17 Hilarious Tweets About the Trials and Tribulations of Marriage

Let’s talk about how hard and how wonderful, how fun and how maddening, how rewarding and how insane it is to agree to live every day with another human being for the rest of your life.

Hard to sum up in a tweet, I know, but these 17 people sure do give it their best shot.

17. I prefer the “change it whenever you walk by and see HE changed it” method.

16. It’s a high-stress environment.

15. Hint: it’s because he’s not listening.

14. I feel personally attacked by this tweet.

13. I mean honestly it’s probably not worth fighting about at that point.

12. You should know where the spoons go by now. You idiot.

11. Mistakes have been made by all parties.

10. He should really know not to get between you and future you like that.

9. Why would I wake him up?

8. Sweaty palms and everything.

7. Yep. You’re going to need backup.

6. It’s important to be able to have honest discussions.

5. I don’t hate this idea.

4. Sleep is so underrated by the young and child free.

3. Why do we do this?!

2. Husbands have no halfway.

1. He thought he was being smart but he messed up.

I’m impressed (and tickled) about how spot-on these thoughts are!

Are you married? Have you been? How would you sum up the experience in 280 characters or less?

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5 Cat Grooming Tips For A Purrfect Kitty

Keeping your cat well-groomed and clean is essential, not only for their health but happiness too. Maintaining your cat eyes, ears, paws, teeth, and coat are crucial grooming tasks that need to be done on a regular basis. Here are five tips to help your beloved pet with their grooming routine. Eyes Check your cat’s eyes weekly for changes or signs of problems. Look for discharge, cloudiness, or excessive closing or blinking. Look directly into the pupils to be sure they expand in the light and that there’s no sign of the third eyelid. Your cat’s eyes should be clear

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Ben Franklin was a slaveowner…

Ben Franklin was a slaveowner for much of his life, but after a friend took him to visit a school for black children. He wrote that African ignorance was not inherently natural but come from lack of education, slavery and negative environments. And he petitioned Congress to end slavery.

These Posts Might Make You Shake Your Head in Disgust

There sure are a whole lot of people out there who are…let’s say less than brilliant.

People who are so less than brilliant that I think you’re going to facepalm OVER AND OVER AND OVER AND OVER.

Try not to hit yourself too hard…

1. Giving Americans a bad name!

2. Way to go!

You got catfished from facepalm

3. We need a noise for that.

Bee warning! from facepalm

4. Oh, that’s why.

5. It was harmless, right?

Thanks, Dana. from facepalm

6. Meet me at Louie’s.

Where are you again? from facepalm

7. You nailed it!

Engineer 1: What’s the date today? Oh idk from facepalm

8. Might want to check the spelling.

There is no “i” from facepalm

9. Slow down and think about it…

I wish this was fake. Meet Jenn from facepalm

10. It’s been 30 long years.

11. Imagine that…

How are you this ignorant? from facepalm

12. Why the handcuffs?

Poor mother has to imagine her daughter now from facepalm

13. Oh, that’s right…

Yeah… from facepalm

14. Never ever. Don’t even think about it.

Never? NEVER??? from facepalm

15. An official selfie ID card.

Fake ID Fail from facepalm

I just hit my face with my palm so many times that I’m going to have a major headache tomorrow.

But I couldn’t help it, these people were just wayyyyy too ridiculous.

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Check out the Amazing Pop Culture Mashups from This Tattoo Artist

This guy is goooooooood.

If you’re not following a French tattoo artist Mat Rule on Instagram, do yourself a favor and do it immediately.

Rule specializes in taking pop culture characters and mashing them up with cartoon scenes and vice versa. They’re super impressive, and the detail on them is incredible.

Take a look. I think you’ll like what you’re about to see.

1. Alice in…wait a second….

2. Eminem and some M&Ms.

3. Lisa Simpson is always a good choice.

4. Marvin the Martian.

5. Half real/half cartoon coyote.

6. This one might be my favorite.

7. Crash Bandicoot.

8. This one is trippy.

9. Actually, this might be my favorite.

10. Pretty cool mash up.

11. Hockey tattoo for the win!

12. No mistaking that face.

13. Mia Wallace from Pulp Fiction.

14. The one and only Kurt Cobain.

15. Stallone in Cobra.

Pretty awesome, right?

Tell us what pop culture mashups you’d like to see in the comments below!

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15 Funny Dog Costumes Just in Time for Halloween

You have a perfect pup and it’s almost Halloween—so you know you need to get them all dressed up so you can show off your best friend to all your lesser friends and the trick or treaters who stop by for candy!

Here are 15 good ones to get you inspired for what you’ll do with your pooch on October 31.

1. Try to peel this onion.

2. The classic witch look.

3. Going for a vampire look.

4. Let me play you a song.

5. Ready for some deep-sea diving.

6. Metal head bulldog!

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Have I ever told you about the time Lu and I went for a morning walk in Central Park and ran across a man dressed as Gene Simmons talking to a couple of Europeans enjoying an early morning coffee in the park. Apparently this man had decked himself out of full Kiss makeup so he could secretly follow his girlfriend to a bar and spy on her. In that moment it just seemed amusing and odd. But as that memory ages it has transformed to downright creepy. Don’t get me wrong, I’m still hella amused that a dude in full on KISS regalia, including the boots – so know he was also GIANT, was walking around Central Park at 7am conversing with strangers like a local watching his dog play in the Park. THAT was funny as hell were it not for the sense of stalking… #lucostumeaday #halLUween

A post shared by Me and dEr ULuL dAg (@steffygam) on

7. I found him!

8. How are you feeling today?

9. This one is so good. The face just completes it.

10. A timeless classic.

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Oh I just can’t wait to be Queen

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11. Bane is in the house.

12. A little Harry Potter for ya.

13. Super Dog here to save the day.

14. Pugs are sad even when they’re rockin’.

15. He looks kind of reluctant about the whole superhero thing.

Do you have some funny pics of your pooch in costume?

Share with us in the comments!

The post 15 Funny Dog Costumes Just in Time for Halloween appeared first on UberFacts.

15 Random Tweets That Might Make You Laugh

All of us need some funny randomness in our lives sometimes, and today is no exception.

These tweets are a real hoot, as you will shortly see.

So get ready to laugh, and remember, share these with your gals and pals!

1. Very different sisters.

2. Learnin’ that TikTok.

3. It was only the ice maker.

4. Two sides of the coin.

5. It was survival of the fittest.

6. That is something else.

7. Still in love!

8. She didn’t seem very phased by it.

9. Time for a new job.

10. Shot down!

11. Here comes the sh*t storm.

12. I don’t know what I’m doing.

13. Totally over it.

14. Poor little fella.

15. Might need a wardrobe change.

Ahhhh, those tickled my funny bone and did the trick.

Share some funny jokes or tweets with us in the comments. Let’s see what you got!

The post 15 Random Tweets That Might Make You Laugh appeared first on UberFacts.