Instagram Users Mixed ‘Game of Thrones’ with Adorable Dogs to Make ‘Game of Bones’

You better believe it: Game of Thrones fans are dressing their dogs up as characters from the show, and do you even have to ask if the results are adorable?

Because the results are ADORABLE!

“Joey Tribbiani, second of his name…”

“When you play the Game of Bones, you win or you die.”


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When you play the Game of Bones, you win or you die. #winterishere

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“BEND THE KNEE …and give me belly rubs…”


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BEND THE KNEE …and give me belly rubs and treats as i watch the season 8 premiere of game of thrones tonight! ?⚔❄???

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“happy nameday to our queen ?

“King Finn of House Burrito demanded Easter eggs….??

“The role of Dognerys is highly coveted!”

“I know nothing…”

“Everyone, meet #PugSnow and #DanerysCorgaryen!!”


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Mom’s been waiting a longgggg time for GOT S8 (she’s been holding onto these pics since dog bowl 2018 @dogbowlfun!) to come out and now it’s finally here! ????,? Everyone, meet #PugSnow and #DanerysCorgaryen!! ????? . . . . . #gameofbones #pugsofwesteros #danerystargaryen @emilia_clarke #jonsnowanddaenerys @kitharingtonig #jonsnowcosplay #winterishere #gotseason8 #gameofthrones #gameofthronesmemes #gameofthronesfamily #gameofthronesfan #dogcostume #dogbowl2018 #frankenmuth #costumecontest #pugobsessed #corgisofinstagram #dogloversfeed #ootd #dogsofthemitten #michigancorgiclub #grumble_inc #webadbutnotbadbad #dogoftheday #puglifemagazine @thetomcoteshow #cosplayfun #corgigram #gotpawty2019 @unitedpawsgroup

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“Tell Cersei. I want her to know it was me.”

“I pledged my oath to the Night’s Watch last night.”

“Lord Arnold Relaxborn of the House Pizza…”

“I’m so ready for Game of Thrones, but are you ready for Game of Bones too? ?


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I’m so ready for Game of Thrones, but are you ready for Game of Bones too? ? #GameofThones or #GameofBones

A post shared by Coconut Rice Bear (@coconutricebear) on


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These Floating Wine Glasses Will Make Your Summer at the Pool a Whole Lot Better

Is there anything better than drinking wine at the pool on your day off?

Photo Credit: iStock

Now you can do so without having to swim over to the edge to take a sip.

Introducing: floating wine glasses, the solution to all your “drunk at the pool” problems. You can buy them from a few retailers, including Amazon and Aldi.

The Aldi glasses are incredibly cheap. They’re just $2.49 per glass, which is good, because something that is designed to hold your pool wine will probably not remain pristine forever.

They come in three colors, turquoise, white, and clear. They are only available for a limited time, though, so you need to buy them ASAP!

Photo Credit: ALDI

Not near an Aldi? Try Amazon. There’s a set of two for $20.99, and they float in the pool but look just like regular wine glasses. They’re multipurpose!

Photo Credit: Amazon

Looking at the product photo, it seems like pool water will absolutely get into your wine glass if anybody rocks the boat too much, but whatevs.

Here’s another cool set of four that’s much more colorful. These are $44.99 for the full set, or you can buy them individually for $12.95 each.

Photo Credit: Amazon

As a bonus, the wine glasses with the stake can be anchored into the sand if you’re kickin’ it on the beach instead of at the pool.

If you are not the pool type, you can also use these floating wine glasses in the bath, or in a hot tub or jacuzzi.

Btw, you’re welcome! ?

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People Reveal the Very Illegal Things That Happened at Their High Schools

Do you remember any crazy, super illegal stuff that went down at your high school? Well, that question was posted on Reddit and, oh boy… lots of people had stories to share. Soooooooo many stories.

Some funny. Some sad. Some completely insane.

High school was a weird time for many, and you’re about to find out how crazy it got…

1. Where do you go to school?!?!

Let’s see, where should I start?

Freshman year – 2 rapes in bathrooms, 1 fatal stabbing.

Sophomore year – Shooting in the courtyard, half pound of coke found in students locker.

Junior year – Drama teacher(f) caught sleeping with 3 students

Senior year – Gym teacher/Driver’s Ed teacher(m) impregnates freshman girl. Then it is discovered he has not had a valid Driver’s License for 6 years, invalidating the Driver’s Ed class for everyone that took it during that time period.

2. This is why you don’t give your kids booze.

High school coach didn’t keep tabs on our team during a weeklong beach trip to play games in Florida. Parents supplied kids with alcohol, one of my teammates snaps his neck diving into the ocean.

Coach fired, kid paralyzed. Literal chaos within our baseball program ensued, it was awful.

I transferred.

3. This. Is. Nuts.

Spanish teacher got arrested for illegally bringing over a 14 year old Argentinian girl and keeping her as a sex toy.

But since she was here illegally and wouldn’t testify against him she was deported and he came back to school later in the year. Come to find out a couple of years later he had molested like half of the girls volleyball team he was the coach of.

4. The difference between these two incidents!

My senior year one of my friends was murdered by her boyfriend and he drove around with her body in the trunk for a couple of hours.

Also, a couple of kids got caught giving each other piercings in the stairwells.

5. Freshmen are dumb…

There were 4 freshmen in the bathroom stall just vaping and a teacher came in so they freaked out and didn’t want to get in trouble so they thought calling the cops on the teacher for harassment would get them out of trouble.

They got expelled an hour after the cops arrived.

6. Well, that’s a sure way to get fired!

This was middle school, but our computer teacher was fired after they caught him watching porn in the computer lab during lunch.

Rumor has it, he was watching on the big projector screen they use for teaching.

7. This took a lot of turns in a short amount of time!

A teacher was caught having sex with an autistic student.

I believe the student claimed to have loved her.

Her dad was also a teacher at the same school and he left after the incident came out.

Edit: Teacher was female, student was male.

8. The “cool” kids…

The cool gang of kids (not me, I’ve never been anywhere near cool…) got into a dare contest which ended up with one of them having to get a pair of knickers from a particular girl. She didn’t want to play the game… so he ended up cornering her in a boys toilet and cutting them off her with a knife.

We never saw him at the school again. All games were banned.

9. Well, this is pretty epic!

Little bit of backstory first.

Our school had a big renovation ongoing, and because of that, almost half off the school was closed down. The closed part included the biggest bathrooms and because of that, the school administration ordered two toilet barracks to be placed on the school yard.

So… some 7-9th graders decided to buy some toilet pipe opener liquid (i don’t know what is the correct term) and aluminium foil. They put the aluminum foil inside some plastic bottles and poured a little pipe opener in them with the foil. As someone has probably done this before, knows what is going to happen next. They stuck 6 bottles total inside the toilet bowls in every stall of one barrack and blew them up due to the chemical reaction between the foil and the opener. All the pipings of the single barrack were destroyed due to water pressure inside the pipes. Turns out that the two barracks had connected pipings and the water that was in the bowls in the other barrack shot up to the ceiling due to pressure.

The students never got caught and if I remember correctly, the incident ended up costing a hefty amount for the school administration. The barracks were taken away, and were replaced with new ones. After the incident, every recess there was a teacher infront on the barracks monitoring everyone going in and out. Nothing happened to the new toilets.

10. The CD master!

Pre-internet days (kinda), CD’s were a thing.

I had a massive CD collection in a gigantic book in my locker. I typed up lists of all the artists and albums I owned. So I had these flyers everywhere and for $3 a CD I’d burn you a copy. This was right when CD burners came out and my stepdad was super into the latest and greatest tech so we had the cool gadgets when they came out.

I eventually was caught but for a time I made killer money.

11. Don’t piss off the minor league boxer!

A Special Ed kid got jumped by a dude on his way to school and was beaten bloody. The whole thing was recorded by the guys girlfriend and her friend. The whole time they were cheering him on yelling things like “World Star!” and so on. She later posted it on Instagram which pissed off everyone and just about everyone wanted to beat the dude up in the vid. He was given temporary suspension (Fucking BS) while the police took care of him. From what I know, he was given a assault charge.

Also side note: There was a girl at my school who was in minor league boxing who was ready to beat him up, she even tried looking for him by his house.

EDIT: For those of you arguing if the boxer would’ve won the fight, can confirm, she was a hell of a lot bigger then the guy. In comparison, he was a pretty skinny dude.

12. Good plan on that third attempt…

Our football coach took off with one of the girls in the high school and moved to mexico and married her.

He had a wife and kids.

They then hired a brand new football coach who was 23 years old.

Before the end of his first year, he was hooking up with an 18 year old senior girl. They also took off and went somewhere.

We went without a coach for a couple years.

13. Hey, whatever works for two adults is up to them.

I had a male teacher in high school who had a lot of chemistry with this one girl in my class. They never did anything inappropriate but like they had great banter and got along great. We’d all joke that she had a crush on him and that they were going to get together. We even joked that they were already secretly hooking up, but we didn’t really think they were.

They were married 5 years later and have 2 kids and couldn’t be happier. It made all of us wonder if something was going down while she was in high school.

They both swear nothing happened until she randomly bumped into him at the supermarket when she was visiting home for the holidays. Parents were outraged when they found out. The school couldn’t fire him because there was no proof. Eventually they got tired of the awkward stares and moved away.

They’ve been married like 8 years now and from what I can see in social media are still going strong.

14. I don’t know what’s worse. The gun or the tapeworm!

Grew up in a small town.

When a lamb got sick and was dying our Ag teacher just had us go out behind the classroom building and shoot it.

We ended up pulling a massive tapeworm out of it.

Definitely not legal to have guns on campus let alone use them.

15. Abusing the disabled is nuts.

Had a pretty controversial case involving a handicapped student who had cerebral palsy and muscular dystrophy. His parents filed a lawsuit accusing two of his handlers of abusing him by dumping him out of his chair and forcing him to wear a neck brace so he’d “look them in the eye.”

Worst part was I don’t think the handlers suffered any consequences. I looked up articles on it and all of them highlight the abuse and lawsuit, but none follow through with the results which is frustrating.

16. Here, let me help you shut up forever…

Had a guy selling heroin. After that there was a weekly police presence.

Also, a kid bound a girl to a chair, gagged her and stuffed her in a cupboard in the woodworking shop. He claims it was to help her complete the sponsored silence she had been doing that day.

Okay, I’m scarred for life.

Going to go wash my brain out with beer.


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This Is Why Your Dog Eats Grass

Dogs like to eat a lot of weird stuff. Technically, this is called “pica,” which is eating things that aren’t food, and most dogs engage in this behavior.

Although grass isn’t a particular favorite of my pup, many dogs do like to chomp on it from time to time.

Photo Credit: Pixabay

Your dog may be attracted to grass for a few reasons, and it’s not inherently dangerous unless you treat your lawn with chemicals.

One reason they might munch on your lawn is that they have an upset tummy. Grass is a purgative, which means it makes them throw up. If their stomach is feeling upset, they might want to get whatever’s bothering them out of their system ASAP, and grass is one way to do that.

Some also suspect dogs eat grass because they’re technically omnivores. They might want to occasionally add some plant material to their diet, and that’s one way to do it.

Photo Credit: Pixabay

Surprisingly little research has been done on why dogs eat grass. It could be dietary, or it could be due to boredom or stress, depending on the situation.

But… should you worry?

For the most part, if your dog’s eating grass, she’s probably fine. If you notice that your pup is eating a lot more grass than usual, though, you may want to take her to the vet just to be on the safe side.

If you notice other signs your dog isn’t feeling well, then you definitely should visit your vet.

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All 20-Somethings Need These Kinds of Friends in Their Lives

Your 20s are a weird, confusing time, and you’re going to want to have good friends around you to survive that trying decade.

Some of them help you have fun, some of them are there when you need them and some, well, they’re kind of garbage friends, but it’s still nice that they’re around.

Here are the essential buds you need in your life so that your 20s run as smooth as silk.

The Errand Runner

Photo Credit: World Wide Interweb

You want to minimize those impulse purchase? You need a shopping buddy… stat!

Ms Bad Influence

Photo Credit: World Wide Interweb

TBH, this friend is only good for the first half of your twenties. And they better not be somebody you’re sexually interested in, otherwise you are DEFINITELY going to fuck them. A lot.

And if you’re still into having Ms. Bad Influencer in your life in the back half of your twenties, you’re both probably alcoholics.

AA anybody?

The Sex Goddess

In this hookup culture, having a more sexually-experienced friend is absolutely essential. And hey, if the ribald conversations get too blue… you can always call in “The Bad Influence” to run interference.

The Checker Inner

Photo Credit: World Wide Interweb

Honestly, this is kind of a garbage friend because they’re not really there for you. And do they really care about your well-being? Hmmmm, well, at least they pretend. And sometimes that’s nice. I guess. Whatever.

The Editor-in-Chief

Always just keep this friend at the ready because they could be just the thing to just make any text, email or cover letter all better.

Just saying…

The Detective

Whenever it’s time to do recon on your possible new boytoy/fuckbuddy/friend… this gal is your baroness in dark web armor.

The Illusionist

I have no pity for those of you out there that wants somebody to lie to you.

Your hair is greasy bish. WASH IT!

The Photographer

They know how to do it for the gram. And that is more valuable than gold!

Okay, we’d take the gold instead, but this is still valuable.

The One Who Knows You’re Awful

Yeah, they know your secrets, but they won’t judge you. Actually, they’re more likely agree with you and carry all your secrets to their grave.

Thank god… because that is a large bag of no no.

The Awkward One

They have no empathy, so they don’t know why you’re crying, but that’s okay because they’re still there helping you out anyway…

The Bold One

“Ummm, excuse me waitress. You got her order wrong. Could we fix this? Thank you.”

God damn you’re the best.

Thank you Bold One!

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Keanu Reeves Doesn’t Touch People When Taking Photos with Them and We like Him Even More Now

It seems that every time Keanu Reeves pops up in the news, people love him even more…if that’s possible.

From giving up his seat on the subway to promoting kindness with his every action, he’s just about the most perfect human being on the planet (seemingly).

And now he’s upping his game, as people realize that when he poses for pictures with fans, he avoids touching them.

Posted by Unprofessional Madman on Sunday, June 9, 2019


Even celebs like Dolly Parton.

Posted by Unprofessional Madman on Sunday, June 9, 2019


He’s had a hard life, from his father leaving him at a young age to the birth of a stillborn daughter and the loss of both his partner and his friend, River Phoenix.

Posted by Unprofessional Madman on Sunday, June 9, 2019


He does his best to stay out of the media and reportedly prefers to spend his free time ballroom dancing and surfing.

Posted by Unprofessional Madman on Sunday, June 9, 2019


And stealing our hearts without even trying.

Posted by Unprofessional Madman on Sunday, June 9, 2019

While some people are cynical enough to believe he doesn’t touch women in pictures as a way to avoid being accused of sexual harassment, most of us know the truth.

Photo Credit: Unprofessional Madman

He’s the real deal.

Photo Credit: Unprofessional Madman

Because why wouldn’t he be?

Photo Credit: Unprofessional Madman

What’s not to like about this guy?

Photo Credit: Unprofessional Madman

And he knows what’s up when it comes to heavy petting. ?

Photo Credit: Unprofessional Madman

Could he be?

Photo Credit: Unprofessional Madman

Nah, he’s just a good dude.

Photo Credit: Unprofessional Madman

And maybe it’s about something else entirely?

Photo Credit: Unprofessional Madman

Yes, Keanu is just an all around good guy.

True story!

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An Anti-Vaxxer Dad Asked for Advice on Building an “Outside Bedroom” for 2-Year-Old and Got Roasted

Anti-vaxxers are really something, aren’t they? Despite mountains actual, peer-reviewed, scientifically validated evidence that show the benefits of vaccination and also prove that there is no link between vaccines and autism, anti-vaxxers keep insisting that vaccines are evil based on information they got from memes and health blogs. Cool.

Naturally, choosing not to vaccinate your child is your right as a parent. But unfortunately diseases couldn’t care less about your personal autonomy, and skipping vaccines is a decision that puts you child and others (such as those too sick/young to be vaccinated) at serious risk of infection. That’s why whenever an anti-vaxxer parent tries to justify their choice online, other parents are pretty quick to roast them.

That’s what happened to this parent, who apparently wanted to create an “outside bedroom” for their unvaccinated child…

Photo Credit: WWInterweb

Here’s what they wrote:

The weather is getting nicer. My son, Jericho (not vaccinated), never wants to make it in by curfew. I am planning on moving his bedroom outside. I’m not looking for this post to turn into a debate, REBECCA. Just looking for recommendations for outdoor furniture for 2 year old boys room. His favorite color is yellow.

The internet being what it is, it wasn’t long before the roasting began.

Photo Credit: WWInterweb

And continued…

Photo Credit: WWInterweb

…and continued…

Photo Credit: WWInterweb

The Twitterverse was on FIRE

Photo Credit: WWInterweb

And the hits just kept coming.

Photo Credit: WWInterweb

So toasty in here

Photo Credit: WWInterweb

Is it just me? Cuz I am feelin the heat for real.

Photo Credit: WWInterweb

That’s a whole cup of dark roast right there

Photo Credit: WWInterweb

People were also curious about this mysterious “Rebecca” that Jonny didn’t want to debate with.

Photo Credit: WWInterweb

Where is Rebecca??

Photo Credit: WWInterweb

Photo Credit: WWInterweb

I think Jonny is gonna need some ointment for these sick burns.

Photo Credit: WWInterweb

Photo Credit: WWInterweb

Photo Credit: WWInterweb

And finally, there’s this to consider:

Photo Credit: WWInterweb


Well played, internet. You have saved the day yet again.

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Tired of Baby Pics? There’s a ‘Baby Blocker’ Plug-In to Block All the Baby Photos on Your Social Media Feeds.

FYI, condoms have about an 85% effectiveness rating (although, to be clear, it’s more like 98% if you use them perfectly correctly), but you know what the best birth control of all is? Being around babies/kids. They WILL eventually annoy or exhaust you, and they WILL give you the opposite of baby fever.

One condom company, Skyn, has come up with an ingenious way to reduce your baby fever even further. They invented a Chrome plugin that will automatically block babies of newborns and toddlers on your social media feed. The plugin replaces the baby photos with photos of other things – landscapes, cars, food, whatever.

Photo Credit: Pixabay

A press release from Skyn explains that the plug-in was prompted by the birth of Meghan Markle and Prince Harry’s baby Archie, which has apparently led to a flood of baby photos on people’s timelines.

“Numerous baby photos are being shared every hour on Facebook and this is bound to increase over the coming weeks,” explained the company.

“Sexual wellness company Skyn has launched a simple free‐to‐download Google Chrome extension, allowing people to opt‐out of the predictable frenzy of baby photos, following a much-awaited birth.”

Photo Credit: The Baby Blocker

The company went on to say that parents share an average of 1500 photos of their kids from birth to age five, which, WOW. For some people, all these photos “might be a little bit too much.”

“The Baby Blocker was created for them: a simple and fun way to swap baby photos in your feed for images of other things you might like.”

So, for all the curmudgeons who are tired of seeing their friends’ kids’ happy little faces, you now have a way to make Facebook usable again — without offending anyone!

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15 People Who Survived Murder Attempts Share Their Stories

The details of these 15 murder attempts are crazy and true – and, since they have happy endings, they also make for interesting reading.

Take a look at these stories.

#15. Got bad vibes.

Mines not extreme by any chance but a couple of years ago my brother and I went to walk the dog at like 11pm. We left through the side gate (live on a corner) and right as we exit I see this weird looking dude at the corner of the footpath walking weirdly towards us. Got bad vibes and told my brother to get the dog and get back inside. This dude is walking kind of side on and hiding something in his hand behind his back, as I’m getting my brother through the gate the dude says something like “oi mate can I come in, I need a blanket I’m freezing” I just ignored him and went inside and locked the door. We then get a call from the people who live two doors up, the same dude knocked on their door and their 10yo son opened it to see the dude holding a fucking hatchet. Anyway I’m glad I went with my gut on that one

#14. Thank god for nosy neighbors.

Thank God for my nosey neighbors. I always used to hate how nosey they were. Until this happened. When I was about 10 I was riding my bike outside. My parents always let me ride my bike outside during the summer, but only up and down the street we were on. One day, a man in a fan was parked across the street. He called to me, asking me if I had seen his dog and could help him find it. Me, being a dumb child, offered to help him find it, and I started walking towards his van. My neighbor, and older white lady, came BOLTING out of her house hooting and yelling, telling the guy to back off. The dude got back in his car in a hurry and took off, and it wasn’t until many years later that I realized how bad that situation could have been.

#13. I went furious.

I (18F back then, now 25) was on my way home at night after meeting a friend.

My home was just 10 minutes away from the trainstation. After a few minutes I felt someone following me. No big deal I tought, just someone else walking home. But I started walking faster. I realized the person behind me was catching up…weird. In my head I started to make up scenarios of how to defend myself if the person would attack me. Never would I think of this to actually happen.

Well, until I felt something on the back of my head, hitting me hard. I went furious. I turned around and attacked the guy. My mind was just full of anger towards this stranger who, what I thought, hit me.

We were wrestling until I fell on the ground. He was sitting on top of me, strangling me. I tried to crawl my nails into his eyes as deep as I could, but I started to black out. Suddenly there was this tought in my head “wake up, or you will die”…well, adrenaline kicked in again and I opened my eyes and screamed of the top of my lungs, attacking him again.

That helped. He stood up and began to run. I layed there for a few seconds, then I started to run home, still screaming.

My mom was already at our door and opened for me because my screams woke her up (or her mother senses, who knows?) She immeadiately called the cops and they could arrest him on the same night.

It turned out that he actually shot me in my head from behind. They assume that the gun didn’t work properly, the bullet didnt penetrate my skull and stuck in there, but as far as I know they never found out why the gun misfired. I’m glad though. He told the cops that he already followed me a few times in the past, but never had the guts to “do it”. He wanted to kill me and rape my dead body.

I know that’s a wild story, I have some swiss news paper articles as a source if someone cares though.

#12. They never found them.

I was 14 and outside in my garage petting my cat. It was November so it was already dark by 5pm. Someone opened the door behind me without me hearing, grabbed me by my Ponytail and starting dragging me outside. They hit me on my head with a brick and knocked me out. Pulled me halfway around my house when (I’m guessing this is when) they stabbed me on the left side of my stomach. This must have brought me out of my daze, because my mom said she heard me scream from inside where she and my brother And sister were in the kitchen. They came out the front door and saw me bleeding out on the side walk, called 911. had 12 stitches (double layer) a severe Concussion, and whiplash. didn’t eat and hardly slept for a week. They never found them.

Edit: somehow believed for nearly 14 years I was 15 when this happened, turns out I was 14. Edited to correct.

2nd edit: thank you so much for my first gold! ☺

#11. This was also a mistake.

I was riding in a train across Eastern Europe. I was running low on money and even though I had been warned that a woman should not travel alone in second class seating I did not spring for first class. I was sitting alone in one of the compartments that seats six. This was also a mistake and a very stupid one to sit alone. Eventually the train stopped and a man got on – he was very drunk. He came into my compartment and I guess thought I looked like his ex-wife.

He attacked me. If it were not for the fact that this particular station was the border between two countries I would be dead. Instead border patrol from both countries were on the train and while I was unable to scream, the door was open and at least a half a dozen uniformed men jumped him and saved me. I was in the hospital for a little while but recovered. At one point during the trial, one of the cops asked me if I wanted him and his buddies to hold the guy down while I hit him. I thought he was joking. So I said no, go ahead you do it. I was also joking. But it turns out they took it seriously and were about to! I did put a stop to that at least. But they were so offended that someone from their country would attack a young female American tourist. They were furious with him. So many people there depended upon tourism

#10. Don’t think he saw me at all.

Was a bouncer at a club in LA for a minute in the 90’s. Stopped some dudes clearly affiliated (in a gang) at the door after they refused security checks. After a few minutes of their threats & Manson lamps they left spewing all sort of warnings.

A little later it starts to wind down and because it’s a little slow & we’re overstaffed so I start to drink. I get a bit drunk (not wasted, but sleepy-buzzed) so I tell my buddy I’m going to go lay down in the back of his car for a while.

A few minutes after lying down I realize I have to piss. I get out and stumble a few into a spot between a guard gate (for a parking lot) and a building for a little privacy (there’s a few dozen people milling around in front of the club). I’m about 25 feet away from the club’s entrance and just off an alleyway.

While I’m relieving myself, a dude runs right past in front of me, around the guard booth to my rear, and unloads a 9mm (recovered rounds from back seat/trunk/roof/bumper) into the back seat of the car I’d just crawled out of.

“bam bam bam bam…” Unloading into the car.

He then turns, runs right back past me, and down the alley into the night. Don’t think he saw me at all.

Nothing really came of it. Except my partner was convinced I was a “marked man” and refused to be near me for a year or so.

Edit: holy crap, I kind of expected this to get buried. This was Los Angeles. I was about 25 (almost 50 now) so some specifics are long gone – but I remember this: my buddy was genuinely terrified by this, I don’t think he knew anything about it (in fact he seemed to interpret the event as a larger conspiracy to have me snuffed – not some random pissed off dude making a point/getting jumped in) and because he ditched the car/wouldn’t take my calls it got left at that. For those concerned with the car – it was, like, a 1980’s rusted out sedan…maybe a $500 car. Details about the slugs/number of rounds fired were relayed to me later by third parties (my friend and I were known in the neighborhood, people were talking about it). Thank you for the well wishes. Honestly though, this wasn’t even the first time I was shot at (it’s been a long strange trip).

Edit 2: Also, I tried to argue later that it’s just as likely the guy was shooting at someone else across the street and that the car just got in the way. But there were holes all through that thing. Back seat had 4/5, another 2/3 went into the back window and ended up in the backs of the front seats, another 2/3 rounds went right into the trunk. I honestly don’t know if he was a terrible shot, or if he hit right what he was aiming for.

Apologies if I’m doing this wrong, I suck at Reddit.

#9. He was stabbed 7 times.

I have a friend who had a party at his parents house when he was in high school that a ton of random people went to. He got super drunk during the party and went upstairs to go to sleep, knowing that his friends would watch the party for him. My friend woke up from his nap to a guy from his school sitting on top of him stabbing him death. He was stabbed seven times before it stopped and he laid there on the bed dying.

The only reason he is still alive is because his best friend came upstairs to ask him if it was alright if he made a frozen pizza and found him. The assailant was put in jail and recently was released and it scares me to know that a guy who “wanted to know what it would feel like to kill someone” (said during the trial), is still out there free.

#8. I was very confused.

My supposed best friend decided that my wife and I were too perfect. Therefore it must all be an act and I was obviously abusing her.

He was at our house after I made an awesome dinner and we were having fun drinking and singing karaoke.

I went to the kitchen to put some glasses away, came back and leaned on the couch with him slightly behind me to the left of me.

Then I heard a thunk and felt an amazing amount of pain on the top of my head. He had picked up the whiskey bottle on the table and smashed it into my skull.

I was very confused as to wtf was happening. Then the blood started pouring. I didn’t want to get blood everywhere so I went to the kitchen.

Dude is pacing back and forth saying weird shit. I thought about my gun (which was close by) but I wasn’t thinking quite straight. He left.

I had a huge concussion and still suffer side effects from it.

My number 2 goal in life is to live longer then that asshat just so I can shit on his grave.

#7. I was too late.

I was exiting a bar once after last call and was with a friend who was a medic. We saw a girl laying in a snow bank near a telephone pole who had just been hit by a car. We ran over and tried to help her, some others were already on the phone with 911 and I, not having any medical training didn’t have anything to contribute but didn’t want to just leave, the whole situation was concerning.

I turn around for a second and start to hear people screaming… I turn around a a minivan was heading for us, the few people around this woman. They already started to run, but I was too late…​

He hit me as I was trying to flee… put the car in reverse, ran over me again, and then went forward and run over me a third time.

Turns out the guy was high and drunk and got into a fight with the women’s bf, whom I bared a strong resemblance too. He thought I was him. Not to throw a pity party for myself but 9 years later I have a ton of medical issues, and my life pretty much started on a downward spiral since then… but sure, I guess I “survived”.

Edit: For everyone wondering about the guy, An off duty cop watched the whole thing go down, and copied his license plate number. He was apprehended 20 minutes later & charged with attempted murder, along with many other things.

He plea’d out to just 3 years in jail. He had actually killed someone else a few years before drunk driving. How they thought that was appropriate is beyond me.

#6. Next thing I know.

This all happened many years ago.

I was a lead man at a factory. A girl starts working there, and I take an interest. After a few months, I find out she is in a terrible drug-fueled abusive relationship. Every night, I tell her to call me, I’ll come get her. Finally after months, she calls me, I come get her and take her to my house.

The guy she was in the relationship with didn’t take too kindly to me taking her away. He spends the next 2 years harassing and threatening us.

A few months after she and I got married we went out for a few drinks. Her ex just happened to be at the bar we went to. He apologized to us for the threats and harassment. We were sitting outside talking with a few other people.

Next thing I know, I’m on my back on the ground with someone choking me. I try all I can to get them off of me, but being blindsided and them being on top of me, it wasn’t easy. As I struggle to get free, everything goes black, then I see “the light at the end of the tunnel”. In that moment I was certain that this was the end of me. I somehow manage to get a better hold of this person’s head, and I yank them off of me. We run to the car and get away.

A week or so later, my wife had been talking to everyone she thinks might know what happened. Turns out, her ex had paid 2 people $50 to kill me that night.

#5. Drive away, sweetheart.

I was abducted at a gas station during undergrad. The locks on my car were broken, and as soon as I got back in, a strange man came in and forced me to drive him to an ATM. I am paralyzed with fear so any sense or reason I had went out the window. He claimed he worked at Wendy’s and for my generosity he would give me all the Wendy’s I ever wanted. On the way to the ATM he showed me pictures of his daughters (on his clearly stolen cell phone). Then a Whitney Houston song came on the radio and he starts BAWLING his eyes out and screaming “Why do all the good people have to die, only bad things should happen to bad people.” I go to the ATM, take out cash, give it to him thinking it’s over. He then makes me get back in the car and drive him somewhere else. We pass by some train tracks and I’m thinking this is it, this is where I will be murdered. He asks me what I’m studying in school, and I tell him Biochemistry. “I believe in jet propulsion and all that shit. WE ARE NOT ALONE ALIENS ARE AMONG US.” He then makes me pull over at a gas station and he tells me “drive away sweetheart”. I call the cops, had to do a line-up, apparently this dude had done this to a ton of other women, and some were less unscathed than I was….

#4. He was perfectly civil.

Throwaway because it got some media. I’m a criminal defense attorney. I was representing this guy that had embezzled almost $500k from his business partner. He was looking down the barrel at several years in prison, a bunch of his assets had been seized by the government, was being sued by multiple creditors for north of $2 million, and was in the midst of an ugly divorce and wasn’t allowed to see his kids. I was one of 3 lawyers he had – criminal, civil and divorce. He was drinking a lot and using coke — I used to get this incoherent phone calls in the middle of the night that ranged from threats to crying.

He came to my office one day and asked for me but I was in court. My secretary said he was perfectly civil. He then went to his divorce lawyer’s office and shot him to death. Got stopped by the police a short distance away and was wounded in a shootout. He would later tell the cops that he had come to my office to shoot me that day and also planned to shoot his civil attorney.

#3. I was supposed to sleep there.

Sophomore year of college went with a friend to go hang out at his old college. We were supposed to crash with a few friends of his but we met a few ladies and ended up at a pool party. Next day went home and my friend started getting calls from one of his buddies moms asking if he’d seen him.

Turns out in the middle of the night a few guys broke into the house kidnapped my friends buddy and roomate. Took there car and drove them out to the middle if nowhere and executed them. I guess it was part of some gang initiation.

I was supposed to sleep there with my friend. I still somtimes think about it and get the shivers.

EDIT: spelling.

This happened in 1999 in stubenville ohio. Someone posted a link to the wiki page in the comments.

Thank you to all the people who commented. I posted this before work and then my phone went crazy for the next few hrs.

#2. My mom got mad at me.

Well. My mom got mad at me when I was 20 and I didn’t give her money for her birthday, which I’m assuming was to pay off drug dealers of hers, so she stabbed me between the ribs. Ended up getting stuck in the bone and had to get it taken out in surgery.

#1. I was that close.

I was doing volunteer work in Central America, working in a really bad area of the capitol city–it was a slum built on top of the city’s garbage dump. The whole place reeked of trash, and there were large metal cylinders coming up out of the ground throughout the area to vent the gas from decomposing garbage underground.

As a fellow volunteer and I walked down a dirt path, two men approached us. I’d never seen them before. They were acting strangely, but I just thought they were drunk or high–a lot of people in the area drank rubbing alcohol to get drunk, since it was cheaper than beer or liquor. Over time, drinking the rubbing alcohol would really mess with their brains.

As the men got closer, they began acting really friendly–too friendly. One of them came close to me, trying to put his arm around my shoulders. At first, it seemed like the behavior of a guy who gets happy and friendly when he’s drunk. However, an alarm went off in my head, and I gently–but firmly–pushed him away. I tried to make it seem lighthearted and playful, like, “Hey, man! How’s it going?” (Affectionate shove.) I didn’t want to make a scene, since I was a gringo; I didn’t want to seem like an ugly American.

This went on over and over down the whole path–he’d get close, I’d shove him off, he’d come close again. Finally, my friend and I came to a fork in the path, and we went one way while they went another.

After we got to the house of some people we knew, we told them about the two guys. (I was so focused on protecting myself, I didn’t even notice much of what was happening with the other guy.) They said, “Oh, everyone around here knows him. That’s his routine–he comes up to people, pretends to be friendly, puts him arm around them, then pulls out his knife and stabs them in the stomach.”

I was that close to getting stabbed to death.

Yikes! Dumb luck is really the best thing to hope for sometimes.

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15 Zookeepers Share the Weirdest Things They’ve Seen Animals Do

I’ve always wondered what goes on behind the scenes at zoos. After reading through this list, I’m not surprised by animals anymore. Ever. Nope.

#15. Chimps love treats.

“I would bring the chimps treats each week. I once brought a bag full of lychee, which they thought was only “meh” but the keepers loved them. Surprised me, since I thought they would go nuts for them so I picked a whole tree’s worth.

One day I bring a dozen kiwi, and it was clear they had never seen them before. Watching them peel the kiwi so delicately with their lips was amazing.

Also, given watermelon, they will eat it all the way through to the skin. I’m talking all the rind down to one millimeter of tough green skin.

They’ll chomp a banana tree stalk like candy… anyway, chimps love treats.’

#14. Howler monkeys are weird AF.

“Male teenage red howler monkeys that grab their asshole while pooping, and taking all the shit out with their hands.

Seriously, howler monkeys are weird AF.”

#13. Like nothing was happening.

“I’m a zookeeper!

We had a lone, male Marabou stork that found a water bottle, picked it up and put it in his nest, then proceeded to incubate it for a while. He got mad when we eventually had to take it away from him.

I’ve seen adult giraffe attempt to nurse from lactating females and seem peeved when she wouldn’t let them.

I’ve seen a Nyala get a whole square of sod skewered upside down on his horns that eventually slid down and completely covered one of his eyes. He acted like nothing was happening.”

#12. Check mate, kid.

“Not a zookeeper, but a few years ago we were vising the Berlin zoo and some kids that were in our group were really fascinated by the chimpanzees.

After a few minutes of making faces and trying to get the chimps attention – one of the kids shows the monkey his middle finger.​

The chimp responded with lifting both its arms and showing the kid TWO middle fingers.

Check mate, kid.”

#11. What the people are doing.

“Generally, the weirdest stuff you’ll see at a zoo is what the people are doing.”

#10. Planet of the Apes.

“Ex zookeeper here, I remember once there was a period of a few days where one of the chimps had this stick and was spending hours at a time just rubbing it on the ground. Some of the keepers tried to give it other toys to play with etc but it wasn’t interested. Anyway, long story short, it was sharpening the stick and then tried to stab a keeper through the bars of their indoor part of their enclosure.”

#9. She ate a skunk.

“Volunteer (former), not keeper. I liked to show up early before my shift to watch the big cats get let out into their space. One morning, one of the lionesses was already out and she was sitting there, like the famous NY library lions, only with a Calvin face. Her tongue was hanging out and her eyes were squinched up. I asked the lead cat keeper what the deal was. “Oh, she ate a skunk yesterday, so we decided it’d be a good idea to let her stay outside overnight instead of stinking up the night house.”

They opened the doors to the lions’ night house and her brother and sister came bounding up to her in what appeared to be great concern (“Where WERE you last night?!?!?). Her sister took one whiff and bounded to another place in the exhibit. Her brother started to sit close to her, thought better of it, walked about six feet away and then settled down and watched her.”

#8. Every damn day.

“I work at an aquarium, not a zookeeper though. We have one male sea otter who likes to play with his dick right in front of the glass in the most prominent spot. His dick is bright red and he just strokes it and nibbles at it in front of everybody. Every damn day. I’m the one who stands by the exhibit, so I’m the one who has to field all the awkward questions.”

#7. Absolutely distraught.

“I was a zookeeper and worked in animal care in various capacities for a long time. One of the weirdest things I’ve seen is when a reptile “drops” their tail. It’s only happened to me once with a Lemon gecko I was transferring from one terrarium to another. I had a poor grip on him and as he was wiggling loose I desperately grabbed on to his tail which he promptly dropped and I was left holding a dismembered, writhing tail while the gecko escaped.

Also, two of the lions at one of my jobs were afraid of a raccoon. I could hear them (the lions) making the most pitiful, pathetic bellowing sounds. I went to check on them and lo and behold a raccoon was up one of the trees in their enclosure. These two large alpha predators were absolutely distraught over a little raccoon. For it’s part, the raccoon was completely unbothered and just observed them for a bit before going on it’s way.”

#6. A little too frisky.

“Super late, but actual Zookeeper. I was once charged by a very large male Sulcata Tortoise who apparently thought I got a little too close to his female. Fortunately I was able to step over the foot high fence in time so that I was viciously mauled. Our tortoises are characters. I’ve also had to flip the male over by myself, who mind you, is on the upper end of his life span and about as big as they get, because he got a little too frisky with the female and fell off.

edit: I did not in fact step over the fence to be mauled, but to avoid being mauled. spell checking is for squares.”

#5. Off the steep hill behind her enclosure.

“I worked at a private zoo for a while and the weirdest was probably the female baboon rescue we had. She was very well tempered but she would beckon new workers over to her cage with a gesture and if you had anything in your hand, she’d reach out and rip it from you then throw it off the steep hill behind her enclosure.”

#4. The pickiest eater.

“Been a zookeeper for almost 2 years now. We have a giraffe that has a couple meds he has to take daily, but the little shit will NOT take the same food from you two days in a row. He knows exactly what we’re up to and also happens to be the pickiest eater ever so sometimes it takes an hour to get five pills, the size of A TYPICAL ADVIL PILL, into this 2,000 lb animal.

Also was watching lions in their inside enclosure once, mom and dad we’re laying down and daughter was just walking around trying to find a spot. The daughter is notorious for bugging any other lion with her to play by sitting on them. She walks over to mom and starts to sit, or so I thought, and just starts PISSING ON HER. I’ve never seen a lion double take but that second I swear to god I saw mom look at what was falling on her and then just DISGUST on her face and she jumped up and swatted at daughter. It was pretty freaking hilarious.”

#3. Licking the beaver.

“I’m a zookeeper! I work in a small department with lots of random animals that we take on programs to show guests. In our department, the cages are made of mesh, so the animals can sometimes be housed next to each other where they can reach each other and interact. One time, the beaver was housed next to the tamanduas (lesser ant eaters), and we went over and saw the tamanduas licking the beaver ALL OVER! By the time the beaver went back to his own enclosure he was soaking wet with tamandua spit.”

#2. Flossing baboons.

“Not a zookeeper but primatologist. During my masters I did a study on spontaneous tool use in captive baboons. The weird bit? They were flossing. Literally flossing with hair and broom bristles like we do with toothpicks and…well dental floss. You can Google ‘Flossing Baboons’ and you’ll pretty quickly get a photo of Georgia.”

#1. Then repeat.

“I once saw on gorilla poke another in the butt then sniff his finger.

One gorilla was laying in a hammock and the other was sitting on the ground beneath him. He would reach up, poke the gorillas butt, look at his finger, sniff it then repeat.”

If it’s your dream to become a zookeeper, you’re a better person than I.

The post 15 Zookeepers Share the Weirdest Things They’ve Seen Animals Do appeared first on UberFacts.