Enjoy These Funny Tweets About Anxiety When You Need a Break

Dealing with anxiety really sucks. It can affect your job, your relationships, and every other aspect of your life in negative ways. But one way to deal with the ailment is to try to laugh at it, at least every once in a while.

As the old saying goes, laughter is the best medicine.

At the very least, these tweets will remind you that you are not alone in your struggle.

1. This should help

2. You can do it!

3. Please?

4. Need a little change

5. Pretty funny

6. #GetAnxious

7. Pleased to meet you!

8. Ahhhh, that’s better

9. Which one will it be today?

10. Get prepared

11. Damn!

12. Hahahaha

13. Nothing but mumbling…

14. Very true

15. That’s not a bad idea

16. Uh oh

17. Run!

18. That’s a brilliant idea

19. Don’t tell me that!

20. Oh, the possibilities…

Keep your chin up! Things will get better!

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15 High School Teachers Share the Dark Secrets They Keep from Students

Teachers have a rough job. And they also have to keep a lot of the BS to themselves because they can’t exactly come right out and tell their students how much they can’t stand them, right?

That’s why this article is so good.

These teachers got personal on AskReddit and admitted the dark secrets about their jobs.

1. No surprise there

“Your parents are literally the worst part of my job.”

2. Drama, please

“Yes, I put you in a group with the kid you have a crush on intentionally. I’m stuck here with you 180 days a year — I want to see some drama.”

3. Nice try

“The weed smell doesn’t magically disappear between the parking lot and my classroom.”

4. C’mon, parents

“If your parents email a teacher and argue with them, the whole staff knows.”

5. They hear all

“We have much better hearing than you assume. We just choose our battles as it pertains to inappropriate comments.”

6. Don’t stand out

“If I know your name by the third day of a new school year, that means you’re probably an asshole.”

7. Truth bomb

“My students are the reason why I am second-guessing having my own kids.”

8. Joke’s on you

“When you think you are being genius by getting me to talk about random things at the beginning of class instead of ‘teaching.’ I’m really allowing it to happen because I don’t have enough planned to cover a full class.”

9. You stink

“I can smell you. Everyone can. Please, for the love of god, use deodorant.”

10. No one likes that

“I am no longer a teacher, but I remember several days that I felt lazy and wanted to give the class the day off. I never did because I knew the teacher’s pet would rat me out. Sometimes even the teachers don’t like the teacher’s pet.”

11. Scandalous

“A lot of us drink, smoke, and sleep around more than you do, and hearing you try to hide it as if it’s something we wouldn’t know about is richly ironic.”

12. Show some respect

“I’d let you get away with so much more if you were actually a decent person who treated others with kindness and respect. Assholes rarely get the benefit of doubt or indifference.”

13. Look busy

“One of the most valuable lessons I can teach you is to fake looking busy. If we’re supposed to be working on an assignment or reading or whatever, and you see me coming your way…at the least have a piece of paper on your desk and a pen in your hand and some shit on your paper, and then I won’t bother you.”

14. One day

“One day you’re going to come across people who are not being paid to tolerate you, and all of a sudden life is going to become considerably more difficult.”

15. Chill out

“I wish I could let my students know how dumb they look sometimes. And how they need to relax and stop taking themselves so seriously.”

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Blow-Dried, Fluffy Cows Are All the Rage, and You Might Want to Get on Board

Here’s a fun fact: some people shampoo and blow-dry their cows before showing them at competitions, so the animals will be nice and fluffy and will potentially get higher scores from judges.

Who would’ve thought?!

The rest of the people on the internet are just now catching on to this phenomenon, and they LOVE IT. I think you will too because it’s freaking adorable.

See for yourself.

1. In love

2. Walking tall

3. Very fluffy

4. Awwwww

5. Pretty impressive, yes?

6. Blow outs

7. He knows you’re staring at him

8. Blow-dried to the max


10. Strike a pose

It’s the sensation that’s sweeping the nation!

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These 15 Surprising Jobs Pay Much Better Than You Probably Think

I think you’ll be surprised by this list. I know I was.

The list below that Redditors shared has a little bit of everything, but the thing they have in common is that you’ll probably be shocked by the salary tag!

15. A tough skill to learn.

Court reporting.

Stenography is a tough skill to learn, but plenty of court reporters earn over $100k.

And no college degree required (although most CRs will need to be certified).

14. You don’t even need a degree.

Garbage collectors in New York are paid up to $112k, a solid salary considering you don’t even need a degree.

Sounds like a nice fallback plan for me.

13. Technical writing.

If you have the ability to take complex technical information and simplify it according to the reading audience, you can make well over $100K annually.

People ridicule English degrees until they find out how much can be earned as a technical writer.

12. Absolute cake.


If you are a senior member of a union you make absolute cake.

$180k plus a year.

11. Blew me away.

UPS drivers can make close to 100k if you stay there long enough

Blew me away when I first heard that

10. One that’s all operator.

Boiler operator.

Get paid $35/hour to play skyrim on switch while watching Netflix.

Just have to find one that’s all operator and no maintenance.

9. Secretly you’re on Reddit.

An office job but you’re secretly on reddit

8. Easy on the body.

Mobile crane operator.

Union guys pull over $200k and its a trade thats pretty easy on the body.

7. Not a lot of people even know about it.

Power lineman make bank. Not a lot of people even know about it.

6. Full control over my hours.

I fix hospital beds.

Will be making $100k within my first two years with full benefits.

I also have full control over my hours.

5. Significantly worth the payout.

I work at home as a closed captioner broadcaster for the News. I make my own schedule and make between $35-$65 per hour depending on the job. Large investment to get started but significantly worth the payout.

4. A lot of options to advance.

Airline dispatcher.

A girl I dated many years ago I met because she was living in my town training to be an airline dispatcher. There are just a handful of schools that teach it.

I had no idea what an airline dispatcher was, let alone how much money they get paid. Dispatchers at FedEX can make $150,000 per year or more. It also gives you a lot of options to advance at an airline, like being station chief at an airline.

The girl I dated had a dream to one day be Air France Station Chief in Tahiti. I don’t know if she made it or not.

3. And I work in recruiting.

I don’t know if this is true in other cities but T and bus operators in Boston make bank. I’ve rarely met a higher paid, less engaged group of employees in my life and I work in recruiting.

EDIT: Since this seems to have attracted some attention, here is an article on the subject of MBTA salaries.


2. Something brag-worthy.

Self employed cleaning services (i don’t know exactly what to call it)

My parents started getting paid $35 an hour cleaning a community center to ~$50 from cleaning offices.

My mom started it then my dad joined in to help her with the hours and taking care of the house and kids.

Eventually my mom got good contacts, and started cleaning the offices of managers from factories, Sacramento politicians, and stuff alike.

Can’t express how proud i am of my mom. She turned all those shitty Hispanic cleaning lady jokes into something brag worthy.

#1. Easy money for sitting on your arse.

I drive machinery in a coal mine in Australia.

I make about 170k. Even our new trainees are paid pretty well, about $48 per hour.

I think it ends up being close to 90-100k.

Easy money for sitting on your arse in an air conditioned cab.

Which one surprised you the most?

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People Share the Things They Didn’t Know Were “So American” Until They Traveled Outside the U.S.

You ever travel outside of the U.S. and people immediately have you pegged as an American? I personally think most Americans get a pretty bad rap as travelers due to a very select few who are ignorant and obnoxious. But I also think we are not nearly as bad as some other travelers abroad.

Here are 15 things you might not realize make you stand out as “totally American” in countries across the pond.

#15. Ketchup isn’t free.

“At a buffet in Germany, I had to pay for ketchup.”

#14. The size of cars.

“I did an art history course in Italy. What really stood out to me was the size of cars over there. Over here you have a mix of mid sized sedans and pick up trucks/SUV’S, with the occasional compact car (back when I went compact cars here were incredibly scarce). Over there, it seemed like most everyone drove a compact car, with the occasional sports car. I remember counting six pickup trucks in the 10 days I was there (for comparison, I can name more than 6 people I know with a pick up here).”

#13. The whole of Ireland.

“Massively wide roads/lanes. The whole of Ireland made me feel claustrophobic, but when I got back home the roads felt like way too much wasted space.”

#12. Constantly refilled.

“Having your drink constantly refilled ay restaurants. I just wanna drink a ton of water alright?”

#11. Violently American.

“Tailgates. I’ve lived in the states my entire life, but when my Spanish girlfriend came to visit I wasn’t sure what I could show her that really exhibited American culture. There are plenty of American stereotypes you see on TV, but it wasn’t until I took her to a tailgate that I realized how violently American the whole experience is. A huge parking lot full of drunk twenty year olds bouncing on trucks bigger than most European apartments, with half the trucks blaring country, and the other half blasting rap. Solo cups and beer cans all over the place, grills, corn hole, etc. I’ve traveled to quite a few different countries, and I can’t really see a tailgate happening most other places.”

#10. American flavored.

“Ranch flavor Doritos in the Netherlands are called “Cool American” flavor.”

#9. Drive-thrus.

“I’m from northern europe but have visited USA couple of times. Their love for SUV cars and drive-thru is unreal, like there is a dunkin, subway and three kinds of fast food place next to each other and all of them have a drive-thru.

Edit: meant drive-thru, not drive-in.”

#8. A made-up crime.

“Jaywalking. The rest of the world thinks this is a made-up crime you only see in movies with corrupt cops.”

#7. Yes it is.

“I’ve never been abroad. Is that American enough?”

#6. Portion size.

“Portion sizes.

My high school senior trip to London, as a typically ravenous appetite 18 year old, I couldn’t get over how small everything was standard.”

#5. I think you underestimate the size of our avocados.

“Small avocados.

Went to puerto rico. Was like, ‘yo ill have like 6 of those stuffed avocados’. Buddy was like, ‘yo gringo, i think you underestimate the size of our avocados here. Just have one and ill being you more if you want after’.

I had half of one. It was like a football.”

#4. Types of soda.

“Getting to choose from like 50 different types and subtypes of sodas.​

Hearing commercials advocating you to go to the doctor and demand a prescription for whatever fantasy pill is new to the market on the radio like it is no big deal.”

#3. How large grocery stores are.

“how large grocery stores are here. My wife is not american and we lived in China and were in HK all the time… they had large international stores that were great and she didnt really grasp the size of american grocery stores till our first week in the USA and there’s 150 feet of cereals on one aisle”

#2. Being loud.

“The stereotype about us being loud is true. I never thought of myself as being loud until I went abroad and would hang up the phone after speaking in what I thought was appropriate volume to find everyone around me was staring at me, and realized how much more quiet they were lol whoops”

#1. Smiling and being friendly.

“I moved to England from Texas about six years ago. One of the major things that I noticed was that smiling and being friendly towards strangers was considered bizarre. This is a bit true in any metropolitan area, but especially in the UK. In Texas I was used to smiling at people, asking for directions if I needed them, and being friendly towards strangers. I learned very quickly that smiling at someone on the tube, or asking someone for directions on the street immediately makes someone think you’re trying to scam/rob them or you’re crazy.”

Go ahead and travel anyway. People are generally forgiving.

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15 People Reveal When They Had Weird Feelings About a Situation and They Were Exactly Right

Has your gut ever given you a dire warning that a situation just wasn’t right?

These people certainly have, and their intuitions turned out to be right.

Read on as their share 15 stories of times when their gut was totally spot on at detecting a creepy situation.

1. Thank goodness they didn’t let her go

“A tennis coach at my kid’s club called to ask me if he could take my 10-year-old daughter with the other five players on road trips to play other clubs. I didn’t like it, she was tiny and just 10 years old. He wasn’t even her coach but another coach at the club. We thought he was creepy and to call like that…so I said no.

The coach ended up going to prison for being a creep and violating several girls older than my kid. His son was also 10, and the poor kid was also a victim of the scum bag. He got 15 years in 2009, and will probably be out soon.

He was convicted of three crimes, but the prosecution dropped an additional 22.

It still blows my mind.”

2. Something was off

“My sister was going to visit her friend out of state, so her friend’s friend offered to drive her there. He drove a few hours to get to our house and was noticeably tired when he arrived, so my sister suggested that he just sleep on our couch and they’ll go in the morning.

The entire night, my mom was going in and out of our rooms saying that there was something off about the guy; that she didn’t really like him but couldn’t figure out why. She actually quietly went out the side door and wrote down his license plate at one point.

The next morning, my sister was in the guy’s car for maybe 30 minutes before she felt sick and asked him to just take her home. Which he does, much to my mother’s delight.

>About six months later, my mom was looking at her news feed when she saw a familiar face and called my sister and me over and yelled, ‘I told you something was off about him!’ It turns out that about a year earlier, he murdered his ex-girlfriend and that his friend, who helped him bury her body, finally decided to tell the cops not because he developed a conscience, but because he was mad at him for stealing his toaster.”

3. The new guy

“In college, I worked at a bar and they brought in this new bouncer. From the second I met him, I immediately felt like there was something seriously wrong with him. His smile and eye contact were too intense. I told a coworker that the guy gave me the creeps and she told me she thought he was ‘cute and nice,’ and didn’t get where I was coming from.

A quick Google search pulled up his mug shot and articles about how he was watching his college roommate’s dog one weekend and horribly attacked and abused it.

He burned this poor dog and poured bleach on her. The dog survived and he was arrested. The article talked about how he was laughing at the police arresting him, saying he knew he wouldn’t get in any trouble.

He was fired and told to never come back once management found out.”

4. In on it?

“My mother, who was extremely emotionally and physically abusive, raised four kids by herself. Although she had many siblings and lots of other relatives, no one helped us.

When I was around 12, my mom had a female cousin who started coming around, out of the blue, trying to get my mom to attend church with her. Then, all of a sudden, this same cousin wanted to become my kid sister’s godparent. Okay, whatever.

But I certainly resented the fact that we were all of a sudden being forced to go to church almost every Sunday. I saw it as nothing more than a form of brainwashing.

I always had a sick feeling about her, especially when I had to sit near her in a room. A couple of years later, she started insisting I come along on weekend getaways she would have with my sister at her house. I had absolutely no interest in going.

Not only was I older, but I was thinking, ‘Why do I have to come? She’s not my godmother.’ But, my mom was so weak-minded, psychotic, or just plain evil that she always forced me to go.

When I was around 14 years old, I was still being forced by my own mother to go somewhere that wasn’t necessary, with someone who made me physically sick. I still hadn’t figured out exactly what it was about her that made me so sick.

She was a nurse and had access to certain medications. It turns out that she was medicating me with sedatives when I was at her house, then violating me with her fingers and who knows what else. It really started to bother me how sore and painful I was down below, knowing that I was still pure, or so I thought, and I NEVER felt like that until after I had left her house.

I don’t think she did this to my sister because she was always so fixated on me.

She just used my sister to get to me. It also turns out that pills lose their full effect on you after you’ve been taking them for a while. That is how I found out. I eventually woke up in the middle of being assaulted by her.”

5. Across the street

“I got a bad vibe from the dad across the street when I was a kid. He was a military guy who always seemed to be on a power trip. His oldest son and I went to the same school, and would occasionally carpool.

One day, it was his dad’s turn to drive us. His son stayed home sick, but he offered to drive me all the same.

Thankfully, it wasn’t a long ride, but the entire time he talked about his beat-up Camero. It definitely creeped me out.

A couple of years later, his wife threw him out one morning. It turns out he had been beating the crap out of her for a while. One morning, while hitting her again, he stepped on their 1-year-old baby who was crawling on the floor and broke the kid’s arm.

We never saw him again after that.”

6. Just a phase

“A neighborhood kid I grew up with liked to play with matches and was fascinated with fires of any kind. It made me nervous because a sort of ‘wild look’ came over his eyes when he’d stare at the fire he created.

I even told my parents, who mentioned it to his parents, who thought it was ‘just a phase’ he was going through.

Then, a few years later, it was reported that he burned his parents’ garage down and was being charged with arson and clinically treated for pyromania.”

7. New to the area

“I met a random guy when I was out one night. He was new to the area and was friends with my friend’s brother. He came across as nice and friendly, but then he started being a bit strange, like he kept rubbing my back and touching my legs.

We all went back to my friend’s house, and I was pretty wasted, but this guy kept trying to get me to leave with him without anyone seeing.

I told everyone something was weird about him. It turned out he had been charged with violating a 10-year-old, and that’s why he had left his previous city. He also assaulted a 13-year-old a few weeks before he met me, and the police found he was in possession of a lot of child smut.

My friends had no idea about this guy’s past.

He lived near my friend’s brother, and he had him over at his house in the summer when his kids were running around in swimming suits prior to the discovery. He was devastated and full of guilt when he found out.”

8. Controlling

“My mom and I were in a café and she had her handbag down by her feet. This couple comes in and sits at the table behind us, and he attracted my attention because he kept poking his girlfriend and telling her how to sit and stuff.

The hairs on my neck went up, I hate that controlling type of behavior. He was in my periphery and this guy wouldn’t sit still when my mom asked: ‘Hey, where’s my bag?’

She found it a second later, moved and open – she reached in to get her purse and said: ‘My card is missing!’

So the couple behind had stood and were quickly walking towards the door, and I didn’t even hesitate to say: ‘STOP THAT MAN!’ because I figured I could apologize later if I was wrong. One of the waitresses was right by the door and she followed him out the door, at which point, the guy dropped my mom’s card, mumbled something about having found it, and then ran for it.

I guess if he hadn’t been such a jerk to his girlfriend, I probably wouldn’t have noticed.”

9. A sixth sense

“My parents tell me that when I was around 4 years old, I was the most extroverted kid. I LOVED going out and about with my parents so I could wave hello to every single person I saw. I never met a stranger.

Little old ladies LOVED me. I would let anyone hold me if they wanted. To the point that my parents were alarmed at how I didn’t mind people I had never met before holding me and bouncing me on their lap.

We had some elderly neighbors who were nice as could be.

One day, their 30-something son came to live with them. The old couple had told my parents about him moving in and how excited they were. Well, they came to our house to introduce him to us since we were in the driveway.

Apparently, I got really quiet when they were walking toward me and when the guy spoke to me, I screamed and hid behind my dad’s legs. My parents thought it was out of character so they actively avoided allowing me to be near him in the weeks that followed.

A few months later, he was arrested for child trafficking and possession of hundreds of pictures and videos of child smut.”

10. Watch out

“I worked for a call center a few years ago and there was a guy that sat at the desk across from me. He was about 50 years old and was not married. I’m young enough to be his daughter.

He would do anything to talk to me.

Come by my desk, run into me in the break room, get in the elevator with me, and what not. It was excessive, but never threatening. At least not at first.

He started to say inappropriate things about my outfits, but I figured he was an awkward dude that did not know how to flirt.

I just brushed him off time and time again, but something was definitely off about him.

At one point, the secretary came up to me and asked if he was bothering me, and I told her what had been happening.

He only did this with the blonde women at the office. He was notorious for harassing them. It started small, but then he would slowly transition into asking them to hook up, even offering to pay for it.

Knowing this, I avoided him altogether. I would pretend he was not there, even if he was talking to me directly. I would catch him staring at me, but he backed down a lot after he realized that I wouldn’t give in.

One day, I came into work and he was gone.

His desk was cleared off. Totally empty. He apparently had sent another blonde woman a bunch of flowers and followed her out to the parking lot when she got off work. He had parked his car right next to hers and tried to force her into his car to go home with him, but she got away.

He was fired and escorted off the property THE NEXT DAY by police.

I’m not sure why he decided to come back, or why he wasn’t arrested sooner, but he was caught at work and removed.”

11. Knives

“When I used to work at a deli, we hired a 20-something kid that looked like the serial killer, Ed Kemper sans the mustache.

At first, he would amuse us by telling us stories about how he had fought off eight guys carrying weapons, or how his girlfriend was a model who traveled all the time (and that is why we never saw her).

Then things started getting bad, especially when someone angered him. I would catch him talking to himself, saying things like, ‘If I see her again, I am going to stick this in both her eyes.’

Management caught wind of this and canned him almost immediately.

Ten months later, we found out he actually went to prison for attempting to assault someone with a knife.”

12. The stepdad

“I always had a weird feeling about my stepdad.

He always made me uncomfortable and I always felt like he was watching me. He would make comments about my body and wardrobe, causing me to feel insecure and watch what I wore around him.

When I told my mom, she would say things like ‘he’s old-fashioned’ or ‘he’s just looking out for you.’

My mom had gone out of the country to visit family leaving my stepdad, myself and my older brother to take care of the house.

One night, my brother went to a party and I stayed home because I worked early the next morning, but left my bedroom door open so I could hear my brother come home and make sure he made it safe. Instead, my stepdad decided to crawl into my bed and try to assault me.

It was one of the scariest moments of my life.

I pushed him off and ran to the bathroom. I was so freaked out I just grabbed my work clothes and went to my car and drove off to a random neighborhood and slept in my car.

My mom found out a year later because I told my older brother, but she’s never talked to me about it.

She’s still with him too. As for me, I am in therapy to deal with my trauma and I feel like I’m getting better.

When I told my brother, we gathered all the money we had been saving up and moved out a month later.

I am blessed to have a brother who loves me and took me out of a bad place. He’s been one of my support systems through all of this.”

13. Jokes

“I used to work at a local restaurant when I was 19 years old. I loved working there, but I ended up quitting because of some jerk that was hired. He was in his mid-30s and gave every girl in the restaurant the absolute creepiest vibes.

He was constantly saying inappropriate stuff about his past and was just a jerk to people in general.

I hated working with him because he creeped me out and was also just mean. I started trading shifts to get away from him.

One day, a night shift manager was fired, and our boss put the creepy guy in a temporary managerial position. I immediately went to our boss and told him I was uncomfortable with the idea and explained how creepy he was.

My boss leveled with me and said that the guy had no actual manager power and was just temporary until he found someone else. He was just there to run shifts. My boss arranged it so my schedule never crossed over with the creep.

One day, a coworker of mine got sick and I was asked to cover her shift.

I got there and the creep was managing. I thought I could deal with one night, but a friend of mine called the store sobbing. She had tried to call my cell around a hundred times but it was in my purse.

She was crying hysterically and told me she had been assaulted and didn’t know what to do or where to go but that she was horrified and too scared to leave.

I told my friend I would be right there and told the manager I had an emergency and would be leaving.

It was a slow night and I wasn’t needed anyway but he freaked out and tried to physically stop me, demanding to know my emergency. I tried to sidestep it, but I eventually told him my friend had been assaulted.

He burst out laughing in my face and told me that was hilarious and not an excuse to leave. I told him to get lost and shoved past him. He told me I couldn’t leave and I said watch me. I went outside and burst into tears and called my boss and told him I quit after explaining what happened.

A few months later, I was working at my new job and a former coworker came in and said they had some news for me.

Apparently, two police officers showed up at my old workplace and served papers to the guy. He had been stalking a girl for the last five years and it started when she was 14 years old. He had also assaulted her.”

14. A new priest

“This is creepy in a different way than most, but I think it’s relevant. Twenty years ago, when I was a practicing Christian, my church got a new priest. He may as well have been God himself the way people fawned over him.

I liked him at first, too. Then, after a few brief conversations, I got this feeling that his entire life was a major power trip, and he was in no way cut out to lead a congregation of actual human beings.

After he made an off-the-cuff remark to me about being divorced (the shock!), I was like, ‘Later dude’ and transferred to another church.

People thought I was nuts, because how could I not adore Father Perfect the way they did?

After a few months, I noticed a trickle of people from my former parish in my new church, and that trickle eventually became more like a flood.

‘Father Perfect’ had formerly been a highly respected surgeon with a God complex, and he was quite used to giving orders and having them carried out without question (as I would imagine is necessary for a surgical suite).

Not the best quality for a man of the cloth.

Eventually, he drove out several deacons, the choir leader, the sexton, and about half the congregation. He put a message on the church answering machine about what types of messages could and couldn’t be left.

He was a total control freak who apparently mistook himself for God. He finally left after the parish completely fell apart.”

15. He loved to chat

“There’s an older guy who visits my workplace a lot just to chat with our staff. He never buys anything – he just really loves talking to us. The first time I met him, we wound up chatting for a solid 15 minutes.

It was ALMOST a pleasant experience (I love chatting with friendly customers), but for some reason, he put me on edge. He spent the whole 15 minutes telling me about his life’s adventures – starring in a Smashing Pumpkins tribute band, getting detained at the airport for having a weapon (he said he was in the military and was flying overseas to do some training exercises in America or something and there was a misunderstanding about his paperwork), and he told me about his work as a guidance counselor.

He flowed from one story to the next without any discernible link connecting them but he was charismatic enough to keep the conversation flowing smoothly anyway. I felt lost at sea.

On the surface, he seemed like a well-traveled, genuinely friendly guy.

But he still set off a bunch of alarm bells in my head.

My general rule with chatty people is: ‘Friendly is good unless you are AGGRESSIVELY excited to be talking to me.’ He definitely fell into the aggressive category.

Later I mentioned the guy to a coworker. He said he thought the guy was creepy too.

Apparently, during one of this guy’s visits, he held my coworker hostage and told him (very cheerily) all about the time he got in a bar fight and he murdered a guy with his three buddies.”

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A recent study out of the…

A recent study out of the University of Kansas found that it takes about 50 hours of socializing to go from acquaintance to casual friend, an additional 40 hours to become a “real” friend, and a total of 200 hours to become a close friend.

The restaurant chain…

The restaurant chain Red Lobster once lost over $3 million during an “endless crab” promotion because an executive underestimated how much people could eat.

Drop Those Doritos – Here Are 15 Healthy Snacks You Can Eat Instead!

You can eat a whole bunch of these in one sitting and not feel terrible about yourself.

The answers are surprisingly delightful (my go-to is nuts), so go ahead and indulge!

#15. It’s so easy.

Roasted Chickpeas/Garbonzo Beans.

It’s so easy. I never thought it would be, but I tried it last week and it’s literally just:

Preheat oven to 375F (190C)

Drain can (or 2) of chickpeas. Pour out onto a pan. Pat dry with towel, or don’t. It doesn’t matter too much.

Throw them in the oven for 30 minutes. (You’ll want to take them out every 10 minutes or so to move them around a bit.)

Remove from oven and pour into bowl. Toss with a spoon of vegetable oil, salt, thyme, and a good spoonful of chili powder.

Pop it back into the oven another 10-15 minutes. (I’m definitely going the full 15 minutes the next time I make these because holy hell they taste so good when they’re just perfectly crispy)

It’s like popcorn, but nuts, but they’re chickpeas, but they’re spiced up, but they’re magic.

Edit: it has been pointed out that while these ARE a healthier alternative, they are still calorie dense. I think they’re relatively filling though.

#14. Underrated vegetable.

Snap peas. We’ve been getting them fresh from a farm stand, then cooking them for just a couple minutes in a pot with a splash of water and some garlic salt. They’re like CRACK. We fight over them and can’t seem to get enough. Toddler included. 10/10 underrated vegetable.

#13. Also still an orange.

Cutie oranges. They’re like 90 calories a piece and also still orange.

#12. Little slushie bites.

Frozen grapes. They’re like little slushie bites.

Edit: Thank you for the gold, stranger!

Edit 2: And the silver, friend!

#11. Smarta**.

A bowl of rice is great if you want to eat 1000 of something.

#10. Salty and sweet.

Add tajin to fruits to get your salty fix.

#9. Watermelon is great.

Probably celery or cucumber. You might be able to get away with watermelon as well, I once went through 3 1/2 watermelons a week. Watermelon is great


I’m going to buy a watermelon now.

#8. Half-sour pickles are game changing

I used to go for a family size bag of salt n vinegar. Shred it without realizing until last bits….

Switched out for jars or pickles. Worked like a charm. It solved that crispy sour tangy craving and zapped calories. I’m down at least 40 lbs since I swapped to pickles a few years back

Edit: thank you everyone, I was not expecting my most upvoted content to be regarding my love for pickles. First, blood pressure topic: yes I have high blood pressure. Long time. I’ve been taking medication for many many years for it. My blood pressure is actually been better in the past few years since the switch, but I do you know and understand the consequences of salt. I hardly ever use salt with anything else really. My massive weight actually came as a result of medications over a decade ago. Had been constantly battling to lose the weight, and in recent years actually kind of gave up. And that’s when the weight started coming off. I drink a minimum of a gallon of water a day but usually twice that. Most of my diet it’s liquid because I’m extremely thirsty person(yes I know that a warning for diabetes, doc keeps looking but I’m safe). Oddly enough, the weight started to finally come off when I got on a regular regimen of medical marijuana. I think it rebooted my metabolism.

As for the pickle enthusiasts and pickle lovers… My grocery store favorite is zesty Dill. Every year my mother makes usually a solid 20 dozen jars of pickles and I claim about half of them. A lot of the ones I claim, I add pepper flakes and some garlic. I usually eat one jar in one sitting, and try to set my my max at two jars a week for staying sodium conscious. I try to only get potato chips, as re su of these choices, when it’s a special occasion with guests.

Thanks everyone. I know Rick would be proud.

Extra edit: Thank you kind stranger so much for my first silver, which is my first of any badge here. I truly appreciate it.

#7. Your poops will be great.

Grapes. Find the best grapes you can and go to town. Your poops will be great afterward.

#6. It gets me through.

Whenever I’m craving chocolate I find that a handful of peanuts and dried fruit gives me the short-term energy boost my body needs to get me to the store to buy chocolate.

#5. It’s also delicious.

Plain popcorn

A cup of air-popped popcorn only has 31 calories, and high in fiber. Studies have found that popcorn will fill you up more than other popular snacks such as potato chips. It is also high volume, having pretty much the same nutritional value as a popcorn kernel.

It’s also delicious.

Edit: Obviously you can throw some salt or spices on there, I was just pointing out how healthy popcorn is at its core.

#4. Seaweed packs.

I tend to eat roasted dry seaweed packs. Only like 25 calories a pack and not that much sodium if you get good ones.

EDIT: Since this blew up, many people have been asking about specific brands. The one I get is a Korean brand called gimMe organic. I personally like the sea salt. 25 calories a pack and only 65mg of sodium. Just be careful with consuming large amounts due to iodine.

#3. Surprisingly low calorie.

Pineapple is surprisingly low calorie for sweetness.

#2. PB2.

I love peanut butter but I can’t justify 190 calories for 2tbsp. Go get some PB2. It’s only 50 calories for 2tbsp. Smear that stuff on apples, celery, bananas, bread, and everything else you own because it is miraculous.

#1. Crunchy and refreshing.

I’d go for sliced red and orange peppers. Crunchy, refreshing, and hey a Tony bit of ranch to go with it can’t be too terrible. Tiny though, that shit is like 80 calories a tbsp.

I’m stocking up the next time I hit a price club!

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15+ Times Ken M Proved He Might Just Be the Best Troll Around

Ken M is the kind of troll I can get behind. Maybe the only troll I can get behind.

Everyone online likes to think they are experts about everything, but Ken M usually puts them in their place in a very clever way. If you’re not familiar with the genius of Ken M, now is the perfect time to get acquainted with him:

1. Perfect

Photo Credit: Reddit, KenM

2.More Perfect

Photo Credit: Reddit, KenM

3. Perfectest

Photo Credit: Reddit, KenM

4. More Perfectest

Photo Credit: Reddit, KenM

5. Perfecter than Perfectest

Photo Credit: Reddit, KenM

6. The Perfection

Photo Credit: Reddit, KenM

7. More of The Perfection

Photo Credit: Reddit, KenM

8. Yes

Photo Credit: Reddit, KenM

9. Yes again

Photo Credit: Reddit, KenM

10. Amazing

Photo Credit: Reddit, KenM

11. My hero

Photo Credit: Reddit, KenM

12. A god damned genius

Photo Credit: Facebook, Ken M

13. I love him

Photo Credit: Facebook, Ken M

14. Awesomeness

Photo Credit: Facebook, Ken M

15. HA!

Photo Credit: Facebook, Ken M

16. Lulz

Photo Credit: Facebook, Ken M

17. So good

Photo Credit: Facebook, Ken M

18. Bestest

Photo Credit: Facebook, Ken M


Photo Credit: Facebook, Ken M

h/t: smosh

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