A Pigeon Built a Gorgeous Nest out of Poppies Stolen from a World War I Memorial

For more than a month, the staff at the Australian War Memorial in Canberra noticed that poppies laid on the Tomb of the Unknown Soldier were disappearing, one at a time. They were bothered at first because that is desecration, but after a while they spotted the culprit – a pigeon who was filching the flowers and using them to build a stunning nest near a stained glass window.

The window commemorates the wounded soldier and honors the quality of endurance.

Instead of being irritated at a bird for causing trouble, the staff there chose to see it the colorful nest as “a reminder of the powerful bond between man and beast on the battlefield.”

Even though most people today see pigeons as little better than rats with wings, during many of the world’s wars, they were considered powerful allies and communication tools.

Historian Dr. Meleah Hampton reminds us why:

“Particularly in the early wars, communication is really difficult. Wireless is in its absolute infancy in the First World War and telephone wires get broken apart in the shellfire on the Western Front. So pigeons are particularly of use in warfare when you’ve got a couple of men trying to get a message from where they are back to the backline: a pigeon can get that through sometimes when nothing else can.”

During WWII, 32 pigeons were recognized with the PDSA Dickin Medal, an award given to any animal that displays conspicuous gallantry and devotion to duty.

One pigeon, called White Vision, received his (or her) medal for “delivering a message under exceptionally difficult conditions and so contributing to the rescue of an aircrew while serving with the RAF in October, 1943.”

Just something to remember the next time you’re shooing them away at the park, or grumbling about the mess they’ve made of your car.

They might not be technical veterans, but on a day when we remember those who have spent part of their life in service to country, it seems fitting to remember that not everyone who sacrificed was human.

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A Pigeon Built a Gorgeous Nest out of Poppies Stolen from a World War I Memorial

For more than a month, the staff at the Australian War Memorial in Canberra noticed that poppies laid on the Tomb of the Unknown Soldier were disappearing, one at a time. They were bothered at first because that is desecration, but after a while they spotted the culprit – a pigeon who was filching the flowers and using them to build a stunning nest near a stained glass window.

The window commemorates the wounded soldier and honors the quality of endurance.

Instead of being irritated at a bird for causing trouble, the staff there chose to see it the colorful nest as “a reminder of the powerful bond between man and beast on the battlefield.”

Even though most people today see pigeons as little better than rats with wings, during many of the world’s wars, they were considered powerful allies and communication tools.

Historian Dr. Meleah Hampton reminds us why:

“Particularly in the early wars, communication is really difficult. Wireless is in its absolute infancy in the First World War and telephone wires get broken apart in the shellfire on the Western Front. So pigeons are particularly of use in warfare when you’ve got a couple of men trying to get a message from where they are back to the backline: a pigeon can get that through sometimes when nothing else can.”

During WWII, 32 pigeons were recognized with the PDSA Dickin Medal, an award given to any animal that displays conspicuous gallantry and devotion to duty.

One pigeon, called White Vision, received his (or her) medal for “delivering a message under exceptionally difficult conditions and so contributing to the rescue of an aircrew while serving with the RAF in October, 1943.”

Just something to remember the next time you’re shooing them away at the park, or grumbling about the mess they’ve made of your car.

They might not be technical veterans, but on a day when we remember those who have spent part of their life in service to country, it seems fitting to remember that not everyone who sacrificed was human.

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A Guys Got the Silent Treatment from His Fiancée After Spending $5k on Surgery to Save His Dog

Relationships can be tricky and that goes double for the moment you realize that your money is now our money. That means you need to discuss before you make decisions with it.

A fact that Unsurebigbig3 found out the hard way after he shelled out $5k for his dog’s cancer treatment without discussing it with his bride-to-be.

She got angry, he’s upset – no one is happy.

What do you think about the situation?

My Fiancée isn’t speaking to me after I used “our” money to help my dog. Not sure not to fix this? from relationship_advice

Now, I love dogs as much as the next person, and if I had the money sitting in the bank to save or extend my pupper’s life, you’d better believe I would use it. And the fact that she’s thinking more about the money than the dog’s life makes me absolutely dislike her.

That said, we’re only getting his side of the story, here, and there are red flags on his end, too – like the fact that he didn’t include her in the decision, and that he takes the time to point out that he saves much more money than she does.

So, what do you think? Was he wrong? Was she?

Do they both suck?

Most people tend to fall on the “you both kind of suck and you probably need counseling before marriage.”

I can get on board with that, though I do also question marrying someone who is going to use the silent treatment as a fighting tactic…

Because you’re probably hoping to marry an adult and not a psychological child.

What do you think? Should he marry her? Should she split? Are they going to make it?

The post A Guys Got the Silent Treatment from His Fiancée After Spending $5k on Surgery to Save His Dog appeared first on UberFacts.

Here Are the First 4 Things People Notice About Your Face

When it comes to impressing strangers, some things aren’t within your control. For example: Your face.

Every time you meet someone new, they judge your face on four basic characteristics, psychologist Leslie Zebrowitz says. She listed the four facial cues in a paper published in Current Direction in Psychological Science in June 2017.

Photo Credit: Pixabay

The first characteristic is called “babyfaceness.”


People are unconsciously assessing whether you have a baby face or not—features like large eyes, a round face, a short chin and a large forehead. Humans naturally have a soft spot for babies for obvious evolutionary reasons, so seeing these features in others may make us predisposed to be kinder towards them.

The second cue is familiarity. Familiar faces are preferable to completely strange and new ones. Even babies show this preferential treatment.

The third cue, fitness, is not surprising–people judge you by whether your face is healthy-looking and attractive or not.

Photo Credit: Pixabay

Lastly, the fourth cue is emotional resemblance. When people meet you, they assess your emotional expressions based on certain features, like your eyebrows and mouth. If you’re frowning, people assume you’re angry. If you’re smiling, people assume you’re happy.

All of these cues produce quick, almost immediate assessments about the people we meet. Whether those assessments are true is another story. They’re definitely not precise ways to gather info about someone. Leslie’s paper refers to the “overgeneralizations” that these cues create.

Regardless, it seems that humans can’t help but judge a book by its cover.

The post Here Are the First 4 Things People Notice About Your Face appeared first on UberFacts.

Here Are the First 4 Things People Notice About Your Face

When it comes to impressing strangers, some things aren’t within your control. For example: Your face.

Every time you meet someone new, they judge your face on four basic characteristics, psychologist Leslie Zebrowitz says. She listed the four facial cues in a paper published in Current Direction in Psychological Science in June 2017.

Photo Credit: Pixabay

The first characteristic is called “babyfaceness.”


People are unconsciously assessing whether you have a baby face or not—features like large eyes, a round face, a short chin and a large forehead. Humans naturally have a soft spot for babies for obvious evolutionary reasons, so seeing these features in others may make us predisposed to be kinder towards them.

The second cue is familiarity. Familiar faces are preferable to completely strange and new ones. Even babies show this preferential treatment.

The third cue, fitness, is not surprising–people judge you by whether your face is healthy-looking and attractive or not.

Photo Credit: Pixabay

Lastly, the fourth cue is emotional resemblance. When people meet you, they assess your emotional expressions based on certain features, like your eyebrows and mouth. If you’re frowning, people assume you’re angry. If you’re smiling, people assume you’re happy.

All of these cues produce quick, almost immediate assessments about the people we meet. Whether those assessments are true is another story. They’re definitely not precise ways to gather info about someone. Leslie’s paper refers to the “overgeneralizations” that these cues create.

Regardless, it seems that humans can’t help but judge a book by its cover.

The post Here Are the First 4 Things People Notice About Your Face appeared first on UberFacts.

15 Men Share the Moment They Knew They Wanted a Divorce

Marriage is tough, and the truth is (at least in my experience) that not everyone gets it right on the first (or second) try. It stands to reason, then, that there’s a moment for many of us when we realized that staying married to the person sharing our lives and our beds just wasn’t going to be an option.

If you’re curious what puts men over the edge in a relationship, well, these 15 guys are down to share.

15. I bet he wishes he could take the $15k back.

Not me, but one of my best friends(got his permission to post). He got a pretty substantial year end bonus from work. He decided to use most of it for his wife’s Christmas gift and pay off her remaining student loans (~$14,700) and the remaining portion to buy a new computer chair for when he gamed (~$300).

Christmas morning (he was nice enough to let me stay at his place when I traveled for work as he lived 20 minutes from the airport) we all woke up, and had breakfast. His family and her parents came over and we started exchanging gifts.

Besides paying off her loans, he had gotten her a few times items. She opened the card saying her loans were paid off she just sat there for a minute. After the silence, and assuming she was kinda in shock, she asked “did you seriously not get me anything else? I bought you that stupid keyboard (the wrong one btw) and you only got me a few things?”

At that point, his brother in law and myself decided to go hang out in another room for a while they ended up getting into a huge fight. A day later when he was dropping me off at the airport he told me that he was going to visit a lawyer and get a divorce.

14. That’ll do it.

When a friend’s wife said to me “You know your wife is sleeping with my husband.”

13. Too bad you couldn’t take your stepdaughter with you.

When my stepdaughter became a teenager, my ex ramped up the nutso. She had always been an impatient, angry screamer of a parent. But as my stepdaugher became a young woman, my ex just went crazy with envy or something. I know lots of moms have a hard time with teenage daughters, but their base level patience is so much better than my ex’s was. Threats of cutting hair in middle of night while daughter slept, pulling hair, slapping face, ridiculing in front of her friends, swinging something that missed and put a hole in the wall – I was out, with the kids.

12. Second chances should be more than enough.

I was working on a mother daughter scrapbook as a Christmas present for her. Was going through her Google photos account looking for pics of them together. Came across a selfie she took with some dude laying on her. Confirmed her second affair. Knew it was over the moment I saw it. That has fucked me up pretty good.

11. I would have gone for the drama and the free drinks.

We flew across the country for her sister’s wedding. She didn’t say a word to me the entire time since we had parked at the airport. Once we landed at our destination, we walked to baggage claim (absolute silence preceding for several hours now). At the carousel, I picked up her bag when she took it out of my hand and calmly stated, “None of my family knows you’re here–I told them I came alone.” She walked out of the airport and left me there.

Narcissistic Personality Disorder made for some really fun scenarios.

10. He’s got some great friends.

When my buddies approached me to complain that she kept sitting on their laps, wiggling, and hoping for an erection.

9. Not that he needed permission, but.

When she falsely told our marriage counselor that I punched her.

The next week, she denied saying it and accused our counselor of lying. He gave me a “You should leave this relationship” look. I took that look as permission from a professional that I definitely wasn’t making the wrong decision. Got divorced and never looked back.

I legitimately feared for my safety towards the end — not that she would hurt me, but that she would make a false accusation to the cops or a crazy friend.

Edit: shortened the story

8. That’s a big ol’ yikes.

The morning I saw a picture of some dudes dick on her phone. She was classy enough to bring him to the divorce proceedings…

7. It’s hard to watch people make your kids feel like that.

My wife was around less & less…had to be free to live her life, go out with her friends. More often than not she would call me to pick our daughter up from daycare, after promising to pick her up & have some girl time…..just tell her I’m working late or not feeling well. She always had something better to do & the kids were old enough to know better. I went to pick our daughter up one day, when they called her name she came running over until she saw it wasn’t mom, again, slumped her shoulders & slowly walked over to ask “what’s her excuse this time?” That was the breaking point, told her to get out, even helped pay her security deposit to get her out.

6. It’s okay to be happily divorced.

During the last year and a half of our marriage she became extremely psychologically abusive. She was a narcissist, controlled my every move, would isolate me, refused physical contact, I was just an extension to her life, was not allowed to talk to any female, was not allowed to hang out with any friends or she would ignore me for up to 5 days at a time, double standards everywhere, verbal abuse and the list can continue but it hurts to think about. The last straw for me was when she threatened to kill me because I came home from work late even though she knew I would be home late. It was just a little too late for her and she also threatened to hit me the same day. This was the second time this happened and I talked with several people at work about it and they suggested that I run. I had texts of the threats on my phone and contacted a lawyer that same week. She agreed to sign since I told her I would take severe legal action if she didn’t. Thankfully no children and it was a clean divorce and I’m happily divorced.

5. A good deal for whom, exactly?

I was a Lance Corporal bringing home scraps for a paycheck to an unemployed wife who one day brought home a brand new Lexus IS350 because she “got a good deal on it.” Apparently I was supposed to pay the $800/mo bill. I didn’t think it was a good deal.

4. Poor little dear.

She let me know she was pregnant and wanted my permission to tell all her girlfriends during a girls’ night out.
Since I knew there was no possible way it was my child, she was also unknowingly admitting to having an affair. (I can math, and she can’t). It was with her boss.
Lawyered up the next day, and he ate her alive in court. I got primary custody of our child we already had, and child support, and a sheriff’s notice that she had to vacate my home in 30 days.
I never knew she could be that stupid.

3. This one has to win some kind of award.

When she staged a robbery of our house so she could pawn all of my shit for drug money.

2. Oprah always knows best.

she made me watch Oprah and there was a quiz. Is Your Marriage Okay or not type thing. In my head I saw 7 or 10 items that were Not Okay. She didn’t see any. We had already been to counseling.

1. Shenanigans are overrated.

When she presented a picture of our four-year-old daughter and me laying next to each other on the couch watching Blues Clues to our marriage counselor as evidence of my “inappropriate conduct” around our kids.

Thank God he saw right through that bullshit immediately and told her to knock it off.

Edit: There is no Joe. #notmySteve

Edit 2: Many asked, so here’s the deal. We’ve been divorced almost five years now. The process wasn’t fair, but that wasn’t really my ex’s fault. No allegations of child abuse or misconduct were brought up against me during the proceedings, so that was good. They wouldn’t have flown for a minute in court anyway.

Our kids are older now and every day are becoming better equipped to see and understand the difference between what’s reasonable and right and what’s simply just batshit insane–and it’s not working out all that well for their mother, who hasn’t changed her MO much if at all since we parted ways. So it goes.

I’m happily remarried now to a woman with kids of her own–kids who were friends and schoolmates of MY kids before she and I even got to know each other. They’re all OUR kids now. Life is good. No more shenanigans.

Those are some doozies that I have no idea how they could have come back from, so yeah. Probably a good decision.

If you’ve got a moment like this in your past, share it with us in the comments!

The post 15 Men Share the Moment They Knew They Wanted a Divorce appeared first on UberFacts.

15 Men Share the Moment They Knew They Wanted a Divorce

Marriage is tough, and the truth is (at least in my experience) that not everyone gets it right on the first (or second) try. It stands to reason, then, that there’s a moment for many of us when we realized that staying married to the person sharing our lives and our beds just wasn’t going to be an option.

If you’re curious what puts men over the edge in a relationship, well, these 15 guys are down to share.

15. I bet he wishes he could take the $15k back.

Not me, but one of my best friends(got his permission to post). He got a pretty substantial year end bonus from work. He decided to use most of it for his wife’s Christmas gift and pay off her remaining student loans (~$14,700) and the remaining portion to buy a new computer chair for when he gamed (~$300).

Christmas morning (he was nice enough to let me stay at his place when I traveled for work as he lived 20 minutes from the airport) we all woke up, and had breakfast. His family and her parents came over and we started exchanging gifts.

Besides paying off her loans, he had gotten her a few times items. She opened the card saying her loans were paid off she just sat there for a minute. After the silence, and assuming she was kinda in shock, she asked “did you seriously not get me anything else? I bought you that stupid keyboard (the wrong one btw) and you only got me a few things?”

At that point, his brother in law and myself decided to go hang out in another room for a while they ended up getting into a huge fight. A day later when he was dropping me off at the airport he told me that he was going to visit a lawyer and get a divorce.

14. That’ll do it.

When a friend’s wife said to me “You know your wife is sleeping with my husband.”

13. Too bad you couldn’t take your stepdaughter with you.

When my stepdaughter became a teenager, my ex ramped up the nutso. She had always been an impatient, angry screamer of a parent. But as my stepdaugher became a young woman, my ex just went crazy with envy or something. I know lots of moms have a hard time with teenage daughters, but their base level patience is so much better than my ex’s was. Threats of cutting hair in middle of night while daughter slept, pulling hair, slapping face, ridiculing in front of her friends, swinging something that missed and put a hole in the wall – I was out, with the kids.

12. Second chances should be more than enough.

I was working on a mother daughter scrapbook as a Christmas present for her. Was going through her Google photos account looking for pics of them together. Came across a selfie she took with some dude laying on her. Confirmed her second affair. Knew it was over the moment I saw it. That has fucked me up pretty good.

11. I would have gone for the drama and the free drinks.

We flew across the country for her sister’s wedding. She didn’t say a word to me the entire time since we had parked at the airport. Once we landed at our destination, we walked to baggage claim (absolute silence preceding for several hours now). At the carousel, I picked up her bag when she took it out of my hand and calmly stated, “None of my family knows you’re here–I told them I came alone.” She walked out of the airport and left me there.

Narcissistic Personality Disorder made for some really fun scenarios.

10. He’s got some great friends.

When my buddies approached me to complain that she kept sitting on their laps, wiggling, and hoping for an erection.

9. Not that he needed permission, but.

When she falsely told our marriage counselor that I punched her.

The next week, she denied saying it and accused our counselor of lying. He gave me a “You should leave this relationship” look. I took that look as permission from a professional that I definitely wasn’t making the wrong decision. Got divorced and never looked back.

I legitimately feared for my safety towards the end — not that she would hurt me, but that she would make a false accusation to the cops or a crazy friend.

Edit: shortened the story

8. That’s a big ol’ yikes.

The morning I saw a picture of some dudes dick on her phone. She was classy enough to bring him to the divorce proceedings…

7. It’s hard to watch people make your kids feel like that.

My wife was around less & less…had to be free to live her life, go out with her friends. More often than not she would call me to pick our daughter up from daycare, after promising to pick her up & have some girl time…..just tell her I’m working late or not feeling well. She always had something better to do & the kids were old enough to know better. I went to pick our daughter up one day, when they called her name she came running over until she saw it wasn’t mom, again, slumped her shoulders & slowly walked over to ask “what’s her excuse this time?” That was the breaking point, told her to get out, even helped pay her security deposit to get her out.

6. It’s okay to be happily divorced.

During the last year and a half of our marriage she became extremely psychologically abusive. She was a narcissist, controlled my every move, would isolate me, refused physical contact, I was just an extension to her life, was not allowed to talk to any female, was not allowed to hang out with any friends or she would ignore me for up to 5 days at a time, double standards everywhere, verbal abuse and the list can continue but it hurts to think about. The last straw for me was when she threatened to kill me because I came home from work late even though she knew I would be home late. It was just a little too late for her and she also threatened to hit me the same day. This was the second time this happened and I talked with several people at work about it and they suggested that I run. I had texts of the threats on my phone and contacted a lawyer that same week. She agreed to sign since I told her I would take severe legal action if she didn’t. Thankfully no children and it was a clean divorce and I’m happily divorced.

5. A good deal for whom, exactly?

I was a Lance Corporal bringing home scraps for a paycheck to an unemployed wife who one day brought home a brand new Lexus IS350 because she “got a good deal on it.” Apparently I was supposed to pay the $800/mo bill. I didn’t think it was a good deal.

4. Poor little dear.

She let me know she was pregnant and wanted my permission to tell all her girlfriends during a girls’ night out.
Since I knew there was no possible way it was my child, she was also unknowingly admitting to having an affair. (I can math, and she can’t). It was with her boss.
Lawyered up the next day, and he ate her alive in court. I got primary custody of our child we already had, and child support, and a sheriff’s notice that she had to vacate my home in 30 days.
I never knew she could be that stupid.

3. This one has to win some kind of award.

When she staged a robbery of our house so she could pawn all of my shit for drug money.

2. Oprah always knows best.

she made me watch Oprah and there was a quiz. Is Your Marriage Okay or not type thing. In my head I saw 7 or 10 items that were Not Okay. She didn’t see any. We had already been to counseling.

1. Shenanigans are overrated.

When she presented a picture of our four-year-old daughter and me laying next to each other on the couch watching Blues Clues to our marriage counselor as evidence of my “inappropriate conduct” around our kids.

Thank God he saw right through that bullshit immediately and told her to knock it off.

Edit: There is no Joe. #notmySteve

Edit 2: Many asked, so here’s the deal. We’ve been divorced almost five years now. The process wasn’t fair, but that wasn’t really my ex’s fault. No allegations of child abuse or misconduct were brought up against me during the proceedings, so that was good. They wouldn’t have flown for a minute in court anyway.

Our kids are older now and every day are becoming better equipped to see and understand the difference between what’s reasonable and right and what’s simply just batshit insane–and it’s not working out all that well for their mother, who hasn’t changed her MO much if at all since we parted ways. So it goes.

I’m happily remarried now to a woman with kids of her own–kids who were friends and schoolmates of MY kids before she and I even got to know each other. They’re all OUR kids now. Life is good. No more shenanigans.

Those are some doozies that I have no idea how they could have come back from, so yeah. Probably a good decision.

If you’ve got a moment like this in your past, share it with us in the comments!

The post 15 Men Share the Moment They Knew They Wanted a Divorce appeared first on UberFacts.

Put Your Own Face on Your Luggage and You’ll Never Lose It Again

You’ve tried everything – a red ribbon, brightly colored luggage, your name and address – but have you considering just screen-printing your mug right on your bags so you can easily spot them at the airport?

Probably not. But here’s the thing…absolutely no one will mistakenly pick up your bag if you do.

Travel + Leisure reports that a company called Firebox is offering a product they call Head Case, which isn’t quite a screen printed suitcase – rather, it’s a stretchy spandex cover that goes around your bag.

Like a boss.

The image is on both sides, the cover buckles in place, and there are holes for all of your handles – plus there are three sizes to choose from. Prices range from $26 to $39 apiece.

I mean really…what’s not to like?

And if you, like me, have realized that this product is ready made for pranking friends and family, listen up – they also print on pillows, air fresheners, and creepy masks.

Go hog wild, my friends. And I promise if you get those luggage covers you’ll make at least a few friends the next time you take an airplane or check into hotel.

I mean. Who could resist that face, right?

The post Put Your Own Face on Your Luggage and You’ll Never Lose It Again appeared first on UberFacts.

Put Your Own Face on Your Luggage and You’ll Never Lose It Again

You’ve tried everything – a red ribbon, brightly colored luggage, your name and address – but have you considering just screen-printing your mug right on your bags so you can easily spot them at the airport?

Probably not. But here’s the thing…absolutely no one will mistakenly pick up your bag if you do.

Travel + Leisure reports that a company called Firebox is offering a product they call Head Case, which isn’t quite a screen printed suitcase – rather, it’s a stretchy spandex cover that goes around your bag.

Like a boss.

The image is on both sides, the cover buckles in place, and there are holes for all of your handles – plus there are three sizes to choose from. Prices range from $26 to $39 apiece.

I mean really…what’s not to like?

And if you, like me, have realized that this product is ready made for pranking friends and family, listen up – they also print on pillows, air fresheners, and creepy masks.

Go hog wild, my friends. And I promise if you get those luggage covers you’ll make at least a few friends the next time you take an airplane or check into hotel.

I mean. Who could resist that face, right?

The post Put Your Own Face on Your Luggage and You’ll Never Lose It Again appeared first on UberFacts.

The Mystery of the Bermuda Triangle Has Been Solved

The mystery of why things – ships, people, maybe even entire civilizations – seem to disappear over one particular barren section of ocean has captured the minds of the public and conspiracy theorists alike. We’re talking about the Bermuda Triangle, obviously.

The truth is that while ships and planes go missing fairly regularly in the BT, they do not do so more often in the triangle of sea between Puerto Rico, Bermuda, and Florida than they do anywhere else.

Like, we don’t really know why the myth got so out of control, but there is not and never has been any statistical significance to the area at all.

Despite scientists knowing the truth of this fact, when things do happen to go missing in the area, reports often don’t neglect to take facts into consideration. Maybe to make a buck on the sensational aspect?

After a recent event, however, many are hopeful that it’s finally time to dismiss the harebrained theory once and for all.

During an on-air interview with news.com.au, well known Australian scientist Karl Kruszelnicki said in no uncertain terms that the number of boats and other vessels that disappear in the triangle “is the same as anywhere else in the world on a percentage basis.”

“It is close to the equator, near a wealthy part of the world, America, therefore you have a lot of traffic.”

According to Kruszelnicki, the myth can be traced back to a number of disappearances in the area between WWI and WWII. People started to get weirded out about the incidents even though the weather was often terrible and the craft weren’t reliable. In addition, pilots at the time weren’t as efficient or well-trained, and therefore were more likely to make catastrophic mistakes (like being drunk while they flew).

The fact that wreckage and remains were rarely found makes sense, too, given that it’s a large area and the water is quite deep in most places.

The National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) also maintains there’s nothing to see there – not even the Triangle itself, if you want to get technical. They agree that environmental conditions could explain many, if not all of, the disappearances, but they also reiterate that the “US Board of Geographic Names does not recognize the Bermuda Triangle as an official name and does not maintain an official file on the area.”


So, it’s time we put the whole theory to rest once and for all and stop blaming perfectly normal, but tragic events on the supernatural or whatever.

“There is no evidence…that mysterious disappearances occur with any greater frequency in the Bermuda Triangle than in any other larges, well-traveled area of the ocean,” NOAA states.

Make no bones about it, there’s nothing to see here.

The post The Mystery of the Bermuda Triangle Has Been Solved appeared first on UberFacts.