Enjoy Some Great Dog Posts and Make Your Week Even Better

I love a great dog post. LOVE ‘EM!

And I’ll tell you what, these pooches really made my day – no…my week!

Get to know these lovable pups by scrolling through these photos.

1. That’s what I’m talking about!

2. Louie Louie!

3. That’s nice.

4. OMG I love this.

5. Smile for the camera.

6. Best TikTok ever.

7. Make her feel better.

8. That was really high!

9. Going for a walk.

10. Chasing shadows.

11. Good boy, Gordon!

12. I love the outfit.

13. Looks like paradise.

14. Running the meeting.

15. Changed his tune.

Do us a favor! Show us a pic of your good pooch in the comments!

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Check Out These Photos Of Cringeworthy Design Fails

Design fails really are everywhere, huh?

These people had one job…ONE JOB!

We think these major fails might make you cringe in a major way…

Take a look.

1. Come on in!

Photo Credit: Reddit

2. Mismatched colors.

Photo Credit: Reddit

3. Might not be the best place for a statue.

Photo Credit: Reddit

4. Don’t vape it!

Photo Credit: Reddit

5. The biggest Caps Lock key of all time.

Photo Credit: Reddit

6. A room with a view.

Photo Credit: Reddit

7. Hmmmm…

Photo Credit: Reddit

8. Is this working?

Photo Credit: Reddit

9. Kind of terrifying.

Photo Credit: Reddit

10. An interesting choice.

Photo Credit: Reddit

11. WOW.

Photo Credit: Reddit

12. Mixed messages.

Photo Credit: Reddit

13. Don’t do that!

Photo Credit: Reddit

14. Nightmares…

Photo Credit: Reddit

15. Ready to Body Fat?!?!

Photo Credit: Reddit

Those sure ain’t pretty, I’ll tell ya that much…

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Robert Downey Jr. only got clean because…

Robert Downey Jr. only got clean because his girlfriend (now wife) saw him on drugs, then gave him an ultimatum of quitting or losing her. He stopped at a Burger King on the coast and threw his drugs in the ocean. She is now known around Hollywood as “the Miracle That Saved Robert Downey.”

Up to the early 1970s, credit…

Up to the early 1970s, credit cards were reserved for men, women could get a credit card if their husbands cosigned on the application. The Equal Credit Opportunity Act (1974) made it unlawful to discriminate on the basis of race, color, religion, national origin, sex, or marital status.

Enjoy These Funny Tweets from Some Hysterical Ladies

We say this all the time, but we need to repeat it because it’s so true: the ladies on Twitter are absolutely hysterical.

And here are 15 more that you’ll probably start following after you scroll through these tweets.

Get ready to LOL!

1. That is amazing.

2. Mom is quite crafty.

3. Had to do it.

4. Looks like a cat burrito.

5. I’m freakin’ out!

6. Why is that?

7. Yeah, that’s kinda weird.

8. That cat is a movie star.

9. That is a terrible idea.

10. That’s a great question…

11. Isn’t that always how it works?

12. You deserve a new home.

13. Obviously you’re not part of a power couple.

14. God did indeed grow up.

15. He probably does…

Keep making us laugh, ladies!

We can’t get enough of it!

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WOOP Is a Research-Backed Method to Help You Achieve Your Goals

All of us could use a little boost when it comes to hitting the goals we set for ourselves, right? A lot of folks out there have tried all different kinds of plans and methods to motivate themselves, but it’s just not easy.

Luckily, there is one that is backed up by research, and you might want to consider implementing it into your own life.

It’s called WOOP, which stands for wish, outcome, obstacle, plan. It’s a mental strategy meant to help you realize and achieve your goals. It’s also been called “mental contrasting.”

Here are the four, easy-to-follow steps to WOOP.

1. Identify your wish.

Your wish or goal could be something big like getting a new job or something small(ish), like going to the gym four or five days a week.


2. Identify the best possible outcome if that wish came true.

Ask yourself how you would feel if you achieved that goal. What would the best possible outcome be from the situation? If a new job would relieve the stress in your life, maybe feeling calmer in your everyday life would be the best outcome.

Roman Cab

3. Recognize the obstacles that currently keep you from achieving that goal. 

Ask yourself this question: what is holding you back from achieving your goal? And, in turn, from feeling the best possible outcome? Maybe you don’t feel like you’re good enough for a new job? Maybe you don’t have any connections that could land you an interview for that new gig?

Manon a Job Interview

4. Make a plan to reach the goal.

How can you start to overcome these obstacles? Maybe you could start emailing or reaching out to a few people every week to make the connections you need to get your foot in the door at a new company. Maybe you can completely re-do your resume and send it out to all your friends and former co-workers, expressing your interest in getting a new job. You should also ask yourself, “What’s the worst that could happen?” to try to put your fears to rest.


As I mentioned earlier, WOOP doesn’t have to be for huge, momentous decisions. You can use this method for smaller things, like cleaning your house or exercising more. The folks behind WOOP say that it can “support all areas of behavior change. It is for people who feel stuck and don’t know what to do. It is also for people whose lives seem just fine but who feel they can do better. And it is for people who face a particular challenge or transition.”

And the research doesn’t lie. Study participants who followed WOOP doubled the amount of exercise they did over a four-month period. They ate 30% more fruits and vegetables over a two-year period. And WOOP helped people with diabetes improve their self-care.

And those are just a few examples of how it was effective.

What do you think about WOOP? Have you tried it? Did it work for you? Maybe you have some other methods for reaching your goals?

Tell us what works for you in the comments!

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An Incredible Photo Shows a 65-Foot Hawaiian Lava Dome

This is really something else…

The Mauna Ulu eruption of Kilauea Volcano in Hawaii lasted from 1969 to 1974 – a total of 1,774 days. Back then, it was Kilauea’s longest recorded eruption, producing approximately 460 million cubic yards of lava over those 5 years. It was truly a rare natural phenomenon.

Recently, the US Geological Survey posted this photograph from 1969, taken by photographer J.B. Judd. The image was of a rare dome fountain of lava measuring approximately 65 feet high. It was one of 12 dome fountains occurring the first year of the eruption. The flow of lava was so heavy, it reached 7.5 miles out into the ocean.

This particular fountain began on October 10, 1969 and lasted until October 13, and it may have reached the enormous height of ~245 feet. What made this phenomenon so special, aside from its massive size, was its orb shape. Typically, lava fountains look like geysers, spraying molten stone up into the air.

In the tweeted photo, the dome looks like it’s occurring on water. It is, in fact, on the land. The dark grey matter in the foreground that looks like waves are actually flows of lava.

Photo Credit: U.S. Geological Society

Fountains are caused when gas bubbles in molten rock near(ish) to the surface trigger an eruption of lava from a lava lake, fissure or vent. A rapid expansion occurs, which eventually explodes outward in a fountaining event.

Photo Credit: U.S. Geological Society

The Mauna Ulu eruption, though it lasted five years, isn’t even close to the longest running volcanic eruption. That title now goes to Pu‘u ‘Ō‘ō, which has been erupting continuously since 1983.

But the images above of Kilauea are an impressive reminder of the destructive power of active  volcanos – and Hawaii’s got a whole bunch of them.

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Meet the Indigenous Athletes Who Are Running for Their People

A lot of young kids who play high school sports never think twice about who’s watching them, what it could mean to the larger world if they win or lose, and what traditions or expectations might be riding on their shoulders.

Even fewer know what it feels like to compete as a symbol of an entire people. When now-college student Rosalie Fish ran for Muckleshoot Tribal School near Seattle, she realized she was not just the face of the Cowlitz Tribe of southwest Washington, but of indigenous people everywhere.


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In middle school, Rosalie liked running with her friends, improving her times, and staying in shape. But at the new tribal high school, things were different.

“They told me, ‘Oh, well, you know, track is a little spotty in attendance. And I said, ‘Ok. That doesn’t affect me.’”

When she went to her first practice, she realized she would be the only runner – all of the other kids were doing field events.

When Muckleshoot attended events, Rosalie said sometimes she wasn’t even invited to run, despite having times that should have easily qualified her.

Once, when she called to ask why, she was shocked at the racist response she received.

“They asked me if I even had a uniform. I guess I was just really naive to the type of racism and prejudice that comes in through sports because I’m white-passing. So I never really experienced that firsthand like I did with having ‘Muckleshoot Tribal School’ on my uniform.”

She experienced similar discrimination and hate while playing basketball and cheering for the boys’ teams in several sports. Once, she found graffiti on a bathroom wall that said ‘Indian Savages’ and ‘Indian Drunks live off the government.’ She couldn’t help but think of what the younger students at the school – including her own siblings – would feel if they saw.

“I think I felt more let down than anything. Almost, like, disappointment – like, ‘This is still something that I have to fight. I can’t believe that this is the way that people still perceive us’ – and maybe sad in the fact that this is something that my younger siblings are going to have to challenge, that these are some things that all of the middle school and elementary schoolers at tribal school are going to have to face.”

She looked at running as a way to prove to everyone else that they were wrong about native people everywhere, so she started doing harder workouts and practicing six days a week. She changed her diet and even ditched friends who weren’t supported of her newfound passion.

At first, she let the internalized discrimination get to her, but as she began to hit, then exceed her expectations, her confidence grew.

“If I go to my next meet and I just biff it, they’re not going to look at me as some kid who wasn’t ready. They’re going to look at, you know, the Native girl who didn’t belong there. And that was really what kept me going is knowing that I’m not just representing myself at these meets. I’m representing my tribe, and I’m representing Indigenous people.”

That was when Rosalie realized that she wanted to run for more than herself – she wanted to use her success, and the fact that people were looking at her, to shine a spotlight on something else.

In the United States, murder is the third-leading cause of death among Native women, and in Canada, Native women are four times as likely to be murdered as their non-Native counterparts.

In recent years, activists had begun to shine a spotlight on this present and growing issue – one that is near and dear to Rosalie’s heart because her aunt, Alice Looney, was murdered in 2004.

“I grew up seeing lots of missing poster signs of Native girls and Native women – or just stories of Native women being murdered. And then it wasn’t until people started talking about it kind of online and in Indian Country Today and these kinds of platforms where I would see ‘missing and murdered Indigenous women epidemic.’”

That’s when Rosalie learned about Native runner Jordan Marie Daniel, who competed in the Boston Marathon with a red handprint over her mouth and MMIW (Missing and Murdered Indigenous Women) painted down her leg.

She dedicated each mile of her race to a different missing woman, the paint meant to symbolize how many of her people had been silenced by violence.

For Rosalie, it was a moment when she stopped feeling hopeless and began to feel as if she could do something to help.

With the state track meet coming up, Rosalie knew she had a chance to have a platform. She messaged Jordan Marie Daniel on Instagram, asking permission to borrow her idea.

“And I said, ‘Of course,’” Jordan told WBUR. “I felt very inspired that she was inspired by me.”

Rosalie was star-struck and freaking out, but it didn’t take long for the two to become close – they called each other ‘sister’ in their languages, and Jordan told Rosalie to reach out any time she needed to talk. And Rosalie did reach out, after running her state races with a red handprint over her mouth, each one dedicated to a missing or murdered Indigenous woman, one of whom was her aunt.

“It was my first time not running for myself. And everybody kept asking me, you know, ‘How does it feel to be a state champion? How does it feel to be up there on the podium with this gold medal?’ And I kind of just wanted to tell them to leave me alone.”

She struggled, though, feeling that winning a high school state championship was frivolous compared to the lives of these women who were disappearing and dying at an alarming rate.

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This was a very emotional and very powerful weekend for me. I was inspired and supported by marathon runner and activist Jordan Marie Daniels to run for Missing and Murdered Indigenous Women. I dedicated my 1600 to Alice Looney, my 800 to Jacqueline Salyers, my 3200 to Renee Davis, and my 400 to Misty Upham. Wellpinit runner Gabriel Kieffer also donated a medal to Misty. I am honored by the families that allowed me to represent these women and I am blessed to be able to run for them. MTS King’s girl’s team placed for the first time (4th) at state championships with only three competitors. While my other two teammates are much younger than me, I learned a lot from them. I’m so excited to see what they do for MTS and Indian Country in the future.

A post shared by Rosalie Fish (@rosaliefishx) on

“The whole event – state championships – felt so insignificant to the issue I was representing. I didn’t feel like celebrating. I didn’t – I couldn’t celebrate, and I had run a slower time than I anticipated because everything felt so heavy. And so I went and I messaged Jordan that night and I asked her, ‘What’s going on?’ Like, ‘Is this normal?’”

Luckily for Rosalie, Jordan knew exactly what she meant – she told WBUR that the emotional and mental toll of running races for women who had lost their lives had caused her to stop racing.

“It’s not just the fact that it’s an epidemic; it’s the details of some of the research that I do and finding the names thatI want to run for and who I want to run for and dedicate it to. And it’s those details of what happened to them that are in my head and, you know, it’s creating a very dark environment for me.”

She had to face the fact that her activism was causing her depression and anxiety, and she decided to take care of her own mental health for awhile.

After talking to Jordan, who advised her to remember she was honoring those missing and Indigenous women to the best of her ability, Rosalie felt renewed in her mission. Instead of pushing herself just to win, she went out wanting to conduct herself in a way that represented the missing women with integrity and strength.

“I absolutely still felt heavy when I ran, but I felt more prepared.”

Rosalie is now running track at Iowa Central Community College, she’s still close to Jordan Marie Daniel, and she still dedicates her races to those women who remain so close to her heart.

She plans to continue “until I feel like I don’t have to anymore.”

I think we can all agree that we hope that happens sooner than later, but until then, keep running Rosalie. We’re all cheering you on.

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These History Memes Just Might Teach You Something

For some reason, a lot of kids don’t like history in middle and high school. Personally, I think it has something to do with so many history teachers at those levels being coaches who do the bare minimum in the classroom…but that might just be my own experience talking.

I’m someone who grew to love history in college and beyond, so I love to see the interesting bits finding new, awestruck minds on the internet.

To that end, here are 16 history memes that just might teach you something new today!

16. Here are you still hungry?

Image Credit: Imgur

15. The cleverness. It burns.

Image Credit: Imgur

14. Yes, let’s do that insanity.

Image Credit: Imgur

13. Yes. This is the collective expression on France’s face.

Image Credit: Imgur

12. Until you end up there yourself. Womp womp.

Image Credit: Imgur

11. Spoiler alert…it’s not the army.

Image Credit: Imgur

10. A more accurate depiction I have not seen.

Image Credit: Imgur

9. I need more for my collection.

Image Credit: Imgur

8. It’s always the season.

Image Credit: Imgur

7. This just made me laugh for real. The bread would be a lot more pleasant.

Image Credit: Imgur

6. It’s always the barbarians. Dammit.

Image Credit: Imgur

5. You’d best rethink that strategy.

Image Credit: Imgur

4. Yep, it’s just that creepy.

Image Credit: Imgur

3. At least have the sense to look ashamed.

Image Credit: Imgur

2. With their own stick. Damn.

Image Credit: Imgur

1. This wins best photoshop award.

Image Credit: Imgur

I can’t say for sure that I learned anything new, but these memes definitely never get old.

How about you? Did you learn something? Share it with us in the comments!

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