Check out These Funny One-Star Movie Reviews From Amazon

There are a lot of armchair film critics out there, huh?

Especially now that every single person on the planet can review every single thing on the planet whenever they feel like it. But that leaves us with a whole bunch of hilarious one-star movie reviews from very unsatisfied customers.

Here are some reviews that will probably leave you laughing.

1. That’s a good point.

2. Didn’t even watch the whole thing.

3. Not women, but children.

4. Damn liberal propaganda.

5. Neil Armstrong definitely saw aliens, so I don’t why they left them out in the movie.

6. Not a fan of guys in tights.

7. Those poor criminals.

8. The movie came out in 1939.

9. Maybe he was lying?

10. Cold is a way better title.

11. Hahahaha. This is good.

12. I think he rented the wrong movie.

13. Sounds like a loving parent.

14. By the way, it’s not a documentary.

15. And then there’s this classic review.

Those are priceless!

Have you seen any hilarious movie reviews lately? If so, tell us about them in the comments!

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Enjoy Some Funny Posts About the Pains of Adulting

Remember when you were young and you couldn’t wait to be all grown up?

Like me, you probably thought it would be a never-ending party full of fun and games. And then…you realize it’s nothing like that at all and reality sets in. Being an adult can be a real drag, huh?

These tweets about adultiing should make you laugh…and maybe cry just a little bit.

1. What am I even doing here?

2. What’s the point of this?

3. $$$$$$$$$$

4. Tell me what I’m doing wrong.

5. Yes, pretty much.

6. The trifecta.

7. Now I get it…

8. Knickknacks for days.

9. Gonna start very soon.

10. A truthful haiku.

11. Let’s see where this one came from…

12. Ehhhh, it is what it is.

13. This is lame.

14. Sometimes even 8:30.

15. All the good stuff.

Do us a big favor: tell us about the most painful lesson you learned after you officially became an adult.

Let’s compare notes!

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Nearly 200 People Have Been Arrested in Connection With the Devastating Brushfires in Australia

Australia’s bushfires have had an awful effect on the country’s landscape, residents, and the economy. Though a certain number of fires is normal, it turns out people have been making it a lot worse – and not just by contributing to climate change.

Authorities now reveal that nearly 200 people have been arrested for of bushfire-related misdeeds since November 2019.

Arrests have been made in the states of Tasmania, New South Wales, Victoria, South Australia, and Queensland.

Photo Credit: Wikimedia Commons

A total of 183 people have been arrested in relation to 205 offenses according to the latest data. Police in the Australian state of Queensland have found that 103 bushfires were set on purpose. 98 people have been detained in connection to these, and 67 of the perpetrators are underage.

In New South Wales, 53 people will deal with legal consequences because they reportedly ignored the total-fire bans in place. 24 people have been charged for setting bushfires on purpose.

Photo Credit: Wikimedia Commons

The Sydney Morning Herald also reports that 47 people allegedly discarded matches or lit cigarettes improperly, and they are facing charges as a result.

These fires are no joke. Thus far, they have scorched an area of land double the size of Maryland, or roughly 13 million acres.

Because fire in Australia is such a problem, persons caught lighting tobacco or related products near hay, corn, standing crop, or grain can be fined up to $5,500. Lighting a fire during the implementation of a total fire ban, on the other hand, could result in a fine of $5,500 or 12 months in prison.

Those who are formally charged with starting a bushfire could face jail time of up to 25 years.

In the meantime, it’s important to note that although humans may have started some – not all – of the bushfires that have torn through the Aussie countryside, climate change is widely believed to have significantly exacerbated their destructive power. The areas of Australia most affected have had years of drought, and the world is coming off the hottest decade ever recorded, both of which have combined to crisp Australian vegetation into the perfect kindling.

Though some in Australia have been blaming the fires on arson for political purposes – primarily to deny culpability for or the existence of climate change – these fires would not have been so destructive without the warming and drying effects of climate change, and if the world does not step back from the brink, it is possible that this fire season could become the new Australian normal.

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People Really Love the New Fruit Bat Quarter

This year is not off to a great start. We’ve got raging wildfires, a government in turmoil and Megxit to deal with. But all is not lost.

Y’all, we have bat quarters now.

As part of the United States Mint’s America the Beautiful Quarters Program commemorating the country’s national parks and sites, the bat quarter honors the National Park of American Samoa.

According to the U.S. Mint:

“The reverse (tails) design depicts a Samoan fruit bat mother hanging in a tree with her pup. The image evokes the remarkable care and energy that this species puts into their offspring. The design is intended to promote awareness to the species’ threatened status due to habitat loss and commercial hunting.”

Expect to see this special coin in circulation starting in February.

There are 56 coins featuring each state, the District of Columbia and the five U.S. territories–Puerto Rico, Guam, American Samoa, U.S. Virgin Islands and the Northern Mariana Islands.

Social media users went wild over the new design.

One user went straight for the Batman jokes–low hanging fruit.

Others showed they were pretty batty about the new currency.

And some took the opportunity to ask for an update on the postponed Harriet Tubman $20 bill.

Other coins to expect are:

  • Weir Farm National Historic Site in Connecticut
  • Salt River Bay National Historical Park and Ecological Preserve in the U.S. Virgin Islands
  • Marsh-Billings-Rockefeller National Historical Park in Vermont
  • Tallgrass Prairie National Preserve in Kansas

But the bat quarter is meeting all my currency expectations for this year, so I’m good.

How about you? Love the new bat quarter? Let us know in the comments.

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Before and After Photos Show the Horrific Effects of Australian Fires in Kangaroo Island

The world has been watching fires devastate Australia for months now. About one-third of Kangaroo Island has been decimated, in addition to significant damage in New South Wales and Victoria.

Located on the southern coast off of Australia, Kangaroo Island was until recently home to many koalas and wallabies. But since the fires began, approximately 20,000 koalas have died. The fires have also taken the lives of two people on the island and destroyed 50 homes.

The Guardian reports that Kangaroo Island was previously a haven for many endangered species endemic to Australian. Its fairy tale-esque settings were a quiet home for the many animals that lived there, and the natural beauty of the island attracted tourists from all over the world.

Photos show the extent of the damage. This is Flinders Chase National Park in 2017.

Sadly, this is a recent shot of the same area.

Posted by Kayne Davis on Monday, January 6, 2020

More from the burned-out forest:

It was a harrowing first day for our team on Kangaroo Island, words cannot describe the wildlife devastation we have…

Posted by Humane Society International Australia on Saturday, January 11, 2020

HSI Kangaroo Island koala rescue

Another non-stop day scouring Kangaroo Island for signs of life. As we were putting in a water station CEO Erica Martin spotted another survivor that would turn out to be our last rescue for the day.If you would like to donate and support ongoing recovery and rehabilitation efforts you can do so at

Posted by Humane Society International Australia on Sunday, January 12, 2020

The island was also home to the Southern Ocean Lodge, a luxury resort in Kangaroo Island.

Many have done their part to rescue koalas and other animals who have lost their homes, food, and sources of water.

NASA has also shown sobering images of what the ecologically diverse island has lost.

Even if these fires eventually stop, which they presumably will, local channel 9News says new fires could start again because of the summer hot weather coupled with many years of drought.

The Australian government has set up a help page for those interested in assisting residents of Kangaroo Island. You can also help by donating to volunteer firefighters, who are the primary force fighting to control these fires.

No matter that the fires will eventually come under control, these pictures are a reminder of what humanity has lost.

Feel free to share your thoughts and wishes in the comments section below. Maybe sharing your opinion could inspire others to take action.

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Good News: Owning a Cat Is Good for Your Health

This is great news for anyone who’s ever been pegged as a “crazy cat lady”: being a cat lady is actually good for your health. Science says so.

Owning a cat can help reduce stress, and it’s good for your heart, too.

One study in the Journal of Vascular and Interventional Neurology found that cat ownership can be beneficial to heart health in multiple ways. Cat owners in the study showed a lower risk of death by heart attack and all cardiovascular diseases, including stroke.

Also, petting your cat is a known stress reliever. Cuddling with your cat releases oxytocin, the “cuddle chemical,” which in turn reduces stress, according to NBC News.

Another study found that cat lovers are more open-minded, smarter and more sensitive than dog lovers.

Photo Credit: Pixabay

So why the assumption that cats aren’t good for your health?

Well, there’s an age-old myth holds that cats can literally drive you crazy. This stems, in part, from the fact that cat feces can sometimes contain Toxoplasma gondii, a parasite that can cause toxoplasmosis. It’s an infection that actually can lead to psychosis (contaminated water and undercooked meat can also cause toxoplasmosis).

Not all cats carry the parasite though, and even if you get infected, you’ll likely be fine. A recent study in Psychological Medicine found no relationship between cat ownership and psychosis later in life.

“The Centers for Disease Control estimates that more than 60 million people in the United States may be infected with the Toxoplasma parasite through all means, including cats,” David Haworth, doctor of veterinary medicine, Ph.D., and president of PetSmart Charities told NBC News. “But very few people show symptoms because a healthy person’s immune system usually keeps the parasite from causing illness.”

Photo Credit: Pixabay

So there you have it, cat people. Cats don’t drive you crazy; on the contrary, they’re good for you.

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In 1951, Bing Crosby was initially…

In 1951, Bing Crosby was initially denied entrance to a Canadian hotel for wearing his Levi’s denim jeans. Levi’s got wind and presented him with a denim tuxedo jacket at a celebration In Nevada, where he was honorary mayor. The term, “Canadian Tuxedo” is believed to have come from these events.

There was no mention of Apple…

There was no mention of Apple as the Forbidden Fruit. Possible fruits include apple, grape, pomegranate, fig, carob, etrog or citron, pear, and mushrooms. There was a misunderstanding of – or a pun on – mălum, a native Latin noun which means evil and mālum, borrowed from Greek μῆλον or apple.

European dragons are mostly…

European dragons are mostly featured as evil creatures, greedily hoarding gold, breathing fire on innocents, leaving a path of destruction in its wake. Asian dragons, however, are benevolent creatures, bringing good luck and prosperity wherever it goes.