15 Babysitters Share the Strangest Rules That Parents Gave Them

Babysitting can kind of be a nightmare.

It’s the first job for many teens, and the pay is often less-than-spectacular. Parents often leave lengthy lists for babysitters, covering things like feeding times and routines and screen time. Sometimes parents are a little over the top, though. These 15 babysitters told reddit the strangest rules parents gave them:

1. A stomach of steel

No hot sauce after 9pm.

Edit: To give some context, the kid LOVED hot sauce…but his folks were super over protective…maybe they had heard of ppl eating too much hot sauce an throwing it up as it would not settle?

Honestly the kid was made of solid steel…we went to Taco Bell pretty much every time I babysat.

2. Not staying for a home birth

Hippy family. The two year old had no bedtime and no rules. “She can eat what she wants, no bedtime, and if she falls asleep, leave her wherever she crashed.” The parents came home at 2:30 to a toddler eating chocolate cake on the couch with her preferred American Pickers on tv. That’s fine apparently.

6 months later the mom is very pregnant and asks that when the baby is born, if I could wrangle the toddler while the mom gives birth in a bathtub at home. The two year old was to be in the room, watching, while I explain what’s happening. I left that evening when the parents came home (fried chicken in the toddlers hand, Keeping Up with the Kardashians on tv) and denied their next request to come sit. As a 20 year old, I wasn’t prepared to see the mess of someone else’s home birth!

3. Still in diapers at 6?

I had to change the kids cloth diaper every 2 hours on the dot. The kid was 6. I assumed it was for some sort of disability or something, but no. His parents just didn’t want to potty train him, and the kid was content with being babied. I remember just making the kid put his own diaper on and encouraged him to use the bathroom if he had to go. I never went back.

4. Bribery works

On the opposite end of the spectrum, The family gave me instructions to let their kids drink chocolate milk, which they were otherwise not allowed to have. I think they wanted their kids to associate baby sitter time with fun time, so the parents could go out more often. Seemed to work out well for them, the kids both grew up to be successful people.

5. Uh, no

Asked me to drive their three year old twins around in my personal vehicle for 2.5 hours because “that’s the only way they can nap”.

No. I simply put the kids in their beds, closed the door, and they were asleep in 15 minutes.

6. A bottle?

To give him warm milk in a baby bottle right after every dinner – he was a fully functional 10 year old boy.

Edit: To answer some of the quesions: Yes, he was fine with it; His parents were otherwise normal (as far as I saw), the kid himself was great; His teeth seemed fine from what I can remember (not that I really would have paid attention to that back then), but I just found him on facebook and it looks like he did have braces around 14-15 years old

7. Sleepy CD

I had to put the kids to sleep with the CD player going. That wasn’t the weird part.

It was a recording of their parents basically going “Molly, you are wonderful. You are a star. You’re going to shine bright.” That isn’t super weird…But it was like several hours long, and apparently they listened to it every night.

8. Let him out

“If Brady stands by the door it just means he needs to go out. Open the door, and let him back inside in a few minutes.”

Brady was a four year old boy.

9. No Fleetwood Mac

OMG thanks for asking because you reminded me of a weird thing.

The 3 year old daughter HAD to watch this vhs tape of a live Fleetwood Mac concert before bed.

I was like, okay cute , that’s adorable, 3 year olds love the weirdest things she’s so quirky and this will be fun.

But she didn’t love it. She always wanted to watch land before time instead. But it was always on the note left for me. Like /pager number, pediatrician, chicken soup for dinner is in fridge and, and WATCH FLEETWOOD MAC at 630 before bed/

Obviously the family eventually found out I wasn’t making her watch it, as I had no fucking reason to believe it was a secret. They were clearly upset by this and I was never called back to babysit.

So that was weird…

10. Severe allergy

Not necessarily a rule but the first time I went to their house they told me about their daughter’s very serious peanut allergy, walked me through the epi pen, prevention, phone numbers of their neighbors who were doctors- all fine so far. I took this very seriously. But then the mother put her hands on my shoulders and said “if she dies we wouldn’t blame you. It wouldn’t be your fault”. While I appreciate the thought this freaked me the hell out and I was 100 times less comfortable

11. This is a test

Wasn’t a rule, but on my first day they sent over an adult male friend of theirs who asked to come in. I said no, and was then told I was being tested and I had passed.

12. Seems sketchy

The mom had me put her kids in their car seats and sit in the driveway with all the car doors open while she just hung out inside the house. 5 hours of me standing in the driveway watching them sit inside their car. Never returned.

Edit: I meant I never returned to babysit for her again, not that the mother mysteriously disappeared.

As for people asking why I didn’t take them somewhere, she specifically asked me to just sit in the driveway with them. I also didn’t have my drivers license yet so I couldn’t have taken them anywhere even if I wanted to. The kids were twins who were 4 years old, I think. They were weirdly, weirdly well behaved and didn’t complain about what we were doing. To this day I have no idea what she was doing inside or why she didn’t just let them play in the yard. I am just as confused as you.

13. Seems oddly specific

I was told that the only thing she specifically wasn’t allowed to do was eat a bowl of sugar

14. I heard you the first time

I used to babysit for this family when I was in high school (in the 80s) and they had no books or reading material of any kind, except that there would usually be like two sections of the WSJ and a running magazine lying around. No. Books.

Anyway, once I went over there and the mom told me like nine times, BEGGED ME, not to eat the box of ‘Nilla Wafers that was in the cupboard because she needed them for a recipe the next day. BEGGED. I was like, “Ok, got it. They’re totally safe because I don’t even like vanilla wafers!” She kept mentioning it, and it was the first thing she asked me about when they got home.

15. Emergency dad

Not a rule but a single mom once told me to use the bat by the door in the event the kids father comes by and tries to take them. That was pretty weird and uncomfortable.


The post 15 Babysitters Share the Strangest Rules That Parents Gave Them appeared first on UberFacts.

15 People Who Are as Totally Obsessed with Ranch

Want to know a secret? I love Ranch. I love it on pizza, I love it on a salad, I love it on all kinds of food.

And I think you do, too.

That’s why you’ll enjoy these pics of people putting Ranch on EVERYTHING…such as…

1. Rice

Photo Credit: Twitter

2. Broccoli

Photo Credit: Twitter

3. Sushi?!?!

Photo Credit: Twitter

4. Tacos

Photo Credit: Twitter

5. Mac & Cheese

Photo Credit: Twitter

6. Pasta

Photo Credit: Twitter

7. Nachos (that is not sour cream)

Photo Credit: Twitter

8. Chicken tenders

Photo Credit: Twitter

9. Steak

Photo Credit: Twitter

10. Hot dogs

Photo Credit: Twitter

11. Grilled cheese

Photo Credit: Twitter

12. Pizza!

Photo Credit: Twitter

13. Mozzarella sticks

Photo Credit: Twitter

14. Fries

Photo Credit: Twitter

15. And finally…eggs

Photo Credit: Twitter

Now I’m starving…I might put some Ranch on my Ranch.

The post 15 People Who Are as Totally Obsessed with Ranch appeared first on UberFacts.

10+ Times Propaganda Was so Successful, People Still Believe It Today

This question was asked on Reddit: Which propaganda effort was so successful, people still believe it today?

Over 22,000 comments later, we’ve got 13 gems to share.


13. Hot coffee

That the old woman who sued McDonald’s over burning herself with her coffee was just money hungry

For clarity: an elderly woman was a passenger in a car, pulled over in the lot to add sugar after getting a coffee and it spilled all over her lap. It burned her really bad and she just set out to get McDonald’s to pay her hospital bills bc they served the coffee way too hot.

They ended up launching this whole PR campaign where they smeared this poor lady, even taking out spots in local papers over how silly and money hungry she was.

Comedians, musicians, and radio hosts made fun of her and made her out to be money hungry instead of a victim.

12. That dandelions are weeds.

I recently discovered that these pretty yellow flowers were re-classified as weeds because of lawn culture and some successful marketing by herbicide companies.

Dandelions have been used in food and medicine for centuries.

11. Lie detector tests are accurate.

They’re junk science at best.

People, when the inventor of the device and procedures used is on record saying it’s crap, we should probably listen.

Looking at you, Florida, for allowing LD test results as evidence in court.

10. Jewish myths

I am from Germany and some of my grandparents still believe the stuff they were told about Jews by the Nazis.

Like when a jewish person dies on a christian holiday they get hung behind the door and everyone who comes in has to spit on him.

It’s some vile stuff. I can’t believe how they were spoon fed with this in their early years.

Another one I remember is that they were told that at a jewish funeral, the dead person gets a stone put in their pocket, so if they cross Jesus in the afterlife they can throw it at him.

9. Cleopatra

Cleoptra was a slut who became powerful only by sex appeal.

Contemporary and unbiased sources actually suggest she was rather plain, but it was her intellect and charming conversation that got her power. Also, as far as sexual relations go, her affairs with Julius Caesar and Antony, as well as her traditional marriages to her brothers, aren’t bad compared to the well-known affairs of some other figures, especially Antony.

Defaming Cleopatra made her easier to demonize and portray as a seductress ruling over Antony, making war easier for Octavian.

8. Drinking fountains are unhealthy.

The bottled beverage industry commissioned and publicized a series of studies in the early 1990s when they decided to get into the bottled water business. The problem was that their largest competitor was free and available in schools, parks, and public buildings everywhere.

Anyone who took even a semester of biology knows that if you walk around and swab and culture anything, you’ll find that it’s covered in bacteria. That’s ecology on planet Earth.

7. Not a fan of fans

Many Korean people believe that fans can cause death.

Even my mother, who moved to America in her mid teens, still prohibits me from leaving a fan on overnight for fear of death. There is a conspiracy theory that the South Korean government spread this myth as propaganda to prevent energy overusage, but it’s origins are unknown.

It’s strange that many Koreans believe this myth considering it is one of the most technologically advanced countries.

6. The whitest teeth

People should know that a healthy set of teeth doesn’t mean they’re perfectly white. Super white teeth are not even normal.

Our enamel will slowly become more translucent as we age, revealing the colour of the dentin (which is yellow) underneath it.

Thats why as we get older, our teeth will become yellower.

Doesn’t mean they’re not healthy or unclean.

5. Carrots make your vision better

This rumour was started in WW2 to hide the invention of RADAR.

The public was told that allied pilots found the German bombers during the blitz because they had good eyesight because they ate their carrots.

But in reality it was that the British had an early RADAR system in place that they did not want the Germans to find out about and bomb.

4. The MSG myth

MSG will kill you and is horrible to ingest, “I’m allergic to MSG”

Really, it is delicious and your body produces it naturally while breaking down regular salt.

Some people do have sodium issues, and it may not be good for them. But that’s a tiny micro-percentage of people.

3. Autism and vaccines

Andrew Wakefield, a former gastroenterologist and the man responsible for this anti-vax shit show, originally wanted to prove that vaccines were responsible for bowel disease as well as linking it to autism.

He was put through a tribunal by the GMC, it was found that not only had he lied about his research, but was found to have committed 12 acts of abuse against developmentally disabled children after he put them through unnecessary and invasive procedures.

To try and prove that vaccines were responsible for autism and bowel disease, he put young children through unnecessary colonoscopies and lumbar punctures (spinal taps).

He was struck off from the Medical Register and is no longer allowed to practice medicine. He continues to make a living promoting and speaking at anti-vaccine propaganda events. People should remember that. Anti-vaxers are looking to an abuser found to have put developmentally disabled children through unnecessary medical procedures for advice.

Let’s not understate how much of a piece of shit the man is.

2. Don’t cop to it…

That if you ask if someone is a cop, if they are a cop they legally are required to say yes they are.

Of course they aren’t required to, that defeats the entire purpose of working undercover!

1. The lie that nuclear power is terrible.

It is worse than renewables, however instead of chucking huge quantities of dangerous waste into the air like a coal power plant, it can all be contained, and 95% can be reprocessed into new fuel. In the 60s and 70s, a lot of oil giants used advertising to link it’s reputation to the very real danger of nuclear weapons, and if this hadn’t have happened, global warming would have been much less of an issue. Very few people realise that coal power actually causes more deaths per MW than nuclear power due to nitrous oxide emissions, even when Chenoble is included in the statistics.

Edit: A lot of people are saying that nuclear is as good, or possibly better than renewables. I agree that at the moment, for baseline power, it is better, and we should be using it a lot more. In the long term though, I think that renewable are a better solution due to not needing refueling, and needing less oversight (once production of the power plants themselves becomes cleaner and better storage solutions are devised).

What are some myths you’ve believed in the past?

Have you ever tried to question your own beliefs?

Do tell!

The post 10+ Times Propaganda Was so Successful, People Still Believe It Today appeared first on UberFacts.

10+ Times Propaganda Was so Successful, People Still Believe It Today

This question was asked on Reddit: Which propaganda effort was so successful, people still believe it today?

Over 22,000 comments later, we’ve got 13 gems to share.


13. Hot coffee

That the old woman who sued McDonald’s over burning herself with her coffee was just money hungry

For clarity: an elderly woman was a passenger in a car, pulled over in the lot to add sugar after getting a coffee and it spilled all over her lap. It burned her really bad and she just set out to get McDonald’s to pay her hospital bills bc they served the coffee way too hot.

They ended up launching this whole PR campaign where they smeared this poor lady, even taking out spots in local papers over how silly and money hungry she was.

Comedians, musicians, and radio hosts made fun of her and made her out to be money hungry instead of a victim.

12. That dandelions are weeds.

I recently discovered that these pretty yellow flowers were re-classified as weeds because of lawn culture and some successful marketing by herbicide companies.

Dandelions have been used in food and medicine for centuries.

11. Lie detector tests are accurate.

They’re junk science at best.

People, when the inventor of the device and procedures used is on record saying it’s crap, we should probably listen.

Looking at you, Florida, for allowing LD test results as evidence in court.

10. Jewish myths

I am from Germany and some of my grandparents still believe the stuff they were told about Jews by the Nazis.

Like when a jewish person dies on a christian holiday they get hung behind the door and everyone who comes in has to spit on him.

It’s some vile stuff. I can’t believe how they were spoon fed with this in their early years.

Another one I remember is that they were told that at a jewish funeral, the dead person gets a stone put in their pocket, so if they cross Jesus in the afterlife they can throw it at him.

9. Cleopatra

Cleoptra was a slut who became powerful only by sex appeal.

Contemporary and unbiased sources actually suggest she was rather plain, but it was her intellect and charming conversation that got her power. Also, as far as sexual relations go, her affairs with Julius Caesar and Antony, as well as her traditional marriages to her brothers, aren’t bad compared to the well-known affairs of some other figures, especially Antony.

Defaming Cleopatra made her easier to demonize and portray as a seductress ruling over Antony, making war easier for Octavian.

8. Drinking fountains are unhealthy.

The bottled beverage industry commissioned and publicized a series of studies in the early 1990s when they decided to get into the bottled water business. The problem was that their largest competitor was free and available in schools, parks, and public buildings everywhere.

Anyone who took even a semester of biology knows that if you walk around and swab and culture anything, you’ll find that it’s covered in bacteria. That’s ecology on planet Earth.

7. Not a fan of fans

Many Korean people believe that fans can cause death.

Even my mother, who moved to America in her mid teens, still prohibits me from leaving a fan on overnight for fear of death. There is a conspiracy theory that the South Korean government spread this myth as propaganda to prevent energy overusage, but it’s origins are unknown.

It’s strange that many Koreans believe this myth considering it is one of the most technologically advanced countries.

6. The whitest teeth

People should know that a healthy set of teeth doesn’t mean they’re perfectly white. Super white teeth are not even normal.

Our enamel will slowly become more translucent as we age, revealing the colour of the dentin (which is yellow) underneath it.

Thats why as we get older, our teeth will become yellower.

Doesn’t mean they’re not healthy or unclean.

5. Carrots make your vision better

This rumour was started in WW2 to hide the invention of RADAR.

The public was told that allied pilots found the German bombers during the blitz because they had good eyesight because they ate their carrots.

But in reality it was that the British had an early RADAR system in place that they did not want the Germans to find out about and bomb.

4. The MSG myth

MSG will kill you and is horrible to ingest, “I’m allergic to MSG”

Really, it is delicious and your body produces it naturally while breaking down regular salt.

Some people do have sodium issues, and it may not be good for them. But that’s a tiny micro-percentage of people.

3. Autism and vaccines

Andrew Wakefield, a former gastroenterologist and the man responsible for this anti-vax shit show, originally wanted to prove that vaccines were responsible for bowel disease as well as linking it to autism.

He was put through a tribunal by the GMC, it was found that not only had he lied about his research, but was found to have committed 12 acts of abuse against developmentally disabled children after he put them through unnecessary and invasive procedures.

To try and prove that vaccines were responsible for autism and bowel disease, he put young children through unnecessary colonoscopies and lumbar punctures (spinal taps).

He was struck off from the Medical Register and is no longer allowed to practice medicine. He continues to make a living promoting and speaking at anti-vaccine propaganda events. People should remember that. Anti-vaxers are looking to an abuser found to have put developmentally disabled children through unnecessary medical procedures for advice.

Let’s not understate how much of a piece of shit the man is.

2. Don’t cop to it…

That if you ask if someone is a cop, if they are a cop they legally are required to say yes they are.

Of course they aren’t required to, that defeats the entire purpose of working undercover!

1. The lie that nuclear power is terrible.

It is worse than renewables, however instead of chucking huge quantities of dangerous waste into the air like a coal power plant, it can all be contained, and 95% can be reprocessed into new fuel. In the 60s and 70s, a lot of oil giants used advertising to link it’s reputation to the very real danger of nuclear weapons, and if this hadn’t have happened, global warming would have been much less of an issue. Very few people realise that coal power actually causes more deaths per MW than nuclear power due to nitrous oxide emissions, even when Chenoble is included in the statistics.

Edit: A lot of people are saying that nuclear is as good, or possibly better than renewables. I agree that at the moment, for baseline power, it is better, and we should be using it a lot more. In the long term though, I think that renewable are a better solution due to not needing refueling, and needing less oversight (once production of the power plants themselves becomes cleaner and better storage solutions are devised).

What are some myths you’ve believed in the past?

Have you ever tried to question your own beliefs?

Do tell!

The post 10+ Times Propaganda Was so Successful, People Still Believe It Today appeared first on UberFacts.

7 Great Movies You Might Have Missed Out On

There are so movies that slip under the radar for some reason, even though they deserve a wider audience (in some people’s minds!).

These 7 movies definitely fall into that category, so check them out the next time you’re not sure what to watch!

#7. Snowpiercer

This critically acclaimed, post-apocalyptic thriller stars Tilda Swinton and tells the story of Earth after the onset of another Ice Age. It explores survival, the class system, and an apocalyptic uprising.

#6. Cake

Jennifer Aniston isn’t just a pretty face or capable of delivering a well-timed joke, and Cake puts her dramatic skills on full display. She plays a woman suffering from a chronic pain syndrome who solves a mystery of a murdered girl at the same time.

#5. London Fields

Amber Heard stars in this thriller about a woman who inspires a blocked writer who is unaware of the woman’s murderous tendencies. It’s adapted from the novel by Marin Amis.

#4. Hot Summer Nights

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Noites quentes de verão Uma história simples num filme muito bem feito. Chalamet interpreta um garoto meio diferente, bobinho, mais na dele, "não-popular", mas também não é um nerd. Daniel, um menino normal, porém sem amigos, vive com sua mãe.  É 1991 e na intenção dele interagir mais, a sua mãe manda ele para a casa de uma tia, lá numa praia pelo lado de lá.  O verão é pesado e ele acaba se tornando o grande amigo do boyzinho que vende maconha aos praieiros da cidade. O cara não é um traficante, tem cara de playboy, mas sem estilo. Simultaneamente, o Daniel, que agora é Danny, mais descolado e parceiro do menino das marijuana, se apaixona por uma loirinha rebelde e sensual. A bronca é que ela é irmã do amigo dele, o qual proíbe o Danny de ter qualquer coisa com sua irmã.  Não é tão simples assim né?! Ainda mais quando a menina começa a retribuir a paixão pelo menino. A bronca é que Danny é inteligente e ambicioso, então ele passa a compartilhar com o amigo dele idéias para eles conseguirem vender mais e ganhar mais. Só que quem quer muito meu amigo, às vezes acaba ficando sem nada.  Recomendo, não só pelo roteiro e pelo Chalamet, mas a edição e montagem são muito legais, feitas com carinho e cálculo pra dar tudo certinho. Adorei. Não é filmaço, mas é muito massa num fim de noite. ??? #elijahbynum #noitesquentesdeveraofilme #hotsummernightsmovie #timotheechalamet #maikamonroe #maiamitchell #filmes #cinema #ofilmex

A post shared by O Filme X (@ofilmex) on

Timothee Chalamet is one of the hottest young actors in Hollywood, and many people are comparing him to a young James Dean in this coming of age, manic-pixie-dream-girl contemporary romp.

#3. Silencio

Some critics aren’t able to get their head around the unbelievable parts of the film, but others found the story of a woman searching for a magic stone to save her son’s life touching and sincere.

#2. The Little Stranger

The popular gothic novel by Sarah Waters’ gets a spooky adaptation in which Dr. Faraday (Domhnall Gleeson) is called to a crumbling house chock full of mysteries.

#1. The Darkest Minds

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#thedarkestminds #thedarkestmindsmovie

A post shared by Kate Clement (@clemkat18) on

Adapted from a popular teen novel about kids with superpowers, the kids in The Darkest Minds are sent to government camps to deal with their budding superpowers.


Happy scrolling!

The post 7 Great Movies You Might Have Missed Out On appeared first on UberFacts.

7 Great Movies You Might Have Missed Out On

There are so movies that slip under the radar for some reason, even though they deserve a wider audience (in some people’s minds!).

These 7 movies definitely fall into that category, so check them out the next time you’re not sure what to watch!

#7. Snowpiercer

This critically acclaimed, post-apocalyptic thriller stars Tilda Swinton and tells the story of Earth after the onset of another Ice Age. It explores survival, the class system, and an apocalyptic uprising.

#6. Cake

Jennifer Aniston isn’t just a pretty face or capable of delivering a well-timed joke, and Cake puts her dramatic skills on full display. She plays a woman suffering from a chronic pain syndrome who solves a mystery of a murdered girl at the same time.

#5. London Fields

Amber Heard stars in this thriller about a woman who inspires a blocked writer who is unaware of the woman’s murderous tendencies. It’s adapted from the novel by Marin Amis.

#4. Hot Summer Nights

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Noites quentes de verão Uma história simples num filme muito bem feito. Chalamet interpreta um garoto meio diferente, bobinho, mais na dele, "não-popular", mas também não é um nerd. Daniel, um menino normal, porém sem amigos, vive com sua mãe.  É 1991 e na intenção dele interagir mais, a sua mãe manda ele para a casa de uma tia, lá numa praia pelo lado de lá.  O verão é pesado e ele acaba se tornando o grande amigo do boyzinho que vende maconha aos praieiros da cidade. O cara não é um traficante, tem cara de playboy, mas sem estilo. Simultaneamente, o Daniel, que agora é Danny, mais descolado e parceiro do menino das marijuana, se apaixona por uma loirinha rebelde e sensual. A bronca é que ela é irmã do amigo dele, o qual proíbe o Danny de ter qualquer coisa com sua irmã.  Não é tão simples assim né?! Ainda mais quando a menina começa a retribuir a paixão pelo menino. A bronca é que Danny é inteligente e ambicioso, então ele passa a compartilhar com o amigo dele idéias para eles conseguirem vender mais e ganhar mais. Só que quem quer muito meu amigo, às vezes acaba ficando sem nada.  Recomendo, não só pelo roteiro e pelo Chalamet, mas a edição e montagem são muito legais, feitas com carinho e cálculo pra dar tudo certinho. Adorei. Não é filmaço, mas é muito massa num fim de noite. ??? #elijahbynum #noitesquentesdeveraofilme #hotsummernightsmovie #timotheechalamet #maikamonroe #maiamitchell #filmes #cinema #ofilmex

A post shared by O Filme X (@ofilmex) on

Timothee Chalamet is one of the hottest young actors in Hollywood, and many people are comparing him to a young James Dean in this coming of age, manic-pixie-dream-girl contemporary romp.

#3. Silencio

Some critics aren’t able to get their head around the unbelievable parts of the film, but others found the story of a woman searching for a magic stone to save her son’s life touching and sincere.

#2. The Little Stranger

The popular gothic novel by Sarah Waters’ gets a spooky adaptation in which Dr. Faraday (Domhnall Gleeson) is called to a crumbling house chock full of mysteries.

#1. The Darkest Minds

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#thedarkestminds #thedarkestmindsmovie

A post shared by Kate Clement (@clemkat18) on

Adapted from a popular teen novel about kids with superpowers, the kids in The Darkest Minds are sent to government camps to deal with their budding superpowers.


Happy scrolling!

The post 7 Great Movies You Might Have Missed Out On appeared first on UberFacts.

These 15 Memes Show How Much People Love Keanu Reeves

Doesn’t everyone want to be Keanu Reeves when they grow up? I know I do.

And I’m technically all grown up already, so what does that say?

Don’t answer that. Look at these memes instead.

1. Be like Keanu y’all…

Photo Credit: Someecards

2. Nothing wrong with this…

Photo Credit: Someecards

3. 14 years well spent!

Photo Credit: Someecards

4. He’s that second kind…

Photo Credit: Someecards

5. Haha, they didn’t really write this… but they should!

Photo Credit: Someecards

6. To be fair, Chuck Norris is kind of an asshole…

Photo Credit: Someecards

7. So many of these stories!

Photo Credit: Someecards

8. Fucking. Immortal.

Photo Credit: Someecards

9. Lol… oh memes…

Photo Credit: Someecards

10. Who even thought of this?!

Photo Credit: Someecards

11. He even makes ‘Destination Wedding’ and we still love him…

Photo Credit: Someecards

12. Yeah it does!

Photo Credit: Someecards

13. #Truth

Photo Credit: Someecards

14. 70% of his earnings then… and he’s still donating to this day!

Photo Credit: Someecards

15. This is true. And it’s amazing.

Photo Credit: Someecards

What’s your favorite?


Let us know in the comments!

The post These 15 Memes Show How Much People Love Keanu Reeves appeared first on UberFacts.

A Man Checked a Single Can of Beer After an Airline Wouldn’t Let Him Board with It

Doesn’t it seem like air travel keeps getting more and more strict? From beating up doctors to killing adorable, giant rabbits, they’ve been total dicks lately.  The latest incident? Refusing to let a gentleman bring his beer onto the plane with him.

Photo Credit: Dean

Passenger Dean Stinson was on his way to Perth, Australia via Qantas Flight QF777 when was told he couldn’t bring his can of Emu Export lager, so he hatched a rather hilarious plan: he checked his beer as luggage!

Photo Credit: Dean

According to News AU:

The beer was tagged and sent off to be loaded onto the plane with the rest of the baggage, which the Melbourne ground staff happily did — but not until they had snapped a few pictures of the unusual check-in item.

Incredibly, the beer actually made it to its destination and apparently was the first thing to come out at the baggage claim – proving that the baggage handles at Perth clearly have a great sense of humor.

Photo Credit: Dean

Sure, it might be all shaken up and skunked from the changes in pressure and temperature that it undoubtedly experienced in the cargo bay, but it’s the principle of the matter. This hero of a man stared the tyranny of modern air travel right in the eye and literally said, “Hold my beer.”

Absolute legend.

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You Can Buy a ‘Friends’-Themed Furniture Collection from Pottery Barn

You need to throw on your workout gear and run to Pottery Barn while flailing your arms like Rachel Green!

Why? Because this retailer will have merchandise from Friends!

The best part? The apothecary table!

Photo Credit: NBC

The famous episode, “The One With The Apothecary Table,” shows Rachel purchasing said table for her apartment, which she shares with Phoebe. Monica warns her that Phoebe is against mass-produced products, so Rachel fibs and tells her friend that the new table was from a flea market. The entire episode is filled with Pottery Barn plugs, as Rachel goes nuts buying up anything Pottery Barn.

Things like the “ornamental Birdcage – Large,” a telescope, and more.

Though these products were not available at Pottery Barn then, they will be soon!

If you are an overly-crazed Friends fan, this is the perfect way to get your apartment to start looking like the show. It’s unclear exactly what will be sold (other than the table), but PopSugar.com says there will be “14 products ranging in price from $13 to $1,099, and the line has everything from decorative accessories to furniture and textiles.”

So why haven’t we been graced with these treasures of TV past before?

Well, Friends is celebrating the 25th anniversary of it’s start (it ran on NBC from 1994-2004). I suppose this is Pottery Barn’s way of tipping their hat to the famous show.

I think Phoebe would approve.

Could you be any more excited?

The post You Can Buy a ‘Friends’-Themed Furniture Collection from Pottery Barn appeared first on UberFacts.

You Can Buy a ‘Friends’-Themed Furniture Collection from Pottery Barn

You need to throw on your workout gear and run to Pottery Barn while flailing your arms like Rachel Green!

Why? Because this retailer will have merchandise from Friends!

The best part? The apothecary table!

Photo Credit: NBC

The famous episode, “The One With The Apothecary Table,” shows Rachel purchasing said table for her apartment, which she shares with Phoebe. Monica warns her that Phoebe is against mass-produced products, so Rachel fibs and tells her friend that the new table was from a flea market. The entire episode is filled with Pottery Barn plugs, as Rachel goes nuts buying up anything Pottery Barn.

Things like the “ornamental Birdcage – Large,” a telescope, and more.

Though these products were not available at Pottery Barn then, they will be soon!

If you are an overly-crazed Friends fan, this is the perfect way to get your apartment to start looking like the show. It’s unclear exactly what will be sold (other than the table), but PopSugar.com says there will be “14 products ranging in price from $13 to $1,099, and the line has everything from decorative accessories to furniture and textiles.”

So why haven’t we been graced with these treasures of TV past before?

Well, Friends is celebrating the 25th anniversary of it’s start (it ran on NBC from 1994-2004). I suppose this is Pottery Barn’s way of tipping their hat to the famous show.

I think Phoebe would approve.

Could you be any more excited?

The post You Can Buy a ‘Friends’-Themed Furniture Collection from Pottery Barn appeared first on UberFacts.