Jokes for People Who Will Probably Be Single Forever

You always want what you can’t have, ain’t that the truth?

Being single can be lonely and depressing at times, but can be pretty nice as well.

Take a look at these jokes if you think you might just be all by your lonesome for the long haul.

1. Don’t be rude to my partner

Photo Credit: Twitter

2. I might be with someone…

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3. Tell me all about it

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4. She sounds wonderful

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5. True. Very true.

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6. Wear them proudly

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7. Maybe go somewhere else

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8. Nothing to report

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9. Others

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10. NO

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11. You’re good

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12. Many moons ago

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13. Can’t deal with it

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14. Leave my sight

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15. What is warmth?

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16. Laugh track

Photo Credit: Tumblr

17. Isn’t that great?

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18. Is this flirting?

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19. Make up your mind

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20. I’ve been there

Photo Credit: Tumblr

C’mon, don’t cry…you might meet that special gal or fella…

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Boom! Taco Bell Officially Counts as a “Healthy” Fast Food Choice

You really don’t have to feel as bad about going through the Taco Bell drive thru anymore. No, seriously.

Folks, they’re been making some legit changes, and those modifications are moving the fast food chain toward being the healthiest drive thru option around.

Now, not everything on their menu is good for your health (or your waistline), but HEAR ME OUT!

In the past few years, their entire menu has been overhauled to reduce sodium by 15%, with a 25% reduction coming soon.

Not only that, they’ve removed artificial flavors and colors, replacing them with natural alternatives.

Their breakfast menu is sourced from 100% cage-free eggs, and they’re looking to bring cage-free eggs for their entire menu in the near future.

And they only serve chicken that has been raised without antibiotics.

Take that, everyone else!

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life doesn’t get any better than this

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Of course, it’s up to you as the consumer to make smart choices and to control your portion size. If you order everything you want (including those nacho fries) you might be antibiotic and dye-free, but your heart probably won’t thank you.

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Nacho Fries have been back at @TacoBell for a little while now, so we finally decided to enjoy them again before they’re gone. This is obligatory for every hot rerelease. ? And speaking of hot, we tried Diablo sauce for the first time, along with Diablo Tortilla Chips (found at 7-Eleven)—not a fan. We got a lime vibe from the sauce which we don’t like, and its extra heat ruined a couple sips of our Baja Blast. We enjoy spicy, but not when it compromises a carbonated beverage. The chips however, did the flavor of the sauce so much justice that they were more enjoyable than the sauce itself. But because of the lime, we’d never try it again. Doesn’t mean they’re bad; we just don’t dig it personally. All that matters is, we now know. • #Foodie #Foodgasm #Tacobell #Fries #SpicyFood #Cinnabon #MountainDew #BajaBlast #PepsiCo #Pepsi #Chips #Crisps #JunkFood #Tasty #FoodPorn #foodstagram #sweet #sugar #hungry #IIFYM #fit #diet #fitfam #foodie #foodporn #cheatmeal #eeeeeats #macros

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Try ordering vegetarian or vegan options, or order their “fresco” option that removes cheese, rice, and sour cream but gives you back some pico de gallo for flavor.

Like Taco Bell’s nutritionist and dietician says “I can’t believe I work here.”

Just kidding. She told Business Insider,

“We just really encourage people to customize to however it fits their lifestyle.”

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#taco #puledchicken #tacobell

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So, the next you quiero Taco Bell, go ahead and live mas…but know that you can feel a bit better about what you’re putting in your body in the process.

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Thrift Store Workers Share the Weirdest Items They’ve Pulled from the Donation Bin

If what you see on the shelves at the thrift store is the good stuff, then what gets donated and doesn’t make the cut?

Below are 15 solid examples.

#15. There’s a story there somewhere.

Not something I’ve found particularly but something very strange. Every month and a half or so, a man would come by right before we closed and would donate a single blank cd. Every single time. My coworkers and I would always put it in and see if anything was on it. There never was.

#14. The extra stuff inside.

A grinder with weed still in it, and somehow a suitcase full of dildos made it onto the floor and was brought to our attention by an elderly lady who was wanting to purchase the suitcase but didnt want “the extra stuff inside”.

I still think a customer had to have somehow snuck a bag of dildos in and dumped them there since anything going to the floor is opened and sprayed with disinfectant, plus it was heavy so it definitely wouldve been opened if it arrived that way. Either way it made for an interesting day at work.

Edit: I forgot to add money! We were allowed to keep any money we found, usually it was the occasional few bucks in a purse someone forgot. Other times it could be big bills or one lady locked out and found a stash of around $2000 in two dollar bills in a trinket box.

#13. A get out of jail free card.

We’ve had some nipple clamps on a chain, a rampant rabbit with car charger, a jug in the shape of a tit and a book with a hole in it that you stick your dick in for a novelty puppet show.

Oh and there was also a mobile phone with a bunch of photos of a local policeman wearing his girlfriend’s underwear. I securely deleted those. He owes me a get out of jail free card for that.

#12. I look fantastic in it.

I found a full Tommy lee jones Two face suit. I look fan tastic in it. Only $15

Here it is in all its glory.

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Edit: thank you all for the self confidence boost!

#11. A human skull.

A classmate of mine found a human skull that was donated. It still had reminents of human on it. They reported it to the police and turns out it was part of an active murder investigation 1 state over.

#10. That’s not sand.

I was a receiving and loading lead at a thrift store for a few years. We had this guy that cleaned out storage units for a living and then he’d dump whatever he couldn’t flip with us for a tax slip.

He pulls up and we’re going through it all. Pretty nice stuff, looked like it was an estate sale. We get it all unloaded and then we start snooping through to see what needs to get brought to where and we find this green glass vase filled with sand.

I started pouring the sand out into the trash so we could figure if the vase was worth using

“That’s not sand”

Somehow we ended up with an unmarked, full urn.

#9. I’ve seen it all.

Ah something I can contribute to. In college I was one of the people that directly sorted donations.

I’ve seen it all, vibrators, boxes of dildos, a nunchuk collection to name a few. On more than one occasion have we found large amounts of money stashed away in hollowed out books, usually $1000+ in new bills.

The one story that sticks out the most was this middle aged man who consistently came on Saturday evenings to donate used underwear. Bags and bags of men’s used underwear, for almost 3 months straight, then suddenly he just stopped.

#8. So much nope.

When I was about sixteen I worked at goodwill for about 6 months. There was this old homeless man who used to try and sneak inside to sleep and stuff like that. Everyday he’d get kicked out pretty quick by one of my female coworkers. After about a month of working there with her, the homeless man came up to the counter she was working at, gave her a target bag filled with rocks, and left. We open the bag and find a doll underneath about a layer of rocks. It was so friggin creepy. The doll looked exactly like her. We flipped it over and the back had her FULL NAME sewn into it. She quit about a couple days later because she was worried about that homeless man coming back to the store.

#7. Defaced by a complete lunatic.

One time, someone donated a book (some country singer’s autobiography I believe) that had been massively defaced by a complete lunatic.

That’s not a great description, but fortunately I took pictures:

Book donated by lunatic

Utterly fucking insane. I didn’t meet the donor because I was at lunch at the time, but my coworker said they seemed completely normal.

#6. A good read.

Used journals… Highlights include someone recounting the time they bit someone, and a tale of an explosive funeral. They make for a good read, but why wouldn’t you throw them out?

#5. Unwanted gifts.

I worked in donations. In the same day we got a pickled baby tiger shark and a coin purse made from a kangaroo scrotum.

Edit: for everyone wondering how I knew, it still had the original tag on it. Me and my co-workers were guessing it was an unwanted gift someone felt bad about throwing away.

It was not the same person that donated the shark.

Who knew my most upvoted comment would be about kangaroo balls?

#4. Cool job for a while.

Someone donated an entire trash bag full of dirty diapers.

Sex toys. Lots of sex toys. Some older, and more naive, workers actually priced them and put them in the sales floor.

An old electronic chessboard that was somehow worth $2000+

Some rich old lady came in and donated a ziplock bag full of gold and platinum jewelry – it was real.

Huge beanie baby collections. Guess someone finally figured out after 20 years that they weren’t a solid investment. It’s something you hear about but I never really saw before.

Maybe not the strangest but you actually do find some cool old shit people think is worthless. Cool job for a while.

EDIT: drinking some beers now. Ask a former Goodwill employee anything!

#3. Investigation warranted.

My aunt’s a cop and had to go investigate a donated hand grenade.

Edit: People keep asking if this happened in ______ city, so apparently it’s super common in America. For the record, keep it classy, San Diego.

#2. The Big Red Dog

A high school diploma still in its leather case. We were selling it for $1.39.

Also a porn movie inside a Clifford the Big Red Dog DVD case.

#1. Lobotomy tools.

I was sorting out some donated items and come across an unusual set of tools. Through some research, we discovered that it was a full transorbital lobotomy tool set. It got donated to a local university for display. Apparently, a vintage set in good condition can sell for around $1,000.

It’s high time I took another look around!

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These Photos Prove That Autocorrect Is Your True Enemy

Want to know something? Autocorrect IS NOT YOUR FRIEND. In fact, it’s your enemy.

So be careful…your well-being might just depend on it.

Here are 15 examples of how bad the dreaded it can be…

1. Might want to end this now

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2. Children nuggets

3. The worst thing ever

4. Boring semen

5. Hmmmm

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6. Boner city

Boner, Amanda!

7. Applesauce

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8. Not for that

9. Woah Potato!

10. That’s pretty bad

11. Hot lips

12. H0ly sh*t

13. The usual

14. Just a short trip

15. Yes, we do

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Thanks #autocorrect #autocorrectfail #lol

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It’s rough out there trying to deal with autocorrect, isn’t it?

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10+ Times Girl Scout Camp Did Not Go According to Plan

You have NO idea what goes on at Girl Scout Camp, okay?

These 12 people share their secrets and shizzz is about to get wild!

1. Oh really?!?!

Photo Credit: Whisper

2. Hmmmm… is this wise?

Photo Credit: Whisper

3. What a bunch of assholes!

Photo Credit: Whisper

4. This can be such a bummer…

Photo Credit: Whisper

5. Oh damn…

Photo Credit: Whisper

6.  Ugh. Sorry kid.

Photo Credit: Whisper

7. Ummm, no. Stay away from the buffets!

Photo Credit: Whisper


Photo Credit: Whisper

9. Why?

Photo Credit: Whisper

10. Haha, not live goldfish!

Photo Credit: Whisper

11. Wait, they had to explain this? Where are the parents?!

Photo Credit: Whisper

12. Oh shut up.

Photo Credit: Whisper

What do you think? Did you go to Girl Scout camp? What kind of time did you have?

Let us know in the comments!

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If You’re Obsessed with Tacos, These Tweets Are for You

Are you passionate about tacos?

I guess I should probably just level with you and tell you it’s an obsession, tacos and I.

If you feel the same way I do, these tweets will speak directly to your soul.

1. Same here

2. I’m in charge here

3. I’m with you, sir

4. What?!?!

5. That’s actually better than S-E-X

6. I’m still not over it

7. It’s an emergency

8. Please, no!

9. I’ve been wondering the same thing…

10. We can dream, can’t we?

11. That’s love

12. The look

13. Hey o!

14. Well, duh…

15. That’s why they are magic

Is it taco time yet?

Just waiting around for it to be taco time… !!!

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Students Will Definitely Relate to These Tweets

College is great but it’s also chock full of stress, doubt, raging emotions, and a whole lotta booze (for many students).

These tweets about student life will look verrrrrrry familiar to a lot of you out there.

1. Totally common sense

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2. Nothing out of the ordinary

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3. I need to have a LIFE

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4. Really?

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5. A whole new (graffiti) ballgame

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6. Silence is not golden

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7. So true

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8. LOL

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9. 100 level courses are rough

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10. Yes, Mother

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11. Total chaos

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12. Impressed?

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13. Go ahead and type it into the cutting board

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14. What’s the point?

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15. Comedy routine

Photo Credit: Twitter

I see you there and I notice you’re not studying, young person…

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15 Delivery Drivers Reveal the Most Messed up Places They’ve Ever Been

I delivered food for a while (Mojo’s, Lawrence, Kansas, RIP) and I can attest to how many weirdos you have to interact with on a daily basis.

And how many odd and creepy places you have to go to.

AskReddit users who have done time in the delivery field shared their experiences. Buckle up.

1. Awkward

“Someone ordered pizzas to a funeral. There were A TON of people there, all somber and dressed in black while I rolled up in my bright red greasy T-shirt lol. Definitely one of the most awkward experiences I’ve had.”

2. Get outta there

“It was outside of town on a dirt road with tall trees. Every “house” was basically just plywood shacks. There was broken down cars and trash everywhere. The entire neighborhood just reeked of a b rated horror film. I find the right house and walk up to the “door” but it was just a blanket so I had to yell “Pizza!” They come to the door and grumbled.

It was a haggard looking man wearing boxers and a dirty white tank. Something felt wrong as he handed me a bill that looked washed. I held the $100, with old Ben Franklin’s face on it, up to the light and could clearly see Abe Lincoln in the paper.

They had ordered around $50 worth of pizza and wanted change. He tried convincing me that he went to the bank and they gave him that bill. I asked him why then wrong face was on there and he said that’s how they do it. I said hell no and drove away as fast as I could. We stopped taking orders that don’t have street roads.”


“You just reminded me- my husband delivered to an older woman who ended up dying during the time it took for him to get there after she placed the call (~20 mins). He said he showed up as they were loading her up into an ambulance (I think) and that the family was standing around watching and he didn’t know what to do so he gave it to one of the family members (who paid for it) and left.”

4. No thanks

“I didn’t end up delivering the pizza but the address was an abandoned house.. it was around dusk and the house was so obviously uninhabited, I could see trees growing through the windows and the backside of the house was crumbling so badly I could see to the backyard… from the street.

The instructions were to “come around back”. I double checked the address after locking my doors called the customer a couple of times, called the store and told em what was up and why I wasn’t delivering the pizza and headed out.. I mean seriously who would have been dumb enough to go to the back of that house?”

5. I’m under here!

“I once delivered to a guy living under his porch if that counts.

I drove up to the house. Its pitch black. No lights on. I look at the ticket and it says “use back door.” I go up the steps and no lights on. Nothing. Then I hear a voice from below me say, “hey down here.”

I look under the porch and theres a small door leading into what looked like a makeshift apartment. I had to actually crouch to get to it. Gave the guy the pizza and bounced the fuck out of there.”


“The one where they tried to pull me in the house.

Not coincidently the last delivery I ever made.”

7. A bunch of good stuff

“Extremely large man naked on his bed telling me to come in. i yelled that i wouldn’t like to do that and he replied “oh it’s a girl, why’d they send a girl” as if we knew the situation there….

Delivered to a trucker in his rig. berated me for having a single nose piercing and colored hair because he had a son “with all them piercings” and all he does is drugs now. then the man texted me “can i ask you a silly question” (i had called him to find his specific rig for the delivery). i ignored and blocked him and he called the store asking for me specially to return and bring him a specific sauce packet…… my manager said no and had me stay in the store with the crew until it was time to leave.

One woman answered the door in a thong and asked where another delivery driver was. told her he wasn’t working. she replied “well he knows to always do mine for me”. again tried to explain that he was not present in the store that day. later found out he was dealing while delivering.”

8. Hoarders

“Every Hoarder House I ever delivered to. Honestly, I feel for those folks, there’s usually a mental issue that starts it. Sometimes it’s just learned behavior, either way it’s still just sad to me.”

9. Weird

“I was delivering chicken (KFC) not pizza, but my worst stop was pathetic, really.

I knock on the door, I hear a kid yell “I GOT IT”, he opens the door, and runs up the stairs yelling to his friends “The chicken asshole’s here! The chicken asshole’s here!!”, after which a crowd of about 8 pre-teens at the top of the stairs start throwing change down the stairs at me to pay for the delivery.

I asked if they could hand me the money, they laugh and just throw the quarters/dimes/etc. harder.

So I picked up the bag of food, winged it up the stairs at them, it hit the wall, and I split.

Told the boss what happened and if they call to complain I won’t listen or apologize; I’ll just quit if he brings it up. I found out later he did get a call and told them to get stuffed.

Good boss.”

10. Classy

“Used to deliver part time in a not so nice part of town. Used to do a regular delivery to an adult book store, my 18 year old mind was blown the first time I went in & saw all the sex toys & shit hanging on the walls.

Another time I delivered to a room at a hot sheet motel. Dude opened the door & while he was counting out the money I saw a naked hooker sit up in the bed behind him.”

11. Obsession

“I worked at Domino’s and we had to blacklist a guy because he was obsessed with me. He would come in and ask if I was there. If I wasn’t working that day he would just show up the next. If I was on a delivery, he’d wait around in the store for me.

He would tell me that he loved me and ask me out on dates. He was very bad on heroin and made it obvious. The last time I delivered to his house, he ordered about $40 worth of food and drinks, and kept trying to hand me $100 even though I told him numerous times I didn’t have the change.

He apparently stole his grandma’s cell phone and wouldn’t give it back and him and his cousin were screaming at each other the whole time I’m waiting to get the smaller bills he kept telling me he had. He had nothing smaller than a $100 and he kept arguing with me because he changed his mind and just wanted 1 pizza and a drink and I told him I couldn’t do that.”

12. A dodgy part of town

“So while I was in under grad, I worked as a pizza delivery driver. I had a delivery to a dodgy part of town with a delicious pie. When I got within a couple miles of the residence, a local sheriff’s deputy got in front of me. We made all the same turns. Then as we got closer, another got in front of him and one behind me. I start freaking out a bit as I’d been smoking some weed, but carry on.

Finally, we all get to the same residence which is totally surrounded by police in riot gear, guns drawn, all that shit. I get out with my pizza and discover the house I’m supposed to deliver to is the one with SWAT out in front. One of the officers waves me off and says, “he’s not gonna need that today” and they proceed to breach the door, to which I return to the car with a free pizza and get the hell outta there.

They were added to our “Do not deliver” list but I don’t think we ever heard from them again.”

13. Help me!

“Funnest job I ever had, but man the shit I saw and went through. The most fucked up delivery had to be when a woman answered with her huge beautiful Siamese cat. I love that breed, so I ask if I can pet him. She says yes, I bend down.

The cat purrs, rubs against me, all the usual signs of liking it. So I stand up to finish giving this lady her pizza, the cat lunges and bites me above my right eye, and wraps all 4 limbs around my head. Panic! Freeze! Wtf do I do?! Wtf is going on?!

Why isn’t this lady helping me???? I grab this demon cat from hell by the front legs and just rip him the fuck off of me. As I do my contact lense pops off. All I can think is that it’s eye skin coming off of my eyeball. I throw that fucker down and just freak out at the amount of blood that starts pouring out of my gash. The woman brings me into her house and puts a towel on.

I tell her she has to take me to the emergency room or call 911 as I can’t see to drive myself. After all it was her cat who attacked me. She drives me to a minor er place. I get stitches, and a tetanus shot. She foots the bill. Never see her again. Boss wasn’t happy that I missed the rest of the night, or had another order in my car. Fuck that cat.”

14. Cuffed

“I drove to the customer’s house and saw that a guy was being handcuffed by the police in the front yard. I had no idea what to do so I drove around a neighboring block a few times. When I came back, the police and handcuffed guy were gone.

I didn’t know if he was the customer or not so I just walked up to the door and knocked. An old couple answered and took the pizza and paid and didn’t say anything about the arrest that happened on their lawn. It was in a city with extremely low crime rate as well so it was very strange to 17-year-old me.”

15. A sad story

“First time to a huge mansion that was renowned for big tips, where you had to go around the back to a gate leading to the pool patio. Guy who answered the gate doorbell (!) had been disfigured in some horrible accident.

He had me wait while he got his wallet, so I got a good dose of the backyard where a raging party was going on. Coke being snorted, craziness in the pool, booze bottles everywhere, and it was like midday on a Wednesday.

Guy finally comes back, addresses me by name (no name tag) and says “you don’t remember me, do you?” Knowing that I’d remember those injuries, I realized he must know me from before he got hurt, and I stammered out a weak “no, I don’t?”

His response blew me away – he recalled being in first grade with me at a local Catholic school I attended for one year. Then, he went on to detail everything about class that year, the people, teachers, activities and that his accident had happened during the following summer – he’d gone through a windshield in a head-on with a semi.

I delivered there a few more times, and hung out chatting with him as long as I could. It slowly became clear that the party crowd was just using him for his money. That was fucked up enough, but what I also eventually realized was that he was stuck in that last normal year he’d lived and, 20 years later, had moved back (IIRC, he’d moved away because his parents died or were severely injured in the accident) as soon as he was old enough to access the accident settlement. And the money was going up that crowd’s nose pretty fast.

I had no idea how to help him or even if he wanted help, and eventually started letting other drivers take that run. Never saw him again, even though it’s a small town.

Eventually he stopped ordering pizza and then I left for a job elsewhere, but would pass by his house when visiting while my parents still lived there. Fewer and fewer cars were parked out front every time I went by, and the house slowly became overgrown with ivy. Fucked up.”

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Completely Justified Times Millennials Clapped Back at Baby Boomers

Let’s give these Millennials a break, shall we? Actually, these young people don’t even need any help, because they totally put these Baby Boomers in their place! Amen!

1. Shut up old person!

2. You have an INSANE amount of money and you don’t even realize it!

3. Define “joke”

4. Yeah, did you enjoy the 80s? Because we certainly didn’t!

5. Oh, boo fucking hoo… sorry you can’t drive somewhere to buy cheap shit…

6. Savage

7. These fucking people…

8. There is no logic for some boomers…

9. This!

10. Rip it up

11. This! Means! War!

And so it goes.

But hey, forward this in an email to your mom and her friends! I’m sure they’ll get a kick out of it!

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Seinfeld, Mad About…

Seinfeld, Mad About You, and Friends all exist in the same universe. Kramer is subletting his apartment from Paul; Jamie appeared in an episode of Friends and mistook Phoebe for Ursula; Ursula works as a waitress in Mad About You.