The Grand Canyon Museum had three buckets of radioactive uranium ore on display for 18 years, and only found out when a kid was goofing around with a Geiger counter.
A Baby Abandoned in a Dumpster Grew up to Be the Founder of a Multi-Million Dollar Company
This is an amazing success story! “Rags to Riches,” “the American Dream,” “self-made man.” Every single cliché you’ve heard about that classic story, Freddie Figgers is living proof that it is actually possible.
Figgers is only 30 years old, but he’s already a huge success as the CEO and President of Figgers Communication, a telecommunications company that is now valued at a whopping $62 million.
Them: I don’t think it will happen ?Me: There are three kinds of people in this world: people who make it happen,…
Posted by Freddie Figgers on Friday, July 5, 2019
But life didn’t start out very well for Figgers. He was abandoned in a dumpster by his mother shortly after she gave birth to him in Quincy, Florida, though luckily he was adopted when he was two days old by a couple named Nathan and Betty Figgers. The Figgers’ gave young Freddie all the love and support he needed, and he grew up to be a curious boy who loved to tinker around with computers.
Figgers got his first job as a computer technician at the age of 12, and at age 15 he started his own cloud computing service. His first job in this field came after he helped a car dealership back up their information on a remote server after they had previously lost all their files in a tornado. Figgers set up the server in his own backyard.
Do not follow where the path may lead. Go instead where there is no path and leave a trail.
Posted by Freddie Figgers on Wednesday, June 26, 2019
The young entrepreneur invented his own creations as well, including a GPS tracking device that goes in someone’s shoe to help keep track of them. Figgers created this device specifically for his father, who was suffering from Alzheimer’s disease. He sold that idea to a company for $2.2 million and started Figgers Communications, the extremely profitable company that he now runs, with his earnings.
His business is also the only African-American owned company of its kind in the United States.
Bravo, Mr. Figgers!
Let Freddie Figgers’ story remind you that no matter where you come from or where you are at the moment, you can always achieve your dreams if you work hard and aim high.
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10 Facts About Game Show Legend Bob Barker
Bob Barker is 95 years old, and he is still every bit the TV legend he was when he first hosted The Price is Right in 1972.
He actually started hosting his first game show all the way back in 1956, and he only retired from hosting The Price is Right in 2007. That’s 50 years!
And who could forget this classic clip featuring Barker from Happy Gilmore?
Let’s get to know the man behind the legend a little bit better with these 10 facts.
1. Early years.
Barker spent some of his youth on the Rosebud Indian Reservation in Mission, South Dakota. He is 1/8 Sioux.
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2. World War II
Barker enlisted in the Navy and served from 1942-1945, but he didn’t see combat. He said, “I was all ready to go, and when the enemy heard that I was headed for the Pacific, they surrendered.”
3. Over the airwaves.
Barker began working on the radio in college on KTTS-FM in Springfield, Missouri.
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4. Badass.
Barker is a black belt in karate, and he trained with none other than Chuck Norris for decades. Oh, and by the way, he did his own fight scene in Happy Gilmore.
5. Hoops.
Barker attended Drury College in Missouri on a basketball scholarship and also joined Navy’s basketball team while he served in the military.
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6. Taking a stand.
Barker hosted the Miss USA/Universe pageants from 1966 to 1988 but stepped down when the people who ran the competitions refused to stop giving out fur coats as prizes.
7. Come on down!
CBS renamed Stage 33 “Bob Barker Studio” after he hosted his 5,000th episode of The Price is Right in 1998.
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8. Big break.
Barker considers the show Truth or Consequences his big break. He hosted the show from 1956 until 1974.
9. Animal lover.
Barker purchased 460 acres of land in California that will be used as a sanctuary for donkeys.
10. Love story.
Barker first went on a date with his wife Dorothy Jo when he was 15 years old. The two attended an Ella Fitzgerald concert (which is awesome). They were married from 1945 until her death in 1981, when she was 57. Bob Barker said he “never had any inclination to remarry.”
What a guy!
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The Science Doesn’t Lie: You Need to Make Sleep a Priority
We’re all different when it comes to our sleeping patterns, but I’ve never been able to understand how some people can get by on four or five hours of sleep a night. If I don’t get a solid seven or eight hours, I feel like a zombie.
It turns out, maybe I’m the one who’s always been right in this department!
According to sleep scientist Aric Prather, “Sleep is so critical for so many parts of our body and our mind. Sleep is like the dishwasher of the brain.”
I like that, the dishwasher of the brain.
Prather means that sleep strengthens the immune system and can help regulate your metabolism. Sleep also clears out toxins that build up in your brain and can prevent neurodegenerative disorders.
In other words, sleep does a body good. Really good.
Prather also says that all phases of sleep, from light snoozing to deep sleep, are important for helping the brain and body recover from the day. Sleep can also help us learn and remember information more efficiently.
One more thing to keep in mind: abnormal sleep is known to play a role in some diseases, including Alzheimer’s and Parkinson’s. Disturbed sleep can even be measured to detect the onset of neurodegenerative diseases.
There is still a lot that researchers and scientists don’t know about sleep, but one thing is clear: sleep is very important and is good for your mental and physical health.
You know what you should do right now? Go get some ZZZZZZZZs!
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This Organization Turns Empty Parking Lots into Safe Places Where the Homeless Can Sleep at Night
Homelessness is a problem across the entire world. Walk or drive through any city across the globe, and you’ll see down-on-their-luck men and women sleeping in doorways, on park benches, or anywhere else they can try to find some momentary peace.
An Australian charity organization called Beddown is looking to give that country’s homeless population safe places to sleep by providing pop-up accommodations in parking lots that are vacant overnight.
Posted by Beddown on Monday, September 30, 2019
Beddown partnered with Secure Parking, one of Australia’s largest parking lot operators, to do a two-week trial run for the program in the city of Brisbane.
Norman McGillivray founded Beddown after he got the idea while walking through an empty parking lot one night. He thought that the space could be better used as a makeshift homeless shelter than by just sitting empty night after night.
On their Instagram page, the founders of Beddown said,
“We will look to get as close as we can to a proper comfortable bed to provide the homeless with a great night’s sleep is our ultimate goal. Sleep deprivation is a massive issue for our homeless, so being in a place that offers shelter and is safe, secure and comfortable we believe will have a big impact on those who use Beddown.”
Posted by Beddown on Monday, September 30, 2019
Beddown also provides other services in the overnight parking lots, including access to doctors, dentists, and hairdressers. Because the two-week trial in Brisbane was a success, Beddown is now looking to expand to other cities in Australia.
Let’s keep our fingers crossed that this program succeeds in Australia and then spreads to other parts of the globe. It’s a great idea that could definitely help out a lot of people who are struggling.
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You Can Buy a Baby Mop Onesie and Put Your Kids to Work
Parents with little kiddos, listen up! You might want to pay attention to this article because this product could potentially save you a bunch of time and hard work.
It’s called the Baby Mop, and it might just change your life for the better.
Posted by Baby Mop on Friday, November 13, 2015
It’s exactly what it sounds like. A onesie designed like a mop that cleans the floor while your kids do what they do best: crawl around on the floor and get into things.
Posted by Baby Mop on Wednesday, April 22, 2015
The website describes the product like this (in very tongue-in-cheek fashion):
“Make your children work for their keep
After the birth of a child there’s always the temptation to say ‘Yes, it’s cute, but what can it do?’ Until recently the answer was simply ‘lie there and cry’, but now babies can be put on the payroll, so to speak, almost as soon as they’re born.
Just dress your young one in Baby Mops and set him or her down on any hard wood or tile floor that needs cleaning. You may at first need to get things started by calling to the infant from across the room, but pretty soon they’ll be doing it all by themselves.
There’s no child exploitation involved. The kid is doing what he does best anyway: crawling. But with Baby Mops he’s also learning responsibility and a healthy work ethic.”
… at work ….
Posted by Baby Mop on Friday, November 13, 2015
You can buy the baby mop onesies HERE and another company is selling a similar product on Amazon.
What do you think? Would you buy one of these for your kiddo? Let us know in the comments.
Put them to work, right? Sounds like a plan to me!
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10 Tricks for Teaching Little Kids, According to Teachers
Teaching is a profession fraught with frustration and difficulty, but it also presents adults with a unique opportunity to make a difference in a child’s life.
Luckily, there are a some ways to make teaching a little bit easier, and thankfully there are teachers out there who are ready to share their tips with the world. Here’s a small sampling of their wisdom.
10. Call Them by Their Preferred Name
You expect your students to respect you, and that’s why you need to show them you respect them as well. You may have a student that prefers to go by a nickname, middle name, or even rapper name. Ask them what they’d like to be called and abide by this.
9. Take Nothing Personally
Kids can do things that make you angry, but they also have a short memory for that sort of thing. Try to help them understand their actions in the moment, but don’t hold a grudge or take things personally. It doesn’t serve either of you.
8. Enforce Rules Consistently!
Not all children have adults in their life that enforce rules or boundaries. They may actually like you for this. One teacher mentions that she and her students think of rules together and commit to following them during the academic year by signing a “contract.”
7. Give Talkative Students Something to Do
There’s always a chatterbox in the room. Extroverted children love attention, so give them a task to do. This will get things done and make them feel good, too.
6. Laugh!
Teachers are often told they need to be tough authoritarians. This is sometimes appropriate, but remember: you’re human. Kids will appreciate an honest sense of humor, especially if you keep it in good taste.
5. Admit to Your Mistakes
Everyone misspells something or gets it wrong. It’s healthy for children to see that you can ‘fess up to your wrongdoings.
4. Provide Cell Phone Parking
Phones are a distraction to students, but they’re a necessary part of our lives today. Provide a space where your students can keep their phones during class. They’ll know it’s there when they need it, but they won’t be distracted by it.
3. Contact Home for Positive News, Too
Teachers often contact parents when there’s trouble. Make sure to let them know when their child is doing well!
2. Create a “Study Space”
One teacher mentioned having a table full of things their students can do without having to ask for permission every time. They’re allowed to staple things, get extra supplies, and grab assignments they’ve missed if they were absent. Teach them to be independent while limiting distractions
1. Consider Not Raising Your Voice
Older children (junior high and high school) may have a rebellious streak, but speaking in a quiet voice can help them calm down.
Are you a teacher? What wisdom do you want to impart to your peers? Share below!
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This Is How Your Cat’s Purr Can Literally Help Heal You
This won’t surprise cat owners in the slightest. Your cat’s purr has a real therapeutic effect, and it can even help heal you.
Cats purr for a variety of reasons. Most often, they purr out of contentment and happiness — this is the most obvious reason, easy to observe in any cat who’s happily curled up on the lap of their favorite person. But cats also purr when they are injured, frightened or hungry.
Nobody knows exactly why cats purr when they do. But given that they do so in stressful situations, it’s likely that the purring has a calming and healing effect. According to Wired, some veterinarians have even observed cats lying alongside other injured cats and purring.
It’s called “purr therapy.” (Awesome)
Photo Credit: Pixabay
It seems that the healing power of purring could also extend to humans. Purring is relaxing for humans — it calms our nerves and lowers blood pressure.
Purring may even have literal, physical healing benefits. Domestic cats purr at a frequency of 26 Hz, which is within a range that promotes tissue regeneration. In humans, vibrations at this frequency can help soft tissues like muscles and tendons, and they can also heal bones and keep them strong.
All this isn’t quite as woo-woo as it sounds. Some scientists believe that cats purr to stimulate their bones so they don’t become weak while they lay around all day waiting to hunt. Similarly, vibrating plates have even been proposed to help maintain astronauts’ bone density in space.
Photo Credit: Pixabay
So the next time your cat purrs on your lap, snuggle a little closer. It may be doing your body good!
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Enjoy ‘Turducken-Flavored’ Pringles as Part of Your Thanksgiving Feast
Are you too busy to cook for Thanksgiving this year? You can just eat a bunch of Pringles instead. Not just any Pringles, either—Turducken-flavored Pringles, which are officially a thing now.
Pringles released the new limited-edition Turducken Friendsgiving Feast on November 7. And if you’re not familiar with the turducken, prepare to have your mind blown: a turducken is a chicken stuffed inside of a duck stuffed inside of a turkey.
It’s certainly less conventional than a simple stuffed turkey, but it’s (somehow) becoming more and more popular in the U.S. In some other countries, it’s called a three bird roast.
Back to the Pringles. Their turducken “feast” includes three meat-flavored Pringles: chicken, duck, and turkey. Pringles are easily stackable, of course, so the intention is for you to stack the three flavors on top of one another, achieving the full turducken experience in chip form.
In previous years, Pringles has released other limited-edition Thanksgiving kits. Last year, it included pumpkin pie, turkey, and stuffing flavored chips.
This year’s kit is available for $15.99. You can buy it exclusively from the Kelloggs website, but supplies are very limited, so don’t be surprised if you don’t get your hands on one.
There’s always next year—and at this rate, God only knows what flavor of Pringles they’ll come up with next. Cranberry? Ham? Crhamberry?!
If you don’t feel like scrambling to order Pringles from the internet but are still tempted to eat chips for Thanksgiving dinner, there are also Roasted Turkey-flavored Pringles available at regular grocery stores.
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