People Shared Photos of Working Cats and They Are Wonderful

In addition to sleeping up to 20 hours a day and knocking objects off of tables, cats have jobs too, okay?

Want proof? I’ll give you proof. People have been posting photos of working cats on social media, so let’s give these felines the credit they deserve.

1. All the way from Iceland

2. That is great

My tow truck driver has a cat named Dixie with a matching safety vest. from pics

3. Don’t mess with him

4. Crimefighter

5. Cat Scan Assistant

hmmm from hmmm

6. He’s in advertising

The best way to advertise your garage sale nearby from thisismylifenow

7. Don’t even think about it

Security guard from Catswithjobs

8. Cockroach Management

Dedicated Cockroach Manager from Catswithjobs

9. Col. Mittens

Colonel Mittens at your service! from Catswithjobs

10. Security from up high

Store Security from Catswithjobs

11. Foreman

PsBattle: A cat wearing an orange hard hat from photoshopbattles

12. Naturally

Hennessy is always my liquor store’s employee of the month from Catswithjobs

13. Greeter

Local Ace has greeter pirate kitty named Ace— he loves grooming customers. from Catswithjobs

14. Therapy cat

Therapy cat on patrol in the nursing home from Catswithjobs

15. Law enforcement

Oscar the police station cat. from Catswithjobs

Now it’s time to get your kitty cats in line so they can start earning their keep!

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Remakes of Melodramatic Hipster Memes Will Have You Snorting into Your Craft Beer

Did you know there’s more to the modern day hipster than funny clothes and sarcasm? Sure they may be into craft beers, gastropubs, and bourbon, but have you considered their minds?

Hipsters encompass a different way of viewing culture. Hipsters love progressive politics, appreciation for music—specifically alt-rock, independent thinking and we can’t forget the witty banter, to name a few.

Many may think of hipsters as melodramatic with the inspirational memes floating around the internet, but these once emotional memes turned parodies might make the hipsters of the 21stcentury not take life so seriously. And to be honest, these may be better than the originals!

13. Keep walking, maybe?

Photo Credit: Bored Panda

12. True…but yikes!

Photo Credit: Bored Panda

11. Grammer police!


Photo Credit: Bored Panda

10. If she’d just turn around

Photo Credit: Bored Panda

9. If there’s no one around to catch a tree, does it fall?

Photo Credit: Bored Panda

8. The new way to create a friendship pack

Photo Credit: Bored Panda

7. Aquaman approved

Photo Credit: Bored Panda

6. “I love lamp.”

Photo Credit: Bored Panda

5. For “wheel”?

Photo Credit: Bored Panda

4. Don’t try this at home

Photo Credit: Bored Panda

3. And that favorite pair of shoes…

Photo Credit: Bored Panda

2. And Hawaii…

Photo Credit: Bored Panda

1. Bird droppings

Photo Credit: Bored Panda

See, life doesn’t need to be taken too seriously!

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A German Town Came up with a Genius Plan to Deprive a Neo-Nazi Music Festival of Beer

This might be the best story of 2019… so far.

Recently, a neo-Nazi rock festival took place in the small town of Ostritz, Germany. Attendees descended on the small town of just over 2,000 people for the Sword and Shield (SS) music festival to do what neo-Nazis do: get drunk, listen to terrible music, and find like-minded boneheads to act like idiots with.

But the far-right folks were in for a surprise when they found out that a court had recently ruled that no alcohol was to be served or consumed at the event due to the fear of potential violence.

Police kept an eye on the festival to make sure that the ban was upheld.

But the best part?

Locals even chipped in and bought more than 100 crates of beer to really make sure that the far-right festival attendees wouldn’t have any brewskies for the weekend.


A local activist named George Salditt said,

“The plan was devised a week in advance. We wanted to dry the Nazis out.

We thought, if an alcohol ban is coming, we’ll empty the shelves at the local supermarket.”

An estimated 2,000 people also gathered for anti-racist demonstrations in Ostritz during the weekend as well. An estimated 500-600 people attended the Sword and Shield festival and were outnumbered not only by protesters but also by police, who numbered roughly 1,400.

The mayor of Ostritz, Marion Prange, said,

“There are people here in Ostritz who do not tolerate the event, who stand for different values and who try to be role models,” Prange said.

Now this is what I call teamwork, and this is what I call community.


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The People Who Committed These 15 Crimes Against Food Need to Be Sent to Prison Immediately

I’m having a hard time getting over this.

I didn’t think that reading all of these super weird/disgusting/horrible food combos would upset me so much… but yeah… I’m upset. Like REALLY way too upset.

Why do you do this to food, people? How do you think this is right?

Sorry in advance fo the complete and absolute destruction of your current future appetites.

1. Went too far.

“I used to be obsessed with A1 steak sauce. I would put it on EVERYTHING possible because I loved it so much. One day, I put it on jello.

I no longer enjoy A1.”

2. Purple cow? More like purple garbage can!

“When I visited my aunt’s family as a kid she served a ‘purple cow’ — milk mixed with grape juice — for breakfast.

If you haven’t tasted that, take my word for it.

It’s not a great concoction.”

3. A complete nutter

“My mom puts peanut butter on cold pizza.

It is the closest flavor to vomit that is not vomit.”

4. Christ on a cracker!

“My sister would make Ritz cracker ‘sandwiches,’ except the thing that went between the two Ritz cracker ‘buns’ was ANOTHER Ritz cracker…except she’d chewed it up and spit it out onto the other two.

It was disgusting.”

5. You get a divorce IMMEDIATELY! You hear me?!?

“My wife dips her peanut butter and jelly sandwiches into SpaghettiOs.”

6. Disgusting word of the year: creamify

“This kid I knew in school used to rip open his milk carton and dip his burrito into his chocolate milk.

Sometimes he’d even go so far as to rip open the burrito itself and pour his milk onto the beef and eggs in order to (and I’m quoting him here) ‘creamify the meat.’

I don’t know, man, the word ‘creamify’ is just… ugh.”

7. This bothers everybody

“My mom’s boyfriend. Crushed Cheez-It crackers.

Into his coffee.

Mom said I shouldn’t let it bother me.

It bothers me.”

8. Your extended family is pit full of food-ruining vipers and must be stopped!

“My wife likes to make crunchy peanut butter and bologna sandwiches (with cheese). Her mom also adds mayo.

I just can’t bring myself to try it — literally start retching at the thought of the flavor.”

9. You no good, dirty sonofabitch…

“I watched a guy pour Sprite into a nice $50 bottle of wine because he didn’t like the flavor.”

10. OMFG!

“My baby sister used to eat pancakes with ranch dressing.

My mom just accepted it because she was SUCH a picky eater, and this was something she just thoroughly enjoyed.

We’re pretty sure it’s because my mom craved both (though separately) when she was pregnant with her.”

11. Sir, you are in PUBLIC?!

“There was a dude in my dining hall that had a plate of sunny-side-up eggs.

Scooped under an egg with his fork, brought it up to his mouth, and only touched his lips to the yolk. Proceeded to suck all the yolk, and then slurped the rest of the egg in.

It was like a car crash; I couldn’t look away but I was horrified.”

12. We will no longer be talking to each other. Thank you. Bye!

“A couple of years ago when my best friend and I were still in college, she stayed over at my place a few times.

It was then that I learned that she liked dipping cheese into hot chocolate. Like, full on dunking it in, waiting for it to partially melt, swirling it around, and then eating it.

I love her to bits, she’s like my sister…but I still haven’t entirely recovered.”

13. Okay, I’m done. I can’t do this any longer.

“I work at a pub waiting tables.

One day, this couple walked in who I’d never seen, but were apparently regulars. The bartender saw them, shot me a glance, and went to grab something from the kitchen.

Before even taking their order, he’d filled the crushed red pepper shaker and told me to take it over to them. The woman ordered a small cup of french onion soup and proceeded to unscrew the cap of this shaker and dump THE ENTIRETY of it onto her soup.

She was eating spicy red pepper like cereal and didn’t even ask for a drink refill.”

14. I’m officially dead.

“I used to work as a bartender.

One day, a middle-aged man walked in and ordered a beer with milk.”

15. Oh god! I didn’t stop. Why?!?!?

“Saw a dude eat spaghetti in milk one time.

One very dark time.”


I need a shower.

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20 Things That All Dads Do, Even Though They Have No Idea Why

Why are so many dads across the same? Even if they’ve led completely different lives? And why are dad jokes universal?

BUT… the tweets below illustrate easily how true the jokes really are – even if men don’t even realize how and when and why it starts to happen.

20. Because kids are exhausting, obvs.

19. Their backs hurt.

18. They don’t really know what year it is.

17. They have so little joy in life.

16. Safety first!

15. Seriously why do they love noise?

14. It’s very serious business.

13. Their diets are crap.

12. Ask George Costanza.

11. To irritate others, I’m pretty sure.

10. To make sure they did not, in fact, melt in their hand?

9. That’s what they need, I guess.

8. No music when it’s time to get down to business.

7. I have no idea but they totally do.

6. What even is real money?

5. They know a shortcut.

4. Because meat.

3. Because they paid for it, most likely.

2. To aid in digestion.

1. I mean that’s your opinion.

We may not know why this happens to men, but it sure is funny!

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25 of the Most Hilarious Cat Tweets out There

Need kitty tweets? Need hilarious kitty tweets?!?! Here ya go!

Please enjoy these 25 timeless cat tweets – guaranteed to make anyone’s day!

25. Derp genius.

24. A true thespian.

23. When people surprise you.

22. It works better than it would on a toddler, tbh.

21. The definition of awkward.

20. Someone teach that cat some manners!

19. Who enters my domain?

18. I believe you’re mistaken, sir.

17. Okay this caption is everything.

16. He’s practicing for his Cadbury audition.

15. What are YOU lookin’ at?

14. Beans!

13. Saves you from having to buy one of those cat fountains, though.

12. The Batman makes his own Bat Signal.

11. When she learns how to hold the iPad up for the good angle I’ll be impressed.

10. At least he knows where he goes.

9. I have no idea how this happened! None!

8. “Does this angle make me look fat?”

7. An apt description.

6. Cats are basically Regina George.

5. Fat shaming even extends to cats!

4. That’s what she gets for going to the bathroom.

3. Look closely…

2. Just turn around and go.

1. Time to set up a camera.

You’re welcome!

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12 People Come Clean About When Things Got Weird in the Jacuzzi

Sometimes sh*t gets weird in the hot tub. Or weirder than usual. Or just kind of crazy.

Yeah, you know what we’re talking about.

Here are 12 times that jacuzzis got a little woozy…

1. Winning at life

Photo Credit: Whisper

2.You bad. But you good too!

Photo Credit: Whisper

3. Hmmmm… how did you LOSE them?

Photo Credit: Whisper

4. Well, that’s not very sexy…

Photo Credit: Whisper

5. I imagine sex comes after all of this?

Photo Credit: Whisper

6. Haha… bruh…

Photo Credit: Whisper

7. At least it was the water!

Photo Credit: Whisper

8. Wait… WHAT?!?

Photo Credit: Whisper

9. Time to get a new job!

Photo Credit: Whisper

10. Yeah, it does feel amazing…

Photo Credit: Whisper

11. Next level talent!

Photo Credit: Whisper

12. Yeah, that sounds about right…

Photo Credit: Whisper

Got a hot tub story? Share yours in the comments!

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McDonald’s Employees Reveal What It’s Really like Working Under the Golden Arches

McDonald’s is, without a doubt, the most well-known fast food restaurant in the world. Employing over 2 million people globally and found at nearly 36,000 locations, it’s no wonder the home of the Big Mac is hard to avoid.

But beyond their hallmark fries and secret sauce, have you ever been curious about what the employees think about working there? Let’s take you behind the Golden Arches and find out what the employees are saying.

10. The meaning of “fast-food” is in the stomach of the consumer

What is fast-food anyway? Does it mean to receive your food in less than 5 minutes? 10 minutes? Either way that is still fast! But employees want you to know, there are limits on certain foods. Like, for instance, a chicken salad.

According to Bob, an assistant manager at a McDonald’s in the midwest, chicken salads are pre-made, except for the meat. So it takes a few minutes to prepare. Same with Egg Mcmuffins (10 minutes) and McDonald’s apple pies (10 to 12 minutes).

If you’ve noticed your local McDonald’s has “slimmed” down the menu, it’s because too many ingredients hold up the cooking line.

“We are trained to go as fast down the line as we can, and if we have to stop to make something that has 10 ingredients, it tends to slow things down. Corporate has realized this and has taken many of these items off in recent years, [like] McWraps, Clubhouse, more recently the Smokehouse and mushroom and Swiss and moved to items that can go a lot quicker.”

Photo Credit:

9. We all want fresh fries, but there’s a quicker way to get them

Have you ever sat in the drive-thru for like 20 minutes only to learn its because they ran out of fries!? It’s terrible! One of the ways McDonald’s cuts down on wait times is to have a new bin of fries already available for orders. Many customers ask for non-salted fries in hopes of getting a fresh batch. But in reality, this may cause a slow down in production. According to Andy, who has worked at McDonald’s in the past:

“People can ask for fresh fries and it’s actually way easier to do fresh fries rather than no-salt fries. For those, we have to pour the fries onto a tray from the fryer so they don’t come in contact with salt. It can get awkward sometimes getting everything into position, especially if you have a lot of people working in close proximity and it’s busy, so I’ve had some scalded hands a couple of times trying to get fries out in a timely way.”

8. “Can you please pull up to that designated spot?”

We’ve all pulled up to the take-out window expecting our bag of McDonald’s goodness to be given before we can brake, only to have an employee tells us to head over to another spot. Ever wonder why?

The corporation measures drive-thru metrics to understand how long a customer has been waiting for their food. By moving your car, this allows the employees to track a lower wait time.

Bob again:

“My store has sensors in the drive-through that actually tell us exactly how long you are at each spot in the drive-through. We get measured based on something we call OEPE. Order end, present end. [That measures] from the second that your tires move from the speaker until your back tires pass over the sensor on the present window. My store is expected to be under two minutes.”

Photo Credit: C. Cagnin

7. Careful what you say

“Can I take your order?”

That is what you hear when you pull up to the drive-thru speaker, and it’s almost immediate! Kind of creepy. Do they have cameras? They probably do, but it’s more than that: There are sensors that tell the employee someone is waiting.

So that conversation you’re having with your friend or spouse? They are listening.

From Andy:

“The speaker is activated by the metal in the car, so as soon as you drive up, the speaker turns on in our headset. We can hear everything, and I do mean everything. Loud music, yelling at your kids to shut up, etc.”

6. The ice cream machine is down

Ugh, again?? Is this a ploy? Or is the ice cream machine really that temperamental?

Bob says…

“The thing is, it is a very sensitive machine. It’s not made to be making 50 cones in a row, or 10 shakes at a time. It takes time for the mix to freeze to a proper consistency. It also requires a daily heat mode, [where] the whole machine heats up to about 130 degrees or so. The heat mode typically takes about four hours to complete, so you try to schedule it during the slowest time.”

And each location is responsible, per health code and regulations, to ensure that the machine is well cleaned. That means a complete disassemble every one to two weeks.

Photo Credit: Pixabay

5. Secret menus do not exist but…

Do you have a hankering for grilled cheese? Or do you love the Mac sauce but refuse to pay extra? Here are a couple of tips from Andy!

“I’ve made many a grilled cheese before. Sometimes it can get a bit risky doing it because the bun toaster wasn’t designed to make grilled cheeses, so sometimes you get some burnt buns or cheese or the cheese sticks inside and it slows down the other buns from getting out on time so that causes more burnt buns.”

People also regularly order McDoubles dressed as a Big Mac, to avoid paying Big Mac prices.

“I think [it’s] a way more practical way to eat a Big Mac since there’s less bun in the way, and it’s also way cheaper even if you do get charged for Mac sauce.”

4. Be kind and check your order

McDonald’s serves up to 69 million customers daily! That’s an insane number!

It means, though, that there will be mistakes, especially if you order specialized menu items or substitutions. Employees want you to check your order before driving away. And guess what? They’ll gladly fix your order, says Bob.

“Mistakes do happen. We always feel terrible when they do but when we serve 1000-plus people a day, it’s bound to happen. Be nice to us if you have a problem. It’s a huge difference between coming to us and saying, ‘Hey, I seem to be missing a fry from my bag,’ and ‘You bastards didn’t give me my fries!’”

Photo Credit: Pixabay

3. There is no passing GO for employees and Monopoly

Contrary to popular belief, the employees cannot play or participate in the McDonald’s annual Monopoly game. So don’t worry if you need to collect that “Park Place” for a million dollars, they aren’t taking it. Back in 2000, the company underwent an overhaul on the rules after an employee at their promotions company stole over $24 million.

“Monopoly pieces and things like them get sent back to corporate,” Bob says. “We aren’t allowed to touch them, open them, or redeem them as employees.”

2. Skip the grilled chicken

Sure, sure, chicken can be healthier than a Big Mac, but employees recommend skipping it all together. Usually after preparation, chicken is placed inside warming units made to keep it “fresh” for up to an hour. But chicken tends to dry out faster than patties.

According to Andy,

“That stuff has a supposed shelf life of 60 minutes in the heated cabinet, but it dries out so quickly that even if it’s within an acceptable time frame, it looks like burnt rubber, and probably tastes like it, too.”

1. Prank calls are still a thing

Unless a McDonald’s is assisting with a catering event, they are not expecting other calls. However, their phone does ring and the staff usually answers to a prank caller.

“Sometimes it’s people asking about directions to Wendy’s,” Sam a department manger in Canada says. “A lot of inappropriate ones. Most are pretty lame.”

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Waiters Share the Most Insane Things They’ve Overheard at Their Tables

Waiters must hear a ton of ridiculous things every day with the flow of people in and out of their places of employment.

Check out these 26 Reddit stories from waiters and waitresses who overheard hilarious conversations and bizarre customer interactions.

1. No ifs, ands, or butts about it

I had a summer job at a seafood place around the Charleston area. I seat this couple who were pretty funny. Anyways, I bring them their drinks and ask if they’re ready to order. I can’t remember what the husband ordered, but the wife didn’t like it. So he looks at her and says “Woman, I’ll still eat that butt of yours when you eat chili, so don’t give me no crap for ordering what I want”. She immediately replied “Harvey, I just need you to shut the hell up”. Then they both started laughing. Best table ever. And they tipped me like $20.

2. Clearly a bad girl

I saw a mother take her knife and with the flat part of it, whack the hand of her 2 year-old child because she was drawing something with her left hand. She yelled at her “No, use your right hand. Good girls don’t write with their left hand.”

This was as I was standing there taking their order and writing with my left hand.

3. You read that right

My favorite was a group of nurses. Pouring waters as one says the sentence “So a guy came in for an adult circumcision yesterday…”

Never ask a nurse about their day. It was worse than yours.

4. Princess Mommy

I approached a table with a family of five to take their order. Two adults and three kids from about 5 to 10 or so. One of the kid starts to say something and the father cuts him off by saying “Don’t say another word Peter. Nobody says a thing until princess Mommy makes up her mind and decides what she wants for dinner.” Followed by long awkward silence and me leaving.

5. Clown, ’nuff said

Party of five or six, it’s a group of friends having dinner. In walks a clown. Clown starts randomly walking around the restaurant doing balloon animals for kids and stuff like that. I have no idea what is going on, we didn’t hire this guy.

He walks over to the table of 5 or 6 and selects a man from the table to perform a magic trick for. He did the trick, a small flash of smoke and fire happens and then magically there is an engagement ring on a rope. The man takes the ring and the woman gets on her knees and asks the man to marry her. The man says no, tells her to get up and they continue dinner. This table now has the attention of the entire restaurant (like 300-400 people on our busiest night). Everybody just turned away and started awkwardly eating like nothing happened.

6. I hope you would

Shucker at an oyster bar here. So other than all the obvious terrible jokes I get, I can say, without a doubt, the most messed up thing I’ve ever heard was a man sitting with a woman who was getting more and more distraught and the man looks at her and says “Look, I told you when this whole thing started if I had to choose between you or my wife I’m picking my wife”.

7. Billy Bob dreams

I waited tables for 10 years at this small family owned restaurant in rural Ohio that had a “famous” sandwich. It was on a few Food Network shows and stuff like that.

A family comes in. Mom, dad, two little kids. I take their drink orders and as I am getting the drinks, the dad pulls me aside.

Dad: “My son is obsessed with Billy Bob Thorton. We told him that Billy Bob comes here and eats from time to time, so could you just play along.”

Me: “Yeah of course, no problem.”

I return with the drinks and the son, who is about 5 years old, starts asking me questions about Billy Bob Thorton. Like what he orders, if he is nice, stuff like that. I make stuff up, because I want a good tip and don’t want to ruin this little kids life. He is so excited to hear that Billy Bob comes to the same place he is at.

I can only imagine other scenarios where Billy Bob Thorton has appeared in this kid’s life.

8. Double up

I was at the bar, not waiting tables, but I have two stories. The first was a couple that sat down directly in front of where I was washing glasses. This was during the NBA Finals so I thought it was a bit odd they seemed so sad while everyone else was enjoying the game. They spent at least 4 hours there and from what I was able to hear they were discussing having another kid to fix their relationship. I guess she had cheated on him because she felt ’empty’ but didn’t want to end their relationship as they already had kids together. The guy was clearly very upset but said he’d support her if this is what she wanted.

The other was last week during a huge fundraiser we hosted. A group of 3 or 4 ladies were noticeably uncomfortable and when I asked if they were okay they told me that one of them had a stalker who constantly shows up at her house, work, and calls her repeatedly. He just showed up to the bar. She had threatened to call the police if he didn’t leave her alone, so what did he do? Naturally, he bought her a drink as an apology.

9. Read the manual

When I was a waiter, people often pretended that I wasn’t there. The stories they told were amazingly personal. One woman at a table of 6 lunching ladies told the story of how her husband was recently prescribed viagra. “He took it like a vitamin – 1 pill every morning. He kept having erections at work and didn’t understand why.”

10. Dying

Late one night I had this couple who were maybe in their late 30s. The guy looked a tough guy.

From the moment they came in, the woman was crying the whole time. Not like, a little bit crying but straight up bawling. She hadn’t talked to me the entire time, but the guy was very chatty. He explained to me how he had just found out that he only had a few months left to live and how she, his “angel” was gonna take care of his boy for him and all this crap. Anyway, I felt pretty genuinely bad cause that’s a pretty sad thing to hear.

Then I saw them come in again over a year and a half later…. Acting totally normal. They didn’t remember me, but how do you forget the face of someone that told you they were dying?

11. That’s cuz you can’t

Ex waiter. I’m walking down a long hallway carrying a tray of food. A kid comes running from a perpendicular hallway and run face first into the wall without putting his hands up. He starts crying. The dad walks behind him very calmly and kneels down and says, “Buddy, you just can’t go running into walls.”

12. Apples and spaghetti

I sat a table of three: a mom, her daughter, and her grandma.

After sitting, Grandma left to order spaghetti at the Italian place next door.

Mom seemed to be having an existential crisis. I asked her what she wanted to drink.

“I don’t know,” she said.

“Can I get you some water?” I asked.

“I don’t know.”

“Do you want me to come back later?”

“I’m not sure.”

The daughter, who was getting impatient, stood up on her chair.

“Hey!” she said. “I’ll have you know. I want apples!”

“But first I have to get you something to drink. Would you like some water?”

“I want apples!”

Grandma ate Italian food in silence while Mom stared at a menu for an hour and a half and the daughter ate apples. When they finished, Mom paid, and they left. She tipped well, considering all they bought was $.50-worth of apple slices.

13. Nothing in life is free

“I heard if you complain here you get your meal for free”

I sidled by and politely told her that wasn’t the case.

14. A happy meal

My Mom and I went to a restaurant in a town we were visiting, and we were seated close by a family just sitting down to dinner. As soon as they sat down, the waitress asked if they wanted a drink. Dad and Mom ordered wine and son looks at waitress and then blurts out to his parents “I’m gay.”

Waitress leaves. Parents look at their son and then look at each other. Mom then asks Dad what he is thinking of having to eat. Son again exclaims “I’m gay.” Parents look at him deadpan and say in unison, “we know”. Then waitress came and took our orders and I didn’t hear what happened next. But they stayed and enjoyed their meal and seemed to be fine with each other.

15. Happily ever after

Heard a group of 3 women talking about how each of their 4th/5th/ whatever many marriages are going and how they treat marrying for money as their career.

One of them paid with their newest husband’s black AMEX card.

15 People Admit Why They Immediately Lost Interest in Their Crush

Crushes can be all-consuming, but it turns out there are things that will make them evaporate at the drop of a hat.

The 15 things below are definitely a good (bad?) start.

15. It made me feel unimportant

Back in college I was seeing a girl casually. Whenever we’d text, she’d take hours to respond to any message. It wasn’t a big deal, since most of the time it was just chatting or setting plans for the following weekend or something. It was a little annoying because it’d take a full day or two to set up plans because of the slow responses, but whatever. I’m a bad texter so I can’t really judge someone for that.

But I started to notice that when we hung out together, she’d immediately respond back to any and every text she got. She had some loud song as the ringtone that played for like 15 seconds, and set it so that her camera LED would flash constantly while it rang. Totally obnoxious and made me really notice how often she texted. I casually asked her who she was texting one time and it was just some friend from school that had sent her a meme.

After that I realized it wasn’t going to work. Being a slow texter is fine. Constantly texting while hanging out was annoying, but not a dealbreaker (especially if we were just chilling at one of our houses). But the realization that this person who was glued to her phone but didn’t feel like it was a priority to respond back to my texts made me feel unimportant so I kinda just drifted away. We stayed friends because we shared the same group of friends and it wasn’t awkward or anything. I just stopped trying to do things with just the two of us.

14. What’s so funny?

She told me her future plans to essentially become a gold digger like her mother. When I laughed it off she couldn’t see what I thought was so funny.

13. He let it slip

He let it slip that he was cheating on his SO in getting together with me. Killed that crushy feeling dead.

12. Not in person

he wouldn’t talk to me in person for some reason

11. Right out the window

We were driving down the road and she threw a Starbucks cup right out the window. Gross.

Edit: thanks for the silver! Also, I was a passenger so I couldn’t kick her out, and I’m honestly not sure it was Starbucks—but it was easier than saying “paper coffee cup”. ?

10. He’d cut me off

He would ask me questions about myself, then cut me off in the middle of my answer to talk about himself.

9. He corrected me.

Not so much a crush, but we were in the initial sentences of the conversation getting to know each other. We were describing to one another what our jobs were. He corrected me on describing my job.. stopped right there, said it wasn’t going to work out and ended the conversation..

8. She thought it was flirty and cute

Poured lemonade on my head in the middle of a fireworks show, she thought it was flirty and cute.

7. The candle had blown out

I ran into an old crush a few years back who told me he was in to dog baiting. The candle had blown out a long time ago as far as my crush was concerned but that pretty much killed any intention I had of trying to restart our friendship.

6. The hell I will!

Crush comes to my house. I explain how I’m slowly remodeling it and my plans for my house.

She then starts telling me I shouldn’t and I should do it her way, and let her take it over and let her design, decorate, and do it all. The hell I will.

5. I pretended my parents were calling

I was casually dating a 19 year old guy when I was 18. He seemed totally normal until I met him at his house before a date and his mom asked him to take the garbage out before we left. He threw a fit that would embarrass most 3 year olds including crying, yelling at his mom, and punching the floor.

I pretended that my parents were calling and needed me to come home, blocked his number, and never saw him again.

4. Now’s the time!

Met a woman, thought she seemed cool. We went out to eat, she’s telling me about how she fell on financial hard times and moved back in with her parents. The way she described it, just sounded like she got unlucky, not that she did anything irresponsible. It happens. When the bill came I told her I’d pay. She said, “Thanks, I appreciate that, I’m trying to save my money right now.”

Me: “Sure, I understand, you want to get your own place again.”

Her: “No, actually I mean I’m trying to save up $500 for a tattoo I want to get.”

I’ve got nothing against spending money on tattoos, but when you’ve just spent a first date talking about the financial troubles you have, maybe now’s the time to start putting money away for necessities, not tattoos.

3. Not ok and not cool!

Said she would turn up on a date, then flaked. Told me she had been called into work urgently. I said ok that’s cool. Second time she flaked again said that she had to tutor someone. Which made no sense because would you not have that planned ?

2. I didn’t want to take advantage

I went on two dates with a girl when I was in college.

She was wonderful but immediately wanted to be “official” and started drafting Instagram posts about “us”. She wanted to spend every day together and have sleep overs every night. it was so out of nowhere and we literally knew nothing about one another.

I tried to look past it but she asked me to be her first and I got uncomfortable. she seemed naive and I didn’t want to take advantage. I suggested we take things slow and she took offense. I cut things off and her reaction was super childish.

All of this in a 3 week period.

Sweet girl but the pacing was off.

1. Completely one-sided

Went on a date with them and they didn’t ask me anything about myself.

It was completely one sided—like a job interview or something.

I’m a guy, by the way.

The more you know!

The post 15 People Admit Why They Immediately Lost Interest in Their Crush appeared first on UberFacts.