those sure got me laughing!
How about you?
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In the comments, tell us a funny joke or share a funny post.
Please and thank you!
The post These Tweets Are Real Knee-Slappers appeared first on UberFacts.