In the 50’s and 60’s, a single…

In the 50’s and 60’s, a single Florida town known as “nub city” was responsible for 2/3rds of America’s dismemberment insurance claims. No one was ever convicted of insurance fraud, because juries had a hard time believing even Floridians would be insane enough to cut off their own hands.

The bishop of Orlando is also…

The bishop of Orlando is also bishop of the moon, due to a canon law that says “any newly discovered territory would fall under the bishopric from whence the discovering expedition departed.” His is therefore the largest Catholic diocese, at over 14,000,000 square miles.

50% of the calories Americans…

50% of the calories Americans consume come from nutrient-depleted, ultra-processed foods, including refined flours and industrial seed oils. A recent study indicates that US children and adults have high rates of deficiency of vitamins A, B6, B12, C, D, E, and folate, as well as the mineral iron

10 Women Share Their Awful Experiences in the Bedroom

Everyone’s had bad sex at some point. But sometimes those situations can be insanely awkward and not something you’ll ever want to remember.

But of course you do. Because we always remember the really weird shit that happens to us.

What’s your worst experience? Are they as bad as these 10 women’s experiences?

1. Hahaha, well, that sucks!

Photo Credit: Whisper

2. Unplugging the cork…

Photo Credit: Whisper

3. HA! Crisis averted!

Photo Credit: Whisper

4. Yikes.

Photo Credit: Whisper

5. Ouch!

Photo Credit: Whisper

6. Ewwwwww

Photo Credit: Whisper

7. That’s the worst thing? Hmmm…

Photo Credit: Whisper

8. Milk me?

Photo Credit: Whisper

9.  It happens to everybody!

Photo Credit: Whisper

10. Sounds like the perfect storm of suck!

Photo Credit: Whisper

And scene!

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Instagram Gets Fooled by a Fake “Influencer”… Again

Right now, we live in a very strange world. People are famous and wealthy for doing almost nothing except knowing how, when, and where to take a photo and post it to social media. Very odd…

A construction worker named Omar asked his daughter what an “influencer” is, and after she explained the (pretty ridiculous) reality behind this phenomenon, Omar said “Pssh, I could do that!”

And he did: He started his own Instagram account with carefully curated photos of his everyday life.

Photo Credit: Twitter,barbzlovescarbs

Omar posted his first photo on May 3, 2019, and his numbers have gone through the roof. As of this writing, Omar has 435,000 Instagram followers. I’d call that a success, wouldn’t you?

Take a look at Omar’s pics and maybe pick up some tips on how you can become an influencer yourself.

PS: Read all the way until the end for an important update on this viral, trending story. It turns out that all is not as it seems…

1. On the job

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Hi, I’m Omar. This is my office. ??‍♂️?

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2. A delicious cup of coffee

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I ❤ coffee.

A post shared by Omar (@justaconstructionguy) on

3. Pinkies up

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When your work neighbors have the best coffee in town. ☕?

A post shared by Omar (@justaconstructionguy) on

4. Blowtorch

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Stogie break. ?

A post shared by Omar (@justaconstructionguy) on

5. The splash

6. More coffee

7. Stogie time

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Nothing like a good cigar after a hard day’s work. ?

A post shared by Omar (@justaconstructionguy) on

8. Here I am

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Job site, downtown Austin. ?

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Update: it turns out that Omar and his Instagram persona are just a marketing ploy by an ad agency to sell coffee.

Cuvée Coffee in Austin, Texas, to be exact. If you go back and look through “Omar’s” photos, there are quite a few coffee pics in there and they’re all tagged the same location.

Duped again!

Mike McKim, the owner of Cuvée Coffee, said, “The whole idea was what we always thought as an influencer, and what we used as an influencer in the past, they don’t always fit our brand. We need a different type of influencer: a hard-worker, blue-collar guy.” So McKim worked with a marketing company to create the Omar character and the ad campaign.

I wish Omar was real, but this is still a pretty clever marketing ploy, I must admit.

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12 Stories That Will Make You Think Twice About Dining and Dashing

Shame on you if you’ve dined and dashed before. Because you do know that what your food cost comes out of the wait staff’s paycheck, right? Yeah, that’s a thing. At least in some cases.

So why do people do it? These 12 people did the deed and some reveal why…

1. Don’t do it again!

Photo Credit: Whisper

2. Good!

Photo Credit: Whisper

3. Hope your girl didn’t like it too much…

Photo Credit: Whisper

4. Not a good excuse.

Photo Credit: Whisper

5. Get to it!

Photo Credit: Whisper

6. I can’t be angry at foster kids for doing this…

Photo Credit: Whisper

7. If somebody is seriously not waiting on you, I can see this..

Photo Credit: Whisper

8. Well DUH!

Photo Credit: Whisper

9. Haha, ya think? Because you’re a thief? Crazy!

Photo Credit: Whisper

10. Hmmm… something tells me you’re gonna get caught.

Photo Credit: Whisper

11. Just go up and ask!

Photo Credit: Whisper

12. Oh, there’s a bad part? Poor baby…

Photo Credit: Whisper

So, have you ever done this? How’d it go? Did you feel guilty AF?

Hope so…

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17 Tweets About Movies for All the Film-Lovers out There

Are you a cinephile? You obsessed with movies?

If so, then these tweets are for you! Just don’t look at them while you’re at the theater, cause that’s super rude!

1. Jack Black’s a funny guy

2. Chilling

Photo Credit: Twitter: @Flora__Flora

3. I believe it

Photo Credit: Twitter: @alex_hall2399

4. Stubert Little?

Photo Credit: Twitter: @defnotsally


Photo Credit: Twitter: @Ristolable

6. No one puts gat-ey in the corner

Photo Credit: Twitter: @thepunningman

7. But really

Photo Credit: Twitter: @adamgoodell

8. Solid point

Photo Credit: Twitter: @Jay_FrickinLynn

9. We all knew it when we saw it

Photo Credit: Twitter: @meladoodle

10. Gross

Photo Credit: Twitter: @ariscott

11. Carry the 1…

Photo Credit: Twitter: @vineyille

12. Uh oh

13. Let’s!

14. LOL

15. Let’s get it done!

Photo Credit: Twitter: @fivefifths

16. *Claps*

Photo Credit: Twitter: @JlTEAGEGE

17. I totally get it

Photo Credit: Twitter: @carlinspace

Now, off to the cinema!

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Good News for Pet Owners! Silent Fireworks Exist and a Town in Italy Is Already Using Them.

You know who doesn’t love the excitement of a good fireworks show?

Your dog or cat, that’s who.

Which explains why July 5 is the busiest day for animal shelters throughout the United States. The spectacular fireworks shows used to celebrate the nation’s freedom means a night of confusion and fear for many pets who will do anything to get away from the noise. Even if it means running away from home.

Photo Credit: Pixabay

If the poor runaways don’t get scooped up and taken to a shelter, they can sometimes end up getting hit by a car.  They can also suffer nausea and heart problems from the stress.

But one town in Italy has decided to put pets and wildlife first when it comes to city-wide celebrations.

Collecchio in the Parma province has required its citizens to use only silent fireworks, protecting animals from the stress and anxiety of a traditional cracking and booming fireworks display.

Photo Credit: Pexels

Silent fireworks have all the brightness and illumination of regular fireworks. There’s even the noise of the ignition, but it’s not loud enough to frighten animals. No big bang and pop to scare pets or birds. Just a lovely trail of sparkles in the sky.

Setti Fireworks, an Italian company, designs the quieter pyrotechnics with customized colors and designs for Collecchio, which has made it against the law to use normal fireworks within their city.

The result is better visual effects, colors and even lasers that have replaced the noise, keeping spectators’ excitement levels up and animals’ stress levels down.

Photo Credit: Pixnio

How do silent fireworks…work?

Actually, they are not a new invention. Classic shows use silent fireworks all the time to accompany big bangs. Comet tails that fizzle are a good example of these. So maybe they aren’t technically silent, but they are much less startling.

Animal friendly displays are beginning to catch on in popularity in many countries around the globe. Wouldn’t it be nice if everyone – small children, veterans dealing with battle trauma and our pets – could enjoy the fun of a celebratory fireworks display?

Let’s hope less scary fireworks shows become the norm soon.

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A Study Found That Great White Sharks Are Scared of Killer Whales

Sharks are pretty fearsome creatures – plenty of people are pretty scared of them. So you might not imagine that even one of the largest, fiercest predators in the world fears something else.

And no, it’s not human beings (though with the rate we’re demolishing the shark population, it probably should be – we kill between 100 million and 273 million).

According to new research published in Scientific Reports, the great whites off the Northern California coast turn tail when a pod of orcas show up – and then they avoid the area for up to a year afterward, says scientist Scot Anderson in a statement.

“These are huge white sharks. Some are over 18 feet long, and they usually rule the roost here.”

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Quero que assista esses dois vídeos e sinta a vibração depois, feche os olhos se puder, ouça os sons de cada um deles. Quando estão livres, consegue sentir a energia? Se conecte com o som, com o sonar. Por trás das risadas do segundo vídeo, consegue sentir? Existe um ser senciente, que de assassino não tem nada. Muitos não sabem, mas o filme que deu origem a esse nome, baleia, orcas são golfinhos, e assassina, é sobre uma orca que busca vingança dos pescadores que matam sua família. Sentem. Tem família. Se reconhecem. Sim. Mas vingança não. São seres evoluídos, desenvolvidos e infelizmente por isso foram colocados em tanques de cloro e sabem que se não fizerem o que comandam não irão se alimentar. Isso é ser? Não há ser em ser humano. E pessoas ainda continuam visitando, continuam rindo, mais lugares como esse são abertos. Pesquisa? Sim eles têm muitos dados, mas temos outro caminho e esse, eu não escolho. Fale por eles. Compartilhe ? #Tilikum #SaveOrcas #WildAndFree #EmptyTheTanks

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Every September and December, great white sharks migrate to the Farallon islands to hunt elephant seals – a meal that orcas also enjoy. And when the latter decide to show up for dinner, the former decline to share hunting grounds.

“When confronted by orcas, white sharks will immediately vacate their preferred hunting ground and will not return for up to a year, even though the orcas are only passing through,” confirms Dr. Salvador Jorgnsen, a scientist at Monterey Bay Aquarium, and the lead author of the study.

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Morbidity and Mortality of Orcas Living in Captivity: Causes of Illness and Death (Part 6) – A 1979 review of the causes of death of 17 captive orcas in North America who had died since 1965 revealed that infectious diseases were the primary cause of death. Published statements and records from the US National Marine Mammal Inventory and USDA Inspection Reports demonstrate that, between 1971 and 2017, there have been 35 documented orca deaths at SeaWorld facilities alone. Regarding the causes of death, the most commonly implicated conditions were viral, bacterial, and fungal infections, gastrointestinal disease, and trauma. Despite “world class" veterinary care and therapeutic intervention, at least 15 of the 22 orcas who have died in US marine theme parks between 1990 and 2010 succumbed to infectious and inflammatory diseases, including eight who reportedly died of pneumonia; three of encephalitis; three of bacteremia; and one of leptomeningitis. – Many of the infections captive orcas succumb to are opportunistic infections – infections by pathogens that are usually harmless but can cause disease under certain unnatural, unhealthy, or compromised conditions. These include a weakened immune system, chronic exposure to chemical irritants or trauma to the skin, excessive or improper use of antimicrobials, and an imbalance in the microbiota of the body or environment (which may exist in tanks). Jett and Ventre found that another common cause of death of captive orcas was gastrointestinal ulceration. Gastric ulceration is typically caused by prolonged stress, as well as being associated with the bacterium Helicobacter pylori. Gastric disorders such as ulcers have also been associated with behavioral stereotypies in other captive animals. – Although unreported – and unlikely, due to their kinetic nature and time spent below the surface – in free-ranging orca populations, mosquito-transmitted diseases have killed at least two captive orcas in marine theme parks. – Continued Below “The Harmful Effects of Captivity and Chronic Stress on the Well-Being of Orcas” edited by @cetacean.inspiration

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Everyone is afraid of something, I suppose, and from what I know of orcas, I wouldn’t be hanging around while they were eating, either!

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You’ll Understand These Tweets If You’ve Ever Worked in a Restaurant

Oh, the service industry.

If you’ve worked in retail or in restaurants, you will relate to these RL tweets. If you haven’t, then prepare to understand what happens behind the scenes.

12. Sad but true

Photo Credit: Buzzfeed

11. No matter what, have your shift covered

Photo Credit: Buzzfeed

10. I’m so not sorry, lady

Photo Credit: Buzzfeed

9. Rather, 6 minutes before closing. Yeah, don’t be that person.

Photo Credit: Buzzfeed

8. Work dreams are real.

Photo Credit: Buzzfeed

7. Can someone please take that joke out back and pitch it in the trash?

Photo Credit: Buzzfeed

6. Can we make this happen?

Photo Credit: Buzzfeed

5. Next time, I’m handing over my name tag.

Photo Credit: Buzzfeed

4. We really only have two hands

Photo Credit: Buzzfeed

3. This happens

Photo Credit: Buzzfeed

2. Every. Damn. Time.

Photo Credit: Buzzfeed

1. You should see the look on the bank teller…

Photo Credit: Buzzfeed

Working with the public is hard!

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