Important Advice for Dads Who Are Wondering If They’re Doing OK

If you’re out there looking for advice on how to be a better dad, you’re already a pretty darn good one.

That said, we can all use a little pick-me-up sometimes, and a different perspective on parenting can be priceless when we’re lost for where to go next.

If you’re a dad looking for some advice on connecting to or parenting your kids, here are 12 things we think are spot-on.

12. The little things make kids so happy.

“And make sure they hear about it.

It’s nice to hear something directly from mom or dad, but it made my day as a kid to hear my mom or dad’s friends say they’d heard about something awesome I’d done. My dad told me recently that he used to do it deliberately. He’d tell my aunts and uncles that I got a good grade, or hit a home run, and sort of nudge them to mention it to me. When they did, I was always like, ‘How’d you hear that?!’

They’d say my dad told them, and tell me how big he smiled.”

Cameron, 33, Pennsylvania

11. Sharing is nice, but it’s also okay to think of yourself sometimes.

“I learned to share, but I also learned not to share.

When I was about 7 or 8, my dad told me that it was nice to share my toys, but it wasn’t necessary. That it would make other people happy, but that it was okay to protect my things. I try to preach that to my kids, too. They’re so naturally generous that I want to make sure they know that it’s okay to keep things for themselves. Especially things they’ve worked for, or earned.

It didn’t make me selfish, just better at creating healthy boundaries.”

Stephen, 37, Washington, D.C.

10. Teaching respect is hard, but necessary.

“My grandfather never, ever let us disrespect him. Even if we were just playing around.

When I asked him why, he asked me if I loved him. I told him I did, very much. He said, ‘If you disrespect someone you love, what will keep you from doing it to anyone else?’ He was a Marine, so he commanded respect.

And he knew how important it was to being a good person.”

Jim, 42, New York

9. They’ll do as you do, so do it right.

“As a kid, emotions are scary because they’re so unfamiliar. You know the basics — happy, sad, scared, etc.

But, when you start having more complex emotions, you really struggle to identify them. Being a parent, if you can use words like ‘confused’, ‘aggravated’, and ‘overwhelmed’ in front of your kids to describe your emotions, they’ll become better at doing it themselves. I’m a parent, but I’m also a teacher, so I credit one of my college professors with that nugget.

It’s absolutely true.”

Ian, 34, Arizona

8. Teach them how to listen, not how to wait to talk.

“I learned this from a movie, actually.

It basically means that the best way to make yourself interesting is to become interested in someone else. Listen to their story. Ask questions. Make them feel important. The best thing I’ve done as a parent is to become actively interested in my kids’ lives. And it’s genuine, too. I want to know what they like, what they don’t like, what they think is funny, what stresses them out…everything. The movie was Loser with that kid from American Pie.

Easily the most random pearl of wisdom I’ve ever collected.”

Chris, 37, Ohio

7. Remember that they’ve never done anything in this world like clean a room before now!

“Don’t just say, ‘Your room is messy!’ You have to be specific.

Tell your kids about the dirty clothes on the floor, the empty water bottles all over, and the unmade bed. Messy is such a subjective word. What’s messy to you might not be messy to your kids, your spouse, or anyone else. So you have to articulate exactly what is unacceptable, and why. When I was a kid, I didn’t mind doing chores because my mom was so specific. I always knew exactly what had to be done.

She said doing it that way helped keep her sane, too.”

Adam, 36, New York

6. Never miss a chance.

“Just don’t waste a single chance to tell your kids they love you. Even if it embarrasses them.

And even if it’s a thousand times a day. It’s terrifying and morbid to say, but you never know if you might be speaking to someone for the last time. You just never know. So, no matter what, no matter if we’re or angry, or exhausted from laughing, we always end every conversation with ‘I love you’.

It’s a tradition my mother and father taught me when I was a kid, and it’s a good one.”

Hayden, 36, Toronto

5. Disagree later, in private.

My mother used to get so upset when she would be disciplining us and my dad would walk in and interrupt.

She taught me that parents have to be a united front. If you don’t agree with something your spouse is saying, that’s okay. But deal with it after he or she has set the rules with the kids. Of course, this doesn’t apply to anything harmful or dangerous toward your child. But a new parenting style, or discipline policy can be discussed in private. My parents told me that they made a point to never let us see them argue. Instead, they’d tell us they had an argument, and then explain how they worked it out.

It impressed the importance of communication on me at an early age.”

Charles, 35, California

4. Natural consequences are your friend.

“It’s like the difference between telling your kids not to put their hands on a hot stove, and them learning how much it hurts by actually doing it.

My sister is a teacher — and a mother — and she told me this when my son started getting a little older. ‘Natural consequences’ are like breaking your hand if you punch a wall, or burning your mouth if you eat pizza right out of the oven. Obviously, you don’t encourage your kids to do stuff like that just for the sake of learning what hot pizza feels like.

It’s more of a ‘What did you think was going to happen?’ teachable moment.”

James, 37, New York

3. Pick your battles is a classic for a reason.

“This is another way of saying ‘pick your battles’. You just have to.

My wife taught me this one. It’s sort of her mantra, even beyond raising kids. You’re going to have stress in life. That’s obvious. Some stress is primary — your kid gets sick, you lose your job, and stuff like that. But other stress is usually secondary, and you don’t need to deal with it right away. Sometimes not at all.

If you can choose which situations you actually allow to stress you, you can do a much better job managing being a parent.”

Joel, 30, North Carolina

2. Remember that you’re on the same team.

“If you punish a child without teaching them a real lesson, you’ve done nothing to help them grow.

A friend of mine told me that when I became a dad. He had a son who was about 10, and he expressed the importance of making discipline and punishment into two separate things. Discipline is the act of exploring what someone did wrong, and punishment is the consequence for that action.

You can’t just ground a kid and expect him or her to grow.”

Chuck, 29, California

1. A happy marriage makes your kids feel safe and secure.

“My mom and dad were very affectionate. And I remember it fondly.

I remember my dad sneaking kisses here and there, and my mom hugging my dad whenever she got the chance. Even when they weren’t at their best, it was clear that they were so in love. And that always made me feel safe as a kid. Like things would always be okay, thanks to the power of love. I brought it up once, and my dad almost didn’t even realize he did it. He just said, ‘I love your mother so much.

I’m not embarrassed to show it.’”

Marcus, 36, Texas

Parenting is so hard; it’s nice to know that we’re not alone in our thoughts and struggles!

What’s the best piece of advice anyone ever gave you about fatherhood, or parenting in general? Please share it with us in the comments!

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Fridababy’s New Product Is for Dads, and It’s Meant to Protect the Family Jewels

Fridababy is best known for their NoseFrida, a product we all never expected to use but do actually, and to suck snot out of our baby’s nose WITH OUR OWN MOUTH, nonetheless. As gross as it is, there’s no comparing it to the effectiveness of those stupid squeeze bulbs, I know.

Now, they’ve come out with a product meant to assist dads with a significantly less disgusting but still important issue that comes part-and-parcel with parenting – getting kicked in the nethers by a clueless and well-meaning child.

Kids, of course, will beat the sh*t out of all of your body parts (the nose is my personal least favorite, though cheekbones and direct hits to a soft underbelly suck, too), but of course, everyone has a reason to protect those family jewels.

“The scrotum and testes are pretty much a nerve bundle,” confirms Dr. Jamin Brahmbhatt to Men’s Health. So you know…they’re not exaggerating about the pain. This time.

So as moms may not be done having wee ones, and dads, well, I’m assuming they’re not into bouts of brief, unexpected pain.

Enter the Fridaballs, underwear with built in baby protection!

“Having kids is great – but being a dad can be a contact spot,” says the news release.

Indeed. Color me intrigued.

The underwear, styled as boxer-briefs, have a built-in flexible foam that protects against head butts, swinging heels, leaps into bed, or a forceful welcome-home hug. The company also promises Fridaballs are comfortable, breathable, made from natural fibers, and is available in sizes S-XL for just $28.

The promotional video on their website ends with “Protect your legacy. Yes, this is real,” which shows the company realizes how silly all of this sounds, but also knows that dads out there need such a thing – and that’s exactly the sort of idea that put them on the map with the NoseFrida.

So I mean, if history is any guide, these are definitely going to hit the market like a whirlwind.

Are you going to nab a pair for the dads-of-youngsters in your life?

I have to say, after watching my husband the past three years, these might make the perfect gift!

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Does Having Social Media on Your Phone Make You a Distracted Parent?

If you’re going to tell me that you never find yourself staring at your phone, mindlessly scrolling through social media until something snaps you out of it, leaving you wondering what your kids are destroying and what exactly you’re doing with your life…I honestly think that you’re lying.

I mean…I’ve heard of people out there who don’t engage in social media, but I kind of feel like they’re basically Bigfoot.

So, if you’re like the rest of us real-life parents, and you ever wonder whether your phone and social media are negatively impacting your parenting, well…the answer is maybe.

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It's #letstalkTuesday! Today, we're talking about something that can hinder effective parenting, which each of us probably does every single day…use our smart phones! In her @theatlantic article, "The Dangers of Distracted Parenting," Erika Christakis warns that modern parents are easily distracted by their smart phones, leaving their children to make do with “continual partial attention.” Fixated on our screens, we tend to engage in less back-and-forth conversation with our children, and we become irritable when they interrupt us. This type of "technoference" can be harmful to our children because it causes us to be physically present with our kids, but less emotionally attuned. ________________ Mamas, what actions do you take to limit your screen time around your children so that you can give them your full attention? What tips do you have for being intentionally present? Let's talk…. Comment below or meet us in our stories to remain anonymous. _________________ #parentingtips #realtalk #screentime #smartphones #distractedparenting #healthykids #healthymoms #bepresent #presentmotherhood #mindfulmotherhood #mamalife #motherhood #momlife #transparency #authenticity #nojudgementzone #mamaencouragement #blackmomsblog #eritrea #eritreans #dmvmoms #habesha #habeshamoms

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Most of us grew up in a vastly different time, but one thing definitely hasn’t changed – kids can always tell when you’re not really paying attention to them.

Our parents weren’t distracted by social media or electronic devices, but we’ve all had a dad who told us to “hold on just a minute” while he watched the end of the big game, or a mom who was going back to school for her master’s degree and needed us to go away and be quiet for a few minutes.

If you stop and think about it, though, how exactly are we going to explain to our own kids that we were too busy to look, to play, to come see, because we were scrolling our Instagram feeds?

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?TUESDAY TIP? The other day my kids were running around the house playing tag while I was making dinner. At one point I started scrolling on my phone when my son ran up to me to ask for something. I didn’t reply quick enough so he very loudly said to me “mama, put away phone”. My stomach basically flipped and I had a huge ah-ha! moment. We have a HUGE parenting epidemic on our hands called “distracted parenting” and we are all guilty to some degree. Distracted parenting has come as a result of parents paying less attention to their children because they're distracted by that shiny piece of tech. Distracted parenting can cause serious emotional, social, and behavioural issues for our children Our children need our undivided attention! It’s time to stop multitasking, checking emails, and glancing at social media. It’s time to be less distracted and more attentive for their sake and ours #childhooddevelopment #instamom #torontomom #parenting #parenting101 #toddlers #tuesdaytips #distractedparenting

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Call me crazy, but I don’t think they’ll understand.

Or maybe they will, if we’re still living in this dystopia where strangers on our phones get more attention than our kids on a daily basis.

I’m not ragging on the internet. There are obviously amazing things that have come from our ability to easily and immediately connect around the globe, and as far as parenting, being able to be in touch with our kids all day and night can be a lifesaver.

That said, there’s also plenty of research that shows too many screens too soon is bad for brain development, so even if we use a television show to get the dishwasher emptied, take a shower, exercise, pay a check, or any of the above, everyone being present in the moment is the ideal scenario.

Our kids should be playing outside. Drinking pretend tea and donning towels to make believe they are superheroes. Fighting with their siblings about nothing and everything only to sneak the other one extra marshmallows when they’re in time out.

Social media has been linked to unrealistic expectations, depression, and anxiety, and maybe the best way to convince our kids they don’t need that crap until they’re older is for all of us to be able to take a step back and convince ourselves that we’re not addicted after all.

You know. At least until after they go to bed at night.

Then you can indulge in whatever (legal) unhealthy habits you might have. In my house, no pint of Ben & Jerry’s is safe after kiddos are tucked in and kissed goodnight.

A rebel, I am. Don’t @ me.

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The Phrase People Portraying Disney Characters Aren’t Allowed to Say in the Parks

I used to think that getting to dress up as one of my favorite childhood princesses every day would be a dream of a job. Then I got older and realized that working for Disney in any capacity probably involves way more rules than I personally would be able to follow, and also, those dresses have to be heavy and Florida is hot.

And yes, I know there’s a Disney park in California, too (and Paris), but let’s be honest. The one in Orlando is the best one (fight me).

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I might have just missed Goofy's birthday, but I still want to mark it with the most wholesome interaction in my entire life. A long time ago, back in the 90s, Tiny Tal was being pushed in front of by bigger and noisier kids in the queue to meet Goofy. What did Goofy do in response to this? Part the queue just to give me a huge hug and then pretend to faint in front of everybody. ??? It was the most special moment of Tiny Tal's life, and it cemented Goofy as my all-time favourite Disney character. I've seen him do this kind of thing even as recently as last year, and it really makes such a difference to the youngest visitors to the Disney parks. ❤ BRB, off to watch A Goofy Movie. ? ? #goofy #throwback #90sdisney #disney #disneylandparis #disneylandparisphotos #disneyland #paris #dlp #dlrp #eurodisney #disneyparks #disneyparksphotos #goof #disneycharacters #disneyparkscharacters #mickeymouseandfriends #disneyphotos #disneyfan #disnerd

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None of this is likely news to you, but did you also know that there’s one specific phrase that people cosplaying as the characters for a paycheck aren’t allowed to say in the parks?

They are never ever to say “I don’t know.”

It makes sense if you think about it. Disney promises a fantasy, a suspension of disbelief, and along with their characters looking as if they just stepped out of a movie, they are supposed to always know what they’re talking about.

If you ask them a question and you don’t know the answer, they are supposed to go and find it for you.

Fun fact: they’re also not allowed to point you in the right direction with only one finger; they have to use their index finger in conjunction with their middle finger, because in some cultures it’s considered rude to finger-point with the index finger only.

Legend says this rule came from Walt Disney himself, who used to point out structures at his parks with a cigarette pinched between two fingers.

And there you have it – now you know!

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Husbands Share the Moments They Said to Themselves, “I’m so Marrying This Girl”

Marriage and family has a way of sucking the romance out of the best relationships. It’s nice to think back and remember the moments when it was all new, and when you were struck dumb by the total awesomeness of the person you now get to argue with over where the proper place to clip toenails is for the rest of your life.

And these dudes are ready to make you believe in love all over again as they tell the story of the moment they knew their wife was going to be the one for them forever.

16. Been there. Did not buy the t-shirt.

She was spending the night at my place and woke up about 3 am in severe discomfort. Over an hour she started to hurt worse so I took her to the ER.

At the ER, she was screaming in pain but they wouldn’t give her any pain meds without first doing a pregnancy test. Of course she went to the bathroom while I was registering her, so she didn’t have anything to give.

It was while she was in the room in the ER, miserable in pain and waiting for the pain meds to kick in that I realized I really cared for her and wanted to make our relationship more permanent.

It turned out that she was having a kidney stone and not an alien chest-burster. She struggled with that problem for years until we find the cause.

Bonus: I met her mother for the first time that morning. On one hand I hate the circumstances, but on the other I’m glad I was able to show I could take care of her daughter.

EDIT: In a strange Reddit twist my most upvoted comment is about how much I love my wife. Today happens to be her birthday so please help me wish her a Happy Birthday!

15. You have to be able to laugh together.

Lost my car in a parking garage after I bungled the night by forgetting my wallet on a fairly expensive Italian dinner date.

I was embarrased and mortified.

I just wanted to cut my losses and get home. I was really trying to impress her and literally anything that could go wrong did.

To cap the night off I forgot where I parked my car because I was flustered from everything that had gone wrong.

After 20 minutes or so of me running around this parking garage, going level to level, running hand in hand. I could feel her glare and and annoyment on the back of my neck. It was growing. I could feel her quietly thinking “well, this was the worst date I’ve ever been on.”

The humiliation finally overcame me and I stopped and turned around. Maybe to appologize profusely, I don’t know, still don’t know. I was preparing myself for that look on her face.

She was smiling.

She started to laugh. Not at me. But with me, ..without me. Almost inviting me to laugh with her about this poor bastard’s luck.

A large wave of relief washed over the dreadful evening.

We stood there on level 2 of the Newport on the Levee parking garage just laughing.

I knew at that precise moment that I wanted to marry her.

6 years later, we are married with two kids.

When we gave our vows, we both unknowingly had written of that exact night in Newport and that exact moment.

I think perhaps for me, I had fallen in love before, but with her.. I never wanted to fall in love again.

14. Lucky in puppy love!

When I was 16, an insanely hot girl messaged me on Myspace (yeah, I know) because we had mutual friends and she thought I was cute. We hit it off, started dating, and a few months later I left her in Texas to go on a trip with my family to see my grandparents in Indiana.

It was the first time we’d been apart for more than a day or two since we’d been together, and the separation was brutal for a pair of teenage love birds. We spent almost every night of that trip talking on the phone until 3 or 4am, laughing, telling each other secrets and sharing our hopes and fears for the future.

She was brilliant – talking to her simultaneously felt like I was going on a big adventure and I’d found my way home all at the same time. That was the first time I’d ever felt like every minute spent away from her was a complete waste of time, and that feeling never really went away.

We’ve been together 12 years now, and just celebrated our 7th wedding anniversary.

Sometimes you get it right on the first try, folks.

13. When she just goes with the flow.

I asked my husband, who is too lazy to get his computer and post, so I’ll relay his answer.

It was actually during the trip that he proposed to me on, which I was clueless. We lived in Ohio and had flown out to Colorado to visit with my parents, then we were going to all load up in a car and drive to his parents in Utah. We take the scenic route because my mom wanted to check out Black Canyon of the Gunnison and do a little hiking there. We hiked to the bottom and saw the river, it was beautiful, it was the hike back out that was killer. Us OH people are just dying from the altitude difference, mom and step-dad go on ahead while we try to breathe. During one of our stops he sits on one of those rail-road ties they used to line parts of the trail, I lean against a tree further up the trail. He suddenly stands up and yells “snippybitch, run!” I fucking ran. I didn’t ask why, I didn’t even look to see what he was doing, I just booked it.

There was a beehive under that tie, and he pissed them the fuck off. He only got stung twice, we actually caught up to mom and SD who then also ran for a bit. I thought my lungs were going to die.

It was the fact that I didn’t question, I just ran, that’s what made it for him.

I do find it funny that this is his answer even though he already had the ring. I don’t know, he’s a strange one!

12. When it just makes sense.

I don’t remember a moment. We were childhood friends, and knew each other really well. We started dating after high school, but after a year I moved away for two years. We wrote each other letters every week, keeping them short and friendly. Something I won’t mind sharing with my kids in the future.

When I moved back to the area I wanted to do a big road trip to see my family but didn’t want to do it alone. She ended up being the only person available and with less than 24 hour notice was ready to hit the road. It was a blast of a trip, and everyone kept asking when we were going to get married. We hadn’t actually started actively dating again, and things were pretty platonic at that point, so we just shrugged. After the road trip we spent a massive amount of time together and it just made sense to propose to someone that was and is so special to me.

Three months later I proposed.

Edit: Oh, and she said yes. I proposed at her favorite ren faire, but kept it private and simple because I knew she would have hated all eyes on her. I told her I didn’t want a long engagement, and that a one year engagement felt right to me. 360 days after I proposed we were married, and we have been married for nine years now.

11. A little confidence goes a long way.

We had been on a few dates and it was my birthday. She asked what I wanted for my birthday. I sarcastically suggested a 12 pack of beer, a box of condoms and her in that tennis skirt I saw her in on Facebook.

Sure enough, she showed up to my apartment with a 12 pack, condoms and wearing that tennis skirt.

I had dated a lot of high maintenance girls who weren’t all the comfortable with themselves in a lot of ways. I knew from this she was way different.

I would come to find out she was a goddess in a lot of other ways too. But seeing her in the door way looking every bit the dream for my birthday made me know she was definitely a keeper.

10. That’s real devotion.

She traveled 2 hours by bus and train to see me on my half an hour lunch break. We’re due to be married in 3 weeks.

9. Insert some joke about it being the same thing.

She asked if I would move to Boise, Idaho with her, and I thought, I’d move to Hell to be with her.

8. That’s how my mother knew I was in love the first time.

Her boss messaged me to tell me she knew when my (at time girlfriend) was texting me, opposed to anyone else, because she would be smiling.

Then her mother told me the same thing a few days later ?

edit: Her (now ex boss) is a good friend of ours, and was at the wedding!

7. Cheeseburgers and cursing. So beautiful.

First road trip together. We stoped for food and I ordered multiple cheeseburgers. I was driving and without being asked she unwrapped and handed me my burger. As soon as one was done she had another one ready. I realized then that some people are genuinely considerate and kind. Also the first time she called someone a cuntbag.

6. That’s a make or break moment right there.

She went to ‘hop’ on the bed, miscalculated how springy it was, bounced off and got stuck between the bed and the bedside table. Upside-down, legs flailing in the air. She couldn’t free herself, and I was too incapacitated with laughter to help her for a good 5 minutes.

5. Words are overrated.

When I realised this was the first woman I could look in the eyes and not feel like we had a awkward silence. We just started at each other like it was the last thing we would ever see.

P.S. I’m not married but will be asking her this January. Already got the ring. Wish me luck ?


Everyone who asked for a update here it is. She said yes!!!! ?

4. Sometimes you just feel it!

Being with her was (and has been, going on 20 years in 2018,) effortless. There was no drama, no having to explain my jokes, my references. She was as nerdy as I was and am. It just occurred to me that we should marry.

So, I started saying in conversation “When we get married…”

Almost 20 years later we’ve been married almost 18 years. We’re still very passionately in love, and it just keeps getting better.

3. Sounds like the perfect reason to marry someone.

She was driving us back from a great camping trip with friends. My mind was wandering and I thought, “You know, I wish I could do rad shit like this with her forever.” Then I thought, “That sounds like a marriage… HEY!”

I looked over at her, she glanced at me and smiled back.

I then put together a plan; I ask her to live with me in 6 months when her lease is up, after a year if shit is still good I’ll ask her to marry me.

I did exactly that. We’ve been married 4 years and have an 8 month old.

2. This is like something out of a romcom!

We were playing Trivial Pursuit with friends, and were in a team together. The question we got was “Who was the 26th President of the United States?” I figured it was my chance to impress her by counting off all the Presidents in order to count to to 26, so I started. She jumped right in with me, and got up to Teddy Roosevelt faster than I did.

It was the perfect realization that her nerdiness and personality matched up perfectly with my own. When we got married, we had a picture of Teddy Roosevelt on our table at the reception.

1. This one made me a bit teary-eyed.

We had only been dating for three months, so still some awkwardness here and there. I was working an outrageous amount, and I got phone call that one of my very good friends had just died in a car accident.

I don’t really remember walking there, but instead of my apartment, I ended up at hers. She opened the door to her new boyfriend half-ugly-sobbing.

Instead of being (rightly) weirded out, she listened and cried with me for a couple hours.

The friend who died was the one who had encouraged me (for like six months) to ask my now-wife out. My friend never knew the impact she had.

My wife and I have been married for eight years now.

I love these stories! I’m going to make my husband tell me his as soon as I get home.

What’s the tale of how and when you knew your partner is the one for you?

Please tell us in the comments – I want more!

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Parents Share the Things They’ve Let Their Kids Destroy So They Could Have Some Peace

As a person who just really, really wants 10 minutes in the morning to catchup on the news, drink hot coffee, and generally be left alone, I feel this topic on a visceral level. You would not believe how much television my children get – or how much I do not care what cabinets they are emptying – in exchange for these moments.

My husband is regularly annoyed, but y’all. How am I supposed to keep them in any sort of line the rest of the day without coffee? How am I even going to get through breakfast?

I’m not. And so, the terror continues.

These 10 parents know my pain, and are sharing their own sacrifices for moments of peace.

10. I’d go with the screen time, myself.

“My husband is [strict] about screen time. I go away to run errands and come home to crayons all over every wall.

He literally just watched him draw on the wall because it was easier than not.”

– Claire G.

9. Long road trips with toddlers are battle conditions.

“On our first road trip, I let my 2-year-old color all over herself in order to make it through the last few hours of the drive.”

– Kelly L.

8.This happened to me, but sunscreen.

“My older son got a tin of butt cream and smeared it all over himself and the carpet when I went downstairs to throw the laundry in.”

– Susan B.

7. When you are that sick, all bets are off.

“Just this past weekend I was diagnosed with the flu and let my 7-year-old do some ‘gem kit’, which [resulted in] sand and hammer marks all over my dining room table and floor.

BUT there was peace for two hours. Sand vacuumed up, table now has character marks.”

– Jill B.

6. The rest of the passengers thank you for your sacrifice.

“I spent many flights letting my son cover my face with painters tape.

I thought he’d like to stick it on the tray table or arm rests or something, but no, my face was the target and I willingly participated for hours of a happy quiet baby on a plane.”

– Christina P.

5. You gotta do what you gotta do. They’re just Doritos.

“I had a stomach bug when [my daughter] was maybe 18-months-old, so still very small.

I usually fed her super healthily but that day I gated off the playroom, gave her a party size bag of Doritos and let her have her way with it. I dozed on the floor, waking occasionally to vomit and see how many more orange hand prints had appeared around the room.

Absolutely worth it.”

– Kathleen K.

4. At least he’s not wasteful.

“My oldest emptied an entire box of tissues while I was taking in groceries from the garage… then shoved them all back into the box again”

– Mara H.

3. Just buy the cheap kind.

“Boxes of tissues.

Sometimes pulling all the tissues (or wipes) out of the container and ‘cleaning’ will keep my 2-year-old busy for so long — totally worth it.”

– Stephanie B.

2. Ooh, this one is brilliant.

“In the warmer months, I’ve put my (now) 2-year-old twins [safely] in the front seat of my parked car… with water bottles, a bag of Goldfish, the windows down, and me sitting outside the car with music playing on my phone.

They love pushing all of the buttons and hollering out the window at dogs and cyclists.

Nothing a vacuum and button reset can’t fix later.”

– Kristina S.

1. I have let my son drench himself with the hose so many times.

“I let my son soak himself at church yesterday because he found a step stool and a water fountain.

He played for 20 minutes and I’m sure he drank some of it, and the rest assisted in keeping him clean.

Which is good because he was too tired for a bath last night!”

– Beth H.

I am not ashamed. In fact, I will do this again tomorrow and also the next day!

What are you willing to let your kids do as long as they’ll leave you alone for 15 or 20 minutes?

We want your confessions in the comments!

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Toddler-Friendly Board Games Perfect That Are for Your Next Family Game Night

One of the things I looked forward to when learning I would be a parent was instituting a family game night once a week, so I could train my littles to be as nerdy as their parents.

Soon, I realized that toddlers are not really made for rules and sitting still and also they don’t understand concepts like winning and losing, and I became disheartened with the entire concept. Take heart, though! There are some games out there that are just made for families with toddlers.

So if game night is something you’d love to do in your house, may we suggest these 10 games for your next try.

10. Candy Land

Image Credit: Amazon

There are a few classic’s on this list, and you know you’re dying to introduce your kids to this game you loved growing up.

Since there’s no reading required and a colorful board to boot, there’s a good chance your toddler will climb right on board (heh).

9. Feed the Woozle

Your toddler’s motor and counting skills will benefit from feeding the monster with silly snacks, and with 3 levels, your kid won’t get bored for a while!

8. Bubbles Up! Crabs Down

Image Credit: Amazon

This ocean-inspired game teachers your kid to work like a team as their imagination runs wild.

7. Sneaky Snacky Squirrel

There’s no reading required here, the rules are simple, and everyone loves helping an adorable squirrel – even toddlers.

6. First Orchard

Image Credit: Amazon

Decades old but still going strong!

This game only lasts about 10 minutes (as long as your toddler’s attention span) and they’ll learn colors and counting as they harvest their fruits and vegetables.

5. Hi-Ho! Cherry-O!

A numbers game with a twist, and the spinner is always a hit with the littles.

4. Busytown

Image Credit: Amazon

This game is very engaging, promotes attention to detail, teamwork, object identification, and matching skills.

Even better? Each round is a new experience, so you’re less likely to hear the dreaded “B” word (boredom!).

3. Hoot Owl Hoot

The simple strategy of following directions and taking turns to match colors and send the owls back to their nest is a sure winner.

2. Pete the Cat’s The Missing Cupcakes

Image Credit: Amazon

My toddler loves Pete the Cat, and if yours does too, there’s a good chance they’ll also love singing songs, acting out activities, identifying animals, foods, and words.

Oh… and finding the missing cupcakes, too. ?

1. Let’s Feed the Very Hungry Caterpillar

A game of counting, collecting, and building will transform that hungry caterpillar into a beautiful butterfly – just like in their favorite book!

I’m definitely picking some of these up, because it’s worth a try. I want to start ’em young, after all.

Have you played any of these with your kids? Do you have games that have worked great for your under-4s? Please share them with us in the comments!

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Restroom Changing Tables Could Be Dangerous For Your Baby

If you’re like me, it’s not like you go out into public looking to spend a lot of time undressing, changing, and redressing a squirming baby on a plastic tray in a dirty bathroom. That said, a baby’s bowels wait for no man, and their little bums will be mad if you wait too long.

Some people prefer to haul baby out to the car for the change, but as I live in a climate where winter still exists, I gotta tell you, that’s not happening in December, or when there’s any kind of precipitation.

If that sums up your opinions on baby changing stations in bathrooms, well, then you – like me – are about to get very wary about using them in the future.

The warning comes from mother and recovering addict Jessica Wayman, who told parents in a Facebook post last week to check the changing table for the black marks like the one she posted before laying your baby down. It turns out it could be residue left from burnt spoons placed there by heroin users.

Basically, drugs and other harmful substances could be lingering. Here’s the post…

PSA: Before putting your babies anywhere near these things, ALWAYS wipe them down first. Even if you are in a hurry,…

Posted by Jessica Wayman on Sunday, September 23, 2018

The post starts…

“PSA: Before putting your babies anywhere near these things, ALWAYS wipe them down first. Even if you are in a hurry, even if you have a blanket to lay down.

See the black marks? Those are from burnt spoons. Addicts use these as tables when they shoot up.

There could be residue from the heroin/meth whatever, and other harmful bodily fluids. If someone doesn’t care about themselves, I can promise you, they aren’t thinking about your kids.

Be cautious.”

Wow, the more you know right?

She adds…

“I am a recovering addict myself, which is why I made this post in the first place, to warn all the unsuspecting parents who would never think something like this when looking at a changing table.

Along with people using them as tables while they shoot up, they are also OFTEN used by addicts to bust drugs out and crush them up upon.

So again, be cautious.”

Image Credit: Facebook

And yes, even if you use a blanket or other changing pad, wiping the table down first with one of your wipes – an antibacterial one if you have it, or hot water and soap from the sink if you don’t – will ensure that nothing untoward on the table comes home in your diaper bag or on your kid.

Thank you, Jessica, for educating those of us who have spent our lives following the rules. We really appreciate it!

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Kids Names That Might Make You Wonder Who Hurt Their Parents

Y’all, we need to talk about what some of you are naming your kids. I get the need to be unique – I had a rule that we couldn’t even consider a name that was in the current top 50 most popular in the U.S. – but I also love my children, and my main concern was to give them a name they can live with for at least the next 18 years.

Some of you…do not seem to have that concern, as more and more, names that have been completely made up are popping up in music classes and library storytimes.

These 10 names, though, they really take the cake!

10. That is…not at all professional and easy to explain.

I work at a college and often go through the new applications to process them, I’ve seen all kinds.

Most ridiculous name I’ve seen thus far though:

Starscream Anakin as his first and middle names. He has a normal last name. When I first saw it, I was certain that it was a kid fucking with our application system. Then I met him in person, and he showed me his ID.

His name is legally Starscream Anakin. I get the Anakin part, but of all the Transformers to name your kid after, why on Earth make it Starscream? He was just awful.

9. I love Dirty Dancing as much as the next person, but…

Baby girl

Yes this was their legal name.

8. It’s funny…but why is that criteria for naming your baby?

When I was pregnant my now exMIL wanted me to name our son “Rock” which is stupid as it is but the last name is Bowler so my son’s name would be Rock Bowler and I couldn’t do that to the poor kid.

My ex thought it would be funny to name him Rocky with the middle name Bal so his name would be Rocky Bal Bowler…

7. I mean, I’d be pretty tired by then, too.

My neighbor was the 12th kid.

His parents named him Twelver.

That’s gotta be the worst I’ve ever seen.

6. I don’t understand any of this.

I went to high school with a guy named Zip Daub.

His middle name was Adydo.

They named that motherfucker Zip Adydo Daub.

5. What you’re saying this is a thing more than one person has done?

My niece is named Nevaeh and you are ABSOLUTELY right that her parents tell everyone that it is “Heaven” spelled backwards. It is like that have the compulsion to justify naming their child Nevaeh.

On a side note, no one calls her Nevaeh. We call her Squish. Not sure which is worse.

4. The older kid definitely got the better end of that deal.

Had a little boy in my program named Rowdy. Eh… kind of rednecky but, whatever.

Then I found out his older brother is named Howdy! WTF?

Found out later that the older boys legal name is Howard. That’s less ridiculous, at least.

3. That’s what they’re going to feel when they’re getting their asses kicked on the playground for the 5th time that week.

An ex had friends who named their kids Haight and Rayge (hate and rage).

Good luck kids.

2. I mean that’s just lazy.

I went to high school with a guy named John John John.

Yes, his first name, middle name and last name were all “John”.

1. A self-fulfilling prophecy?

I once encountered a plump young woman whose name, according to her ID, was Rotunda.

Seriously, some people are just going way too far in the name of being unique, don’t you think?

How did you choose your kids’ names? Share your thoughts with us in the comments!

The post Kids Names That Might Make You Wonder Who Hurt Their Parents appeared first on UberFacts.

A Man Was Fired After Posting a Meme About Pooping While at Work

Most of us see a funny meme, laugh at it, decide whether or not it’s funny or appropriate enough to share on our timelines, and move on with our lives. We don’t think too much about who might or might not read them (hence the deciding whether or not they’re appropriate), but after reading what happened to Cody Hidalgo, next time, we all might take an extra second to assess.

He shared a silly meme with a picture of Elmo sitting on the potty that reads “boss makes a dollar, I make a dime, and that’s why I poop on company time.”

Image Credit: Twitter

Funny (as poop memes go) and about as inoffensive as they come.

His boss, though, didn’t think so, sending Cody this text message (yes, really) to fire him over the post.

Image Credit: Twitter

After podcast host Chris Caesar posted the scenario to Twitter, it quickly went viral.

It wasn’t long before people dug up Cody’s employer and started posting 1-star reviews – so many that they had to lock the page down.

Cody’s boss’s son took matter’s into his own hands, texting him this nasty exchange:

And yeah, any sympathy I might have had for this company goes right out the window when someone says they’re glad a kid is dead for any reason at all.

What do you make of all of this? Was the boss out of line? Crazy? Not so much?

We want your hot take in the comments!

The post A Man Was Fired After Posting a Meme About Pooping While at Work appeared first on UberFacts.