These Tumblr Posts About Movies Are Totally on Point

If you’re a movie lover, you just can’t get enough of them. And that includes Tumblr posts that poke fun of just about everything to do with Hollywood and the silver screen.

Enjoy. And pass the popcorn!

1. That’s how you know

Photo Credit: Tumblr

2. Bella is right

Photo Credit: Tumblr

3. Wish it was my name

Photo Credit: Tumblr

4. Bonkers

Photo Credit: Tumblr

5. Every single one

Photo Credit: Tumblr

6. I wish this existed

Photo Credit: Tumblr

7. Do it

Photo Credit: Tumblr

8. Goats Butter!

Photo Credit: Tumblr

9. Ultrash*t

Photo Credit: Tumblr

10. Dammit!

Photo Credit: Tumblr

11. Make it happen

Photo Credit: Tumblr

12. The Beast

Photo Credit: Tumblr

13. Time to make some blood

Photo Credit: Tumblr

14. Marty McFly in the house

Photo Credit: Tumblr

15. I noticed that, too

Photo Credit: Tumblr

See you at the cinema!

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These Random Tweets Will Be Hilarious from Now Until Forever

There are certain jokes out there that are just timeless. No matter how many times you hear them, how many views you rack up on the video, or how many times you relate it to your friends, you can’t help but crack up.

I humbly submit these tweets under that same category.

17. Aspirations!

16. People’s minds, I swear…

15. I hope they’re being paid union wages

14. Also don’t buy a duvet cover

13. What even?!

12. A wise man

11. I can’t

10. Among other things

9. Right? Ew.

8. Life lessons…

7. Me.

6. As one does…

5. Dying!

4. Well-argued

3. Solidarity

2. If this doesn’t make you snort… what’s wrong with you?!

1. This is one of the weirdest things humans do!

Love it!

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15 People Share the Craziest Things Drill Instructors Made Them Do

Boot camp is not for the weak or the faint of heart.

So what happens when you screw up? Some crazy, hilarious, unexpected things.

Here are 16 times that things did not go according to plan.

1. I tree what you did there…

The drill instructor made a recruit stand in front of a tree, point at it, and say, “I’m not funny, you are,” when he was caught laughing.

The DI did actually laugh at that one.

2. Tops

I had a soldier one time stop doing mountain climbers while we were being smoked as a platoon.

The DS came up and squatted down, yelling in his face. Recruit yelled back, “This soldier has made it to the top of the mountain, Drill Sergeant!”

The dude just walked away trying not to break with laughter.

3. The force

A pair of battle buddies were late to the formation. Everyone was lined up waiting for them to get dressed, and they ran down about three seconds apart from each other which was a big mistake.

The first one ran out, and drill sergeant screamed, “FREEZE… Aren’t you supposed to have someone with you?” Without skipping a beat, the private replied, “The force is always with me, drill sergeant.” After thinking about it for a second, he told the private to shut up and fall in line. His buddy, meanwhile, had made his way outside and was trying (poorly) to sneak into line.

The drill sergeant saw the private trying to sneak in, “Well now hold on a second, who’s this big shot over here walking around like he owns the place? You the new top? You think you’re special?”

The private replied, “No drill sergeant, I’m the force.”

Everyone, including the lead drill, lost their cool for two seconds.

4. You blue it!

USAR here.

One of the other platoon’s DS in my company took them upstairs to hand out personal letters from our family. While the remainder of us were down in the central training area cleaning our weapons, we heard a muffled cadence coming from two stories up.

Apparently, the DS made them bear crawl around the barracks room while whipping letters at each person, all the while they had to sing the Blues Clue’s “We just got a letter” song.

5. One time is enough!

When I got to basic training, I was so nervous I didn’t know what to do. You wait in processing for like, a day or two and then go to your drill sergeants.

When I got off the bus, I was immediately smoked. I was so excited and nervous that I just awkwardly started smiling while in the front leaning rest position. The drill sergeant got down in the pushup position with me and was going up and down until he finally just cracked a huge smile and I lost it.

It was the only time I saw him smile. But was hilarious.

6. Brand new BFFs!

I had two guys get in a fight in our bay during basic training.

The drill sergeant made them hold hands and pretend to be on a date all week.

The only time they could let go of each other’s hands was rack time.

They ended up becoming pretty good friends.

7. You’re toast

During the beginning of basic training, we were monitored while we ate, which included being told when to begin “consuming” and when to stop. We had this chubby kid who was having a particularly rough time, and you could see he was already close to breaking.

We were told our chow time was up and we all instantly got up from our seats and formed a line next to the wall at the end of our tables to clear our tray. The chubby kid did not join us but instead chose to sit and finish his meal. He was completely alone in the middle of the mess hall.

A drill instructor came up to him and immediately began berating him.

The chubby kid looked at the drill instructor dead in the eyes while sitting and had a completely insane look on his face. In his hand, he had a butter knife clinched in what I can only describe as a threatening manner.

Without missing a beat, the drill instructor yelled at him, “WHAT ARE YOU GOING TO DO WITH THAT TUBBY, SPREAD ME ON YOUR TOAST?!”

8. Look! It’s a bird!

Was the XO of a basic training rotation in 2001. I had a young man who couldn’t do two sit-ups. He cried, saying, “I can’t!” A drill sergeant came over and after yelling at him about how all he’d ever done in his life was eat Cheetos, he told him that he had better never hear the words “I can’t” ever again.

He then said, “Even if I tell you to fly, you’d better take off running with your arms flapping!” He then proceeded to run around the kid flapping his arms screaming “caw-caw” at the top of his voice!

I thought I’d fall out laughing!

9. Shoooooos

When I was doing my basic military qualifications, I had forgotten my running shoes for P.E. I only had my boots.

While the rest of the unit was running laps around the facility, the Master Corporal took me outside and had me march to his instructions in the back parking lot. This was in February and the lot had just been plowed. There was a particularly large snow mountain in the very center of the lot (15 feet high or so).

He had me march over the snowbank countless times, back and forth, falling down every so often while he yelled. The others were back inside at this point watching it happen, enjoying lunch.

Never forgot my shoes again.

10. You, Me & Everybody!

We had a perpetual screw-up in our platoon that for once actually did nothing wrong.

However, his reputation led the DI to believe he did. So for a good hour or so, they made him leap between one set of bunks, crawl under the next, then leap between the next, over and over and over.

All while yelling, “Me, Myself, and I, sir!”

11. Oh cute

I saw a recruit doing burpees and at the top of his jump, he’d have his arms stretched out while yelling, “I’m a beautiful star!”.

12. Grave consequences…

Not in boot camp but in a “school” setting in the military.

In our formation one morning, I heard a loud slap. A guy killed a fly or a mosquito or something. The instructor started screaming that Corpsmen do not kill unless defending themselves, their Marines or patients. He had just killed an unarmed friendly and would give it a proper burial.

He made us all dig a human-sized grave while the sailor that killed the fly stood there watching with a dead fly in hand. We gave it a funeral and everything (without honors) and had to fill in the hole.

We kinda hated that guy for a while.

13. Skittles

We had a recruit in our platoon that got caught with Skittles out of an MRE in his rack. The next time we had an MRE out in field week, the DI had him sit in the middle of everyone and anyone who had Skittles had to pass them forward. They made him eat only Skittles for the entirety of chow as fast as he could.

Of course, he puked later on, but imagine trying to eat Skittles that fast. He said his jaw was on fire.

We called him Skittles from then on of course.

14. Grenade!

As a former recruit, we were taught how to throw frag grenades.

I went on auto-pilot and threw it like how they did in movies— I pulled the ring by the teeth and threw. The DI caught me doing it the first time, ran over to me, then commanded me to demonstrate how I threw the grenade.

I mimed it, which made him laugh at the top of his lungs.

He beckoned the other DI’s to come over and made me mime it again.

I got torched.

15. Faaaaaaaarttttttttttt! **safety**

During basic training, when we were all getting to know each other, one guy said that he was a daytime manager of a nightclub. Another guy then asked, “What the heck do you do as a daytime manager of a nightclub?” The DS could barely keep it together.

In another instance, while we were having shooting practice, these two idiots were chatting, One guy said, “Hey dude, listen to this,” and he let one rip right as the DS stopped talking.

The DS busted his butt laughing.

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These Twitter Posts Were the Reason We Smiled Today

Some days, the only thing that can put a smile on my face is hilarious people on Twitter.

So please keep tweeting y’all! Because you sure are funny!

1. Hey, I’d buy it!

2. From now on… avocadoes will be known as this. So says me.

3. Well, that’s one to do it…

4. I want to party with this girl. Eventually.

5. I see you!

6. Rough day.

7. It had to happen eventually…

8. She earned it!

9. I think you just did it…

10. Honesty is the best policy!


Alright, if you didn’t laugh, I’ve got nothing more for you.

Go try Buzzfeed or something.

The post These Twitter Posts Were the Reason We Smiled Today appeared first on UberFacts.

Guy Documents Weird AF First Week of Work at Target. Spoiler: People Are Strange

When you start a new job, a million things go through your mind.

Will I fit in?
Will my co-workers like me?
Am I as stupid as my mother says?

Okay, well, maybe some of us have different thoughts than others, but when Tumblr user kimpossibooty was hired as a cashier at Target, he did what every good millenial should: document his days there to share with all his internet friends later.

All jobs have their quirks, but apparently this particular national superstore really brings the weirdos out en masse. Prepare to be spirited away to a land of misfits, freaks, and mutants.

And next time you’re at your local Target, take a closer look at your fellow shoppers…

Day One:

  • Sold lingerie to an eighty year old woman
  • Got a free salted caramel frappacino from the suspected gay barista, Parker
  • Sold a bra to the mom of a sixteen year old girl who was cringing the entire time
  • Had a very engaging conversation with a three year old boy about colors. We both like blue.
  • Served an old woman who I thought had an impressive mustache, but it was just nose hair
  • Watched her and two other women with her get trapped between two sets of automatic doors because they did not understand how to open them. How they got through the first set, I still do not know.
  • Sold fifteen gallons of kitty litter to a soccer mom who refused to break eye contact
  • Got a second free Starbucks drink. This one was a pumpkin pie one that wasn’t even on the menu. I like this barista man.
  • Gave dozens of children stickers. Several of them squealed when they got them. This is the best part of my job.
  • Sold an old man $200 of furniture and got him to sign up for a Target credit card. Before he finished the last step, he turned and walked away with his cart without a word.
  • He still hadn’t paid. I called him back and he apologized, saying “sorry, sometimes my diabetes makes me do that.” He didn’t finish getting the card.
  • A woman came up with $220 of items. After a wad of coupons and a stack of free gift cards from other promotions, her total went down to $55. I want her to teach me.
  • Saw a girl skipping down the aisle in what can only be described as a pink princess fairy wedding dress. She was filled with happiness and if I hadn’t been on the clock I would have taken her. At the very least, I want that outfit for my own.
  • Got approached by a large man named Jason. He told me not to steal. I will take this advice to heart.
  • Met a woman referred to only as The Cat Lady. She asked if I wanted her to buy me a keychain from Ross. I told her I had no keys. She nodded solemnly and walked away, whispering their exact location inside Ross, just in case.
  • Got called into the HR Head’s office at the end of my shift. I was expecting to be yelled at for some reason. She and another lead showered me in compliments for ten minutes straight, saying a lot of managers had been saying great things about me all day. Not what I expected, but I’ll take it.

Day Two:

  • Intimidating farmer man in overalls and pigtails came through my checkout. He bought a bucket. He spoke no words. He made no eye contact. He left me with questions.
  • Three college boys came through, each buying spandex and makeup wipes. They spoke no words. They made too much eye contact. They left me with more questions. I question when this job will provide answers.
  • A three year old came through, pushed by his personal chauffeur. He bought one small Spider-Man onesie. He carried out the entire transaction on his own. He was the most polite customer I have had so far.
  • Three people walked away without their change. Only two returned.
  • A man bought thirty light bulbs with a coupon. He told me he did not need thirty light bulbs. He just likes coupons.
  • He then walked to customer service, claiming to have returned several things he did not mean to. He then walked a lap around the store and left. He did not leave the store with his light bulbs. They were nowhere to be found.
  • A customer came through looking nervous. She leaned over the counter. She whispered to me. Someone had pooped in the baby supplies aisle. All evidence pointed to it not being a baby.

Day Three:

  • Two children came through the line. They were chanting to their mom through heavy streams of tears. “WE WANT STICKERS MOMMY.” There were no stickers at any of the registers. They continued crying. I failed my people.
  • An old woman bought five bottles of wine and a large bottle of vodka. Her license told me she had lived through World War II. Her smile told me she was still living.
  • I sorted through the candy in the checkout lanes. I was meant to set aside candy that had expired in the last month. A box of Kit Kats was found that had expired in February of 2015. One was missing. I hope the poor sap is okay.
  • Clearance school supplies have arrived. A man bought 71 spiral notebooks for $6. A woman bought 110 folders for $4. I hope they meet each other. I would like to see the child of two math problem characters.
  • A bearded man named Rusty came through. I sold him a bottle of Crystal Light powder and a gallon of water. The powder was empty. The water jug had an inch of pink water left in it. How long has he been inside the store already. His beard intimidated me too much to ask.
  • An elderly man in a fedora pushed two full carts into my lane. They were both filled to the brim. He bought 52 12-packs of Mountain Dew. 12 were diet. He repeatedly told me he was 80 years old. As I handed him his receipt, he leaned in and whispered, “I’m going to get DRUNK.” He pointed at his carts, smiled at me, and scurried away with his definitively alcoholic purchase. I wonder if he knows. I wonder if he cares.

Day Four:

  • The store is having a 10% off your entire purchase sale. I have a coupon to scan if anyone asks for it. I scan it if people don’t ask for it if they’re nice to me. I don’t scan it if they’re rude. Power is a new sensation. Power is a good sensation.
  • Because of the sale, we have been flooded with guests itching for a bargain. When I need to go on my break, the manager has to stand in front of the line and tell people to go somewhere else. As the line died down, I prepared to leave. A new wave of people approached. She whispered to me “run as soon as you can.” I did not see her after my break.
  • An old man comes through the line and loudly announces that “this is a cash thing. No cards!” His clarity is appreciated, but also questioned.
  • A young man follows him. He jokes, “this is a card thing. No cash!” His smile shows he was a kind man. His joke shows he was a dad.
  • A confused teenager follows after. He whispers, “……….cash”. He thinks he has to announce his payment type. I do not correct him.
  • Children continue to handle their own transactions. This makes my day good. One girl had her own wallet and told me “thank you for your help, sir”. This makes my day great.
  • Five hours into my shift, I discover small figurines of Bambi and Pluto behind my register screen. Knowing that I am experiencing the happiest place on earth for a bargain price is nice.
  • A customer purchased hard salami. The store sells a product called hard salami. How anyone can work or shop here with a straight face remains beyond me.
  • A small girl waits in the cart as her mother pays for her transaction. She decides she had enough. She shouts, “Let me out of here!” She attempts to leave the cart. She realizes the walls are too tall. She sits down and accepts her fate with a shocking level of grace.
  • A grown man sees a coloring book on a shelf. He calls after his wife, who has already walked away. “There’s a coloring book here. This is just pitiful.” No one has any response for this.
  • I met a man who looked like Harry Potter if, instead of getting out of the cupboard at age eleven, he stayed in there for fifteen more years with nothing but Red Bull and My Chemical Romance albums.
  • A woman gets 69 cents back in change. I know that I will likely get reprimanded if I make a 69 joke to a customer. I do not speak to the customer any further. I am trying to decide if it is worth losing my job or not.
  • A little girl in basketball shorts kicks the candy rack multiple times. I expect her to turn around and show that she is throwing a fit. Instead, she seems calm and please. She is having the time of her life. I look forward to seeing where life takes her.
  • A child in my lane gets a toy. A child in the next lane yells at him for having a toy when he does not. Toy-having child prepares to throw the toy at toy-lacking child. Parents pick up their respective children. Thus ends the Baby Feud of 2016.

Day Five:

  • I open my register. An octogenarian woman approaches. She purchases bras and lingerie. I cry on the inside. It is too early for these images.
  • A small girl helped me put her parents bags into their cart. Every time I hand her a bag, she digs through it, announcing which things are hers and which are her parents, and putting her parents’ items in the cart without the bag. They did not earn the bag and she treats them accordingly.
  • A group of old people came on a field trip to Target and spent ten minutes discussing the new Jungle Book movie before buying a copy. Their reviews were overwhelmingly positive and gleeful.
  • The DVD ran $18.94. The group banded together, pulling out every coin they could find to ensure they gave me exact change. They must have had ten dollars in coins between them. The strength of their teamwork inspired me. The depth of their pockets confounded me.
  • A fly flew directly into my nostril before bouncing around and making a swift exit. I was more impressed by its aim than bothered by its decisions.
  • A woman seemingly stepped out of the 19th century prairie to purchase a frappucino. I think her dress was handmade. Her head scarf still had a price tag.
  • An old couple came through my lane to purchase gardening tools. Anytime one of them turned their back to the other, they would be tickled without warning or mercy. I believe I have just had a glimpse into my future.
  • A very angry old man pulled two full carts through. He purchased a Twix bar, a bottle of Diet Pepsi, 36 pairs of underwear, and 262 adult diapers. I believe I have just had another glimpse into my future.

Day Six:

  • I witnessed the man who talked to me about stealing following suspicious individuals through the store. He was like a private eye shark on a mission. The determination and simultaneous stealth and intimidation he possessed solidified him as my hero.
  • The computer made me card a man for buying Elmer’s glue. I questioned the computer. It gave no answers.
  • A soccer mom walked up to me, frappuccino in hand. She bought a large box of condoms, asked to have them outside of a bag, and then ran out of the store with them.
  • My stash of stickers has been restocked. I can once again please the masses.
  • My manager brought me a concoction he made behind the Starbucks counter. He told me it was meant to taste like a red Starburst. It tasted nothing like a red Starburst. It tasted exactly like a pink Starburst.
  • He also made me a Cookie Monster frap. It was a liquid Oreo. If anyone has contacts at Food Network, please reach out to him for a show.
  • A mother purchased her four year old daughter a Minnie Mouse stuffed animal. She asked the daughter if she wanted to hold it. The child whispered, “No. She is evil.” What does she know that I do not.
  • Another old man purchased twelve boxes of Mello Yello and eight boxes of Sprite. He saved almost as much as he spent. The old man bulk soda purchasing trend continues. I look forward to participating one in my later years.
  • Three team leaders tried to get a refrigerator through a door in a small hallway. The refrigerator was both taller and wider than the door. It took them 45 minutes, but once they succeeded, I was filled with pride.

Day Seven:

  • The Cat Lady returned. She purchased eight cans of cat food and a bag of chips. I asked how she was doing. She replied, “I don’t know, I just got here, this is all I want.” She appeared as confused as I was.
  • A small child was with his mother. From the moment they entered the store to the moment they left, he was shouting, “MOMMY THAT’S OKAY. MOMMY THAT’S OKAY. MOMMY THAT’S OKAY.” His words echoed around the store for the entirety of their visit. His message remains unclear.
  • A woman asked for a refund on a pair of sneakers for her infant. Mother returned, baby shoes, never worn.
  • An old man was dressed in a hat that read “SANTA CLAUS” with a Santa Claus shirt. I want to know his motives. It is only September 2, but I appreciate his enthusiasm.
  • Cat Lady came back. She purchased another case of cat food at the register next to mine. She then loudly announced that she wanted Chinese food. I am beginning to understand her.
  • I spent my break on the phone outside of the store. While on the phone, I was looking at my iPod. While on the phone looking at my iPod, a Best Buy employee walked by, and serenaded me with a song about me. The only lyric I heard was “I got two phones because I got two hands.” I appreciate his art.
  • A second grader sat in the back of his mothers cart. As they approached my lane, I heard him shout “Stupid snacks! I don’t want snacks! I want to go home! Snacks are stupid!” I haven’t disagreed with a person so thoroughly since I last heard Trump speak.
  • His mother pushed the cart behind her in the hopes of hiding her embarrassment. I asked her how she was doing. She said “Good”. Her son yelled “No good”. I asked if she found everything alright. She said “Yes”. Her son yelled “No we did not”. I appreciate his honesty, but after his opinion on snacks, I decided to pay him no heed.

Sounds like a great time…remind me not to apply to Target next time I get fired.

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‘Rage Yoga’ Lets You Swear and Drink. Sounds Perfect!

Yoga is meant to calm you down while you get a good stretching workout. Once your session is done, you feel relaxed and ready to seize the day.

Well, let me introduce you to Rage Yoga. The end result is also to get you calm and fit but through a much different method. Rage Yoga involves yelling, swearing, and drinking beer. What else can you ask for?!?

Photo Credit: Facebook,Rage Yoga

Rage Yoga founder Lindsay Istace explains the method on her website: “a practice involving stretching, positional exercises and bad humor, with the goal of attaining good health and to become zen AF. More than just a practice, Rage Yoga is an attitude.”

Istace added, “My practice gave me a strong body-mind connection and a new appreciation for my body. I learned how to slow my mind, feel good in my body and built some decent pipes while I was at it. It helped me overcome addiction and weather a lot of personal obstacles. It kept me healthy and sane!”

Ashley Duzich, a Rage Yoga instructor, said, “We are all angry about something and we all have been holding onto an ‘F’-bomb for a little bit too long. So that’s what this does – is – it allows you to have a safe space to let go of your and frustration and rage in a healthy way… and then also wash it all away with some ice cold beer.”

Photo Credit: Facebook,Rage Yoga

As of right now, there are three locations that offer Rage Yoga classes: two in Canada (Calgary and Edmonton) and one in Houston, Texas. I have a feeling this will get very popular very soon.

Namaste, a**hole!

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Brave Women Are Sharing Their Abortion Stories with the Hashtag #YouKnowMe

Right now is a scary time to be a woman in America.

People who support a woman’s right to choose what she does with her reproductive health are trying anything they can to make sure the message is spread far and wide that even if people don’t think they know somebody who has had an abortion… they do.

A lot of people have shared their story, but Busy Philipps recently shared a story on her talk show about her experience…

Busy also shared some statistics… with the hashtag #YouKnowMe

Folks, 25% of all women have had an abortion at some point in their lives. If you didn’t know that stat before, now you do.

Naturally, people are taking up the hashtag and sharing their stories…

Yes, women will die.

Lots and lots of women.

And it doesn’t matter what their reason is..

Because these are incredibly difficult choices…

And without those choices, women literally lose their rights as human beings…

Because imagine a world where rapists just get to have children because they commit a crime…

And the only option being a hotel room in the middle of nowhere…

Women need to be able to plan their lives…

Without fear of consequence for ONE moment taking over their entire life…

Again, these are health care decisions, first and foremost…

And nobody should ever make that decision for another person.

Yes, we all know somebody who had an abortion. And their reasons, while their own, are completely justifiable.

Anybody who tells you differently is just trying to interfere with a woman’s civil rights.

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These Are the Four Magic Phrases to Know When You Get Stopped by the Cops

If an interaction with police moves beyond them giving you a ticket – for instance if they say, “We smell something in your car” or “If you haven’t done anything, then you’ll agree to us searching your car” – there are some important things to know.

You still have rights, and there are a few key phrases you can use, straight from the Constitution and past case laws, that’ll assist in moving the situation along.

Photo Credit: Pixabay

1. “Am I free to go?”

First try saying something along the lines of “Am I being detained?” If the police have nothing on you, they cannot do anything but let you go. But they may say, “No, you are not free to go,” in which case they suspect something and are going to try to get you to admit to something.

2. “I do not consent to any type of search.”

Unless there is evidence of a crime visible from through the window, law enforcement cannot perform a warrantless search your vehicle (or your house) without your permission – which means they may try to play mind tricks to convince you to allow a search. So do NOT give up your rights too easily (who knows what your buddy forget in your glove compartment?), even if they slip in the old, “We’ll go easier on you if you let us search your car.”

Photo Credit: Pexels, Rosemary Ketchum

3. “I want to remain silent.”

Let’s say you’re pulled over for going 10 miles over the speed limit and when you open the window they claim to smell marijuana. Instead of babbling on and on about the one time your friend borrowed your vehicle, use this phrase. You have a constitutional right not to incriminate yourself (the 5th amendment that TV loves so much), so they cannot force you to say anything. They may take you in, but you will not have dug a hole for yourself that you have trouble getting out of later.

4. “I want a lawyer.”

If you’ve gotten this far, chances are you’re past the point of them letting you go on your merry way. So ask for one and remain silent until the lawyer arrives.

This video shows examples of how you can use these 4 magic phrases (and then some) and best practices for handling yourself calmly if you are pulled over.

These may be difficult to remember when under pressure. I suggest leaving a note in your car or using a mnemonic for “Free (to go), (do not consent to) Searches, (stay) Silent, and (I want a) Lawyer.”

Stay safe!

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Honest People Admit Dumb Things They Did While Completely Blackout Drunk

How many of us have reached that stage where your memory just shuts off? Because if you have, you remember it. Well, sort of.

See, you remember NOT remembering. Because that’s a VERY strange feeling. You could have been walking around, talking, being silly, and your memory just shut off.

That’s what happened to these 19 people and they, thankfully, lived to tell the tales!

1. Well, hopefully that didn’t end up messy…

Photo Credit: Whisper

2. Yeah, understand this feeling…

Photo Credit: Whisper

3. Okay then… secrets revealed… again!

Photo Credit: Whisper

4. “Yeah, can you delete that pls? Thx.”

Photo Credit: Whisper

5. Yikes! With friends look those…

Photo Credit: Whisper

6. Haha, well, you weren’t wrong!

Photo Credit: Whisper

7. Yeah, I’d worry too!

Photo Credit: Whisper

8. Well… that’s one way to do it!

Photo Credit: Whisper

9. And there ya have it! Our winner!

Photo Credit: Whisper

10. That’s bound to happen…

Photo Credit: Whisper

11. Well, that’s a win!

Photo Credit: Whisper

12. How do you know he’s not…?

Photo Credit: Whisper

13. At least you’re a happy drunk!

Photo Credit: Whisper

14. Well, sounds like you spent some more time in South America…

Photo Credit: Whisper

15. Jeezus…

Photo Credit: Whisper

16. Almost Whitney Houston’d it…

Photo Credit: Whisper

17. Well, you’re quite the asshole…

Photo Credit: Whisper

18. Hahahaha… oh boy…

Photo Credit: Whisper

19. Yes, sometimes it gets messy AF!

Photo Credit: Whisper

Your worst blackout situation?

Share what you can remember in the comments!

The post Honest People Admit Dumb Things They Did While Completely Blackout Drunk appeared first on UberFacts.

If You’re Trying to Eat Healthier, You Need to Check out These 20 Great Food Charts

Many of us need to focus wayyyy more on a healthy diet. I know I could, there’s no doubt about that. One great thing about social media is how easy it is to find new recipes and diet plans with the tap of your finger.

Take a look at these great ideas for healthy eating and follow the Instagram accounts in the photos below to keep up to date on the latest plans!

1. Good alternatives

2. Deli meat alternatives

3. Snack tips

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According to the oxford dictionary, the word ‘Snack’ (noun) is: ‘a small amount of food eaten between meals’. – – If one was to embark on a goal to lose fat, they will likely focus their attention on main meals consumed. They may be vigilant in ensuring consumption of calories aligns with their fat loss target. They may also believe that consumption of large quantities of food from main meals holds more significance to the outcome of their goal than that of smaller quantities of food. – – The problem is, sometimes there is no correlation between relatively small amounts of food and it’s native caloric worth. A 115g blueberry muffin represents 5-8 bites of food – and 420 calories. Coffee with milk and 2 tsp of sugar represents a drink – and 60 calories. 75g of fruit and nut mix represents 2 handfuls of dried fruit and nuts – and 360 calories. The Friday represents the day where one feels they deserve 1 or 2 (or 7) treats. The snacking pattern on the left demonstrates how easy it is to consume significant calories from small amounts of food. – – On the right side of this graphic, the weekly total is over 3000 calories less, yet virtually the same volume of food is consumed (minus reduced portions of nuts and custard creams). There is a balance of foods that require similar lengths of time to consume, foods that one may refer to as a treat and foods that are nutritious. There is also an element of intelligence implemented on the Friday by inclusion of a time consuming food (popcorn), whilst still engaging with colleagues and enjoying a Danish pastry. – – When we are hungry, we should eat. But when we are trying to reduce body fat, we should implement awareness and strategy. Adherence to balanced, calorie supportive, satiating main meals should be a priority, but so should adherence to strategically planned (and measured) snacks which also support one’s caloric deficit, satiety and still provide a disco on your tongue with each bite. ?? – – #thefitnesschef #worksnack #snacktime #fatloss #fatlosshelp #nutritioncoach #eatsmart #diettips #diethelp #treat #caloriecounting #portioncontrol #fatlosscoach #snack #losebellyfat #cakes #officesnacks #officefood

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4. This is good to know

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Refrigerator storage times! Keeping your ? food as fresh as your brand new ? Nikes! lol. _ I’ve posted about this before, but a couple people missed the post so I created a new graphic! It also includes freezer ? times. _ You can go slightly beyond the times and probably won’t get sick or anything, but these I’ve found are the best storage times for ultimate freshness and taste. They’re also what recommends on their website! _ Which is your favorite meat for mealprep? #fridgegoals #fridgetimes #iifym #mealprep #mealprepping #foodstorage #healthyeating #healthylifestyle #foodpoisoning #foodpoisoningsucks #healthandwellness #meats #cookingathome #homechef

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5. Liven up your water

6. Sugar quantities in fruit

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Tag a friend and hit save to stay informed on the calorie and sugar quantities within this extensive list of fruits. – – Most fruit proposes a plethora of vitamins and minerals to it’s consumer. And whilst the cringeworthy term, ‘nature’s candy’ is descriptively tragic, fruit is a source of sweet tasting whole food than offers micronutrients for overall health, fibre for satiety and water for hydration. – – As you can see, each fruit has a different macro-nutritional make up. Some have more sugar, others have less. Some have more calories, others have less. And (not displayed here), some have more fibre, whilst others have less. – – It is worth noting that sugar extracted from fruit will have the exact same metabolic result as sugar extracted from a snickers. But the combination of sugar and fibre consumed via a whole food (in this case fruit) makes it more likely to satisfy one’s hunger more than food comprising of sugar and minimal fibre. However, one’s attainment of satiety will differ from another’s. – – Fruit is a more nutritious, calorie sparse source of energy than confectionary. But it is important to realise that caloric values of any food count towards overall energy balance. Fibre density per calories consumed may make one ‘feel fuller’ and therefore aid adherence to overall energy targets – especially calorie deficits. – – Thus, consuming any item of ‘sweet’ tasting food is a valid option, but those which provide more satiety after consumption may support one’s energy balance more, whilst also delivering a host of nutritious advantages at the same time. ? – – P.s. which is your favourite fruit? ? – – #thefitnesschef #fruit #sugar #calories #berries #nutrients #snacktime #snack #vegan #caloriescount #eatsmart #flexiblediet #fruitsalad #micronutrients #avocado #fatlosstips #dieting #lowcaloriesnack #fruitbowl

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7. Swaps!

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The point of consuming food is to remain alive. The point of controlling one’s intake of food is to manage physique and overall health. The point of consuming fewer calories is to reduce body fat across one’s composition. But one constant in all of the above should be one’s enjoyment of food. – – When an individual embarks on fat loss, each of the above are important. One must enjoy their energy consumption, be aware of energy intake in relation to their energy output, and consistently ensure that hat they are in a state of sustainable caloric deficit. To ensure progress, one may have to change and adjust their dietary habits. But instead of completely changing one’s diet, adherence may be more likely if one makes small changes over time. For example: consuming the same volume of lower calorie foods/drinks that are essentially the same foods/drinks. – – This graphic shows two groups of foods/drinks. One group contains over double the calorie amount of the other, yet quantity of both remains the same (apart from the freddo). Crucially, the lower calorie versions resemble the same taste/experiment as their high calorie counterparts (or very similar). – – Whilst consumption of lower calorie versions may not be immediately significant, they can be over a period of time. For example, if one swapped daily consumption of 300ml of whole milk for semi skimmed milk for 1 year, they would consume 17520 fewer calories whilst experiencing is minimally compromised. – – One must make an informed choice in the knowledge that lower calorie items may contain less of a particular macronutrient. And in the case of low calorie beverages, awareness that sweeteners are included. – – Losing fat is not straightforward. It requires a change of habits. But if an individual recognizes opportunities to make small changes which reap big long term rewards, it’s seems short sighted not to take them. ? – – #thefitnesschef #fatlosshelp #fatlossdiet #fatlosstips #halotop #eatsmart #meat #lowcalorie #calories #caloriedeficit #caloriecounting #losefat #diet #dieting #smartchoices #flexiblediet #nutritionfacts #losebellyfat

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8. You can still eat pizza

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Because who doesn’t love pizza?! ? Want a fun way to get your pizza on while still getting in more veggies? Try any of the options in the top row! . My personal favorite is the portobella pizza but all of these are great fun options you can make at home. Get crazy with it and add some fun toppings of choice! Info below: . Bell pepper pizza – 1/2 bell pepper, 1/4 cup marinara sauce, 2 tbsp mozzarella cheese + 2 broccoli florets. . Portable pizza – 1/2 Portabella mushroom cap, 1/4 cup marinara sauce, 2 tbsp mozzarella cheese, 2 basil leaves, 1 olive cut into slices. . Zucchini pizza boats – 1/2 zucchini, 1/4 cup marinara sauce, 2 tbsp mixed cheese, 2 cherry tomatoes. . Rice cake pizza – 1 rice cake, 1/4 cup marinara sauce, 2 basil leaves, 2 tbsp mozzarella cheese. . Pita pizza – 1 medium pita, 1/4 cup marinara sauce, 2 tbsp mozzarella cheese, 2 basil leaves + 3 cherry tomatoes. . Pizza pizza – Ordered from the doughroom in Culver City haha Because sometimes you can treat yo self to a damn real pizza. . How to cook the veggie pizzas: 1 – Preheat oven to 350F. 2 – Scoop out the inside of the mushroom, bell pepper or zucchini boat (you can cook the bell pepper or zucchini in oven before adding toppings or add toppings then cook if you don’t need it well done. Mushroom you can add the toppings right away & cook) 3 – Add 1/4 cup marinara, toppings & cheese 4 – Bake in oven for about 10 minutes then enjoy! . You can bake the pita & rice cake in oven or you can microwave xoxo. . P.S. make sure you check my 101 Healthy Snacks Ebook link in bio! ( . . . #cleaneating #healthyeating #nutrition #cleaneats #mealprep #foodprep #fitfood #protein #weightloss #mealplan #healthychoices #mealprepsunday #healthyfood #mealprepping #macros #mealprepmonday #flexibledieting #iifym #instahealth #pizza #glutenfree #getfit #gains #meals #healthyliving #determination #healthylifestyle

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9. Muscle meals

10. Stay within your budget

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Hey guys!! Did you know that it’s totally possible to eat healthy without spending a ton or even needing to shop at “whole paycheck”? ?? . ? Recently, in a small trial that used healthy food to successfully treat depression, one of the most surprising things that researchers found was that compared to the junk food diet, the healthy diet- composed of whole foods like veggies, eggs, nuts, seeds, and olive oil, was actually about 13% cheaper! (Jacka, et al)? . Here’s to healthy eating AND healthy bank accounts! And tag someone that needs to see this! ?? • • • • • #cleaneating #healthychoices #healthyfood #healthyeating #nutrition #healthyliving #healthylifestyle #weightloss #instahealth #fitfood #exercise #active #protein #cleaneats #getfit #plantbased #determination #iifym #fitnessaddict #healthylife #gains #wellness #itsalifestyle #instafit #glutenfree #geniusfoods

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11. Smoothie ingredients

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Looking to keep your smoothie low sugar? We asked our friend @theplantedone for her top low sugar smoothie ingredients that are also packed with plant power?? . ⭐Cauliflower Swap out your banana and try this instead to keep your smoothie low sugar and still creamy! We swear, you won't taste it. For more gut-lovin', steam your cauli for maximum digestion! . ⭐Avocado? Avocado makes your smoothie super creamy and is a great source of healthy fat! . ⭐Celery Although celery is mainly water, it's a great source of fibre and vitamin K. . ⭐Zucchini Filled with antioxidants, B vitamins, and vitamin C? Steam your zucchini for easier digestion! . ⭐Spinach? Spinach is packed with Vitamin K, A and C, as well as folate, manganese, magnesium, iron, potassium and calcium. It’s also a good source of niacin, zinc, protein, fibre and more. Why wouldn't you put this green superfood in your smoothie?! ?‍♀️ . ⭐Berries? Blueberries and blackberries are low in sugar but full of powerful antioxidants.

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12. Low cal booze

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Tag a mate who’s likes a festive drink, but may want to save alcoholic calories whilst staying informed ??? – – Whilst my heading is technically misleading in that alcohol as a single organic compound can never be ‘low calorie’, common reference to alcoholic drinks will always be done so through the term ‘alcohol’. For those pedantic nutritionists/scientist out there, this post should probably go under the alias of ‘low calorie drinks containing alcohol’. But you’d fall asleep before completing the heading… So f*ck that. – – Whilst alcohol is not a macronutrient like protein, carbohydrate and fat, it still contains energy. 7 calories per gram to be exact. Given it’s calorie density, it’s easy to understand how alcohol related calorie consumption can accumulate. – – The absence of nutritional value from these calories means that no potential behavioural benefits arise from its consumption (apart from the ability to turn in to a courageous sleaze or superstar DJ). Though there is evidence to suggest that the thermogenic response during alcohol digestion is around 20% of total calories. However, considering the intricacies of TEF with regard to alcohol usage is pretty futile when you’re 12 deep at 3am, dragging you legs along the pavement with ripped jeans, one shoe and an imminently collapsing kebab. – – If fat loss or maintenance is the goal, surely it’s worth considering drinks which taste the same/very similar, but have a reduced calorie worth. In most cases, the alcohol density remains the same, but changes to additional ingredients lower the overall calorie value. – – This way you can still socialise, enjoy the festive period and relax. But you can also get closer to your fitness goal at the same time?. – – #thefitnesschef #alcohol #lowcalorie #nightoutfit #nightoutonthetown #nightoutwithfriends #losefat #calories #caloriescount #caloriecounting #dieting #drinking #beer #wine #vodka #diet #caloriecontrol #fatlosscoach #nutritiontips

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13. Crucial info

14. Egg advice

15. For all you vegetarians

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Do toddlers have to eat meat? ?I get about 5 DMs a week from moms saying their kiddos won't eat meat. I've been doing a series on food battles here. I don't have a real quote for you, but I'm lumping them all together into "Help! My child won't eat meat!" ??⠀ ~⠀ And actually, your child doesn't have to eat meat to be healthy! You may want your child to eat meat and you may not. Either is fine. If you want them to learn to like meat, you can serve them very small cut up bites of meat to explore and maybe eat. One bite is a big win for tough-to-chew meat! ⠀ ~⠀ Look at all the different ways kids can get protein! While meat may play a role in getting your child the zinc, protein, and iron that they need, your child can also get those things from other foods while they are learning to like meat. And if you're wondering how much protein they "officially" need, here are the numbers:⠀ ~⠀ Protein needs in kids:⠀⠀ 0.5 g/lb/day for 1-3 year olds⠀⠀ 0.43 g/lb/day in 4-13 year olds⠀⠀ ~⠀⠀ For my kids, that's about 15 g per day. Most kids get more in the United States. ⠀ .⠀ .⠀ By .⠀ .⠀ .⠀ #nutritionist #vegetarianprotein #vegetariankids #veggiekids #nutritioncoaching #registereddietitian #dietitian #nutritionfirst #nutritionists #nutritiongoals #kidfood #healthykids #nutritionexpert #nutritioniskey #nutritiontip #pediatricdietitian #lunchbox #lunchboxideas #kidslunchbox #kidslunches #kidslunchideas #kidslunch #lunchideas #healthylunch #schoollunch #lunchboxinspiration #kids #kidseatincolor

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16. Calcium

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⠀ FOOD SOURCES OF CALCIUM ⠀ ⠀ Calcium is an important mineral, we actually have more calcium in our body than any other mineral! ⠀ 99% of our calcium is in our bones and teeth. A small amount is absorbed into the blood and is essential for muscle function, nerve signalling and to keep our heart beating ? ⠀ ⠀ ⠀ ⚠Every muscle contraction in our body requires calcium! ⠀ Our body tightly controls the amount of calcium we have circulating in our blood so if you aren’t getting enough from your diet, the body will start to release calcium from its largest source, our bones! ⠀ This is why it is important to include calcium rich foods into your diet to maintain your bone strength (density) and prevent the development of osteoporosis. ⠀ The main foods rich in calcium are dairy products like milk, cheese and yoghurt. However there are many non-dairy sources that provide calcium. ⠀ If you are avoiding dairy because of allergies, intolerance or ethical reasons (vegans) make sure your diet includes non dairy calcium food sources. ⠀ Some non dairy sources of calcium like as spinach and rhubarb contain oxalates, naturally occurring compounds that decrease calcium absorption. This is just something to be aware of. ⠀ ⠀ ⠀ Men and women 19 years + calcium requirements: 1,000 mg:day ⠀ Women over 50 years & men over 70 years requirements: 1,300 mg/day ⠀ ⠀ ⠀ ⠀ If you aim to include 1-2 of the above foods at each meal and between meals I am positive you will reach the recommended amount! Don’t worry about the numbers! ⠀ ⠀ Help a friend out and tag them below ????❤ Savina ⠀ ⠀ ⠀ ⠀ ⠀ ⠀ ⠀ If reposting this image, the content must not be edited! #bonesmatter #eatforhealth #dairyaustralia #wellnessblogger #weightlossjourney #nutritioncoach #allfoodsfit #foodasmedicine #fuelyourbody #healthychoice #nutritionfacts #dairyaustralia #weightlossjourney #dietitian #portioncontrol #eatsmart #calories #nutrientdense #weightlossideas #nutritional #veganshare #smartfood #healthytips #justeatrealfood #eatbetter #caloriecounting #notadiet #healthychanges #weightlosstips #nutritionfacts @rokebyfarms @thecultureco_ @vitasoy_aus_nz @outback_harvest

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17. Smart desserts

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? IS YOUR FAVOURITE MEAL DESSERT?! Well then you better listen up ? If you want to have your cake and eat it too – then it's important to note: eating well for overall health and fat loss is a two part system in that quality and quantity go hand in hand, the art of weight loss will always boil down to calories in vs calories out. If you want to lose weight you need to calorically be consuming less energy than expenditure. It is necessary to acknowledge the calorie value of your food choices as it will be the driver in whether you lose or gain weight. Take the above examples, a few small changes in dessert choices have changed the caloric density significantly between each meal, allowing you to fit in your sweet treat in more budget-friendly way for your calorie bank. Make smarter choices ✅ A #healthy approach to dieting is a flexible dieting method maintaining an 80/20 rule. The 80/20 rule practices a moderated approach where all foods can fit into a balanced diet. ?Around 80% of the time opt for whole foods that are rich in micronutrients, such as whole grains, leaner cuts of meat, legumes, vegies, fruits, grains etc and give yourself around 20% of the time where you choose foods that nourish your soul, that includes dessert. Be a strict flexible dieter – but not a restricted one ☝ Do you need help getting the balance right⁉Do you smash your diet Monday – Friday and battle demons and binges on the weekends❓?Let us show you the light with a customised science based nutrition plan and guaranteed results! ?PAYMENT PLANS AVAILABLE ?LINK IN OUR BIO ?

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TOP FOODS FOR GUT HEALTH ?? Hey guys! Did you know that the impact of gut health extends far beyond your midsection? It's important for nearly every aspect of your being including your weight, metabolism, inflammation, brain function, and more. — ?? Natural fiber from whole foods is one of the best ways of nourishing gut health, and thankfully a recent analysis of observational studies has confirmed the broad health benefits of eating more fiber. (ref: But while quantity is important, quality is just as critical! — ??‍♀️??‍♂️ When it comes to gut health, we want to aim for foods with prebiotic fiber. Prebiotic fiber is microbiota-accessable, meaning your gut bacteria will consume it and make them happy. — ? Here I've listed some of the top gut-healing foods. If you're just getting started on a gut-improvement journey, go slow with these foods as a sudden increase in prebiotic fiber can cause pretty intense fermentation leading to bloating and worse ???. — ? Tag someone who needs this, and hit me with any questions—I got your back! • • • • • #veggies #kale #geniusfoods #greens #nutrition #guthealth #vegetables #probiotics #plantbased #healthyfood #cleaneating #organic #salad #weightloss #iifym #vegetarian #healthyeating #gains #wellness #homegrown #fitfood #quinoa #veggie #abs #healthylifestyle #instafit #sugarfree #paleo

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19. Know your bread

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Tag a bread lover, hit save and get educated on the calorie values of these assorted breads. ? – – People eat bread. This largely occurs because people like bread. In most cases it is not particularly nutrient dense, but that doesn’t mean it can’t be consumed with/without something that is nutrient dense. – – For too long bread has been blamed for weight gain or the primary food that stagnates weight loss. Whilst bread is left on supermarket shelves by those convinced that it’s the reason they are fat, the real issue is of course that several multi-faceted issues/actions across one’s diet and lifestyle contribute to weight gain. To attribute one food/food group as the single cause of the complexity that is obesity is short sighted. – – Most of the calories in bread originate from carbs in refined form (and we know how irrational people can be about refined carbs). But when an individual claims that relatively high carb foods are satanic for one’s composition, they are misinformed and irrational. In fact, one recent study tested diets with free access to refined carbs compared with refined fats. It’s results indicated that more weight was gained over time with free access to refined fats, not carbs. This is just one study of course. – – As you’ll see, in terms of calories, white bread is similar wholemeal and rye breads. Therefore you will not necessarily manage weight better by consuming brown bread, despite it being less refined. The only key nutritional difference is fibre. And whilst fibre may increase one’s satiety, attention must also be paid to additional food variables included in the form of fillings or spreads to gather a greater insight into total energy consumed and subsequent food behaviour. ?? – – If you enjoy bread, include it in your diet. If you don’t enjoy bread, don’t include it. But whatever your decision, make it the knowledge that any food can be enjoyed as part of a balanced diet. ? P.s. What’s your favourite bread? – – #thefitnesschef #breadlover #carbs #fatloss #calories #caloriedeficit #caloriecounting #losebellyfat #losefat #nutritioncoach #fatlosstips #fatlosscoach #breadlife #fatlosscoach #fibre #nutritionfacts #bread

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20. Some good overall tips

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Guys! Hi! ?? Here are 12 ways to make yourself happier! ☀?? Now I know I'm going to get some hate comments for #3, but actually, it's a valid suggestion! A study of 1000 women found that those who consumed less than 3-4 small servings/week were twice as likely to have a diagnosed depressive or anxiety disorder as those consuming that amount. — ?? While correlation can't prove causation, there were some strengths to the study that make me think the link is worth respecting. There was no relationship between other forms of protein, such as chicken, pork, fish or plant-based proteins, and mental health. And, women who consumed more than 3-4 servings were also more likely to be depressed. SO this is why I say "some"—because I think some is better than none, but too much doesn't seem to be ideal either! (ref: — ? Which of these is your favorite? And please tag someone who needs these tips today. ❤? P.S. In my book Genius Foods you'll get a deep dive into how food can work the nobs and levers of your mood. You'll learn about the connections between food and depression, anxiety, lack of focus, fatigue, and more. • • • • • #happiness #motivationmonday #mondaymotivation #motivationalmonday #joy #peace #instamotivation #motivationalquotes #positivity #motivational #itsalifestyle #positivevibes #blessed #success #inspire #depression #quotes #quote #inspo #dedication #mentalhealthawarenessmonth #quoteoftheday #healthyliving #healthylifestyle #mentalhealth #mentalhealthawareness #geniusfoods #instafit

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Now that you’re armed with those tips, get out there and get healthy starting TODAY!

The post If You’re Trying to Eat Healthier, You Need to Check out These 20 Great Food Charts appeared first on UberFacts.