In a case of mistaken identity, an inmate spent 17 years in prison until they found his doppelganger who has the same cornrows, facial hair, and first name.
Ray’s Pizza was started…
Ray’s Pizza was started by a Mob as a front for Drugs and Money laundering, But ended up making almost the same money as their drug buisness.
These Photos of Awkwardly Sitting Cats Should Put a Smile on Your Face
All of our cat friends out there are a never-ending source of laughs for us owners. And if you’ve had a feline companion for any significant amount of time, you know that they like to sit awkwardly sometimes.
Are they trying to mimic us humans? Or are they making some kind of other, independent statement?
We’ll never know, but at least we can snap photos of them and they’ll make us laugh!
1. Sitting like a lady…not really.
2. Hangin’ out and hangin’ loose.
3. Can I help you with something?
4. A little weirdo.
5. Oh my…
6. Don’t lean too far to the right.
7. Can I be a person now?
8. Care for some wine?
9. Taking it all in…
10. It’s been a long week. Time for some beer.
Funny stuff!
Share your pics of your cats sitting in weird positions!
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15 Funny Tweets About Horror Movies
Halloween’s come and gone, but I think all year is a good time for horror movies.
Even if you’re not a horror movie lover, you’ll probably think these tweets are on-point.
1. There is ALWAYS a scene like that.
Horror movies don't get enough credit for encouraging kids to pursue research at their local library
— Nadia Bulkin (@nadiabulkin) August 11, 2019
2. Do a little dance.
How Michael Meyers gets ready before his kills
— zel (@denzeldion) October 28, 2018
3. That kid always gets it.
kid in a scary movie outside a haunted house: ok we saw it can we go now
kid who will definitely die in 12 minutes: what are you C H I C K E N
— shen the bird (@Shen_the_Bird) June 3, 2019
4. Oh no, not Chucky!
Hollywood done got to Chucky. This mf done got Botox, a eyebrow lift, facelift, and fillers. Smh.
— Khadi Don (@KhadiDon) June 20, 2019
5. Maybe he just needs a good talk.
when they always ask u why u killin them but they never ask whats killin u
— pauline
(@icywiifey) October 3, 2018
6. He’s slowing down.
Michael Myers would be 61 years old at this point so even if Jamie Lee Curtis doesn’t get him the arthritis will
— Luc (@ellkay_) October 21, 2018
7. Kinda blew it…
Tbt to Halloween when I dressed as the babadook but my friend's house had more of a grown ups drinking wine vibe
— Katie Dippold (@katiedippold) June 30, 2016
8. That’s what I need, too.
scary movies need to step their game up. I’m not tryna to be just “spooked” I want to be shook so hard I permanently vibrate for the rest of my life. that’s what I want. that’s what I need. thank you
— queen quen (@quenblackwell) October 18, 2018
9. That is quite sad.
freddy krueger could never wipe his own ass and that's the true horror story
— ?????
(@thholyghost) June 10, 2019
10. That way!
White folks in horror movies be like…
— Benihana Buddy (@Lbuddy84) May 14, 2016
11. Don’t believe them.
“It’s not even that scary a movie, it’s more of a thriller” – someone who is fucking lying to you
— PJ Vogt (@PJVogt) August 19, 2019
12. He might be in big trouble.
jamie lee curtis been eating activia DAILY since 2010 bitch michael meyers ain't stand no chance
— ????
(@kobychill) October 20, 2018
13. On second thought…
if i watch a scary movie I’m gonna need to watch every Disney movie ever made to bring me back to myself. on second thought, let’s not watch a scary movie and just watch Disney movies instead
— camila (@Camila_Cabello) October 18, 2018
14. No more of that.
If they want to make horror movies that are realistic for millennials they shouldn't all start with somebody buying a house
— Dan Sheehan (@ItsDanSheehan) October 13, 2018
15. Managed to ruin that one…
Ghostface: What’s your favorite scary movie?
Me: Well, I just binged the works of Amando de Ossorio. His quartet of “Blind Dead” films started the Spanish horror boom of the 70s. What they lack in characterization they make up for in mood, plus…
Ghostface: Jesus (hangs up)— Patton Oswalt (@pattonoswalt) March 27, 2019
What are some of your favorite scary flicks?!?!
Share them with us in the comments.
The post 15 Funny Tweets About Horror Movies appeared first on UberFacts.
15 Hysterical Tweets from Women This Week
Ladies…are you ever gonna let up on the funny business?
I think we all know the answer to that one. It’s NO!
Absolutely not!
And here are 15 more examples of ladies bringing the house down.
1. That’s all I see, too.
all I see is hummus
— Sophia Armen (@SophiaArmen) October 19, 2019
2. Gonna be ugly this year.
Me, rsvp’ing for Thanksgiving with family
— Kate Willett (@katewillett) October 14, 2019
3. That’s a pretty big bag.
This is the bag men carry their audacity in
— Mampimpi’s wh*re
(@sikunikudumo_x) October 14, 2019
4. I don’t think that’s gonna happen.
Me: Damn i really need to do my essay
Also me:
— catherine (@offbrandversace) October 17, 2019
5. I feel you. BIG TIME.
Please respect my privacy during this time. Nothing happened I just don’t want to talk to anyone.
— Dani Fernandez (@msdanifernandez) October 17, 2019
6. Thank you?
Him: I love you
Me:— Keke Palmer (@KekePalmer) October 15, 2019
7. A lot of Matts are causing problems out there.
have you or a family member ever dated a guy named matt. you maybe entitled to compensation
— discount miranada cosgrove (@sarahnicoleryer) October 15, 2019
8. Thanks a lot, parents.
almost 22 years ago 2 people had sex and now i have to go to work everyday
— bam its sam
(@saaamscottt6) October 16, 2019
9. Just go with it.
are they bowling to represent soup??? or to win soup???
— kat (@katherinemary_) October 15, 2019
10. Gonna be an interesting Halloween.
sometimes having a family amazon account is…..embarassing
— eco goth (@5150wonderbread) October 15, 2019
11. This is hilarious.
My grandad wanted everyone leaving his funeral with a smile on his face
and that’s exactly what he got,I’m so proud #shayslastlaugh
— Chloe Kiernan (@chloekiernan08) October 13, 2019
12. On the offensive.
Charlie wasn’t with the bullshit and started throwing hands
— chrissy.b (@Breonuh_) October 14, 2019
13. That person wins today.
someone at work just posted about her chickens on slack and their names are
Ellen DeHeneres and Susan SarandHen
— caroline (@hatwell) October 18, 2019
14. I know I do.
So are we just going to ignore the fact that all adults have a favorite stovetop burner & no one talks about it
— ?????
(@hailtotheHunny) October 19, 2019
15. We can all relate to this, right?
I swear to god
— Nicka
(@nickaology) October 15, 2019
Ladies, keep on bringing that funny business to the masses!
Guys, let’s see if and when you can up your games!
The post 15 Hysterical Tweets from Women This Week appeared first on UberFacts.
These Tweets Might Make Parents Laugh…and Cry
Parents, you have a tough job, and we take off our hats to you.
We also understand that you probably get a little (just a little…) fed up from time to time due to how much your little angels drive you up the wall.
So let’s enjoy some funny/painful tweets that should look familiar to all parents out there…let me know if you need a tissue…
1. Sick burn by Mom!
Daughter: You're invading my personal space
Mom: You came out of my personal space
— Moe (@_Mo_lee_) January 8, 2016
2. Not gonna happen.
Asked to switch seats on the plane because I was sitting next to a crying baby. Apparently, that's not allowed if the baby is yours.
— Ilana Wiles (@mommyshorts) February 12, 2014
3. Or where I am…
That awkward moment when your child looks to you for wisdom and you're like, "Honey, I don't even know what day of the week it is."
— Mommy Owl (@Lhlodder) November 14, 2017
4. Don’t do it!
Never, & I mean NEVER make eye contact with a child on the verge of falling asleep.They will sense your excitement & abort mission! #momlife
— Caffeine & Fairydust (@CaffeineandF) November 14, 2015
5. Thank you for that.
In case you were wondering, the loudest sound in the world is my kid screaming, "Are you pooping?!?" in a public restroom.
— Unfiltered Mama (@UnfilteredMama) March 19, 2016
6. You showed them!
Parenthood is:
Telling your kids they can't eat brownies for breakfast, then eating brownies for breakfast after they leave for school.
— Momma of Midgard (@MidgardMomma) March 18, 2015
7. You’re doing great!
There are Olympians who began intense training regimens at age 5, but sure, son, keep licking the bathtub.
— Mommy Cusses (@mommy_cusses) August 10, 2016
8. That’s not what I meant.
What I say to my son: "Get dressed."
His interpretation: "Stand around naked watching television with one sock on."— Sarah del Rio (@sarahdelri0) February 3, 2015
9. A slowwwww burn.
Parenting a newborn:
30% feeding
50% changing diapers
20% worrying
80% becoming so sleep deprived that you forget how to do basic math— Lurkin' Mom (@LurkAtHomeMom) June 24, 2015
Entire cities have been built in the same amount of time it takes our 3yr old to put on her shoes.
— Krista Voda (@kristavoda) August 3, 2017
11. You made a huge mistake.
I burnt my toddler’s supper once last week, now every time I prepare food she keeps reminding me not to leave it for too long… 3 year old Judge Judy.
— Nzinga Qunta (@NzingaQ) November 3, 2019
12. Gee, thanks a lot.
My son just asked me how old I was going to be for my birthday
I said "29"
He literally got teary and goes "that means you're going to heaven soon"
……….this birthday is cancelled. #momproblems #oldaf
— Hayden Merryn (@HaydenVanHulzen) May 18, 2018
13. Something totally different…
8 yo: "Mommy, what did you want to be when you grew up?"
Me: "Not this tired."
— Mama Babbles… (@mama_babble) April 5, 2018
14. Yes, it is.
Is it acceptable to get a babysitter just so I can nap and maybe binge watch some tv? #momlife #momproblems #sotired
— Mommin' Ain't Easy (@1happydisaster) August 12, 2017
15. Now it makes sense.
Ever notice in the story of the 3 bears, Papa Bear's porridge is piping hot, baby's is perfect, & poor Mama Bear's is cold?
I get it now.
— Domestic Goddess (@DomesticGoddss) July 27, 2015
Parents…do these tweets look accurate, or what?
Do us a favor: share a funny or painful anecdote about your kiddos in the comments below!
The post These Tweets Might Make Parents Laugh…and Cry appeared first on UberFacts.
This Is How Google Flights Can Help You Travel Cheaper
Traveling can be very expensive, so looking for cheap flights is crucial if you want to save a little money. Unfortunately, some websites make it hard to find a good deal.
Google Flights just introduced an update meant to help you find the best price for a flight. If you’ve used it recently, you may have seen alerts that pop up and let you know about any nearby airports. These pop-ups were created to help you find cheaper flight options at airports other than the one you initially were looking at.
Photo Credit: Screenshot, Google Flights
Sites such as The Points Guy and Thrifty Traveler first made mention of the new feature, and those guys definitely know what they’re talking about. So, worth checking out.
Pop-ups appear after you click “Nearby Airports” and usually look like this:
Photo Credit: Google Flights
Often times another airport may get you a better price, even if it winds up being slightly less convenient. And with this new update, Google Flights will also advise you on the best itinerary if you do decide to switch to another airport.
In the past, Google Flights allowed you to search for deals by clicking on more than one airport, but this new update makes it easier to play around with options until you find the best one.
In the end, people in larger metropolitan areas will benefit the most because Google Flights will alert them to better deals nearby. It is what it is, big cities just have more airport options.
Additional updates to Google Flights will also give you a glimpse of other types of deals, especially if you have flexible plans.
Photo Credit: Screenshot, Google Flights
If you’ve already checked out Google Flights, let us know if it lives up to the hype. We’d love to hear more about whether or not these updates were useful!
The post This Is How Google Flights Can Help You Travel Cheaper appeared first on UberFacts.
Former Victoria’s Secret Employees Share 10 Things They Want You to Know
Having a job at Victoria’s Secret looks “easy,” but employees are actually quite well-trained.
The store was born out of a desire to make sure people felt comfortable shopping for intimate items. Since 1977, Victoria’s Secret has been the go-to lingerie shop for people of all backgrounds.
The company has launched the careers of many a model and employed thousands of people at its retail locations. Here are some things they want you to know about their experiences.
10. Employee training is rigorous
Andrea, a former employee who worked with the company between 2015 to 2019, explained that everyone is trained for almost 6 weeks so they can better serve customers. She told Mental Floss,
“Whether you’re somebody who’s had a mastectomy, or somebody who’s transitioning, or somebody who’s getting a bra for the first time, that’s what we’re there for and that’s why we do our jobs.”
9. Employees can suggest other retailers
Victoria’s Secret may be the best-known lingerie retailer in the country, but employees can help you find what you need somewhere else if they don’t have a bra or item that fits your needs.
And since they carry sizes ranging only from 32AA-40DDD, some customers definitely need these suggestions.
8. In the past, looks were a bigger deal
Victoria’s Secret was once known for promoting models who were very thin. This was a large part of the company’s culture, and so, historically, the brand would hire thin employees to work at their retail stores, too.
That time is gone.
With slumping sales, Victoria’s Secret is now trying to revamp its image by diversifying. One former employee, says of this era,
“They would hire someone pretty over someone smart or capable. It was definitely part of the ‘fantasy.’”
7. Employees know how to deal with absent-minded boyfriends
Not every boyfriend or partner knows their girlfriend’s size. That’s why employees often suggest other gifts, such as gift cards, sprays, and body lotions.
Expert bra fitters are good, but not good enough to guess the bra size of someone who isn’t actually there.
6. Customers can get too comfortable
Customers are supposed to feel comfortable when they shop at Victoria’s Secret, but employees sometimes spot customers going way too far. Andrea once saw a customer use a pink bow on a bra to do something it wasn’t designed for…
“She takes it and she flossed her teeth with it in front of me. I was like ‘No!’ It’s so gross.”
5. There are some sweet benefits
Not everything is about training and seeing people do strange things. Employees get some nice benefits while they work at Victoria’s Secret, including decent pay and paid time off.
And as any retail worker will tell you, not every company will do the same for its employees.
4. Holidays can get zany
Photo credit:, CC BY 2.0
Customers know they can get good deals during the holidays, but employees have to clean up after their messes and deal with extra foot traffic. Andrea says things can also get physical.
“I’ve literally seen grandmas punch each other in the face.”
3. Here’s how to avoid talking to sales reps
Not everyone likes talking to strangers, but company employers have to approach you asking if you need help. Andrea provides a small life hack for the timid shoppers though.
“A good trick if you don’t want help is to remember the name of the person who you’re introduced to. So if the first person is like ‘Hi, my name is Stephanie,’ and then two or three more people come and say ‘Do you need more help?’ just say ‘Stephanie’s helping me, thank you,’ and they will leave you alone.”
2. There’s a reason for the scent
You may have noticed Victoria’s Secret often smells like it was bathed in body spray. That’s because employees are required to spray the store with it. Along with other sales tactics, such as showing you a new bra and offering a store credit card, you can expect employees to try to sell you whatever scent is bombarding you at the store.
1. A lot of items are “damaged out”
People often try to return things that are already ruined, and some customers damage items they try on. An ex-employee said about her former job,
“The worst part was having to damage out [retail speak for taking an irreparable item out of circulation] underwear that girls had tried on without leaving their own underwear on.”
There are some valuable secrets! Which ones surprised you? Let us know below!
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Shocker: Hitting the “Close Door” Button on an Elevator Does Nothing at All
You’ve been here: you decided to wait on the elevator even though you’re running late, but it took forever to show up, and now you’re standing there waiting for the stupid doors to close, wishing the whole time that you’d taken the stairs.
You jab the “close door” icon repeatedly, and a rush of satisfaction rolls through you when, after a pause, the doors follow your internally screamed command.
Except…the button didn’t actually do anything. Just fyi.
The executive director of the National Elevator Industry trade group admitted recently that the close door button has been disabled on all U.S. elevators for a very long time, thanks for the Americans with Disabilities Act. Passed in 1990, the law requires elevators doors remain open long enough to anyone who needs assistance or using a mobility device to get safely in or out.
Since the majority of elevators out there are under 25 years old, the chances of snagging one with working close door buttons is just about nil.
Which should also make you feel good because your elevator is less than 25 years old.
But why bother to put them in new elevators if they’re not going to work?
Well, according to Drexel University professor John Kounios, it’s because the “white lie” of being able to hit the button is actually helpful.
“A perceived lack of control is associated with depression, so perhaps this is mildly therapeutic.”
Or at least, it was before you clicked on this article.
There’s good news, though – if you think you’ve been a generous, thoughtful person in holding the elevator doors open for people, you totally are.
Because those buttons are still functioning just fine.
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Here’s How to Find the Luckiest Lottery Numbers
Would you like to win the lottery? Yeah, join the club. While winning it big is mostly a matter of luck, there actually is some strategy to it. You can increase your chances of winning by using the numbers that are most common.
While many faithful lottery players have their own “lucky numbers” that they use over and over for years, you could instead go with the numbers that win the most frequently. Thankfully, there is an easy way to track this – in fact, multiple websites track which lottery numbers are pulled the most often.
Photo Credit: Pixabay
In the Mega Ball, for example, the most common number is 10. It has come up 13 times in the past two years. Other numbers barely come up at all – 8, 15, 25, 24, and 18 are the least common.
For the Mega Millions, the most common numbers in the past two years are 14, 62, 10, 42, and 48.
For the Powerball, the number 32 currently tops the list. It’s been drawn 46 times since 2015.
Photo Credit: Pixabay
In addition to picking the right numbers, there are other lottery statistics to keep in mind. For example, certain states are far more likely to win than others. When it comes to the Powerball, Indiana is the current luckiest with 39 wins since 1992 (when the Powerball started). Missouri, Minnesota, Kentucky, and Pennsylvania have also won many times. On the other end of the spectrum, West Virginia, Rhode Island, and Iowa have far fewer wins.
Hey, what’s a minor cross country move when the jackpot is on the line?
The post Here’s How to Find the Luckiest Lottery Numbers appeared first on UberFacts.