The Kogi tribe, an indigenous people, choose their priests at birth and raise them in a dark cave for a decade to connect them to the earth.
Vikings transported their ships…
Vikings transported their ships overland to get past difficult stretches of water. Smaller ships would be carried by hand using poles, while larger ships would be pulled across tree branches. To trade with Turks, they would carry their boats 10km overland to get to the Black Sea.
Ina Koenig, a German kindergarten teacher, jumped down…
Ina Koenig, a German kindergarten teacher, jumped down a 75-foot mine shaft when one of her 3-year-old students accidentally fell down it. It was filled with cold water. For more than 2 hours, she kept the child’s head above the deluge, saving his life, until helped arrived.
The Massachusetts Institute of Technology…
The Massachusetts Institute of Technology offers a “pirate certificate” to students who complete the archery, sailing, fencing, and pistol or rifle shooting courses. The department frequently holds “pirate induction” days and has had a steady stream of students awarded the achievement.
In the 60s Zambia planned…
In the 60s Zambia planned to send “Afronauts” to land on Mars and the Moon. The Mars mission was planned to send a ‘spacegirl’, two cats and a missionary to convert the Martians to Christianity.
In the 60s Zambia planned…
In the 60s Zambia planned to send “Afronauts” to land on Mars and the Moon. The Mars mission was planned to send a ‘spacegirl’, two cats and a missionary to convert the Martians to Christianity.
13 Times People Without Kids Posted Hilarious Memes
Hang on…this is sure to spark some debate.
Are you a person without ANY children? Well then… hello. You must be well rested and have plenty of money.
For those who DO have kids and are here to relive those glory days of not being responsible for another human being who clings to you until they don’t need you… HEY! Remember all these things and how awesome they were?
Okay, we kid… kind of. But here are 13 times when the childless among us won big time.
1. Ahhhhh… sleep, glorious sleep!
Photo Credit: Someecards
2. I am responsible for MYSELF, thank you very much!
Photo Credit: Someecards
3. Yeah, and baby otters grow up to be adult otters, which are almost as cute.
Photo Credit: Someecards
4. This is what vacation is for… and grandparents…
Photo Credit: Someecards
5. You tell ’em Sarah!
Photo Credit: Someecards
6. These are legit kids. Don’t @ me!
Photo Credit: Someecards
7. Responsibility tsunami!
Photo Credit: Someecards
8. Oh yes… this is me. Always. And forever.
Photo Credit: Someecards
9. Yeah, who cares about a pic of a kid? Let’s see those doggos!
Photo Credit: Someecards
10. You know, he’s got a point!
Photo Credit: Someecards
11. Morgan, you’re my new hero. Thank you for this insight!
Photo Credit: Someecards
12. Cats are kids. Don’t @ me.
Photo Credit: Someecards
13. Ahhhh… sweet, delicious, peaceful, serene silence!
Photo Credit: Someecards
So, how do you feel now? Want kids? No???? That’s crazy. I would have thought you’d want them after all!
Well, I guess we can always share our thoughts in the comments, yeah? So do that!
The post 13 Times People Without Kids Posted Hilarious Memes appeared first on UberFacts.
A Giant Raft of Pumice Floating in the Pacific Ocean Might Help Heal the Great Barrier Reef
If you don’t know, pumice is a volcanic rock that is light enough to float. A raft of pumice as big as Manhattan is drifting in the Pacific Ocean, and it could be bringing healing marine organisms as it heads toward the Great Barrier Reef.
The famous reef has been heavily damaged by several recent bleaching events that scientists believe were much more severe than usual because of climate change. Coral bleaching is when environmental factors like temperature stress the coral so much that it expels the algae it symbiotically cohabitates with. That algae is the coral’s food, and without it, it can’t eat. It also loses its color, which is why the phenomenon is called bleaching.
Bleaching doesn’t automatically kill coral, but it does make it very, very vulnerable, and corals often die after bleaching events.
Photo Credit: Acropora, CC BY-SA 3.0
Back to the raft!
Crabs, corals and tons of microorganisms have made their homes on the enormous pumice raft. If it reaches the reef, these animals could help replenish its loss of marine life.
The rock is from an underwater volcano that erupted near Tonga. It was discovered by Australian sailors days after the eruption, according to NASA Earth Observatory.
Photo Credit: NASA
The sailors on their way to Vanuatu on the ROAM catamaran described finding volcanic rocks in various sizes floating together. The collection of rock was so dense that it hid the ocean.
They made a video to show the phenomenon.
Pumice is filled with holes and cavities, and it floats much like icebergs – with only 10% visible on top of the water.
Over the next ten months, the pumice raft will float toward Australia’s ailing reef, hopefully bringing along a much-needed infusion of marine life.
Report of Volcanic Rubble Slick dangerous to vessels.Catamaran ROAM sailing to Fiji encountered volcanicrocks…
Posted by Sail Surf ROAM on Thursday, August 15, 2019
Queensland University of Technology professor Scott Bryan, who specializes in geology and geochemistry, estimates the rock raft is moving at a speed of six to 19 miles a day, driven primarily by ocean currents as well as waves and wind.
He has seen events like this one happening before. The beneficial part is how the trillions of pieces of rock can redistribute sea animals. However, there is also the risk of introducing invasive species to new environments.
While the crabs and other mobile animals can easily hop from the raft onto reefs and find new homes, corals have more of a challenge.
Photo Credit: Wikimedia
Coral needs to reach a reproductive age so they can spawn and release larvae into the Great Barrier Reef. If the pumice raft reaches the reef, then gets water logged enough to sink, the coral can easily begin to grow and create a new part of the reef, complete with all the animals that sank too.
Because of the marine heat waves of 2016 and 2017 and the ensuing bleaching, many of the world’s great reefs began to die; the Great Barrier Reef lost approximately half of its coral, and much more is in danger. The presence and direction of this new pumice raft is good news. Let’s hope it makes it far enough to help.
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This Father and Artist Shares Images of His Life With Five Girls
James Breakwell (Xploding Unicorn on social media) is a pretty big name online, known for being the hilarious father to four young girls. His life is obviously pretty chaotic, and, aside from his famous twitter account, he has a little extra fun with it creating a webcomic titled “Unbelievably Bad Webcomic.”
It’s no museum-worthy art, but other parents will find truth and hilarity in the 15 comics below (and probably all of the rest, too).
15. I mean at least it’s going in the toilet.
14. Their prices are going to go up as they get older.
13. This is not her first rodeo.
12. Silly kids. They’ll learn one day.
11. Kids know how to latch onto an argument when they hear a good one.
10. That’s what’s known as derailing the progress.
9. Who says boys are the only ones hard to keep alive?
8. Brutally honest is the only way to stay married.
7. The accuracy of this is stunning.
6. Definitely not how this generation works, Dad.
5. When you’ve taught them well, it might come back to bite you.
4. And we all know what maybe means.
3. Your wife knows best.
2. It’s amazing how many men think “doing the laundry” means “I put it in the machine and turned it on.”
1. The sass is strong with the eldest.
Breakwell has also published two books – Only Dead on the Inside: A Parent’s Guide to Surviving the Zombie Apocalypse and Bare Minimum Parenting: The Ultimate Guide to Not Quite Ruining Your Child – and has published two other webcomics, Unfridgeworthy and Wombat Dojo.
If you enjoy his style, make sure you’re following him on Twitter, Instagram, and Facebook.
He’s a funny guy, so definitely worth the click!
The post This Father and Artist Shares Images of His Life With Five Girls appeared first on UberFacts.
This Guy’s Wife Was Furious After He Let Their Kid Name His Stuffed Animal “Tig Bitties”
If you’re married or in a relationship with a male, you’re likely aware that they’re overgrown children and still find jokes that have to do with the female body and bodily functions hilarious.
My own grandmother stopped me from naming a Cabbage Patch doll “Beth Mindy” because her initials would have been BM. I had no idea what that meant, but took her advice and christened the doll “Mindy Beth” instead. I think it had a nice ring to it. But I digress.
The original poster (OP) in this case says there’s no harm, no foul, in suggesting his son give his stuffed tiger “Tig” the surname (middle name) of “Bitties.”
AITA for suggesting my 7yo name his new stuffed tiger "Tig Bitties"? from AmItheAsshole
His wife, though, thinks it’s terrible and could cause trouble down the road, should the tiger become a beloved toy that leaves their house for sleepovers and the like.
While most people feel like the guy is NTA (not the a**hole) or that there are NAH (no a**holes here), a few take issue with his immaturity.
And some… well, they’re completely on his side.
Because that’s how this world works.
And this complicated response…
But seriously guys… why is this funny? I mean… come on.
He should probably think things through a bit better, say those who claim he’s TA (the a**hole) in this scenario.
As a married woman with two little boys, I expect my own sense of humor when it comes to things like this will have to find a way to grow – or at least tolerate – jokes that aren’t at all funny. And this woman is going to have to do the same, because it’s too late to turn back now – Tig Bitties is here to stay.
So… idea… how about she suggest the name Call Smock for her son’s next stuff animal?
Because, ya know…
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