Make Your Quarantine a Little Better With These COVID-19 Jokes

I don’t think this whole coronavirus quarantine global pandemic thing is funny…but I think aspects of our new realities are funny…sort of.

And besides, if we can’t laugh about all of ways our lives have changed for the not-better (except the fact that we’re all still alive, for now), how will we get through this with enough of a sense of humor to rebuild?

Seriously, we’re sharing these 15 COVID-19 jokes for the good of society. So eat up.

15. Way too many of us are just realizing this. Ha!

14. Where’s the lie, though?

13. I’m not sorry about the zombies, though.

12. Two thumbs down.


11. This new normal is going to take some getting used to.

Corona funny from dankmemes

10. Seems legit, to be honest.

9. Talk about a silver lining!

8. Support your small businesses, folks! They’re out there hustling.

Posted by Sconnie And Jam on Wednesday, March 4, 2020

7. Be the second guy. There are too many of the first already.

6. Is it just like you dreamed it would be?

5. Don’t even bother trying to explain WHY someone would want to eat bat soup.

4. I don’t think anyone saw that coming.

More coronavirus memes! Everyone wants those right..? Epic… from memes

3. YOU are the weakest link!

This house ain’t big enough for the six of us from memes

2. His name just lends itself.

1. Dead. Absolutely dead.

I feel better about people in general now, and that’s never a bad thing, right?

If you’ve got more jokes or memes that could brighten our days, please drop them in the comments!

The post Make Your Quarantine a Little Better With These COVID-19 Jokes appeared first on UberFacts.

These Pictures Show How Confused Americans Are in the Face off the Pandemic

This is a scary time, for so many reasons – health, economic, the prospect of being locked up with your family for months on end – but listen…we, as Americans, seem confused about how to handle it.

We’re panic buying random crap that’s going to go bad before we can possibly use it, we don’t seem to understand that toilet paper isn’t a necessity (any more than usual), and we’re not doing a very good job of neing neighborly and saving some for everyone.

The proof is in the pudding. Or at least, it’s in these 11 images.

11. Either that or she’s got a couple of teenaged boys at home.

10. Okay but you can never have enough chocolate chip muffins.

9. Honey, don’t forget the rice!

8. I can’t even think about what drinking that would do to my belly.

7. Does he…know about yeast and flour?

6. Just WHY on EARTH.

Image Credit: Twitter

5. It is a known fact that white people cannot live without mayo.

4. Pics or it didn’t happen.

3. There is surely some secret for making milk keep that’s escaping me?

2. Someone isn’t as committed to making bad choices during all of this as I am.

1. I fully support this pandemic plan.

I don’t really even know what to say about these people. I bought what I needed (and forwent some things that other people gorged on) and we’re doing just fine.

If we have to start hunting our food, well…I’ve been wanting to try being a vegetarian for awhile now, anyway.

The post These Pictures Show How Confused Americans Are in the Face off the Pandemic appeared first on UberFacts.

What Can Random Folks Online Do to Make Our Days Better? 15 People Talk About It.

There’s a lot of hate and vitriol on the Internet these days and quite frankly, it’s pretty exhausting.

That’s why this article is important. In it, real people talk about the things that random people online can do to make complete strangers feel better.

Hey, be nice to each other out there! Everyone is going through a hard time right now and we need as much positivity as possible.

People on AskReddit sounded off on this subject.

1. Always a good thing.

“PM me pictures of your pets

And if you don’t have pets just show me a cute baby animal picture you found on the Internet.”

2. The good stuff.

“Tell me something good that happened to you today. Doesn’t matter how small it was, could be you simply had a bath where you don’t normally get the chance. Anything that made your day better I want to hear about it.”

3. Get silly.

“Ask a silly question. Like, “What is the most havoc you could create with corn nuts?”

4. Right here!

“Just being nice. We don’t know each other but is good to know that people can be nice.”

5. This is important.

“Just be reasonable.

Wherever you comment, don’t argue for the sake of arguing. Don’t argue as if you’re in a competition.

If you disagree with someone, even if they’re wrong, try to recognise that they’re not ‘wrong’ on purpose.

Just be nice to people, say “I see what you’re saying but..” and actually try to see what they’re saying!

Don’t assume everyone who disagrees with you is a complete dickhead, they’re probably not!”

6. It’s okay to be different.

“Don’t assume that someone disagreeing with you means they think you’re stupid for having a different belief. There isn’t just one right way to live your life, and just because something works for you doesn’t mean it is right for me, or obvious to me based on my experiences so far.

We’re all doing our best with what we have, and sometimes it’s not enough, but it’s what we have.”

7. Both good things.

“Send dog (or any animal really) pictures and give me recipes for food.”

8. This is helpful.

“Wash your hands and stay home if you’re sick. Do it now because of the situation we’re in but do it after that when you have a cold or the flu, too.

To make a long story short your 7 day flu turns into my 7 week flu-with-complications.

I’m trying to remain calm here so knowing y’all will do this for me helps.”

9. Let’s get weird.

“Just tell me interesting weird stories.”

10. Clean it up!

“Go outside and clean up your neighborhood. Trashtag was awesome to see and I hope people keep it up.”

11. It’s gonna be okay.

“Telling me everything will be alright. (Not depressed just sad… Losing my cat to a congenial defect in her kidneys).”

12. Educate yourself.

“Educate themselves about their elections, vote, and continue to get more involved in the political processes, especially at a local level.

Decisions are made by those who show up.”

13. Don’t let bullies get away with it.

“Stand up for someone being cyberbullied.”

14. Pure and simple.

“Be my friend.”

15. Let’s end with a joke!

“Did you hear that the guy who invented the knock knock joke got an award.

It was the no bell prize.”

What do you think?

Are there things that strangers do online that really brighten your day?

Share with us in the comments!

We’d love to hear from you!

The post What Can Random Folks Online Do to Make Our Days Better? 15 People Talk About It. appeared first on UberFacts.

The Times Movies Made People Say “Uhhh, It Doesn’t Work Like That”

When I was young, I went to see the movie Speed in the theater. I was totally riveted by the action and then…the speeding bus made that ENORMOUS jump over the freeway.

I was young enough to say to myself “WOW”. But the guy down the row from me said “yeah right!” really loudly and everyone in the theater laughed. And then I cried and all my dreams were crushed for the rest of my life.

Okay, that’s a little dramatic, but it did make me realize that movies kind of…bend the truth.

AskReddit users talk about the times when this happened to them.

1. It didn’t exist yet!

“My dad was a pipe engineer for 35 years. Every time he watches The Titanic, when Jack is handcuffed to the pipe, he has to point out to everyone in the room how the curved elbow pipe in the shot didn’t exist at the time.

The correct setup should have been two straight pieces soldered together to make a corner pipe. I love him and his obscure dad facts!”

2. Trust me, I’m a scientist.

“People in movies being “scientists”, meaning they are good at all forms of science – biology, electrical engineering, physics, programming, communication protocols, advanced mathematics, hacking, robotics…

Sure, you could have some knowledge in all of those fields – but specialising in just one of them takes decades… These characters are usually wizards in all fields.”

3. You’re not getting out of this one.

“Avalanches, particularly when someone gets buried and then just bursts out of the snow unharmed. Avalanche debris sets like concrete, you’re not getting out without help. And most deaths/injuries occur from being bashed up during the slide, so you’re not likely to emerge unscathed if it’s big enough to bury you.”

4. They mean business.

“Pumping the shotgun every time you mean business. You’re just ejecting fresh shells on to the floor.”

5. How many times have you seen this?

“Rolling out of a speeding car. Na man, you’re about to look like you made out with a cheese grater.”

6. Not how it happens.

“As a cop, I’ve dealt with many stabbing victims. People don’t just drop like sacks of potatoes when they are stabbed or have their throat slit. I once had to respond to an incident where two guys got into a knife fight. Ended up having to help keep pressure on wounds as we waited for paramedics and he pulled through.

His neck was wide open, and he had 23 punctures in his abdomen and arms, but he was still energetic and down to fight. When it comes to gunshots, you’re not going to instantly drop unless something vital is hit (heart, brain, ect.) Makes me laugh a little when watching movies and bad guys drop dead when they are shot or cut in any way by the good guys.”

7. It’s a match!

“Pretty much any scene that involves biologists. “Look, the DNA is a perfect match!” as the computer superimposes two identical graphics that are basically just the symbol for DNA ?.”

8. Oh, come on!

“90% of the depictions of women going into labor. It’s rarely ‘Mom feels fine all day > suddenly has one sharp contraction > water immediately breaks and makes a puddle on the floor. Everyone I know who’s given birth has had at least a few hours contracting before the water breaking, if it breaks at all, and then it can be even longer before you’re in active labor.”

9. Ready for action.

“Our hero is beaten, stabbed and shot. Next scene he wakes up bandaged in the hospital. Within seconds, he yanks out all the tubes and wires, jumps out of bed, finds his – suddenly clean – clothes, and rushes out to continue his quest.

In the next scene he’s full of energy as he pursues his foe, and while his face may have a single scratch or bandaged cut – usually above one eye – there’s no sign of what would ordinarily be a yellow-purple swollen pulpy mess with blood-red eyes.”

10. Didn’t get the farming part right.

“In Interstellar when they have combines running through a field of green corn. They spent a ton of time getting little details of astrophysics right, then fell flat on their face in the depiction of farming.”

11. Not realistic.

“When a baby is born and it’s a beautiful, squeaky clean 3-6 month old twice the size of a newborn. They are tiny, goo covered, swollen purple aliens IRL.”

12. Don’t really see that often…

“Frantically shouting “TAXI!!!” while hailing a cab.”

13. Hahaha. I love this!

“It always takes me out of the movie when say someone will be like “you’ll never believe what’s on the news. Put it on”. Their tv is off, they turn the tv on, and it’s on the EXACT station of said news crew, at the EXACT moment they’re talking about I said topic.

That’s not how it works. And it could be anything. Not just news. They turn on the tv and it just so happens to be on what their looking for. Just a small aspect of television/movies that takes me out of it and I’m always like “that’s not how this works.”. Lol”

14. An explosive revelation.

“Most explosions. I was in ammo and it ruined most movies for me. They’re still fantastic movies and I love them all, but when a building explodes you’re not gonna walk out casually barely beating the flames, and those thousands of pieces of wood aren’t all going to magically not impale you as they’re hurdled all around you with incredible force.”

15. Military jargon.

“The way people in the military talk in movies just kills me. I don’t care so much about getting some details wrong, and these days the advisers seem to do pretty well with keeping it realistic enough to pass. But no military adviser can help bad dialogue.

I’ll put it this way. Actors are so bad at being convincing military members, R. Lee Ermey famously did the role himself in Full Metal Jacket after being initially hired on only as an advisor.

Specifically, it’s all of the stupid shit writers think we say to each other. No one will EVER ask “Permission to speak freely.” They just fucking speak. We don’t salute constantly. It’s used as a greeting – not something we do as we leave to carry out orders. We are NOT that formal. It gets ridiculous- watching these actors talk like robot people and overuse jargon.

Like, I’m not using brevity codewords in normal conversation (unless I’m being a smartass). Military people just talk normally. Formality is pretty much limited to ceremonies, when you’re in trouble, or if you are addressing people way senior to you in some kind of formal setting. Even then, plain speak is more common than over-the-top Sir Sandwiches, and out of place jargon.”

Hey, it’s called “Movie Magic” people, okay?

Okay, now it’s your turn!

What are some movie scenes that have made you say “no way!!!”

Share with us in the comments!

The post The Times Movies Made People Say “Uhhh, It Doesn’t Work Like That” appeared first on UberFacts.

People List the Movies They Think Have Aged Very Well

I watched The Sting not too long ago. That film is from 1973 and it is still FABULOUS.

But then you watch some other movies from the 1980s or even the 1990s and they just really don’t hold up well at all.

AskReddit users tell us what movies they think have aged very well over the years.

1. A classic.

The Wizard of Oz.

I mean it was made in 1939 for God’s sake and it’s still referenced daily in pop culture. A movie came out about it’s star just last year that won Best Actress and sweeped awards season. It’s still watched by millions of children and people can completely watch it without being put off by how old it is.

It’s visually stunning, written so well, the cast are irreplaceable and iconic, and the songs are known as some of the greatest songs in movie history (Over the rainbow was named the greatest by AFI). I’d say it’s about as timeless are you can get.”

2. Only that one part…

Alien, aside for the shots with the supercomputer.”

3. Ahead of its time.

“The special effects in Blade Runner are incredible for its time.”

4. Two Vietnam War films.

Apocalypse Now and Full Metal Jacket.”

5. I agree!

Back To The Future.

The thing I really appreciate is that it’s a movie with time travel, and that manages to make it timeless.

Evertything set in 1955 was dated when the movie was new – it’s about the contrasts and similarities between different eras, so it can’t really age.”

6. Comedy genius.

Monty Python and the Holy Grail. It’s from the 1970s and it’s still amazing.”

7. This is a good one.

Children of Men.

One of the best features of this film is how well they designed the dystopian environment and blended it with current society. No need for super expensive CGI or crazy effects, but just haunting texture mixed with the unstable nature of the world spilling into unpredictable moments creates this atmosphere of unease, tension and pessimism.

The world is so well done that as an audience member, I need no convincing. Once the film starts, I’m fully living in the world.”

8. This is a great movie!

Tremors is one of those rare, perfect films.

Absolute best monster movie ever made, great characters, and the effects still look completely convincing.”

9. Some good choices.

Shawshank Redemption is getting up there. I still think The Shining is creepy AF. Slightly newer but getting up there too is Band of Brothers. Not a movie but by far the best WWII content to date.”

10. Definitely a classic.


Ever since I could remember I wanted to be a gangster.”

11. A great one from Hitchcock.

North by Northwest.

Just watched this the other night. Such a great movie.”

12. A beautiful film.

Stand By Me.

How has nobody said this? What an absolute classic that movie is!”

13. Some of the best.

Spaceballs, Airplane!, Blazing Saddles.

Silly comedy will always have an audience.”

14. Dr. Jones!

Raiders of the Lost Ark — it’s timeless.”

15. Set a high bar.

Toy Story was made in ‘95 and still looks better than a lot of the stuff that comes out now.”

16. Still good after all these years.

“I’m watching 1995 Jumanji with my kids for the first time in 20 years and it’s still a great movie.”

17. You’re killin’ me, Smalls!

The Sandlot.”

18. A great movie.

A League of Their Own. Geena Davis is just awesome in it. And our beloved Tom Hanks is magnificent in it.”

19. A great cast in this one.


So, so, so relevant.”

We’d also like to hear from you!

What are some older movies that you think have aged very, very well?

Let us know in the comments. Please and thank you!

The post People List the Movies They Think Have Aged Very Well appeared first on UberFacts.

Renters Chat About the Most Interesting Things They’ve Found From Previous Occupants

You never know what you’re gonna stumble upon when you move into a new house or apartment.

I can say that the best thing I ever found was a hand-made desk in Chicago that was a real work of art. I moved with that desk about three times before I had to give it up because I just didn’t have the room.

I miss that desk…

Have you ever found anything in a new place from previous occupants?

AskReddit users shared their stories.

1. Wow! That’s crazy!

“My uncle bought a house from people whose mother had passed away. They left a good amount of stuff in the house, mostly worthless. Christmas decorations, cutlery, etc. In the back of one closet we found a trash bag full of lottery scratch offs. We started going through them and they were all winners.

Turned out to be about 12k in winning tickets. We took a few to the convenience store to check them and they were all past the cash by date and the state lottery would no longer pay them out.”

2. I’ll take those.

“Found out that theres a spot where you can get under the cabinets in the kitchen.

My cat hid there a lot the first couple of days, and after that I noticed a mysterious increase in dusty cat toys. Eventually he dragged all of the previous tenants’ cats’ toys out from under there.”

3. Surprise!

“My husband and I found a Crown Royal bag in the rafters of the basement that previous tenants had left behind.

As soon as I saw it I yelled “Open it! Open it! It’s money or drugs!” It was not money or drugs. It was a purple dildo and some lube.”

4. Hidden in the radiator.

“Way back on January 1, 1976, my family moved into an apartment. I was 10 years old at the time. We had just come to Canada in June.

While we were cleaning my room before painting it, we took off the radiator cover to clean the inside. Under the radiator cover was a complete, hand-made game of Monopoly. I didn’t really know English at the time and didn’t know what Monopoly was.

Later I found out that the two boys living in that room had been a couple of years older than me. Their parents had been very strict old-world traditional and had refused to let them buy a Monopoly game, so they had handcrafted their own and kept it hidden in the radiator.”

5. Ugh, get rid of that.

“A box hidden in a loose board with heroin, and needles…”

6. This is cool.

“A 1950/60s nuclear bomb survival kit.

Complete with rice in a can and a pamphlet that instructed mothers not to let their radiated children inside if the were playing outside when the bomb went off. So amazing.”

7. Hang on to that.

“My dad found a first edition book from Benjamin Franklin. Previous owner was a principal and book collector who killed himself in retirement.

His family didnt check the crawlspace and my dad found a bunch of stuff in it like an autographed baseball bat, playboys, a 5 gallon jar half full of pennies, bunch of valuable books, a bong, painting supplies, a broken antique handgun and sword in a box labeled “cheese”, and then just some clothes.”

8. I’d like to read that.

“Crammed under a built in drawer below a bedroom closet was a police report from the late 60s delineating a missing person/kidnapping case involving the prior, now deceased owner who at the time was teenager.

It also mentions my next door neighbor who was a person of interest in the case. Haven’t talked to him about it, and not sure I want to bring it up….”

9. That’s really cool.

“A Saturday Night Live script with handwritten notes in it.

This was in a Brooklyn apartment at the base of a shelf above the closet. It appeared to be pretty old.  I looked up the name of the writer on the script and he was active at SNL about 10 years ago.

Occasionally I’d get mail with the same name on it.”

10. Better lock that up.

“Moved into an old apartment in a college town. It had previously been a fraternity or sorority house all through the 80s. I was at an all greek party alumni and met an older guy who found out I lived in his old frat house.

He immediately asked if we ever partied in the basement. I told him we didn’t have basement access from inside, so no. He then had me follow him back to my house and showed me a false wall next to the bathroom that led down into the basement.

Not gonna lie, it kinda freaked me out. The basement door outside had a broken lock, so anyone could get down there. The false wall was hard to open from the house side, but really easy to push open from the basement. Anybody could have gone down there and come up into my apartment.”

11. Prohibition days.

“Back in the day I rented the upstairs of an old brick house in the small town I grew up in. It was the first brick building to be built and served as a liquor store around the time of prohibition (In Canada on the border of the US). In the attic I found some old liquor bottles in the rafters.

The house down the street was owned by Al Capone. It has secret passage ways in the walls and even a jail cell in the basement.

My father’s childhood home had a hidden cellar under the living room. And some of his neighbors had tunnels in their basements that had been blocked up.”

12. From way back.

“I bought a 130 year old house in New Orleans. So old that drywall hadn’t been invented.

They would just build the walls out of wood and nail newspaper to it so the wallpaper would have something to adhere to. The most interesting thing I’ve found is the newspapers inside the walls reporting on the goings on in New Orleans in 1916.”

13. Smart move.

“My mom and I had moved into a studio apartment following her successfully completing drug court when I was about 11 years old.

I climbed on the counter in the kitchen to clean the top shelf of a cupboard and found a bag of crystal meth. She flushed the bag in front of me, but later in life told me she could have sold it for $200 easily on the street. Always proud of her :)”

14. I’d like to read that.

“When i was eight, we rented a victorian house for a while and found a love letter from 1912 in the banister of the stairs.”

Okay, now it’s your turn!

What’s the weirdest or most interesting thing you’ve ever found in a new place house or apartment?

Tell us in the comments! Let’s get weird!

The post Renters Chat About the Most Interesting Things They’ve Found From Previous Occupants appeared first on UberFacts.

Things That Were Normal to Have in 2010 but Not in 2020

Things sure have changed in the past 10 years…(Especially in the last month, or so).

That includes a lot of things, clothes, technology, trends, etc.

Let’s take a deep dive into things that were totally normal 10 years ago but really aren’t anymore.

AskReddit users sound off!

1. Yeah, don’t see much of that anymore…

“Boots with the fur.”

2. I remember these!

“Cellphone with a physical keyboard.”

3. Got a whole stack of them.

“Burned CDs that you wrote on top of.”

4. Who could forget?

“A vuvuzela.


5. It was pretty cool.

“Not many people talk about Wii but I feel like that was the real shit.”

6. Yeah, that’s long gone.

“Any respect for Jared the Subway guy.”

7. I miss this.

“CD/DVD drive.

Yesterday I took my laptop out, it’s a ThinkPad I run CAD stuff on. I wanted to play absolute fabulous dvd because I’m sick and bored, and wanted to lay in bed. Then I realised… I don’t have a device with a dvd/cd player.

My tower doesn’t have one, my laptop doesn’t have. I can’t even recall when was the last I needed one other than last night. Everything from programs to media I basically have either online or on USB storage.”

8. Had to get to a computer.

“A still functioning flip phone with no access to the internet.”

9. It’s been a while.

““Funny” ringtones. Everyone had some ridiculous comedy ringtone for a couple of years there, and then in like 2011 we just mutually decided as a culture to keep our phones on vibrate.


10. Sad but true…

“Toilet paper and food on shelves.”

11. Tons of CDs.

“Those zip up CD holder bags, I had like 5 completely full ones in my car at all times.”

12. The good old days.

“A Facebook and Tumblr account you weren’t ashamed of. Now it’s all about Instagram or Twitter, and the consensus among younger people seems to be that Facebook is for Boomers.

Tumblr lost a ton of users after they were bought by Yahoo, Yahoo did what Yahoo does and fucked it up, it got sold to Verizon at a loss, and Verizon cracked down on all the lewd art. But they’re somehow still limping along.”

13. Remember that?

“A regular savings account that gave several percent interest, even with only $200 in it. And you weren’t charged a maintenance fee on it because it was under the $300 minimum.”

14. Used to be a big deal.

“A misdemeanor marijuana possession charge. At least in Maryland.

I used to be paranoid. Now you can damn near walk down the street smoking and not get harassed. And people made a big deal about it if you got busted.”

15. I still have mine!

“An Ipod.

I found mine out while cleaning a month ago so I brought it to work because I’m sick of the Spotify adverts.Got quite a few eye rolls and some “Are you trying to be hipster” comments. But honestly, it’s great! I’ve found so many songs I’d forgotten about. Also found a few “podcasts” I’d recorded with some friends like 8 years ago and they are hilariously dumb.”

Have you ever thought about this?

What would you add to this conversation?

Tell us in the comments!

The post Things That Were Normal to Have in 2010 but Not in 2020 appeared first on UberFacts.

NASA Released the Highest Resolution Photo Ever Mars’ Surface

Are we going to see a person set foot on Mars in our lifetime?

That remains to be seen, but one thing is for sure, we sure seem to be getting a better understanding of what’s going on up there, thanks to NASA’s Curiosity Rover.

The Rover landed on Mars on August 6, 2012, and has been exploring the red planet and sending back wonderful photos ever since.

The folks at NASA said the image was taken when workers were out for the Thanksgiving holiday.

They added,

“Sitting still with few tasks to do while awaiting the team to return and provide its next commands, the rover had a rare chance to image its surroundings from the same vantage point several days in a row.”

Here is the newly released, 1.8 BILLION pixel image of the landscape of Mars. It’s a panorama composed of 1,000 separate images taken by the Curiosity Rover.

Photo Credit: NASA


The image took six-and-a-half hours over the course of four days to get the perfect panorama. The Rover only took photos during noon and 2 p.m. to get the exact lighting for the shots.

Here’s a video about the epic shot taken by the Rover.

Pretty awesome, right?

Do you think you’ll see Mars colonized in your lifetime? Or do you think we’ll even get to Mars anytime soon?

Share your thoughts with us in the comments!

The post NASA Released the Highest Resolution Photo Ever Mars’ Surface appeared first on UberFacts.

Tricks From Movies That a Lot of Us Fell For

We see things in movies and we totally fall for them. But that’s kind of the point, right? We’re supposed to think they’re real.

But sometimes the magic is so good we get blindsided when we find out that we were completely fooled.

It’s in that spirit that we present some folks from the Buzzfeed Community who were tricked, bamboozled and snowed.

1. Not a twin sister.

Photo Credit: Buena Vista

“My dad always thought Lindsay Lohan had a twin, and it was only a few years ago that I told him she was NOT a twin. He didn’t believe me until I showed him all the proof.”

2. That’s not Zac singing.

Photo Credit: Disney

“When I found out Drew Seeley was Troy Bolton’s singing voice in High School Musical, I was shocked. Zac Efron’s lip-synching was so convincing, I would’ve never caught on.”

3. Also not singing…

Photo Credit: Warner Bros.

Audrey Hepburn was not singing in My Fair Lady. It was actually a woman named Marni Nixon.

4. Say what?!?!

Photo Credit: Marvel

“I was totally shocked when I watched Tom Holland do an interview and he started talking in a British accent.”

5. You fooled me.

Photo Credit: Columbia Pictures

The older version of Geena Davis’ character in A League of Their Own was not played by Davis, but by Lynn Cartwright.

6. That’s wild.

Photo Credit: Warner Bros.

Shirley Henderson was 37-years-old when she played Moaning Myrtle in Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets.

7. Not the Fab Four’s voices in Yellow Submarine.

Photo Credit: United Artists

“The guys who actually did the voice acting sounded so similar!”

8. Say it ain’t so!

Photo Credit: Universal Pictures

The filmmakers who made Babe had to use 48 different piglets because they all grew so fast.

9. I thought it was at least a lake…

Photo Credit: 20th Century Studios

The scene where Leo freezes to death in Titanic was filmed in a swimming pool.

10. Fooled by The Princess Diaries.

Photo Credit: Disney

“I thought Genovia was a real country until my freshman year of college. Some girls and I were sitting around our dorm talking about the top places we wanted to visit, and I legitimately said Genovia was at the top of my list. Someone had to break it to me that it was totally fake. I’m still upset about it to this day!”


Do you know of any movie tricks that a lot of people have fallen for?

Share them with us in the comments, please!

The post Tricks From Movies That a Lot of Us Fell For appeared first on UberFacts.

A Gay Woman Showed Her Students a Photo of Her Fiancée and Got Suspended. Now She’s Getting a Big Settlement.

Stacy Bailey is not a stranger to being in the local spotlight in Arlington, Texas, because she’d previously been named “Teacher of the Year” at Charlotte Anderson Elementary School twice.

But Bailey found herself in the middle of a controversy when parents of kids at the school complained to the school district after the teacher, who is a lesbian, showed a photo to the students and told the kids that the other woman in the photo was “her future wife.”


One parent complained that Bailey had a “homosexual agenda”…whatever the hell that means.

Bailey answered this way:

“When a straight teacher happily announces that she and her husband are expecting a baby to her elementary class, is she saying something inappropriate to very young and impressionable students?

Is she announcing her sexual orientation? Is she presenting her life in a way that promotes her political beliefs?

Of course not. She’s simply sharing facts about her life.”

In September 2017, Bailey was suspended by the school district for eight months and was then relocated to a high school.

Bailey decided to sue for discrimination.

The case was heard at the Northern District of Texas federal court in Dallas and she recently received a settlement of $100,000 from the district.

Bailey said,

“If you are a school district that thinks you can bully a gay teacher out of their job, I hope you remember my name and I hope you think twice.”

Bailey is married to the woman in the photo that caused all the uproar and said she will donate $10,000 of her settlement money to a charity that helps LGBTQ students.

Not that’s a story with a happy ending!

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