In 2013, while walking their dog in their back yard, a married couple came across several rusty buckets sticking out of their land. The buckets were full of gold coins minted from 1847 to 1894. The total value of all the coins was about $11 million.
There is a Canadian TV anchor…
There is a Canadian TV anchor who translates all the English news into Inuktitut live on air. Igalaaq is the only Inuktitut supper hour TV program in the whole country where unilingual Inuktitut speakers have this one chance, for 30 minutes, to see someone speaking their language.
“The camera on the” United States Air…
The camera on the United States Air Force SR-71 Blackbird reconnaissance jet “could accurately capture the license plate of a car from 80,000 ft (24,384 meters).”
A lot of Cubans living in Havana…
A lot of Cubans living in Havana are considered illegal in their own country due to a law that prohibits Cubans from rural parts of the country to move to the capital.
Check out the First Trailer for “A Quiet Place II”
When you’re stalked by creatures that hunt by sound, you’ll do whatever it takes to not make any. That’s the idea behind 2018’s hit film A Quiet Place.
When A Quiet Place opened in theaters, critics and fans alike left already on the lookout for a sequel. I mean, we got a real cliffhanger ending there; what happens with the Abbots and the isolated farm after they survive the blood-thirsty aliens?
Fret no more. A Quiet Place II will be released in March, 2020, and now we have a trailer.
The trailer starts with a flashback to the day the blind, murderous, super-good-at-hearing aliens arrive on Earth. Evelyn, played by Emily Blunt, is driving her car with kids Regan, Marcus and Beau. Captioned as Day 1, it’s a pivotal part of the story that jump-starts the thrilling terror.
Then, we move on to what we assume happened after the first film ended. Evelyn, Regan and Marcus, along with Evelyn’s newborn, are on foot, carrying their belongings on a journey through a desolate landscape…and still staying silent.
Photo Credit: Paramount Pictures
Are there more super-hearing monsters around? Probably.
A new survivor, played by Cillian Murphy, finds them and takes them in, it seems because of the children. He tells her, “The people that are left — they’re not the kind of people worth saving.”
Photo Credit: Paramount Pictures
And John Krasinski is back, buttttt only behind the camera as director. He and Blunt, his wife, are bringing us what looks to be a fun, terrifying conclusion to a story that managed to keep us on the edge of our seats from the beginning.
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Here Are the 5 Presidents With the Highest IQ Scores
This should get a whole lot of people arguing due to the current political climate in this country, but what the heck! Let’s do it anyway!
A researcher and psychologist from the University of California, Davis named Dean Simonton put together a list of what he estimates IQs of the American presidents to be after the age of 18 – although, to be clear, the research was done in 2006 and only extends from George Washington to George W. Bush.
Simonton took into account intellectual brilliance and openness to establish his estimates. Let’s take a look at the results!
1. John Quincy Adams
John Quincy Adams (1767-1848) was the sixth American president and, according to Dean Simonton’s research, had an IQ of 175. Adams was a Harvard graduate, studied all over the world, and spoke seven languages.
2. Thomas Jefferson
Jefferson (1743-1826) was a Founding Father and the third president of the United States. Simonton places his IQ at 160 – and, oh right, he helped write a little document called the Declaration of Independence.
3. James Madison
James Madison (1751-1836) was another brilliant Founding Father, and he had an estimated IQ of 160. Madison, called the “Father of the Constitution,” helped write the Bill of Rights.
4. John F. Kennedy
JFK (1917-1963) graduated from Harvard in 1940, was a war hero during World War II, and became the second-youngest president in U.S. history. He also had an IQ of 159.8. Not too bad…
5. Bill Clinton
Say what you want about Bill Clinton (1946- ), he’s a very smart guy. Clinton served two terms as the 42nd American president and he sports an IQ of 159. He studied at Georgetown and Yale.
Rounding out the top 10 were:
6. Jimmy Carter
7. Woodrow Wilson
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8. John Adams
9. Teddy Roosevelt
10. James Garfield
Now, we know you have some opinions about this. Let us know in the comments!
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Was McDonald’s Better When We Were Kids? You Bet It Was!
Back when us olde rfolks were growing up in the 1980s and ’90s, going to McDonald’s was definitely not a twice or more a week sort of event that happened because mom (cough, cough) didn’t plan very well. Not by a long shot.
It was a special occasion that was fun and nutritious!
Well, maybe not nutritious. But definitely fun – at McDonald’s there was stuff to do and clowns to see and gifts to get.
Scroll with me down memory lane and see for yourself.
1. Happy Meal Toys
So many great toys that you couldn’t play with until you ate everything and drank all your soda because they didn’t have milk haha.
2. The Employees
They smiled and wore nice smocks and they actually liked kids.
Photo Credit: Flickr
3. Playplaces
Sometimes our moms would take us there just to let us play when the weather was bad and we couldn’t stand to be indoors anymore. And someone would always leave their shoes in the cubby, lol.
4. Officer Big Mac
Big Mac jail was fun. We would fight to see who would go in.
Photo Credit: Wikimedia
5. The Nintendo 64 Kiosk
Times were tough back then. Not everyone had a new N64 with those super awesome graphics.
But McDonald’s had them for us to play with.
6. Burger Stools
Yes, they were hard to sit on. Yes, they were super cool. Yes, you raced your sister to get your choice of seat.
Photo Credit: Yelp
7. McDonald’s Halloween Buckets
An autumn essential presented to you by your favorite neighborhood McDonald’s.
8. McDonald’s Pizza
It was good. Deal.
McDonald’s Pizza in the early 90’s. It was shockingly good from pics
I don’t know what to tell you children of 2000 and later. You missed the golden years of the golden arches. The food is still decent and you might get a smile from a cashier wearing a logo-ed golf shirt, but it’s not the dreamland of yesteryear.
We just didn’t know what we had.
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10 Food Charts for Reaching Healthier Eating Goals
Want to get healthier? Maybe need to change up your diet?
The best way to reach a goal like that is to start with a plan. A plan will help you stay on track and prevent you from having to make choices when you are hungry – cause that’s not when you want to be picking your meals out.
If you don’t know where to begin, these food charts are a great kick-start.
1. Deli meat Alternatives
One way to cut out processed food is to watch how much deli meat you are eating. This chart gives you tasty alternatives.
2. Snacking at Work
Mindless eating at work is bad. Check out these more thoughtful choices.
3. Refrigerator Storage Times
Spoiler alert: meat does not keep indefinitely in the fridge or freezer. Bone up on limits to keeping food in your refrigerator.
4. Fruit
Not necessarily a low-cal food. Figure out how much fruit will actually help you meet your daily calorie intake goal.
5. Low Calorie Swaps
Eat this and not that if you want to reduce calories but not taste.
5. 6 Ways to Pizza
Pizza can be healthy. See all the ways here.
6. Muscle Meats
Portion control is an excellent way to healthier eating. Learn to eyeball your servings.
8. Meat
Make sure you’re getting enough protein with this chart.
9. Vitamins and Minerals
Don’t overlook the importance of these healthful building blocks.
10. Calorie and Protein Chart
Nothing can stop from healthier eating when you use this food chart for meal planning.
Planning, shopping and prepping will be your keys to healthier eating. Get educated and save these informative food charts as your first step to eating better and feeling better.
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A ‘Star Wars’ Uber-Fan Has Had Enough of Your Complaints About the Newest Films
People are pretty sensitive about their fandoms, and that seems to go double (or triple) for Star Wars fanatics. It could be because the franchise has been around since the 70s, because it’s tied to so many of our childhoods, or because more than one generation has now claimed it as their own, but folks have been downright salty about the handling of this final chapter.
That said, there is at least one person who isn’t here for your complaints, and he’s clapped back in an epic twitter thread.
It begins with him informing young ‘uns about the horrors that were watching Episodes 1-3 for the first time, in a theater.
Oh no! Your Star Wars had some “inconsistencies”? So sad.
Listen here motherfucker. I saw Episode 1-3 in theaters. I sat through shit you couldn’t imagine. Jar-Jar Binks. BackFlipping Yoda. Midichloreans. Space diners. That’s right, a FUCKING SPACE DINER. AND YOU HAVE THE NERVE-
— Jesse McLaren (@McJesse) December 20, 2017
Yes, a space diner.
No, this isn’t a screenshot from a 1998 PC game that came in a cereal box. This shit was what I had to sit through. You get beautiful, imaginative fight sequences on salt sprinkled red planets. I got space diner. Go fuck yourself.
— Jesse McLaren (@McJesse) December 20, 2017
And goes on to address issues with how Luke Skywalker and Palpatine were treated soooo unfairly boohoo.
Aww, you didn’t get enough Luke Skywalker as you wanted??? So sad! You bastards, I sat through 9 hours spread out over the better part of a decade to see Darth Vader and when he finally showed up he basically only said one word.
— Jesse McLaren (@McJesse) December 20, 2017
You thought the bad guy was too two dimensional and **SPOILER** got disappointingly sabered in half before we could learn more about him? OH GEE. I CAN’T IMAGINE WHAT THAT’S LIKE.
— Jesse McLaren (@McJesse) December 20, 2017
We aren’t here for your bs expectations of logic, newbies.
What’s that? Carrie Fisher shouldn’t have been able to survive in space? Yeah I guess that is unrealistic. Especially when you consider HER MOTHER DIED WHEN SHE WAS YOUNG AND HEALTHY BECAUSE SHE WAS IN A SHITTY MOOD ONCE.
— Jesse McLaren (@McJesse) December 20, 2017
Then we get reminders of how terrible these two moments were…
You all sicken me.
— Jesse McLaren (@McJesse) December 20, 2017
— Jesse McLaren (@McJesse) December 20, 2017
Before he hightails it because the Prequel Fans (all 5 of them) have come out in force.
Oh god, I’ve upset the corner of the internet that loves the prequels, may the force be with me.
— Jesse McLaren (@McJesse) December 20, 2017
The moral of the story? Sit down and enjoy your Rian Johnson and JJ Abrams Star Wars because nothing is more disappointing than 1-3.
Don’t @ me.
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The Giant Chinese Paddlefish Is the First Animal to Be Officially Declared Extinct This Decade
This definitely isn’t something an animal would hope for – and it’s a headline I’m sure we all wish would have been delayed at least a little bit later into the new decade – but scientists have now declared the giant Chinese paddlefish to officially be extinct.
The freshwater fish, one of the world’s largest, was last seen in 2003, and it is thought to have effectively ceased to exist between 2005 and 2010. But while it’s been gone for a while, it also takes a while to verify 100% that a species has totally disappeared.
The Chinese paddlefish, which was one of the largest freshwater fish species, once grew to 7 metres long! Today, this creature has officially been declared extinct.
(Credit: Shutterstock)
— Extinct Animals
(@Extinct_AnimaIs) January 7, 2020
“Based on 210 sightings of Chinese paddlefish during the period 1981-2003, we estimated that the timing of extinction to be by 2005, no later than 2010.”
The fish lived primarily in the Yangtze River, the longest river in Asia, where it had swum for millions of years. But dams, overfishing, river ports, and pollution drove it pas the brink. Those same factors have contributed to the extinction of at least three large endemic species, say the authors of a study published in Science of the Total Environment.
“The mega river ecosystem of the Yangtze River was one home to diverse aquatic megafauna but is increasingly affected by various anthropogenic stressors that have result in continuous loss of biodiversity.”
The fish’s lineage stretched back 75 million years, and it was first declared critically endangered by the IUCN in 1996. Though its rarity and struggle earned it the nickname “panda of the Yangtze River,” it wasn’t so simple to bring back from the brink as the panda was. In the end, nothing could save the fish from disappearing.
Experts just declared Chinese paddlefish to be extinct. Once the largest fish inhabiting the longest river in China, it used to be mistaken as a water monster, as shown in this Ming painting (14-16 c). A 10-year fishing ban on the river is now in place, but too late for the fish.
— Jin Xu (@xujnx) January 7, 2020
The paper also noted that the fish had been “functionally extinct,” meaning not enough breeding pairs existed to ensure survival, since way back in 1993, and the last live sighting was in 2003.
The final piece of image evidence of life was captured in 2009.
“We respect the evaluation model and experts from the IUCN,” said co-author Wei Qiwei, “although we accept this result with a heavy heart.”
Many more of the 4,000 species that call the river home are also in trouble, from the finless porpoise to the Chinese sturgeon. Though Beijing has announced a 10-year commercial fishing ban on the Yangtze, experts fear it will be too little too late. Two huge, recently constructed dams may have put the final nails in the endangered species’ coffins already.
The Chinese paddlefish, one of the largest freshwater fish species which had survived for millions of years, has been declared extinct.
— CNN (@CNN) January 12, 2020
“The fishing ban is a key measure to effectively curb the decline of the river’s ecosystem and any further drop in biodiversity,” claimed Yu Zhenkang, vice-minister of agriculture and rural affairs.
That may be true, but if the river is dammed all up and down its length, which it is, then these animals won’t have the space they need to survive, fishing or no.
And as with promises from any government these days, when it comes to the environment, I expect it will be the scientists who are, sadly, correct.
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