All 12 Astrological Signs as Represented by ‘Star Trek’ Characters

You’re about to see a fun new spin on your astrological sign right here. Some clever person has taken all 12 astrological signs and paired them up with characters from ‘Star Trek’.

I have to say, these are pretty interesting…these memes were made by an Instagram user who goes by the name of chat_ensorceler.

Let’s take a look.

1. Refined tastes…

2. Dynamite in the sack.

3. A big fan of romance.

4. Totally unforgettable.

5. Big Dad Energy.

6. Just shut up already…

7. Pretty stressed out.

8. A deep soul.

9. Very, very wise.

Photo Credit: Imgur

10. This guy can do it all.

11. Very passionate.

12. It’s complicated.

As a Pisces, I think this is a pretty accurate representation.

What about you? In the comments, tell us your sign and whether or not you think your Trekkie match is accurate!

We’d love to hear from you!

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An Indie Rock Band Turned a Broken Vintage Piano Into a Hybrid of 20 Instruments Connected to the Piano Keys

As the saying goes, one person’s trash is another person’s treasure.

And that is definitely true for a band from Ukraine called Brunettes Shoot Blondes.

The band came across a broken vintage piano and decided to repurpose it in a very creative way. They made it into a one-of-a-kind analog hybrid of 20 different instruments that are all controlled by the keys of the piano.

Different keys of the piano control all the instruments, including cymbals, a tambourine, and even a cello and a violin.

The band spent three years putting the incredible hybrid together.

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?? Oh this is so crazy Go try to amaze me #houstonlyrics

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Band member Andrii Kovalov talked about the origins of the idea for the instrument.

He said,

“When I was a kid, I used to have this Yamaha keyboard where you’ve got all the sounds you can imagine: strings, percussion, organ, xylophone, etc. I could spend all day long just playing around with it.

Years later, this weird idea popped into my head: wouldn’t it be cool to recreate this home keyboard, but using an actual grand piano? All other instruments could be built-in so that the piano keys would make them play.

So, I told my friends about this idea and they said: ‘it’s crazy but we should give it try’.”

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Catching summer vibes☀ Ph:@lightsh0w Style:@ano_samoe

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Check out this video of the band playing their song “Houston” live with this insanely creative instrument at the forefront.

Pretty awesome, right?

What do you think? Had you ever heard of these guys before? If not, now you have!

Do you know any other bands or musicians that have created their own instruments like Brunettes Shoot Blondes did?

Tell us about it in the comments!

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Check Out this Deepfake Video of Robert Downey Jr. and Tom Holland in ‘Back to the Future’

Back to the Future is an incredible film. Every time I watch it I see new things that I previously missed, even though I’ve seen in about 50 times.

But I’ve never, ever seen Back to the Future like THIS before.

Photo Credit: YouTube

A YouTuber who goes by the name of EZRyderX47 posted a video that you have to see to believe. It’s a “deepfake” of Tom Holland and Robert Downey Jr. swapped in for Michael J. Fox and Christopher Lloyd in 1985’s Back to the Future.

Photo Credit: YouTube

If you think the photos look amazing, wait until you see the full video.

I want to go on the record right now and say that I hope the bigwigs in Hollywood never remake this movie because all it will do is tarnish the reputation of the original masterpiece.

The sequels…well, I guess they’re okay…

Photo Credit: YouTube

Whoa Doc, this is heavy!

Take a look at this video and try not to LOSE YOUR MIND.

Pretty insane, right?!? These deepfake videos are amazing…and also kind of disturbing because of what people can potentially do with them.

Have you seen any other good deepfake videos lately?

If so, share them with us in the comments!

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This Guy Installed an Electric Fence to Keep Kids off His Lawn and People Are Divided About It


How many times did you hear that when you were growing up?

I think all of us heard this at least a few times when grumpy neighbors (usually of the elderly variety) would lose their shit if you set foot on their closely-guarded property.

But one man in Virginia took it to an extreme when he installed an electric fence around his yard to keep kids off his lawn…and it’s right next to a bus stop where middle schoolers and high schoolers catch a ride to school in the morning.

Photo Credit: YouTube,WSLS 10

The man who put up the fence is named Bryan Tucker and he said he did it keep kids from trespassing and littering on his lawn. There was no warning sign that the fence was electric, however, which resulted in some parents calling the cops.

Photo Credit: YouTube,WSLS 10

People were pretty pissed off about this development and Tucker responded:

“I’m not in charge of other people’s children. I’m not directing other people’s children what to do.

All I can do is protect myself and that’s why I’ve got a fence up. Show me what’s the truth, you know everybody’s just giving me different words.”

Photo Credit: YouTube,WSLS 10

Here’s a local news report about the story from Virginia.

What do you think?

Did this man go too far or is he justified in erecting an electric fence around his property to keep those pesky kids off his lawn?

Tell us what you think in the comments!

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This Year’s ‘Best in Show’ Winner Took a Dump During Her Victory Lap

When you’re watching a top-tier dog show such as Crufts from England, you want it to be refined and elegant.

Well, one pooch named Maisie, who happened to win ‘Best in Show’ at the recent competition, threw all of that out the window when she decided to…ahem…relieve herself during her victory lap.

This tweet pretty much summed it up.

Oh, Maisie…you ruined your victory lap!

But you did what you had to do.

Like any good dog owner, Kim McCalmont was ready with a poop bag to clean up the mess.

And people on Twitter thought the whole incident was pretty amusing.

This person even thinks Maisie is a genius.

She definitely did mark her territory…

And this person thought it might be the shining moment for all Crufts events.

Pretty hilarious, even if it wasn’t at the opportune time for Maisie to do her business.

Hey, nature calls, right?

Now that we’re on the subject of dogs, why don’t you go ahead and show us a pic of your furry friends and tell us a little bit about them in the comments!

Please and thank you!

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Mirco Machines Are Coming Back in 2020!

This is for everyone who grew up in the 1980s and everyone who loves toys in general!

Micro Machines, those iconic toys from the 1980s and 1990s, are coming back in 2020! Hasbro and Wicked Cool Toys are partnering up to bring back these awesome, very detailed toys that were a big hit back then.

The new line that comes out this year will include an updated version of the popular “Super Van City” that unfolded into a miniature city for the vehicles to go around.

No way!

Jeremy Padawer, Co-President of Wicked Cool Toys, said,

“Considering recent toy unboxing trends, the brand’s multigenerational appeal, and the vehicle category’s ripeness for something ‘new’ again, we believe Micro Machines will be a global phenomenon.”

And who can forget the iconic Micro Machines commercial from the 1980s with that fast-talking actor?

Will the company bring actor John Moschitta Jr. for this new round of business?

We’ll have to wait and see.

I, for one, am pretty excited about this development.

How about you? Were you a fan of Micro Machines back in the 1980s? Or maybe you were too young then but you’re excited about this reboot?

Talk to us in the comments and let us know what you think!

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A Teacher Resigned While Her Students Watched on a Livestream

Amanda Coffman taught for more than two decades until recently, when she decided she just couldn’t do it anymore.

Why? According to Coffman,

“Teaching is like a bad marriage.

You never get your needs met, but you stay in it for the kids.”

So, on February 10 of this year, the veteran teacher resigned during a school board meeting that was livestreamed.

Coffman, a teacher in the Shawnee Mission School District in Kansas, said that her and her fellow teachers had been working without a contract since last June.

Photo Credit: YouTube

The teachers had until February 14, 2020, to accept the school board’s new unilateral contract, reject it and work under the terms of the previous contract, or to resign.

Coffman chose to resign from her position.

Education cuts were made in Kansas several years ago that forced teachers to take on an even larger workload.

Coffman said,

“Teachers felt strongly that the district was attempting to silence them by issuing the three-year contract.

Effectively, they would not have to negotiate with teachers over anything until the Spring of 2022.

I have felt increasingly like my voice is not valued in the district over the last few years, and this public campaign to silence us all was the last straw for me.”

She added,

“This isn’t the kind of decision you make impulsively.

I had been pretty open with my friends and colleagues that if this was the way that the contract went, I was probably going to resign.

I’m not sure how many believed that I really would, though!

I called my parents the day before and sent them the link to watch the livestream.”

Photo Credit: YouTube

Coffman said the decision was very difficult and that she cried when she packed up her classroom for the last time.

If there’s one thing we can all agree on, it’s that teachers deserve to be paid WAY more than they currently make.

Watch Coffman’s address to the school board in the video below.

After her resignation, Coffman said she “received a very nice email with personal messages from around 20 former students, organized by a former student. They seem to understand that I did not want to leave them, but rather that I am living the hard lessons I try to teach.”

The video has been viewed over one million times and for good reason.

What do you think about the things that Coffman had to say?

We’d especially like to hear from the teachers out there to get your opinions.

Please talk to us in the comments!

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Quotes For People Who Love Telling It Like It Is

I’m an advocate of telling it like it is, not making any bones, opting out of illusions, whatever you want to call it as the next person.

I’m also an advocate of not hurting another person’s feelings if there’s nothing to be gained from it. Just putting that out there.

If you’re someone who finds themselves in situations when to-the-point retorts regularly come in handy, though, you might need some ideas for replies. Just to keep things fresh, you know!

12. Just accept it and move on.

11. Everyone knows this is true.

10. Sometimes is often.

9. Maybe they’ll consider this constructive feedback?

8. There’s no reason it can’t be both!

7. Some people are just like this. You have to know who you’re dealing with.

6. Way harsh, Tai.

5. File that away for future reference.

4. You never know for sure how deep it goes.

3. Seems like a fair trade.

2. Just another few sentences…

1. Actual gold.

I have to say, I can see some of these coming in handy – if nothing else, my creativity is definitely sparked!

Are you going to use these? Are you more of the “avoid confrontation” type? I used to be, but the older I get, the fewer f*cks I have left to give – are you the same?

Let’s talk about it in the comments!

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A Pregnant Mom Dresses up as Different Characters to Show Size of Her Baby Every Week

First pregnancies are incredible (and also as hard as every pregnancy can be at times). It’s the first time you’re contemplating what it’s like to be a mom, the first time you’re managing the wild ride of emotions attached to the little being inside of you, and yeah, the first, magical moments you realize there’s an alive baby moving around in there.

Because it’s your first pregnancy, you also probably have time to do adorable things like document your growing belly on a regular basis, and while most moms-to-be go with those apps that easily compare it to junk food or fruits and vegetables, this woman (who probably really loves cosplay!) wanted to do something different.

The idea began the week Grace Navarro learned that her growing fetus was the size of a beet, and Dwight from The Office immediately came to mind.


She wrote some facts on a chalkboard, obtained some beets, and took a photo dressed as Dwight.

And that might have been the end of the story, had everyone not totally loved the idea so much.

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Mirror, mirror, on the wall…. . . … can you believe we are at 15 weeks already? ? The first trimester went by so slow, but now I feel like the weeks are just flying by. . . This sweet baby is the size of an apple and, like Snow White, is probably the fairest of them all! That’s because his/her skin is translucent at this point. The arms and legs have also finished forming, but those bones still have lots of growing to do. . . As far as me, I’m just enjoying this stage of pregnancy! I feel mostly back to normal, although I still get tired pretty quickly. I’m ready for this tiny bump to be more defined so I stop looking chubby in some of my clothes. ? People ask me often about cravings, but so far I don’t have any special ones other than chocolate, but that one has nothing to do with this baby, I always want chocolate. ?

A post shared by Grace Navarro (@_gracenavarro_) on

So, for every week between 14-37, she took an image dressed as a character that related to how big her baby currently was.

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16 weeks pregnant with the chosen one! ⚡ . . Another week has passed and this little one keeps on growing! S/he’s measuring at about 5 inches, which is the size of my favorite wizard’s glasses! And talking about eyes, the baby’s eyes can now pick up light, even though the eyelids still aren’t open. Other fun facts, his/her little heart❤ is now pumping about 25 quarts of blood every day! . . As far as me, not much has changed! The belly keeps growing, although this Harry sweater barely makes me look pregnant ? maybe I’ll stick to darker colors to look smaller from now on. I started prenatal yoga and well.. it didn’t feel much like yoga lol it was a full work out, and 2 days later I’m still struggling to move my legs ? out of shape much? . . We love you so much sweet Bebe!?

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So cute! It’s Tinkerbell!

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“When the first baby laughed for the first time, its laugh broke into a thousand pieces, and they all went skipping about, and that was the beginning of fairies.” – Peter Pan . . And so another week goes by and we have reached 17 weeks! I was particularly excited about this week’s picture, because Peter Pan is one of my favorite Disney movies of all time. ? This week, our sweet bean is the size of TinkerBell, and like her, s/he is getting quite feisty! I’ve been now feeling flutters on and off for a couple weeks that (I think) are the baby, especially after I eat something sweet! This baby’s taste buds are developing to be just like mine ? The ears can also hear now, so Brennan has started talking to him/her. Hopefully s/he can hear him? . . As far as me, so far so good! The worst symptom right now is heartburn, it likes to keep me awake at night with a burning throat ? I’m all open to suggestions on how to make it better!! . . Hope you all have a wonderful week!! ❤

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The results are pretty freaking amazing, and I am in awe (and also as jealous of her previous free time as her creativity).

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20 weeks!? . . We have officially reached the halfway point of this pregnancy! Baby Horine is measuring around 6.5 inches from head to butt, next week we will start measuring him/her from head to toe! S/he is the size of a bowtruckle, and like one, is still super skinny! Although his/her main job right now is to put on some fat, so hopefully we have some sweet cheeks to pinch in 20 more weeks. ? . . I’m still feeling well, although I’m starting to get out of breath a lot faster now. I love that I can feel the baby a lot more now, and even Brennan has felt him/her a couple times!!! But s/he is pretty shy and most kicks are still not powerful enough, so we don’t get lucky many times. ? . . This week my parents were here and we painted the nursery, but it still feels like we have SO much left to do! . . We can’t wait to meet you little one!??

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The characters are all from The Office, Harry Potter, and Disney, which means there’s definitely something for everyone, and honestly, even though I’m highlighting my favorites here, you’re probably going to want to go to her Insta and scroll through all of them.

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22 weeks! ? . . Another week goes by, and now sweet #babyhorine is the size of a book (roughly 11 inches), and weighs a whole pound! Like Belle, based on how hard s/he’s been kicking, I’d like to say this little one also craves adventure in the great wide somewhere! ? Last night s/he was having a dance party and Brennan got to feel him/her move so many times. ? (peep my stories to see those baby kicks!) . . As far as mommy goes, I still feel mostly fine, although I get back pain a lot more often now, but so far it’s manageable and it eases quickly. Aside from my prenatal yoga, swimming and walking, I also go to the chiropractor, so I’m hoping that all of this combined will help me stay feeling good the remaining of my pregnancy! . . 18 weeks to go, meet you soon little one!! ?

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I mean, what’s the most creative thing you’ve ever done just to delight the internet and make yourself happy during an already happy time in your life?

I bet that, whatever it is, it’s not as cute as these pictures.

Or maybe I’m just speaking for myself.

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18 Cat Snaps That Might Make You Very Happy

If you have blood pressure issues that require medication, we are not suggesting or urging you to replace your doctor recommended treatment with cat snaps.

For everyone else, who just has bad days every now and again that require a little stress relief, well…that is why cats and Snapchat were invented.

It’s true. Someone knew what they were doing all along.

18. This just melted my heart.

Image Credit: Instagram

17. I really want a reaction shot of the bikers coming out and seeing them.

Image Credit: Instagram

16. This is also the face I make when we are out of Cheetos.

Image Credit: Instagram

15. He just wants to sit in the dirt so whatever.

Image Credit: Instagram

14. It all makes sense now!

Image Credit: Instagram

13. I can definitely tell you who will win.

Image Credit: Instagram

12. Because everyone needs more toe beans in their life.

Image Credit: Instagram

11. It’s extreme but also genius!

Image Credit: Instagram

10. Why is this making me cackle, though?

Image Credit: Instagram

9. Oh, yeah, the cat was definitely behind it.

Image Credit: Instagram

8. Please close the door behind you on the way out.

Image Credit: Instagram

7. This is wrong and also very funny.

Image Credit: Instagram

6. Cats are evil, here’s proof.

Image Credit: Instagram

5. They are wearing the exact same expression, lol.

Image Credit: Instagram

4. When you have the perfect caption.

Image Credit: Instagram

3. Can you blame him, though?

Image Credit: Instagram

2. Moth or ghost?

Image Credit: Instagram

1. For real, this is GOALS.

Image Credit: Instagram

Those cats are bringing me life! Especially because my mean husband is currently taking a hard stand on the No Cats policy at our house.

Do you have a favorite cat picture? Account? Please share with us in the comments because we all need more of this in our lives!

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