These Kids Are as Funny as They Are Ruthless

Kids are very funny. Also, they will eviscerate you with burns so hot you’ll have no idea how to treat them – or what to say in response – and give no cares whatsoever.

And we still feed and clothe and house them. Because it’s illegal not to, but also because they’re cute I guess.

No one is dumping these 15 hooligans out on their butts anytime soon, anyway.

15. There was an incident.

14. Oh my God…this is not funny.

13. I mean…just sigh.

12. When they technically follow directions, but you still want to kill them.

11. My mother would lose it.

10. A little smartass in the making. I approve.

9. Mom, we need to talk.

8. Hopefully, someone carries a pocket knife.

7. Here’s hoping sister finds it first.

6. A bold move from someone who still gets money from their parents.

5. That’s one thing to do when you’re bored, I guess.

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#my8yearoldhasjokes #meankid #ipad #kotex #lordhelpme #myson

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4. Those aren’t the emojis you want to see.

3. It kind of makes you feel loved and watched all at once.

2. There is no escape.

1. No more Star Wars for you.

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#hemakesmelaugheveryday #proudmama #sarcastickid

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Kids really are about the best thing to get you through the rough days. Unless they’re causing the rough days.

It’s a toss-up.

What’s the funniest/meanest thing your kid ever said?

Share it with us in the comments!

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These Kids Are Way More Comfortable Than They Should Be

Kids are super duper weird. They say funny stuffy because they have no idea what they’re talking about most of the time, they can fall asleep literally anywhere (though they usually don’t), and most of parenting young kids is trying to convince them to stay alive.

And these 13 kids? They’re way, way more comfortable than they should be, given the circumstances.

13. Just a quick nap in the middle of playtime…

12. My body hurts just looking at this.

11. If it fits, they sits.

10. Yoga-doers, eat your heart out.

9. Kids would rather sit in their car seat ANY WAY but the right way. Facts.

8. I am so uncomfortable right now.

7. Huh. They really do just melt in your mouth.

6. How do you not notice that?

5. I honestly don’t even know what’s happening here.

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4. Put that kid to work come the holidays!

3. He looks like a deep-sea diver.

2. My sleep-hating kids would never.

1. They all definitely think this is comfortable.

Kids are amazing.

If you have some, I guarantee you they’re giving you reasons to laugh these days!

Which of these kids made you the most uncomfortable with their antics?

Tell us in the comments!

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These Grown Adults All Acted Like Children

While it’s fine to let your inner child loose some of the time (it’s good for you!), it’s unsettling – and irritating – when you encounter a false adult.

Especially when you really, really need another grown up in the room.

These 14 people are taking connecting with their “inner child” to a whole new level.

14. This actually kind of impresses me.

Hmm from mildlyinfuriating

13. There is nothing okay about this.

I know I’m in big girl sizes but finding chicken bones in the back pocket while trying on clothes is a little extreme. from Weird

12. I mean, that coffee cup isn’t even big enough to do the job!

This self entitled jerk at my appointment complex keeps covering his dogs poop with coffee cups instead of using a courtesy bag. from PeopleBeingJerks

11. Anything for a buck.

Using the coronavirus as an advertising tactic. from assholedesign

10. Wow, that’s pretty bad.

People are stealing masks from ambulances from mildlyinfuriating

9. I have a lot of questions.

Please don’t tell me, this jerk is drying his stinky ass shoes with the overhead vent during the flight. from PeopleBeingJerks

8. I guess…at least it’s not the ground?

They don’t accept food donations people. from PeopleBeingJerks

7. I honestly bet theater employees have seen so much.

Being a cinema worker and having to clear up after these delightful people…. yes, sadly the boxes are still half full of soggy cereal and milk from mildlyinfuriating

6. That doesn’t look dangerous at all. #sarcasm

Attentive father from PeopleBeingJerks

5. They definitely should have shown her face. #shame #shame #shame

Seat hogging! When asked to move she refused ? from PeopleBeingJerks

4. Newman is your mailman.

Jerk Mailman from PeopleBeingJerks

3. Makes you wonder what was in that trash can, doesn’t it?

Went to the boys bathroom during lunch, and i saw this in the stalls from mildlyinfuriating

2. Spread his shame.

This dude from mildlyinfuriating

1. I’m shocked no one took out this car, Seinfeld style.

Maybe they can’t read… from PeopleBeingJerks

I’m secondhand annoyed for their partners but also kind of laughing because I don’t live with them?

It’s complicated.

Would these antics amuse you? Bug you? Would it depend on your mood?

Sound off in the comments!

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There’s Little to No Gender Equality in Children’s Television

If you  are the proud owner of a toddler like I am, chances are you’ve had a bit too much time to think far too hard about the television shows on Nickelodeon, PBS Kids, etc.

And y’all…on the shows not specifically geared toward girls, where are all of the unique females? Where are the LGBTQ kids? Where are the kids who don’t fit in a bucket?

They’re not there. Far and away, these shows are still dominated by cis-gendered boys, even on the shows that claim to be gender-neutral. Sure, there are token girls (and minorities) in the supporting casts, but as the leads?

It’s just not happening.

There are shows “for girls,” like Doc McStuffins and Dora the Explorer, but on the shows like Paw Patrol, Blaze, P.J. Masks, Mickey, and others that claim to be “for everyone,” girls are always shuffled to the background.

It feels like we’re telling girls that in our world, the best they can hope for is to find a nice strong white guy to follow around.

There are token episodes offered, where Skye saves Adventure Bay for once or Starla takes the lead on Blaze, and shows like Bubble Guppies and Team Umizoomi do offer co-leads, one male and one female, but the message is pretty clear.

If this bothers you as it does me, make sure to play with your kids often, and to make sure that females get leading roles as often as males – and that any gendered child can play with any gendered character (my son loves his Minnie and Daisy undies!).

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UPDATE: EASTER EGG HUNT CANCELED We are sad to announce the need to cancel this year’s community Easter Egg Hunt at the Mercer County Courthouse. We appreciate those who are making our health and safety a priority, and are thankful for the community support we receive each year. We plan to continue this event next year! ? #washyourhands #practicesocialdistancing #weareinthistogether —— ORIGINAL POST >> Calling all Umis! << Geo & Milli are coming to town for the Easter Egg Hunt at the Mercer County Courthouse on April 4! They can’t wait to meet everyone. Bring your camera — it's sure to be Umirific! For more details, visit #easteregghunt #freeevent #teamumizoomi #mercercountyohio #celinaohio #wabashegghunt #nickelodeon

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Also, you can always model positive gender roles at home, with both partners sharing cooking, cleaning, lawn care, trash, and other duties that are sometimes assigned based on gender.

Something to think about, because it seems as if we’re going to need to be more intentional when we model and talk about gender with our kids – because Hollywood definitely isn’t interested in changing anytime soon.

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