10 Recent Tweets From Black Twitter You Might Like

Twitter is constantly churning out great content. Like Ferris Bueller once said, “life moves pretty fast – if you don’t stop and look around once in a while, you might miss it.”

Well, that’s not going to happen on this GenX-er’s watch!

At least not when it comes to these 10 great recent tweets from the treasure troves of Black Twitter.

10. The actual scariest place on earth.

I see that as an absolute win from BlackPeopleTwitter

9. A fair assumption, all things considered.

If the apocalypse is upon us, we know who’s going first from BlackPeopleTwitter

8. This makes me want to cry.

Land of the heartless from BlackPeopleTwitter

7. That’s a great first step. You’re ready.

Preparing for fatherhood from BlackPeopleTwitter

6. Speaking truth to the man.

Poverty is structural violence. from BlackPeopleTwitter

5. Can I get an Amen?

This the only thing I’m concerned about for real from BlackPeopleTwitter

4. There are worse things that could happen.

Study Abroad from BlackPeopleTwitter

3. Your Honor, I’m going to need a new lawyer.

“My lawyer has too much dip on his chip, your honor” from BlackPeopleTwitter

2. Asking the big questions.

Check her OnlyFans for more from BlackPeopleTwitter

1. The truth, it burnnnnssssss.

Wolf! Wolf! from BlackPeopleTwitter

I am dead in the best possible way. Which only happens on the internet fyi.

Which one was your favorite? Or which one did you relate to the most?

We want to hear about it in the comments!

The post 10 Recent Tweets From Black Twitter You Might Like appeared first on UberFacts.

These Tweets About Trying to Lose Weight Might Hit You Right in the Feels

I’m tired of feeling chubby. And I know I’m not alone. So I think this is it. I think this is the year that I FINALLY get taller.

What’s that, you say? That’s not how it works? This is an outrage. I demand to speak to a manager.

Losing weight feels rewarding but so does, you know, pizza, so it’s a horrendously uphill battle. And I don’t like going up hills. If I did we wouldn’t be in this mess.

Lucky for me, Twitter is full of likeminded folks on the fitness struggle bus. Here’s a few principles of weight loss, in the form of tweets.

10. Work multiple angles

9. Maintain balance

8. Deplete calories, keep everything else

7. Moderation is key

6. Encourage yourself

5. Change habits

4. Stay on schedule

3. Be life-affirming

2. Make better choices

1. Set goals

I think I’ve officially got the motivation I need now to finally lose the pudge.

Right after I order Chipotle for the third time this week. Baby steps, people. Baby steps.

Have you been trying to lose weight this year? How’s it going?

Let’s talk about it in the comments.

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Memes That Anybody With a Job Will Understand

No matter how many jobs you have in your life, you can find the same dumb stuff at pretty much all of them.

I read somewhere that the average Millennial has already worked as many jobs as the average Boomer, despite the age difference. More and more of us are hopping from place to place or taking on multiple jobs at once – and all that work experience adds up to one unalterable bit of wisdom: nobody wants to be at work.

Let us ponder the depths of this revelation as we review some memes about it.

10. Why would you even ask?

9. Hardly seems fair

8. It’s a matter of perspective

7. Elapsed time: one day

6. Don’t trust silence

5. Fake it till you make it

4. It’s a versatile word

3. Maybe they won’t notice…

2. Chug, chug, chug, chug

1. The proportions look wrong to me…

If you’re working a crap job right now, our condolences. Here’s hoping you find something better soon!

If you’re working your dream job right now, why are you looking at memes? Is your JOB TO LOOK AT MEMES? WHERE DO WE SIGN UP?

Tell us about your work life in the comments. We’ll get through this together.

The post Memes That Anybody With a Job Will Understand appeared first on UberFacts.

People Imagine Hilarious Life or Death Scenarios with Random Orange Objects

Imagining how you’re going to die isn’t exactly my idea of a fun past time, but imagining scenarios where you’d suddenly have to defend yourself, or you’d find yourself in danger from an unexpected assailant, that’s something different. That scratches some evolutionary survival itch deep in my brain.

That’s probably why I’ve spent entirely too much time scrolling through this weird thread on r/AskReddit. The prompting question was:

The closest orange object is the cause of your death – how do you die?

– QuelynD

Check out some of these responses:

1. Things got graphic, fast

A plastic crab toy.

It comes to life. I try to crush it, I can’t, it is still plastic. It is too fast.

Before I know what’s happened it’s skittered it’s way up my leg and quickly scales upward.

It plunges a now deadly plastic claw into my neck. I bleed out, while still sitting on the toilet.

– jsboklahoma1987

2. Some folks are their own worst enemy

As a ginger, I am strangled to death by my own hair. What a way to go.

– Uncuyuke

3. Oh God nobody look at Trump

I’m going to get murdered by the one girl in my math class that has a bad spray tan

– Tatopami

4. The Earth will reclaim us

Dunkin donuts straw.

Revenge of the sea turtles

– Co-Ve

5. You’re not surprised?

A 6’ tall inflatable turkey…. I can’t say I’m surprised

– Ectomorpheus_

6. Revenge of the Raptor

my parrot is constantly trying to kill me lately…

this time she succeeds in her quest to rediscover her dinosaur roots

– frogz0r

7. There’s no place like home-icide

The walls of my house are orange so I guess the house collapses and kills me

I never leave my house and now I die in it.

What a way to go

– quckcro

8. I knew he was trouble

I guess I’m going to die a Gritty death.

– Swedish_Chef_Bork_x3

9. I’m sorry, Jon…

My human sized cardboard Garfield wants lasagna, and apparently I didn’t deliver

– bad-advice-donkey

10. Your toy what with its what now?

My little toy alpaca becomes alive and throws its decorative pompoms at me, which are surprisingly deadly

– keeperofthakeys

11. You’ll meet a traffic end

I always knew he would get me

– DrMussintouchit

12. Why so serious?

Hm, just a pen…

…alright, who wants to see a magic trick?

– newsorpigal

13. Can you overdose on a vitamin?

Ironically killed by a packet of Emergen-C

– JustALittleNightcap

14. Some feared unseen dangers

Now im paranoid because of my colorblindness.

– literallybrother

15. Others discovered superpowers

I genuinely looked around my room and didn’t find anything orange.

I’m immortal bitches!!!

– Galactic_Gecko

Ok, my turn. My closest orange object is a Chicago “No Parking on Tuesday” notice I found lying around somewhere and decided to put on the wall a while back. As I write this, it is a Tuesday. And I realize, I am sat at my desk. Parked. The law will be enforced. My fate will be sealed.

What can you see around you that you think is the most likely to do you in?

Describe the scenario in the comments.

The post People Imagine Hilarious Life or Death Scenarios with Random Orange Objects appeared first on UberFacts.

Men and Women Discuss the Signs That Make It Clear a Relationship Is Almost Over

Relationships take a lot of work and, sadly, many of them don’t last forever.

And when you’re in the middle of a relationship, you notice the signs that make it pretty clear the relationship has run its course and will probably fizzle out sooner than later.

It’s always a tough pill to swallow, but some things aren’t meant to last.

AskReddit users shared their thoughts about these signs that we all dread.

1. Past its expiration date.

“If you find that you can only relax and be yourself when they aren’t around, crushing you with the weight of their silent judgement and disapproval, it’s way past the expiration date.”

2. Don’t care anymore.

“When you don’t care if she leaves or not. dealing with this right now. i love her and want to be with her but she has some mental health issues that shes not willing to get help for. she threatens to leave and i just say goodbye and walk away.

Update for anyone who cares. Came home after work to her in a grumpy mood. told her to calm down or leave me alone. spent the night playing games. next morning told her she needs to get help or we aren’t lasting much longer. she has an appointment Wednesday.”

3. Ugh…that’s bad.

“When you turn the corner driving home, and feel disappointment when you see her car in the driveway – because you know the minute you step in the door she’s going to start crapping on you again.”

4. No more energy for it.

“From personal experience, the biggest indicator is when tensions should be high, you should be upset or arguing, but you just don’t care anymore.”

5. Communication breakdown.

“There is no more communication exchange.

You always feel like the next thing you say will cause another fight.”

6. Meaningless things.

“When you start fighting about a lot of meaningless things. In many cases, I’d say it’s a manifestation of the hesitation to deal with the quite harsh truth that you no longer feel that you want to be with the person.

Having to face the fact that the person you’ve been so close to, the person you’ve shaped your future with, the person you sacrificed a lot for, the person you might’ve introduced to your friends, etc, is really difficult. So it’s easier to say that your exasperation with the person is because they didn’t do.”

7. Doesn’t have to be the end.

“It doesn’t have to mean the end of a relationship. When people get accustomed to each other, they often stop noticing the good things in each other, while the small annoyances become grating.

Being aware of your attitude and making an effort to be positive, and to mention good things about your partner and complimenting them can really turn things around.

My parents started marriage counseling when the fighting became too frequent after 30 years together. It may feel silly to say things like “thank you for picking up groceries” or “you look really nice in this shirt” when you’ve seen the shirt a hundred times and you pick up groceries all the time.

But it’s those little things that make all the difference, and it’s the willingness to make the effort and change old habits that goes the distance.”

8. Here are a few…

“Several, but off the top of my head… The sight of them does nothing for you. Getting a text or phone call from them elicits an eye roll. You try to avoid them. You cannot hold a conversation with them because everything they say is irritating.

You really could not care less about their day or anything they have to say to you. You find yourself fantasizing of a life without them… and it makes you smile. You know, just to name a few.”

9. Things change…

“The nature of the relationship changes – there’s nothing as exciting as a new love, there’s nothing as comfy as an old love. Don’t confuse that change with the end of a relationship.

It’s when you just don’t want to be around them anymore that the end has come.”

10. Hiding who you are.

“When you catch yourself lying often. When you’re hiding who you are around them because you don’t want to fight or disappoint them.

Oh, and when you won’t fuck each other anymore.”

11. Not putting the work in.

“When you realize that your partner will never be willing to put in the work to make the relationship succeed.

And if when planning the future, it’s not feasible to maintain your relationship while also continuing towards your dreams and end goals.”

12.  Contempt isn’t good.

“Contempt. I took a marriage and family course in college and the professor said that’s one of the biggest signs things are going to/should end. And I’ve 100% been there.”

13. That voice in your head.

“There’s a voice in your head that says “You know it’s over” …. every time my relationship has been ending I have had this happen.

Sometimes you fight it, sometimes you don’t. But the voice is always right in the end.”

14. Screen time.

“When either of you whip out your phone constantly when together.

Can’t hold a moment of comfortable silence to appreciate you both being in each other’s presence.”

15. Apathy and stubbornness.

“General apathy in my experience. From one or both sides, either can kill it.

Apathy and stubborn behavior e.g. “I don’t hurt you yet I still don’t want to be with you.

I also don’t care enough to do anything about either feeling.”

16. Some good advice to end with.

“FYI to anyone reading through this, a good portion of replies here are also totally normal occurrences in any long term relationship. There is an ebb and flow to being with someone for many years.

Some days you may want to hang out and others where you want to be left alone. Oftentimes you can go several days without having a noteworthy conversation.

Just because something like this occurs doesn’t mean your relationship is doomed. What it may mean is that you need to put some effort into sparking things back up.

I’ve had the personal experience of finding venomous spiders in my underwear drawer and it was a tell tale sign that I hadn’t taken my wife out to dance in a few weeks. After putting in a bit of effort my wife and I felt like we had just started dating. I no longer had to fear amputation of my nethers.”

Some of those are kind of painful to read because you know you’ve been there before, but that’s how relationships go sometimes.

What about you?

What are the signs from the relationships you’ve been in that things were on the downward slope?

Please share with us in the comments!

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Wholesome Animal Tweets That’ll Brighten Your Day

As an animal lover, these tweets really made my day.

Sometimes when you’re having a terrible day, the only thing that can put a smile on my face is playing with a dog or a cat OR looking at great photos of them.

Here are 15 wholesome animal tweets to make your day just a little bit brighter.

1. Just wanted to help out.

2. The morning routine.

3. Seems very pleased.

4. Scoring a new Sci-Fi movie.

5. Enjoying the view?


7. No, Bailey!

8. This is quality entertainment.

9. All tucked in.

10. Just likes it up there.

11. This is adorable AF.

12. I’m sure the dog is really loving this…

13. Whatever, Mom.

14. Hahahaha. Wow.

15. Everything about this is great.

Now I feel all warm and fuzzy inside!

Will you please do us a favor so we can keep these good times going?

Share a pic of your fur baby in the comments and tell us a little bit about them!

We’d love to hear from you!

The post Wholesome Animal Tweets That’ll Brighten Your Day appeared first on UberFacts.

Logo Fails That Should Make You Cringe

Have you ever seen a logo for a company that was just awful?

It kind of makes you feel sorry for the folks who came up with it, but, hey, that’s business, baby!

These business logos definitely belong in the FAIL category.

1. Stanger danger.

Photo Credit: Sad and Useless

2. Looks like…never mind…

Photo Credit: Sad and Useless

3. On fire down below.

Photo Credit: Sad and Useless

4. Missed the mark.

Photo Credit: Sad and Useless

5. What does that look like?

Photo Credit: Sad and Useless

6. Oh, boy…

Photo Credit: Sad and Useless

7. Yikes. That’s a penis.

Photo Credit: Sad and Useless

8. Looks like he’s having a good time, at least.

Photo Credit: Sad and Useless

9. Looks painful.

Photo Credit: Sad and Useless

10. Not a good look at all.

Photo Credit: Sad and Useless

11. Lost my appetite.

Photo Credit: Sad and Useless

12. This is amazing.

Photo Credit: Sad and Useless

13. Need those spaces.

Photo Credit: Sad and Useless

Yikes…I wonder if any of these companies are still in business…

Have you seen any truly bad business logos and happened to snap a pic?

Please share with us in the comments. We’d love to hear from you!

The post Logo Fails That Should Make You Cringe appeared first on UberFacts.

14 Weird Things “For Sale” on Facebook Marketplace

Things get really weird on Facebook Marketplace…You just never know what’s gonna pop up!

But that’s part of the fun, right? Right!

It’s like walking through the weirdest thrift store that ever existed and you don’t even have to leave your living room.

Here are some of the strangest things that have been for sale on Facebook Marketplace.

1. This is classy.

Photo Credit: Facebook Marketplace

2. What a steal!

Photo Credit: Facebook Marketplace

3. It kind of looks like…

Photo Credit: Facebook Marketplace

4. Read the whole description.

Photo Credit: Facebook Marketplace

5. Be like this guy.

Photo Credit: Facebook Marketplace

6. It looks kind of like this.

Photo Credit: Facebook Marketplace

7. Would you go for this?

Photo Credit: Facebook Marketplace

8. Only in the ground for 3 years.

Photo Credit: Facebook Marketplace

9. Jesus! No!

Photo Credit: Facebook Marketplace

10. I would actually probably buy this.

Photo Credit: Facebook Marketplace

11. A perfect gift.

Photo Credit: Facebook Marketplace

12. This is terrible.

Photo Credit: Facebook Marketplace

13. Casting couch.

Photo Credit: Facebook Marketplace

14. Serious inquiries only.

Photo Credit: Facebook Marketplace

I’m gonna need to start looking at Facebook Marketplace on a more consistent basis because it is GOLD!

How about you? Do you shop on there regularly?

Talk to us in the comments!

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This SNL Sketch About Kids’ Clothing Is Way Too Real

This sketch from Saturday Night Live is going to be hilarious (but only because it’s almost spring) (I hear) if you have kids.

We all know that most advertisements are total crap, and the things they promise are not actually going to happen to you and yours.

For example, no matter how adorable the “holiday” wardrobe you buy for your precious children, it doesn’t mean they will like it. At all.

Photo Credit: YouTube

Or wear it without a struggle.

This fake advertisement for a winter wardrobe for the whole family is hilariously accurate, from the itchy sweaters that don’t fit over his head to the snow boots that are so hard to put on you’ll likely forget why you were going outside in the first place before you get them tied.

Photo Credit: YouTube

Your little angels don’t care how many snaps you have to undo (and redo) before they decide to take a giant dump at an inopportune moment, and they sure as heck aren’t going to hold still while you do it.

I do have one note for you, fellow parents out there in the “we’re still dressing our kids” trenches – if you can’t wear jeans to church, please find a new church. Dressing up, and dressing your kids up, every single week is just depressing (and will most likely result in you never going to church).

Stay strong out there. I know our marriages can make it through these trying times (and you’ll always have those pictures to remind you how wonderful it was supposed to be.

At least you all look cute.

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You Can Blame Your Kids for Every Last One of Those Gray Hairs

I am a (barely) 40-year-old woman, and ever since I had my first child 3+ years ago, I’ve been sprouting gray hairs like it’s my job.

Because of the aforementioned toddler (and his subsequent brother), I also don’t have the time to color them, so I guess this is me, now.

Can I actually blame my kids, though, or is the timing just a coincidence? If I was 15 years younger, would this be happening?

According to science, probably. Because it really is your kids’ fault.

Statistically, if you have the genes that cause graying hair, at least 50% of the hair on your head will be gray by the time you turn 50. But things like sleep-deprivation, stress, and the 18 years of madness we call parenting can also speed up the process.

A new study out of Harvard University has all but proven the link between stress and gray hair. The researchers involved found the nerves responsible for the “fight or flight” response in animals also depletes the stem cells responsible for hair pigment. In mice, depleting those cells caused them to develop patches of gray or white hair.

What happens is that the emergency flight or fight response is activated in sympathetic nerves that reach into each hair follicle, releasing a neurotransmitter called noradrenaline. The transmitter causes the stem cells that give hair their pigment, melanocyte stem cells, to proliferate in large numbers before abandoning their posts. With fewer of these cells present in each follicle, the hair fades until its completely white.

In mice, the instances of graying and white hair began within five days of causing them acute stress.

More research will follow that attempts to understand the connection between the sympathetic nervous system and hair color change, the study’s lead author, Ya-Chieh Hsu, told Fatherly they hope this is an important first step.

“The reason we’re hopeful the mechanisms are related is that both of these systems (pigment-producing stem cells and sympathetic nerve) are very similar in mice and humans.”

Usually, the body returns to a normal state after confronting a flight or fight threat, but if it’s overactivated or the exposure plays on repeat (hello, babies and toddlers), the chronic stress will be an ongoing strain on the nervous system.”

“This research is critical to helping scientists understand how stress affects tissue repair in the body,” said Dr. Hsu.

Which all to say that no, there won’t be a new and improved way to hide the evidence of your stress from the world, and besides, your genetics will get you eventually.

For now, though, rest assured that you’re not lying to your child when you inform them that they’ve given you yet another gray hair.

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