A teenage cheerleader’s mom tried to hire a hitman to kill her daughter’s cheerleading rival’s mother. She thought if her mom was killed, she would be too sad to cheerlead. The man she “hired” was working for the cops.
The first sunglasses date back…
The first sunglasses date back to the prehistoric Inuits, who wore a piece of flattened ivory over their eyes (made from walrus bones) with narrow slits to look through that blocked harmful rays of the sun reflecting off the ice.
There is 1 recorded incident of…
There is one recorded incident of a fish colliding with a plane. In 1987, a 737 which was taking off from Juneau, AK crossed paths with an eagle, which subsequently dropped its salmon onto the plane.
Project 100000 was a recruitment effort…
Project 100000 was a recruitment effort during Vietnam that brought in mentally and physically unfit people for service to fill the ranks. Many brought in had a 5th grade level education and were considered mentally challenged.
There are microorganisms living…
There are microorganisms living on the seafloor that reproduce only once every 10,000 years and have been alive for millions. These are likely the oldest living things on Earth.
700,000 year old stone tools were…
700,000 year old stone tools were found in the Philippines despite the fact that known humans didn’t arrive until 600,000 years later. Researches aren’t sure how humans got there or what early hominid could have even made them.
Charmin Introduces Gigantic New “Forever Roll” to Help Reduce Waste
There’s a good chance you don’t think too long and hard about your toilet paper.
I mean, as long as you have some, it does the job, and you don’t walk away with damp fingers or a sore tush, well…what else is there to consider, really?
Charmin thinks they know the question you never thought to ask: why is it such a pain to find places to store your rolls-in-waiting?
Now that they’ve pointed it out, yeah! I hate having to put away all of the new toilet paper rolls. You have to keep a space for them under the sink that could instead be used for towels, or stuff that’s currently on your counter, or the chocolate you want to hide from your toddler…
You get the idea.
Charmin believes they have the answer to that question: the Forever Roll.
It’s a massive spool of toilet paper that measures between 8.7 and 12 inches in diameter – the latter of which is more than twice the size of a standard, 5-inch roll. The idea behind it is to eliminate the need to store extra rolls, and with Marie Kondo and the tiny house craze teaming up to make minimalists of us all, storage space can definitely be at a premium.
So, maybe they’re onto something here?
With the Forever Roll, you should only need to buy toilet paper every 1-3 months (unless you own one of those aforementioned toddlers, and they go on a bathroom rampage). Not only that, but Charmin is selling the mount that will hold the Forever Roll – either a freestanding tower or one that comes with wall brackets, each for a pretty reasonable (imo) $29 a pop.
In case you’re too lazy to do the math, Newsweek did it for you: the Forever Roll is a bit pricier per sheet (58 cents per 100) than the Mega Roll (35 cents per 100).
No one ever said following Marie Kondo was going to be cheap. And I have to say, a pile of extra toilet paper under my sink definitely doesn’t spark joy for me.
What about you?
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Scientists May Have Found a Link Between Eating Beef Jerky and Manic Behavior
It’s a sad, sad day for me and m fellow lovers of cured beef products.
NBC News has reported that processed meats that contain nitrates (like jerky, cold cuts, hot dogs, etc.) may provoke symptoms of mental illness – specifically, mania.
The claim comes after a study published in Molecular Psychiatry found that a significant number of participants began exhibiting symptoms of mania – like racing thoughts, intense euphoria, and irritability – shortly after eating some type of cured meat.
In fact, patients who had recently consumed products like salami, jerky, and dried meat sticks were more likely to have been or be hospitalized for mania than subjects in the control group.
Scientists narrowed the link down to the nitrates, which are preservatives added to many cured meats. People who were fed nitrate-free jerky acted less hyperactive than those who were given the nitrate-rich sticks.
That nitrates may not be exactly harmless to humans isn’t news – you can find numerous studies that contain warnings and show multiple risks associated with consuming them regularly. They don’t just make you hyper, either. They can lead to the formation of cancers and promote inflammation in the gut, though most scientists will admit that more research needs to be done in order to pin down exactly how and why consuming them has such negative outcomes for many people.
In the meantime, if you have a history of cancer in your family, a history of poor mental health, or have existing psychiatric or gut disorders, you might do well to avoid nitrates – and all process meats containing them – until the research is in.
I can tell you I plan to (continue) doing so, though saying no to hotdogs at the ballgame is gonna be tough.
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10+ Teachers Who Absolutely Deserve a Raise
Being a teacher in America is a generally thankless, underpaid job. Despite the fact that teachers spend so much time with our kids and are responsible for molding them in such profound ways, many teachers are forced to buy materials for their classes out of their own pocket.
Here are 15 teachers going above and beyond the call of duty who deserve some more cash and a promotion. I think you’ll agree…
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OMG my HS friend teaches middle school in atl now and rapped about civil war over migos beat. bad and bougee = mad and losing.
— josie duffy rice (@jduffyrice) March 13, 2017
omg this teacher gave a fake spelling test to his kids for april fools i was DYING at rolaskatox pic.twitter.com/pnk3GinMdO
— tyler oakley (@tyleroakley) March 31, 2017
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Just throw money at them! They deserve it!
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15+ of the Most Hilarious Tumblr Posts of We’ve Ever Seen
I think it’s high time you take a little break, relax, read through these Tumblr posts, and laugh out loud. Don’t you think you deserve it? The answer is yes, you do.
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Aren’t you glad you did?
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