Here Is Every Western Literary Movement in History Summed up with Single Sentences

Are you a history and literature buff?

Well, whether you do (and will know what we’re talking about here and probably feel a bit superior about the whole thing) or don’t (who has time for that stuff, anyway?) there’s a good chance you’ll get a chuckle out of these “layman’s” summaries of histories literary movements.

Courtesy of World Circus.

Please. Enjoy.

Old English

Image Credit: Facebook

Middle English

Image Credit: Facebook


Image Credit: Facebook


Image Credit: Facebook

Late Renaissance

Image Credit: Facebook

Age of Enlightenment

Image Credit: Facebook

Sturm und Drang

Image Credit: Facebook


Image Credit: Facebook


Image Credit: Facebook


Image Credit: Facebook

Gothic Literature

Image Credit: Facebook


Image Credit: Facebook

Literature of the Absurd

Image Credit: Facebook


Image Credit: Facebook

The Beat Generation

Image Credit: Facebook

The Lost Generation

Image Credit: Facebook

The Harlem Renaissance

Image Credit: Facebook


Image Credit: Facebook


Image Credit: Facebook


Image Credit: Facebook

Magical Realism

Image Credit: Facebook

There you have it – don’t you feel smarter now? I know I do!

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The Roaming Charges on Eagles’ GPS Trackers Bankrupt Russian Researcher Team

Now, this is certainly interesting.

Some steppe eagles got into trouble with their researchers for sending text messages that resulted in huge cell phone bills.

Bad, bad birds!

Researchers at the Russian Raptors Research and Conservation Network were studying the steppe eagles to learn more about their summer migratory patterns. To track the eagles, researchers tagged the birds with GPS monitors that would send their locations via text.

Photo Credit: Needpix

The idea was that the eagles would fly around all summer in a virtually cell tower-less region of Kazakhstan, banking up texts of their GPS coordinates that would eventually get sent when they returned to cell service.

So, yes, the plan worked…almost.

The birds spent the majority of their time in the area researchers assumed they would. And the researchers received texts whenever the eagles hit a network in other parts of Kazakhstan and Russia.

What the researchers didn’t anticipate were the odd trips into Iran, where there is oodles of cell phone coverage. Unfortunately, the researchers’ cell phone plan didn’t cover that service.

The eagles weren’t only soaring, they were roaming.

Photo Credit: Wikimedia

Everyone knows– except steppe eagles, evidently – that sending text messages without an international calling plan is like throwing money out the window.

What do birds think? That money grows on trees?

The researchers were charged about $0.77 per text, at four per bird per day.

Photo Credit: Wikimedia

In the eagles’ defense, they may have decided to vacay in Iran due to the loss of some of their traditional Kazakh breeding grounds to farmland. At any rate, they literally bankrupted the scientists, who had to turn to social media for fundraising.

Friends and fans of steppe eagles stepped up and covered the birds’ bills (and more) so the research could continue.

Cell phone roaming charges are…for the birds.

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10 Simple Ways You Can Help out the Environment

There are always little things you can do to help out the environment. Even if they seem inconsequential to you, taking small steps adds up – especially when countless other people are out there doing the same thing.

So try to implement these habits into your daily lives, and we’ll all be better for it in the long run.

Cause we’ve got a crisis on our hands, and every little bit helps.

1. Turn down the brightness on your monitor.

Desk Upgrade

You can save up to 20% of your monitor’s energy just by adjusting your brightness from 100% to 70%. Go on and do it now…I’ll wait.

2. Think about your music streaming.


A study says that today’s music streaming might produce up to double the greenhouse gas emissions as compared to music streaming in the early part of this century. Consider downloading music instead of streaming and do a little research about which streaming companies use cleaner energy.

3. Streaming devices are important, too.

RCS_7989 - IPad - Game Changer

A gaming console might use 30 to 45 times as much power to stream a movie than a regular media player.

4. Order more.


If you buy things online, order more than one item at a time. This cuts down on delivery and packaging in the long run.

5. Search engines matter.

Search engine optimization

Different search engines give back to the environment in different ways. For instance, Ecosia donates ad revenue to plant trees and, according to their website, they run net carbon negative. Do some research and see which ones are doing green work.

6. Unplug it.


When you’re not using your charger, unplug it. Simple as that. Phone and laptop chargers draw electricity even if you’re not actively charging a device, so give those breakers…a break.

7. Or use a surge protector.

Surge protector

Surge protectors with an On/Off switch are a good option too for those hard-to-reach plugs.

8. Get on that bike.

Kamilah on a Bike

Biking may actually be faster than driving a car in some American cities, so hop on that bicycle of yours to get to where you’re headed.

9. Spam is bad.


Roughly 62 TRILLION spam emails are sent each year. Something you may not think about often: sending email actually has a carbon footprint from servers working. Which means those spam emails equal about 20 tons of CO2 each year. So go ahead and hit the “Unsubscribe” button, please.

10. Buy used and vintage clothes.

Thrift Store

According to The Economist, “From the pesticides poured on cotton fields to the washes in which denim is dunked, making 1kg of fabric generates 23kg of greenhouse gases on average.” Seems like kind of a waste, doesn’t it? So consider heading to the thrift store instead of grabbing a new flannel.


Give us some of your tips as well in the comments!

We’re in this together, so let’s all do our part, okay?

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Mountain Dew Will Launch a Peach-Flavored Drink Called ‘Happy Dew Year’

Some people absolutely love Mountain Dew…and then there are those who think it’s kind of revolting.

Love it or hate it, a new Mountain Dew flavor is headed your way very soon…a peach-flavored soda called ‘Happy Dew Year.’ The new flavor will launch on December 16, 2019.

According to the Mountain Dew Fandom wiki,

“Happy Dew Year is an upcoming Mountain Dew flavor that will be officially released in stores on December 16th, 2019 and until at the end of 2019 or in early 2020, in the United States as a limited edition flavor for the New Year’s season 2019-2020. It was first leaked via a Reddit conversation which was talked about being some kind of an upcoming soda.”

This news comes shortly after the announcement about Mtn Dew VooDew, a creepy mystery flavor.

People on Reddit seem to be pretty stoked on the new peachy flavor:

“If this is real, I’m gonna have a new favorite dew.”

“Nice to see them dewing more holidays. From Dew.S.A to Dew Year. For Valentines day, instead of Cupid it could be Dewpid. Or, Will U Dew Me?

Will certainly shake this up like a champagne bottle and pour it in a champagne glass. And store some for 20 or so years, let it age…”

Mountain Dew is clearly not messing around – they’re trying to keep their fans engaged with some new, exciting products.

People are still anxiously awaiting official news and details from Mountain Dew about this new concoction, so, for now, you’ll just have to sit tight and wait for that big announcement. Something to look forward to, right?!?!

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Priest Brings Stray Dogs into His Church so They Can Find Loving Homes

Bless this man.

Those are people who talk the talk, and then there are those who walk the walk. And a priest in Brazil named Father João Paulo Araujo Gomes definitely falls into the latter category.

Father Gomes heads a parish in the city of Gravatá, and he allows stray dogs to come into his church during mass. Why, you ask? So the dogs can hopefully find homes with his parishioners.

Posted by PadreJoao Paulo Araujo Gomes on Thursday, August 8, 2019

Any dogs who wander the street are given ample opportunity to participate in mass so guests can get a look at them and decide if they’d like to give these forgotten pooches permanent homes. Father Gomes says, “They will always be able to enter, sleep, eat, drink their water and find shelter and protection, for this house is of God and they are of God.”

Father Gomes has taken the dogs into his rectory and during services they wander around, sleep, and sometimes even get in on the action, looking to be petted by the priest and his flock.

Der Priester Juan Pablo aus Brasilien fängt streunende Hunde ein, badet und versorgt sie und empfiehlt sie dann der…

Posted by Winfried Niederer on Friday, August 23, 2019

Because of Father Gomes’ charity and kindness, dozens of stray dogs have found forever homes in Gravatá – the kind-hearted priest has even adopted some of the dogs himself. He said, “I helped several dogs with serious health problems. Some of them I brought to the parish house, and they were later adopted. Three of them stayed with me. Today, they are my children and sleep in my bed.”

Posted by PadreJoao Paulo Araujo Gomes on Monday, March 11, 2019

Be sure to follow Father Gomes on Facebook to keep up with all of these beautiful animals and their adventures.

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NASA Wants to Send a Probe to Venus’ Infernal Surface

Even though we’ve had our eyes on the Mars prize for some time, a different team of researchers is actually working on getting to Venus.

Venus gets closer to Earth in its orbit than any other planet, yet we have precious little information about the surface – except that it’s close to a living hell.

In 1966, a Soviet space probe crash-landed on the surface, where it lasted a few hours before being destroyed. Now NASA’s Long-Lived In-situ Solar System Explorer, or LLISSE, is looking to last a full 60 days in the reactive atmosphere, crushing pressure and blasting heat found on Venus’ surface. In fact, each probe has to be specially designed to withstand the high temperatures and pressure.

Photo Credit: Wikipedia

Called Earth’s evil twin, Venus is roughly the same size and mass of our home planet. Scientists say it was once water-rich, potentially with the elements necessary for life. But it has since turned into a hell planet with scorching, lead-melting temperatures, pressure comparable to what’s found at the bottom of our deepest oceans and winds whipping like tornados. During the day, sulphuric acid blocks the sun’s rays. The nights each last one hundred Earth-days.

One theory about what happened to make Venus so inhospitable is that, over time, the once huge, shallow ocean evaporated, releasing the super-light hydrogen atoms into space. As hydrogen disappeared, all the carbon-dioxide left in the atmosphere created an out-of-control greenhouse effect. Basically, turbo-charged climate change run utterly amok.

But we really don’t know.

And we can’t know, until we put some equipment on the surface.

Small as a ten-inch cube, LLISSE will piggyback on other space-going craft and then get dropped onto Venus. The unit is made of super hard silicon carbide – also used in sandpaper and lab-made diamonds – to protect it against sulphuric crystals. Like a missile, it will be powered by a heat-activated thermal battery for its 60-day life.

Photo Credit: NASA

NASA engineers need the unit powered for that long to see the change from day to night on Venus. Each Venus day lasts almost four Earth-months. If the unit can get placed late in the day, and if it can stay powered long enough, we’ll be get critical data on the transition for the first time.

Eventually, LLISSE will be used as part of a joint Venus project with the Russian space agency, but, as of right now, it looks as if nothing is getting to the next planet over before 2026. Frankly, it’s not even sure if LLISSE will ever get a trip into space at that point.

But the technology is already here, and Venus isn’t going anywhere.

A visit next door is just a matter of a few more Venus days.

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Enjoy These Halloween Skeletons That Are Posed in a Different Situation Every Day

People celebrate Halloween differently. On one end, you have the folks who barely remember to put out a pumpkin on October 31st, and often it’s not even carved into a Jack-o-lantern! On the other end of the spectrum are the people who turn their home into a haunted house, putting in so much time and effort that spectators travel from miles around just to take a look.

And then, there are Bill and Bob. We don’t know their last names or where they live. All we know is that they take Halloween far more seriously than you or I do.

It starts with a few plastic skeletons. Bob and Bill could easily set up their skeletal decorations in a spooky tableau and call it a day. Instead, they pose them in a completely new situation every day. Their neighbor Sami Campoagnano first noticed Bob and Bill’s handiwork and posted it on Twitter, where it promptly went viral.

The scenes are definitely more funny than scary. Almost all of them involve the skeletons in an everyday mundane situation, which makes it even more absurd. (via Bored Panda)


1. Follow the yellow brick road!

Photo Credit: @sami_grayce

2. Dancing with the Stars

Photo Credit: @sami_grayce

Photo Credit: @sami_grayce

3. Piñata time

Photo Credit: @sami_grayce

4. Rainy day

Photo Credit: @sami_grayce

5. Learning to ride a bike

Photo Credit: @sami_grayce

6. Gone camping

Photo Credit: @sami_grayce

7. Pool party!

Photo Credit: @sami_grayce



9. Yard work

Photo Credit: @sami_grayce

10. Break dancing

Photo Credit: @sami_grayce

11. Feeling the burn

Photo Credit: @sami_grayce

12. Garage sale

Photo Credit: @sami_grayce

13. “Take a little off the top”

Photo Credit: @sami_grayce

14. Happy Easter!

Photo Credit: @sami_grayce

15. Lost at sea

Photo Credit: @sami_grayce


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Playgrounds for Elderly People Increase Activity and Decrease Loneliness

As people get older, they become more isolated. After all, it’s just harder to get out an about, and the people you know have the same trouble.

It’s also a face that often times aging people exercise less, if at all.

So how do we solve the problem? Playgrounds!

I have yet to see one of these in person, but I have to say, I think this is an amazing idea.

The phenomenon of playgrounds for adults is still kind of new in the United States, but the original concept dates back to 1995 in China.

They proved to be very popular in China, and soon spread across the globe to Europe, Canada, Japan, and the U.S. The trend has become especially popular in Spain, where the city of Barcelona alone has more than 300 adult playgrounds.

Playgrounds for older adults feature low-impact exercise equipment that’s designed to improve flexibility, balance, and core strength among users, all key attributes that undoubtedly lead to better overall well-being for elderly people who take advantage of these spaces. Some of the parks even feature group exercise classes so older folks don’t have to work up a sweat all by themselves – plus, they get the opportunity to meet people.

Cedric X. Bryant, president and chief science officer of the American Council on Exercise, says, “[Playgrounds for elders] focus on promoting balance, flexibility, and range of motion, all of which can help with the functional capabilities of older people and allow them to do more of the things they want to do.”

Some park are strictly for adults, while some allow seniors to play along with their grandchildren. Right now, there are 53 “multigenerational” parks in the United States.

Here’s a video of some older folks taking advantage of such a park in Colorado.

I’d like to see these all over the country!

No, all over the world!

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This Woman’s Photo of Her Twin Sister Illustrates How Tough It Is to Work as a Nurse

Every profession has its challenges and rewards, and I think it’s fair to say that nursing has more than its fair share of both. Between life or death situations, constant contact with irritated and sick humans, long hours on their feet, and sometimes being treated as lesser-than by doctors and others “above” them, nurses definitely have more reason than some to feel exhausted.

The truth of this reality hit Laura McIntyre as she snapped a picture of her twin sister, Caty, after her fourth shift in a row. Her sister was exhausted, in tears, and too tired to even eat the plate of food on her lap.

she's gonna kill me for this pic, but can we just give it up for nurses for a minute?•caty just wrapped up her fourth…

Posted by Laura McIntyre on Thursday, October 10, 2019

“She’s gonna kill me for this picture, but can we just give it up for nurses for a minute?

Caty just wrapped up her fourth shift in a row. That’s around 53+ hours in four days. That’s not including the 1.5 hours she’s in the car each day. She usually doesn’t get a chance to eat lunch or even drink much water (& she has to dress like a blueberry…I mean, come on). She is so good at what she does that she often forgets how to take care of herself while she’s taking care of her patients.

This pic is from a night back in July where she came to my house after a particularly hard day. She delivered a stillborn. Have you guys ever really thought about what a labor and delivery nurse sees? They see great joy in smooth deliveries & healthy moms & babies. They see panic & anxiety when a new mom is scard. They see fear when a stat c-section is called. The see peace when the mom has support from her family – because not all new moms do. They see teenagers giving birth. They see an addicted mom give birth to a baby who is withdrawing. They see CPS come. They see funeral homes comes. Did you know that they have to make arrangements for the funeral home to come pick up the baby? I didn’t either.

Caty (& all other nurses) – you are SPECIAL. You bless your patients and their families more than you will ever know. Thank you for all that you do.”

Nurses face stress, high pressure, and incredible loss on a daily basis, which means when they finally have time to let go, their emotions can overwhelm them.

So, let’s give it up for Caty, and maybe take a moment to hug the nurses in your life today.

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People Who Wish for More Self-Control Actually Wind up with Less. Here’s Why.

I have some bad news for people who desperately need more self-control in their lives. Research shows that wishing for more self-control actually has the opposite effect.

In a 2017 study, psychologists measured participants’ desire to increase their self-control. Then the volunteers rated their current level of self-control. Lastly, they had to complete either an easy or a difficult assignment.

The volunteers who performed best on the challenging assignment were the least likely to say that they wanted to have more self-control. Those who did the worst were the most likely to wish for more self-control.

The desire for self-control had no effect on the volunteers’ performance on the easy assignment.

Photo Credit: iStock

These results could simply demonstrate that people with a lot of self-control perform better on hard tasks — they don’t wish for more self-control because they already have it.

But in a follow-up experiment, the psychologists managed to manipulate people’s desire for more self-control by asking them to write an essay about why self-control was a good thing OR how it could cause problems. This time, those who were prompted to see self-control as desirable performed worse on the difficult task. Those who were prompted to see self-control as problematic performed much better.

Consciously wishing for more self-control may seem like a positive thing — how are you supposed to become more disciplined unless you try? But in reality, this desire makes you focus on what you don’t already have, psyching you out in the process.

Photo Credit: iStock

So instead of just passively wishing for more self-control, try taking concrete steps to accomplish the specific things that you want to accomplish. For example, don’t just think to yourself, “I wish I had the self-control not to check Instagram every day” – actually install an app on your phone to limit your social media use.

The researchers also recommend reframing your thinking. Self-control isn’t something that people simply have or don’t have. It’s an unlimited resource, and you can tap into it at any time, regardless of what you’ve done before.

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