If You Have a Sick Sense of Humor, You’ll Probably Enjoy These Tweets

Ha ha ha ha ha…

That was an extremely evil laugh, just FYI.

Do you have what might be considered a sick sense of humor? Maybe you’re just a little twisted in the head and you laugh at the most inappropriate things?

Then these posts are for you, my fellow sickos!


1. Mess with their heads.

2. Wow, that’s dark.

3. Parroting you.

4. Doesn’t seem to be working…

5. Let me think about it.

6. Still being polite.

7. Shhhhhh!

8. Trailblazers.

9. A very rare episode.

10. Really desperate.

11. Zinger!

12. Roger was a good man.

13. Ready to snap.

14. Probably not a good idea.

15. Thinking ahead.

You twisted son of a gun, you…

Do you have any good, sick jokes or posts you can share with us?

Let’s see them in the comments, please!

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15 Tweets About Living That Mom Life

Aren’t moms just the best?

Of course they are! That’s why we can’t get enough of them!

Let’s take a look at some hilarious tweets about the moms out there and what they have to deal with on a daily basis.

1. Burns a lot of calories.

2. That will ruin their young lives.

3. Hmmmmm.

4. That’s what it’s like.

5. Flippin’ the bird.

6. Oh, that’s right…

7. Oh yes it is.

8. That’s all they want.

9. There should be more.

10. Not gonna happen.

11. You can’t win ’em all.

12. Don’t bother looking for me.

13. She’ll learn…

14. Prepare for a meltdown.

15. Absolutely not.

Let’s all do something in the comments for fun!

Give your mom a shout out and tell us a funny (or embarrassing) story about her!

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People Tweeted About the VHS Tapes They Wore out as Kids, and These Will Make You Nostalgic

I grew up on VHS and I actually still have a decent collection, so it was a real treat seeing folks tweet out the tapes they watched when they were young.

I can tell you what my VHS tapes were (are) that I played out over and over. I had Road House and Point Break taped onto a single VHS, and I brought that tape to every single sleepover I ever went to. Two classics, if I do say so myself.

Let’s see what people had to say about this!

1. Good old Peter Pan.

2. Hook.

3. The Olsen Twins!

4. A classic.

5. Fievel!

6. That’s a very serious choice.

7. Who you gonna call?

8. Run for it, Marty!

9. Learning life lessons from Mr. Miyagi.

10. I’ll be back.

What were the VHS tapes that you wore out as a kid?

Share them with us in the comments!

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A Biology Student Gave Wasps Access to Colored Paper and They Made Rainbow Nests

I’m not sure I can ever be a wasp lover…

That said, they can built some pretty-looking nests if you give them some colorful tools!

University of Florence biology major Mattia Menchetti came up with the idea: he would slowly fed a captive colony of paper wasps different colors of paper over time.

The result? Nests that look more like trippy kaleidoscopes than the houses of terror that they actually are.

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They’re the #product of an #experiment conducted by #MattiaMenchetti, a #biology #student at the #UniversityofFlorence. He realised that by giving a #captive #colony of #European #paper #wasps #different #colored #paper over time, the #insects would eventually #construct their own #kaleidoscopic #houses. And as you can see, the result is #pretty remarkable, if not slightly reminiscent of a #bad #trip. While this #experiment was deliberate, unintentional #human interference with the insect world has also produced some equally surprising results. In 2012 for #example, #beekeepers in #France were amazed to discover that their #bees had created #green and #blue #honey. The reason? The unsuspecting insects were using sugar collected from the shells of M&Ms at a nearby waste-processing plant. #ARTLifeForever http://www.boredpanda.com/colorful-paper-wasp-nests-rainbow-mattia-menchetti/?utm_source=facebook&utm_medium=link&utm_campaign=BPFacebook

A post shared by #ARTLifeForever (@livetheartlife) on

It’s not the first time scientists have realized that the insect world can get more colorful than nature intended – sometimes, with no intentional human intervention at all. In 2012, a group of French beekeepers discovered that their bees were creating green and blue honey. The culprit?

Bits of M&M shells they had found at a nearby waste processing plant.

Honestly more depressing than magical, if you ask me. Which no one did, I realize.

These pictures still 100% give me the heebies, even if they’re technically pretty.

What about you? Are you a wasp fan now?

If so, please explain yourself or submit for voluntary psychological hold.

It’s for your own good, I swear.

Check out Mattia’s Twitter or Facebook for more pics like these, or to see what amazing thing this young scientists comes up with next!

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A Man Had the Perfect Comeback for a Racist Who “Couldn’t Believe” He Belonged in First Class

Stories from all over the country have made clear that doing pretty much anything while also being black can be enough for racists to call a person out – or call the police.

It’s a horrible comment on the state of affairs in the U.S., and a disappointing, frustrating, and humiliating way to expect African-Americans to live on a day-to day basis.

This man, though, when he was confronted by a terrible woman who questioned his right to be in a priority boarding line, had a response that left those in earshot literally applauding him.

Her: excuse me i believe you may be in the wrong place you need to let us thru. This line is for priority boarding Me:…

Posted by Emmit Eclass Walker on Tuesday, December 5, 2017

DC-based music executive Emmit Walker was innocently waiting in line for his flight – right where he belonged – when a fellow passenger tried to cut in front of him.

When he wouldn’t move, she told him he was in the wrong place, because that was the line for priority boarding.

Image Credit: Facebook

Mr. Walker informed her that not only was he in the right place – see his first class boarding pass? – but that he had been there longer than she had, so he wouldn’t be moving.

Image Credir: Facebook

At which point she commented to her companion that he must have gotten the seat because he was in the military or something, and because they had paid for their first class seats, they should get to board first.

Which is when he said the best thing:

Image Credit: Facebook

The other passengers in line burst into applause, and people who read the story online wore out the hand-clap emoji, too.

Image Credit: Facebook

Rightfully so. I wish everyone had the self-confidence and speaking ability to stand up for themselves in times like these.

But not as much as I wish there weren’t so many times like these.

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People Shared Their ‘Controversial Food Opinions’. Let the Debates Begin!

We all have unique tastes when it comes to what we like to chow down on. But some food opinions might be considered controversial, and they may get people annoyed or even angry.

A guy on Twitter recently sent out a tweet that got all kinds of people talking about their beliefs when it comes to cuisine.

Here’s the tweet that got the ball rolling…

Now let’s get fired up and look at these tweets.

1. Hmmmm, I don’t think so.

2. Maybe?

3. No way, steak fries are da bomb.

4. Take it back!

5. No way, ma’am.

6. We can’t be friends.

7. I’m a fan…

8. Chicago people, let’s hear from you.

9. I’m not a huge fan…

10. Blasphemy!

11. Whoa!

12. Well, that’s not very nice…

13. Don’t say this out loud in the South.

14. I respectfully disagree.

15. Dude…not cool.

Hmmmm….some pretty dramatic beliefs in there.

We know you have some controversial food opinions of your own!

Tell us all about them in the comments and let’s keep these debates going!

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Enjoy These Funny Tweets About Triggered Boomers

Okay, Boomer

Have you heard that phrase a lot lately? If you’ve been paying attention (and I’m sure you have), you know that all the kids are saying it these days.

You have to admit, this whole generational clash is pretty hilarious.

Let’s take a look at a bunch of times when Baby Boomers got triggered…

1. Fix this!

2. Here we go again…

3. Good one!

4. Yes!

5. Isn’t that something…

6. A lot of work went into this one.

7. Yeah that happened…

8. Think about that one.

9. This pretty much sums it up.

10. I’m being abused!

11. Totally normal.

12. Not those kind of jokes.

13. LOL.

14. It was cheap back then.

15. Gotta go back in time!

Have you had any hilarious interactions with Boomers lately?

If so, tell us all about it in the comments!

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Really Uncomfortable Things That Happened to People Who Clearly Wish They Hadn’t

YIKES. We’ve all been embarrassed and humiliated at some point in our lives (some of us more than others…), but you still get a little bit of that EFO (Embarrassment for Others) when you see stuff like you’re about to see.

Hang on tight…I think you’ll be feeling sorry for these folks in just a minute…

1. Can’t go back there…

2. Is your friend a genius?

3. No clue who you are.

4. Just hold me.

5. Smack-dab on the lips.

6. You blew it.

Photo Credit: Twitter

7. Congratulations!

8. Be very careful…

Photo Credit: Twitter

9. Smooth move…

Photo Credit: Twitter

10. A true patriot.

Photo Credit: Twitter

11. Are you hungry?

Photo Credit: Twitter

12. Oh…I’m sorry…

Photo Credit: Twitter

13. Not yours.

Photo Credit: Twitter


Photo Credit: Twitter

15. That’s…very awkward.

Photo Credit: Twitter

Were those cringe-worthy, or what?

Did something really awkward happen to you recently? Please tell us about it in the comments, we can’t get enough of this kind of stuff!

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15 Hilarious Tweets from Husbands About Married Life

Marriage…it’s lovely, isn’t it?

The love, the passion, the romance…the getting yelled at to clean up your clothes all over the bedroom floor…

You know – the good stuff! Here are some very funny and very accurate tweets from husbands who have been there and done that.

1. You’re gonna need to back off.

2. A real tragedy.

3. You’re the champ!

4. Here we are.

5. Isn’t that nice!

6. You can’t win.

7. Moments of terror.

8. Those are too good for you.

9. Can’t get out of that one.

10. One of life’s mysteries.

11. This guy is a real cut-up.

12. What were you thinking?

13. Think the kids will notice?

14. I’m gonna need this in writing.

15. A whole new man.

If you’re married, we want to hear from you!

Tell us something hilarious/embarrassing/ridiculous/annoying that your spouse did that you can’t get off your mind.

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These People Are Having a Much Worse Day Than You

Do me a favor, okay? Keep these people in your thoughts and prayers.

Why, you ask? Because they’re having bad days. Really bad days, actually.

Take a look at these posts and you’ll know exactly what I’m talking about…

1. That’s really considerate.

This is the one thing I am most worried about before getting on a plane from mildlyinfuriating

2. Money down the drain…

WCGW if you open your envelope out of excitement. from Whatcouldgowrong

3. That is awful.

My new Roomba ran over my dog’s shit and proceeded to “clean” the rest of my house. I’m going to need therapy.Go follow my movie Instagram: @rylanfilms I follow back!!

Posted by Ryan Landy on Sunday, July 14, 2019

4. Massive explosion.

Bad day at the home depot…

5. Ugh! Get the mouthwash!

Fighting an ant infestation in my kitchen the last couple days. Didn’t think to check my cereal box. Realized the small brown things are ants 6-8 bites in. from Wellthatsucks

6. Now it’s there forever.

If you park your car in a non-parking zone at the supermarket from Whatcouldgowrong

7. Surprise!

Shouldn’t have used her coffee creamer I guess from Wellthatsucks

8. Looks like a creature from another planet.

Allergic to hair dye from Wellthatsucks

9. Into outer space.

"It might rain today, I think I’ll take my umbrella out." …. that went well! from Wellthatsucks

10. Did you get her number?

Stitch ups from Wellthatsucks

11. Your phone is in police custody.

Well that sucks… from Wellthatsucks

12. Who’s ready to eat?!?!

13. What’s drywall?

A friend sent me this picture today. from Wellthatsucks

14. Joe, are you out there?

Packages delivered to the wrong address… from Wellthatsucks

Has anything really embarrassing or humiliating happened to you lately?

Tell us all about it in the comments! C’mon, just let it out!

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