Women Share the Creepiest Things That Men Have Said to Them

I’m willing to bet that almost every single woman on Earth has had to deal with a creepy guy invading her space and saying gross and inappropriate things to her at one point or another.

On behalf of all the decent fellas out there, I apologize for these total creeps.

The ladies of AskReddit opened up about the creepiest things that men have ever said to them in public.


1. That’s perfect!

“I was 11 in a street market in Italy.

A vendor came up and started trying to convince me to marry his son. My dad ran up and was like dude she’s 11.

The guy said “My son’s only 26. It’s perfect!””

2. Call 9-1-1.

“You don’t look 13, I want your number.”

3. Get outta there!

“I was in Paris at a Christmas market and a guy came up to me and told me I was very beautiful. Before I could say anything back, he said, “You know, I’ve been following you for awhile and saw your friends walk away from you. I could kidnap you so quick, they would never see you again.”

Then he laughs, and my friend, who was only like eight feet away and heard this exchange, pulls my arm and we start fast-walking away. We cut down so many alleys, popped in and out of shops, and got on different trains since it was nearly impossible to know if he was still following us.”

4. How do you do it?

“This was a guy who had found my Facebook in about half a second (I have no idea how, people I want to give it to can’t find it without my help): “so uh how does sex work for you? Does it hurt you? How do you do it?”

He’d found out I was disabled and decided this was an excellent and appropriate conversation piece.”

5. Ugh, what a scumbag.

“I was wearing my horse back riding clothes.

He held the door for me and said “You can ride me!” when I kept walking into the store ignoring him he screamed after me “Hey Bitch! I SAID YOU COULD RIDE ME”.

This is why we can’t have nice things people.”

6. Stay out of Walmart.

“I was in Walmart and some creepy guy came up to me and my sister and pointed at his junk in sweatpants (clearly not wearing underwear) and asked if we wanted to touch it.

Now I refuse to go to Walmart.”

7. Truck stop creeper.

“I worked at a truck stop and needed a driver to sign something, but didn’t have a pen. He was a super gross old fat guy, missing quite a bit of teeth. He said that I could borrow his pen, but then I’d have to get in his truck with him.

He was going to lock the doors and I wasn’t allowed to get out. I recoiled in horror as he gave me the most disturbing smile. The thought of raping me and telling me about the fantasy truly made his day.”

8. Was it Dwight Schrute?

“Man in a club came up to me and said, “just thought I should let you know that you have great birthing hips.””

9. One of his requirements.

“”You have all your teeth. I like that.”

I was waiting for the bus.”

10. Freaked out.

“I was 14, out shopping at an Aeropostale when these two dudes approached me. They had to be in their mid to late twenties. They followed me around the store and kept asking me to try on the mini skirt I had picked out, asked me where I lived, my name, and just generally kept following and harassing me.

I was super freaked out, hoping that my mom and brother would come back to the store soon to get me out of there.”

11. Run for it.

“Oh no, when I was 13, a guy grabbed me by by the wrist and he said “Hey sexy, wanna come with me so I can show you something? I love bad girls like you.”

I was so stupid that I was still worried about being rude and apologized to him for saying no but when he tried to fully grab my arm I just ran.”

12. Take a hint, dude.

“Not so much what was said at first, but the insistence (and continuing to walk with me on my route for like 20 minutes) that I must save his email address.

Words alone are creepy on occasion, but it’s the absolute worst when there’s an element of being trapped.”

13. A couple stories.

“I was in 6th grade and had three boys discuss my breasts in front of me like I wasn’t there. The first boy said I stuffed my bra, the second one came up and explained to him how he could know that I didn’t. The third joined in in the explanation of real vs fake like they were looking at a painting on a wall while I sat there flabbergasted at being noticed in that way.

I was 17 and cleaning a window at work(on one knee). Guy, in front of his ~8 yo son- “you like being on your knees?”

It happens a lot more the younger women are, creepy guys know that the older we are the less likely we are to stand for that shit. So if you’re young- who gives a shit about being polite? Give them a curled lip, raised eyebrow and a well placed “ew” and watch their faces fall.”

14. Threatened.

“Once I was threatened with physical violence because I didn’t smile when a guy told me to and didn’t go out of my way to be nice to him when he sat down next to me.

I was also called jailbait by a few customers when I was 15 working at a local sub shop, which my manager and coworkers thought was hilarious. ?

So many more anecdotes could come to mind if I sat longer and thought about it but those stick out.”

15. Very classy.

“A homeless guy once told me he wanted to throw me in a bathtub full of Jell-O and make love to me.”

16. Should’ve smacked him.

““Merry Christmas, baby” while grabbing my ass in Times Square.

It was the summer.”

17. Older creeper.

““You’re gonna get a spanking” in a sing song tone. I was working at a mom and pop burger joint and made a silly mistake.

I was 19 at the time, the dude in question was 60/70.

When I got embarrassed he acted proud of himself and stated “look how red she’s turning!””

18. That is disgusting.

“I had rainbow colored hair as a teenager.

One time at work a 60+ year old customer said to me, “Does the carpet match the drapes? Never mind, you probably don’t have any down there.”

I’ve never been so uncomfortable.”

Way to go, guys! You’re basically creeping out every woman on the planet!

Ladies, now it’s your turn to answer this question in the comments!

Let us know! We’d love to hear from you!

The post Women Share the Creepiest Things That Men Have Said to Them appeared first on UberFacts.

People Talk About What They Think Are the Necessary Skills for Future Jobs in America

America’s workforce is changing fast and the skills that many workers had 50, 20, or maybe even 10 years ago just don’t translate to today’s automated and highly technological workplace.

What will the future hold? What skills should younger people be focusing on?

AskReddit users talked about what they think the most-needed skills are for the next generation of workers in America.

1. Still the same.

“When I was in high school waaaay back in the late 70s my curmudgeonly history teacher tried to beat it into our heads that learning a foreign language and management skills would be needed in our future, as most US production jobs were disappearing and the best jobs would be in managing foreign workers, at home or abroad.

He was right, at least in this case. I see no change in that prediction.”

2. This is crucial.

“Being adaptable.

Things move and change so fast nowadays and being able to keep up and adapt is a very crucial skill.”

3. Gotta keep up.

“The skill of learning new skills is super important. At least it’s something machine learning isn’t too good at (yet).”

4. Good point.

“Everyone is talking programing, I feel the most needed set of skills are going to be related to piping, laying datalines and fixing infrastructure.”

5. The trades are very important.

“Trade skills. There is already a massive shortage of competent people willing to do manual labor jobs like welding, painting, mechanics, construction, etc.

If you are even vaguely competent and willing to do manual labor, you can get a $20/hr job with benefits instantly nearly anywhere in the United States.

Source: my actual life, covered in work but have no workers.”

6. Change and improve.

“The ability to recognize that just because that’s “how we’ve always done it” doesn’t mean it shouldn’t be changed.

You should always be changing and improving.”

7. A key component to getting things done.


Work gets done so much faster when you communicate properly with others.”

8. Some good advice.

“I really hate saying this, because it makes me sound like some angry old man, but based on my experience as a 20-something:

Professional personality, but not annoyingly-so. Employers don’t like stuck-up workers who ONLY care about work, they want someone who will speak out against bullshit and keep rationality in mind, but they also want someone who remains professional throughout.

Physical strength. Tell me why LiftBot 3000 shouldn’t replace you, go.

Research skills. You have the internet at your fingertips, use it. Don’t just go to college and pretend to be an expert in everything, learn.”

9. This will never go out of style.

“Do all you can to build your interpersonal skills.

Being able to communicate well and having self confidence will help in almost every situation.”

10. From the mouth of Andrew Yang.

“According to Andrew Yang, skill sets will be redundant in a few decades.

He needs to be secretary of something related to industry treasury or economics; he is the only candidate I’ve seen who has a grasp on how AI and automation will effect society.”

11. Read and listen.

“As someone who works at an IT help desk, I can say it is the ability to read, and listen.

Almost every job (at least in the US) requires that you use a computer. The people who have the most trouble are the ones who don’t read the notifications or listen to the experts.”

12. They’ll always be needed.

“Engineering. They’re needed literally everywhere for everything and there aren’t enough of them.

Also doctors and nurses.”

13. This is long, but important.

“Automation engineering and supporting fields. Automation is going to happen, get ahead of the curve, or get rolled over it. That includes robotics engineering, programming of the systems used to automate, or maintenance of the systems set up.

Any of the Medical fields, with the caveat that the working conditions are really abysmal right now. I suspect there will be some pretty big changes to the medical field simply because the current situation is no longer viable, but what those changes are is pretty up in the air.

Any career option in the financial industry should remain perfectly viable. Same with real estate.

Any of the R&D fields should be… well… as viable as they always have been. Don’t expect to get rich doing it, but you’ll have good steady pay if you can find a company to work for instead of wildcatting.

Data management. This is only going to continue to explode, and for obvious reasons.

Tradeskill jobs. Electrician, plumber, HVAC… people will still have these utilities and will still need them to be maintained by professionals.

Careers to avoid:

Almost any minimum-wage job including but not limited to:

Running a register. They’re already getting replaced with ‘self serve’ kiosks, expect this trend to continue

Stocking shelves. As Amazon has already shown, this can be more heavily automated. Expect to see these jobs fully automated in the next decade or two

Any customer-facing minimum wage position not already covered by the previous two. About the only customer-facing jobs that will be left are either going to be straight commission based sales like car sales or high-end boutiques who use actual people in their stores as a selling point and whose products are profitable enough to afford the higher overhead.

Jobs in the Coal or Oil industry. These resources are rapidly becoming obsolete, and thus so will the jobs associated with them.

Manufacturing jobs. Manufacturing is going to become completely automated, there won’t be any lines to work on anymore going forward.

In short, there will be almost no need for unskilled labor anywhere in the US within a generation, as it will all be fully automated. However, people will still get sick, things will still break down and need to be repaired, home utilities will still need maintenance, therefore anything which supports human life support is going to still be needed. Being able to support the automation will be a good gig if you can get it, but keep in mind that there will be fewer positions available, so you’re going to have to hustle.

I expect the first employee-free McDonald’s to open within the decade, whose only staff is a janitor, an engineer to fix things, and a couple of managers. And even then, I’m betting if they can replace the janitor with some degree of automation, or just tell the manager to clean up after himself, they’ll probably do that instead.

Most fast food chains will follow suit. Wal-Mart won’t be far behind, deploying the same tech that Amazon uses to fully automate warehouses to automate stocking of shelves and such. It’ll take longer, due to the need for additional infrastructure, but within say twenty years, the first employee-free Wal-Mart will be deployed. Don’t depend on these types of jobs to get you through college, they won’t be available.”

14. Advice from a foreigner.

“I’m not from America but professional skills are the same all over the world. You didn’t say which skills (soft or technical). From my experience so far, what I think that will be some mandatory/must-haves are:

Technical jobs will never dissappear (programming or anything else related), they will just shift towards new trends.

Softskills, what we had since the begining of time, those will still be there. It depends on what you personally expect to achieve in your career. Self management skills are always a good addition to anyone.

A shift that I have seen for a couple of years, it seems the ability to work as independently as possible (in a team or solo) as in to not rely on anyone, because you will most likely have all the resources available.

Jobs that are present today in most companies that require data manipulation or calculus to be done manually, those will be the first to dissapear in the next 20-something years due to automation (RPA or whatnot). The market seems to shift in that direction so I would not reccomend anyone to pursue a career in this direction (it’s up to you).

Outsourcing is becoming a big thing, at least in Europe so I guess the same thing is happening or will happen in US as well. To be fair, it doesn’t make too much of a difference if you are being outsourced to a different company. Work is still work.”

15. Learn some languages.

“I’m in an MBA program and one of my professors said that being bilingual is the most attractive thing on an undergrad resume.”

This is definitely an interesting subject to think about and debate, that’s for sure.

What do you think?

What do younger Americans need to focus on to make their future as bright as possible?

Sound off in the comments, we’d love to hear from you!

The post People Talk About What They Think Are the Necessary Skills for Future Jobs in America appeared first on UberFacts.

People Share Quotes That Have Always Stuck With Them

Have you ever heard something that you remembered for the rest of your life? Or maybe you read a quote in a book that always stuck in your mind?

I know I definitely have a few of those floating around in my head.

People on AskReddit shared the quotes that are near and dear to their hearts.

1. Dad knows best.

“My dad always told me “If you don’t do it right the first time, someone else is going to have to do it.” Mainly implied to me cleaning around the house as a teenager. I think about it at my jobs a lot now in my mid twenties.”

2. Choose your words.

“My dad used to say “if you don’t have the balls to say it twice, don’t say it once”.”

3. Always improving.

“Now that I know better, I do better.”

4. Words to live by.

“Hire good people and get out of their way.”

5. Keep moving forward.

“It’s never too late to be who you might have been” ~ George Elliot.

6. Just go for it!

“If you wait until you’re ready, you’ll be waiting for the rest of your life.”

7. Don’t miss out.

“If you were waiting for the opportune moment, that was it.”

8. Don’t spend your time worrying.

“Worrying is like a rocking chair, it gives you something to do but doesn’t get you anywhere.”

9. The next step.

“What is the most important step a man can take? Not the first, but the next one. Always the next one”

10. Change is good.

“Sometimes a hypocrite is nothing more than a man in the process of changing.”

11. Life is hard.

“Life breaks us. Then we fill the cracks with something stronger.”

12. Remember this one.

“How lucky I am to have something that makes saying goodbye so hard.” –Winnie the Pooh

13. Don’t even do it.

“Comparison is the thief of joy.”

14. Get out there!

“A ship is safe at dock, but that is not what it’s built for.”

15. You appreciate it now.

“My grandmother used to say “Enough is as much as a feast.” I hated it when I was a kid, but grew to appreciate it.”

16. You’ll sleep well.

“A clear conscience is a good pillow” – My Maternal Grandmother.”

17. A way with words.

“We are all in the gutter, but some of us are looking up at the stars.” – Oscar Wilde

18. Some good motivation.

“The best time to plant a tree was 20 years ago; The second best time is now.”

19. Be nice to people.

“They may forget what you said, but they will never forget how you made them feel.”

20. Words to live by.

“If the women dont find ya handsome, they should at least find you handy,”

21. Trying is the hardest part.

“Every accomplishment starts with the decision to try.” –JFK.

22. Very important stuff.

“Ah yes, the past can hurt. But the way I see it you can either run from it, or learn from it.” -The Lion King

I really enjoyed a lot of those. I can see why they stuck with people for so long.

What about you? What are some quotes that you’ve always remembered?

Share them with us in the comments!

The post People Share Quotes That Have Always Stuck With Them appeared first on UberFacts.

Hilarious Dad Jokes That Are Right on the Money

Dad jokes are the same no matter where you’re from. Believe it! Something happens to a man when he has kids and it turns him into a corny, cheesy, never-ending barrel of laughs!

You know what I’m talking about!

Let’s dig into these classic dad jokes.

1. Shocked by this one.

Photo Credit: Twitter,Dadsaysjokes

2. She did it on purpose.

Photo Credit: Twitter,Dadsaysjokes

3. Good point.

Photo Credit: Twitter,Dadsaysjokes

4. Wonder why he told me to do that…?

Photo Credit: Twitter,Dadsaysjokes

5. Full of puns.

Photo Credit: Twitter,Dadsaysjokes

6. Hey o!

Photo Credit: Twitter,Dadsaysjokes

7. Wait a second…

Photo Credit: Twitter,Dadsaysjokes

8. Reliving a nightmare.

Photo Credit: Twitter,Dadsaysjokes

9. They have no idea.

Photo Credit: Twitter,Dadsaysjokes

10. I can just feel it.

Photo Credit: Twitter,Dadsaysjokes

11. Can’t break those rules.

Photo Credit: Twitter,Dadsaysjokes

12. This is actually funny.

Photo Credit: Twitter,Dadsaysjokes

13. Get it?!?!

Photo Credit: Twitter,Dadsaysjokes

14. Not on my watch.

Photo Credit: Twitter,Dadsaysjokes

15. That’s a little different.

Photo Credit: Twitter,Dadsaysjokes

Hey o! Zing!

Do these jokes remind you of something your own dad would say?

Let us know in the comments!

The post Hilarious Dad Jokes That Are Right on the Money appeared first on UberFacts.

10 Sticky Sweet Facts About Marijuana

I recently went to a marijuana dispensary for the first time in California and let me tell you, it was delightful!

It was organized nicely, the people were helpful, I was very impressed.

As you’ve probably noticed, weed is becoming legal across the country and the stigma is (mostly) being erased as time goes by.

Here are 10 interesting facts about that sticky icky icky!

1. Could it be the key?

Photo Credit: did you know?

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2. Hollyweed, bro!

Photo Credit: did you know?

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3. Paging Dr. Murray.

Photo Credit: did you know?

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4. Never happened.

Photo Credit: did you know?

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5. The couple that smokes together…

Photo Credit: did you know?

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6. Looking for a career change?

Photo Credit: did you know?


7. NOT a gateway drug.

Photo Credit: did you know?

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8. Nuns having fun.

Photo Credit: did you know?


9. Brilliant marketing!

Photo Credit: did you know?


10. White girl weed.

Photo Credit: did you know?


Some damn good pot facts right there!

What do you think about marijuana legalization and such?

Talk to us in the comments! We want to hear what you have to say!

The post 10 Sticky Sweet Facts About Marijuana appeared first on UberFacts.

People Talk About the Stupid Traditions From Their Country

We all have traditions from our native lands that we think are…less than spectacular.

Maybe it has something to do with politics, maybe it’s sports, maybe it’s just something that’s so ingrained in your society that it’s part of the national fabric…but you still don’t like it.

AskReddit users weighed in with their opinions.

1. Not the British way.

“Glaring at people who jump queues but saying nothing because confrontation isn’t the British way.

Was horrified when my American friend came over and yelled at some kids for pushing in a rollercoaster ride queue.

Then they went to the back. It was great.

We need to channel that ability to challenge people.”

2. From the Philippines.

“Filipino time. Everybody knows that the meeting is at 9AM, but some people purposely come in, late. Or they actually leave their house at 9AM.

When people tell you that you gain weight everytime you meet up.

When a family member or relative asks you when you’re going to get married. If married , when you are going to have a child. When you already have a child, when are you going to have another one. And so on.

Also, just because you’re a relative. It doesn’t mean, you have a free pass to live at their house. Especially on short notice.”

3. That is bizarre.

“When I lived in Wales there was a tradition where a person wearing a dead horse skull would come to your house and if you didn’t say a poem he/she would steal your booze and it was legal.”

4. Not having it.

“Most of office culture. “In our world, people judge you if you leave before 6pm!”

Fuck that. I’m not going to apologize for being an efficient hard worker. If I’m done by 4, I’m fucking leaving at 4.”

5. Strong feelings on this one.

“Caste system in India is so fucked up, that it could suck my dick.”

6. Enough with the funerals.

“Going to too many funerals.

Fine for relations, friends, someone you actually knew. But in Ireland people go to the funerals of anyone they ever even said hello to.

Any relation (no matter how distant) of anyone they ever knew or worked with, anyone they ever lived within a 20 mile radius of, or anyone who ever served them a drink.”

7. In Ghana.

“Before marriage, you have to present a drink to her family members (knocking), prepare a traditional wedding (engagement) before you walk down the aisle in a church (the real wedding).

This is in Ghana. Sucks.”

8. Creepy and weird.

“Child marriages can fuck off from Malaysia. It’s always some lowly scum who preys on his niece or neighbour’s daughter.

When a grown, middle aged man of 40 is marrying a 10-14 year old girl, there is definitely an abuse of power/trust.”

9. Better time management.

“I’m Portuguese. I wish that people would show up on time.

And not be bewildered when I’m mildly annoyed for waiting.

Every. Single. Time.”

10. Keeping idiots happy.

“The customer is always right” in US business culture.

This has led to numerous exceptionally entitled assholes, retail fraud, return fraud, and businesses losing too much time and money trying to keep idiots happy.”

11. Czech Easter.

“Easter. More specifically Czech Easter. On the Eastern Monday, boys are visiting every house in the neighbourhood and are whipping girls with a willow stick and ribbons and reciting an Easter poem. Girls are supposed to give them usually sweets, eggs or alcohol. Google it.

As a girl, I have to say it’s not that scary as it sounds. It’s not even painful (if someone isn’t an absolute idiot). But it’s a really awkward social interaction. And I hate it.”

12. You owe me…

“Using kids as a retirement plan and making them “owe” you for giving birth to them, so said kids have to give you a cut of their monthly salary and take care of you when you’re old and sick.”

13. Crab mentality.

“We call it Crab Mentality.

Basically, when you’re trying to move up in the world, people are gonna talk shit about you and drag you down and ruin you just so that they can move themselves up and take that thing you wanted.

It’s practically “tradition” in the workplace but it can fuck off this universe forever.”

14. Indian marriages.

“Indian marriages are glorified but I hate them, especially the noise. They just have a band of people with drums and trumpets to announce to everyone in the city that they have a marriage in the family. Also what’s with fireworks to mark any celebration(not just here), it just causes noise and air pollution.

P.S. if you actually do get the chance to go to an Indian wedding, do try as many dishes as possible. The food is the only good thing about them.”

15. More options would be nice.

“The two party system.”

16. So dumb…

“Black Friday and Cyber Monday.”

17. Not a cultural event.


And being able to advertise it and get funding as a “cultural event” is just madness.”

18. No kissing, please.

“Not sure if it count as a tradition but, kissing people to say hello.

It’s so fucking annoying, if you arrive last at a family dinner you have to kiss 15 people in a row.”

19. Politics in Africa.

“African politics full of corruption and lies but what doesn’t make sense people still vote for the same corrupt parties.”

20. How about a living wage?

“Canadian here. Tipping.

Just pay the service industry a livable wage. Also I often see a default tipping option when picking things up from a restaurant. No service, no tip.

Not quite so annoying is that tax isn’t included on the price tag. Just help me out and add it by default so I don’t have to do the math.”

Those are pretty interesting! I hadn’t thought about some of them before.

What do you think? What are the traditions in your country that you wish would just go away?

Please share with us in the comments!

The post People Talk About the Stupid Traditions From Their Country appeared first on UberFacts.