These Hilarious Relatable Tweets Will Make You Think “Same”

Sometimes you just need to sit back and laugh.

You feel me fam?

Let’s do this!

1. OMG…. what?!

2. Happy Overbearing Mother’s Day!

3. People keep their pets, kid!

4. Lesbian vegibetarians…

5. Effective. Let’s get it in the mix!

6. Hoo boy!

7. Go with the flow!

8. Wait until you get past 37…

9. Life goals!

10. I want to be friends with you immediately!

11. Same

12. And you will likely never find her, sir!

13. Hey guy! Don’t give up!

OMG… that Guy Fieri one… I’m dying…

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15 Older People Confess What They like About Millennials and It’ll Warm Your Cold Heart

You can’t turn around these days without seeing Baby Boomers insulting millennials for literally every little thing they do. But while this is definitely a popular narrative that a lot of places have tried to push, the fact is that there are plenty of elderly people who sympathize with the problem young people today are facing.

Heck, a lot of them even admire the way millennials are handling things, as this Reddit thread will show you.

1. Smashing gender divides

I’m 62, and I’m impressed that boys and girls in junior high and high school actually are friends with each other. I even saw the kids playing a quick pickup game of touch football – boys and girls – at the middle school while waiting for the bus to come over from the elementary school. Never would have happened in my generation.

2. Fun music

My kids laugh because I like rap as much as they do.

They do get tired of me telling them the original sampled sources and musical roots.

3. Video games are awesome now

61 years old here, and I love my video games as much as younger people.

4. No worries

The phrase “No Worries” after you apologize for a delay holding someone up. Has a much warmer feel than any other equivalent.

5. Hilarious slang terms

Yeet. I don’t know what it is, but that word just makes me laugh. I’ll be 48 this year, and hopefully still have many years before I yeet the f**k off this mortal coil.

6. Changing priorities

Putting more of a priority on personal life and goals than on “career”. The realization that devotion to employer is a dead-end is one that not so many of my fellow Gen-Xers have cottoned to.

7. Memes!

I’m 48 and I love memes. I’m facebook friends with many of my college students and I’m sometimes in tears laughing over the memes they post. I love the levels of cultural knowledge required to “get” them. Even at 48, I still feel rebelliously like I’m getting something that my parents don’t get.

8. Kindness rules

How kind and understanding they are to kids who are different.

My first grader just went to a party for a kid with Downs this last weekend. He invited his whole class and at least 2/3 of them showed up to celebrate with him. Warmed my heart.

9. Adopt don’t shop

They adopt pets rather than buying the designer ones.

10. Keepin’ it casual

Casual dress codes!

Some of the managers are younger than me now and they do not care what anyone wears to work.

Die, high heels!

11. Tolerance

You guys are tolerant as hell. I work in a school and kids can wear nerdy shit and not wonder who they’re gonna have to fight first.

Back in the 90’s I smuggled my Star Wars books into the cafeteria like I was carrying enigma machine codes.

12. Advanced technology

I am amazed that you all can play game consoles with what seems like twenty different god damned buttons on the controller. And use them all almost simultaneously!

13. More living

I like that they are less into stuff and more into experiences.

14. Acceptance

I was a teen when “gay” was still an insult.

Kids these days are so friggen cool.

15. Dabbing

Dabbing. I dab the f**k out of my wife and kids. I open my arms and walk to them like I’m going to hug them, then I dab away.

The post 15 Older People Confess What They like About Millennials and It’ll Warm Your Cold Heart appeared first on UberFacts.

40+ of the Best Puns on the Internet

These really are the best!

And by best I mean worst. In the awesome-est possible way.

#19. All good.

expalin puns from pun

#18. Trying a bit too hard, but I’ll allow it.

#17. Totally.

#16. Don’t we all.

#15. A few for the price of one.

#14. Appropriate for church.

#13. So hard.

#12. Everyone knows that.

#11. It takes a bit to get there but it’s worth it.

#10. It’s a classic for a reason.

#9. So wrong it must be right.

#8. A list worth sharing.

A list of puns from Jokes

#7. Burn.

#6. Not exactly PC, but…

#5. Wait for it.

#4. So many.

#3. Try to keep up.

A mean crook going down stairs = A condescending con, descending. from pun

#2. Ba-dum-ching.

A list of puns from Jokes

#1. Ring it in.

Get out there and make me some new ones, people – there are never enough good puns in the world!

The post 40+ of the Best Puns on the Internet appeared first on UberFacts.

40+ of the Best Puns on the Internet

These really are the best!

And by best I mean worst. In the awesome-est possible way.

#19. All good.

expalin puns from pun

#18. Trying a bit too hard, but I’ll allow it.

#17. Totally.

#16. Don’t we all.

#15. A few for the price of one.

#14. Appropriate for church.

#13. So hard.

#12. Everyone knows that.

#11. It takes a bit to get there but it’s worth it.

#10. It’s a classic for a reason.

#9. So wrong it must be right.

#8. A list worth sharing.

A list of puns from Jokes

#7. Burn.

#6. Not exactly PC, but…

#5. Wait for it.

#4. So many.

#3. Try to keep up.

A mean crook going down stairs = A condescending con, descending. from pun

#2. Ba-dum-ching.

A list of puns from Jokes

#1. Ring it in.

Get out there and make me some new ones, people – there are never enough good puns in the world!

The post 40+ of the Best Puns on the Internet appeared first on UberFacts.

15 People Reveal What Happened to the Mean Girls from High School. Karma Is Real.

High school girls can be TERRIBLE. Boys are bad too, but there’s something particularly cruel and frightening about a mean teenage girl.

But do you ever stop to ponder what becomes of those people? Here are some good stories from AskReddit users about what happened to the mean girls in the years after high school ended.

1. Stardom

“One of the popular girls from my brother’s high school ended up being Chelsea on Teen Mom.

Lmao he went to Vermillion high school. Our town’s team was the tanagers and her dad was our dentist.

As someone who’s guilty pleasure was this show, I always wondered what her dad did to be able to keep bailing her out and caring for her financially. It’s not every day you have some small irrelevant question answered haha.”

2. A bit hypocritical

“Our nasty head cheerleader who preached sex only through marriage got knocked up at 16 by a guy she met at a party and is now 20 and has 3 kids and 3 different baby daddies. Irony is a b**ch! “

3. Fat and old

“I actually just ran into a bunch of them. A high school friend got cancer at 40 and passed away. Had kids and a wife, what a terrible shame.

Everyone from high school looked like a bunch of old people. I mean, I know that’s Mike under there, but he looks like an old man that looks like Mike. Same for the woman.

I was surprised how many of them got fat – men and women. Pretty much everybody got fat. Fat and old. It’s a shame.”

4. A nice one

“There was this particular girl who was always making fun of me and my group of friends and calling us nerds and losers. The other day I went to the supermarket and saw her for the first time after graduating, she was the cashier and she was clearly embarrassed that I saw her there.

But you know what, good for her for having a job. There is no reason to be embarrassed for being a cashier and I was kind of sad to see her ashamed. I wish her nothing but happiness.”

5. Two categories

“I also think they should be divided into two groups:

popular girls because they dressed questionably and were obnoxious party groupies
popular girls because they were friendly to everyone, intelligent, and going places
The 2’s are getting good educations at good schools, working good jobs etc. The 1’s are now single mothers selling multi-level marketing wraps and shakes, trying to pretend that they know more about health and medicine than the other girls who got real educations.”

6. Plain Jane no more

“I haven’t kept in touch with anybody from high school.

I did go to my 10th HS reunion, though, and have a story that kind of fits.

At our reunion, everybody looked and acted pretty much as expected, except for one girl, who was always really shy and kind of a “Plain Jane.” Apparently, she was a late bloomer, because in those 10 years since graduation, she’d become an honest to goodness fitness model. She was easily the hottest woman there, and it was kind of amusing to see all the husbands paying attention to her while their “popular girl” wives pretended it was OK. (Well, all of them except me. I, of course, was simply being polite, and not staring at her smoking hot body.)

I think a lot of gym memberships were bought and diets started the following Monday.”

7. A bunch of meanies

“One of ’em sings for a punk band now. She’s not very good, neither is the band.

Most others were pregnant before high school even finished, one became a volleyball player for some religious college, and the model tried to follow her modeling dreams and I think she’s like a D- tier celebrity now.”

8. Three paths

“Three I can think of off the top of my head:

One got addicted to heroine and became a stripper.

One had a kid and is a single mom now.

One I believe works in construction, and likes to run, seems like she stays pretty healthy (I see her jogging through our town a lot).”

9. Petty

“They seemed to plateau. They organized our 10-year reunion and were every bit as uncreative and obliviously petty as they were then. They weren’t/aren’t mean or catty like you see in the movies, just existed inside their own little bubble and the rest of the world might as well not have existed. They turned out exactly like you’d expect: Mommy bloggers, “photographers,” mid-level office managers, etc.

Our reunion was embarrassing. Despite putting out calls for requests for music, photos, etc. on the event’s Facebook page for months, there was no music whatsoever all night and the photos used in the slideshow were just of them and their friends from back in the day. No school colors, no school songs, no decorations of any kind, no group photo at the end of the night.

They then got up and gave a speech nobody could hear through a broken microphone and then posted pictures the next day essentially congratulating themselves for pulling off a “fantastic” night. My high school buddies who didn’t go, but saw pictures, all texted me asking if it was real.”

10. Driven

“Everyone seems to have put on weight and gone to grad school. The popular girls in middle school were mean as hell but the ones I recall from high school were just super driven. They were popular because they were the presidents of every club, star athletes of every sports team, etc.”

11. The truth

“They all went to college, got jobs ranging from school councilor to dental hygienist and got married, pumped out kids. Really boring answer but the truth.”

12. One exception…

“Speaking for the cheerleaders, all got undergraduate degrees, about half got masters degrees, virtually all got married, have kids and are stay at home moms still living in the bubble (University Park/Highland Park.) The one notable exception is one that I briefly dated, who went straight through undergrad into her MBA and went to work for one of the big consulting firms.

She’s a “senior manager” consultant/pretty face that gets to jet around the world for meetings. Honestly she seems the happiest of all of them. Tons of money, tons of time off, no kids weighing her down and 1st class travel all over the world.”

13. Drugs are no good

“Most of them have very normal lives. The popular girls at my school, save for a few, were generally nice people, and they continue to be nice people now and enjoy varying degrees of success.

There is one that wasn’t very nice back then, and whatever promise she had is shattered due to issues with prescription drugs. She’s lost her kids, looks well older than her 45 years, and is always in and out of jail. I feel sorry for her to a certain extent, but she’s done it to herself.”

14. More drugs…

“The girl voted Prettiest Girl spent years doing hard drugs. I ran into her at the DMV and she now looks older than my mother.

The actual prettiest girl in school is still stunningly beautiful… still looks almost exactly the way she did when she was 18. I thought she was her daughter when I saw her.”

15. Pretty normal stuff

“She went to more of a party college and joined a sorority where it seems like she made a lot of good friends. She put on a bit of weight, but she was very thin in high school and wears it really well. Then she graduated with an accounting degree and joined a firm a few states away. She’s not married yet, but she’s been with her current boyfriend for about a year and they seem good together.

I ran into her at a wedding a few months ago and she seems to really have chilled out since high school. She was overall friendly to everyone, but had her moments where she would be rude to the nerdier kids (i.e. me). She was a bit awkward at first, but after she realized that I had no hard feelings toward her, she loosened up a lot and we caught up on the past 5 years.

Overall, I’d say she’s doing very well, and I’m happy to say that I’ve come far enough as a person where I consider that a good thing.”

The post 15 People Reveal What Happened to the Mean Girls from High School. Karma Is Real. appeared first on UberFacts.

15 People Reveal What Happened to the Mean Girls from High School. Karma Is Real.

High school girls can be TERRIBLE. Boys are bad too, but there’s something particularly cruel and frightening about a mean teenage girl.

But do you ever stop to ponder what becomes of those people? Here are some good stories from AskReddit users about what happened to the mean girls in the years after high school ended.

1. Stardom

“One of the popular girls from my brother’s high school ended up being Chelsea on Teen Mom.

Lmao he went to Vermillion high school. Our town’s team was the tanagers and her dad was our dentist.

As someone who’s guilty pleasure was this show, I always wondered what her dad did to be able to keep bailing her out and caring for her financially. It’s not every day you have some small irrelevant question answered haha.”

2. A bit hypocritical

“Our nasty head cheerleader who preached sex only through marriage got knocked up at 16 by a guy she met at a party and is now 20 and has 3 kids and 3 different baby daddies. Irony is a b**ch! “

3. Fat and old

“I actually just ran into a bunch of them. A high school friend got cancer at 40 and passed away. Had kids and a wife, what a terrible shame.

Everyone from high school looked like a bunch of old people. I mean, I know that’s Mike under there, but he looks like an old man that looks like Mike. Same for the woman.

I was surprised how many of them got fat – men and women. Pretty much everybody got fat. Fat and old. It’s a shame.”

4. A nice one

“There was this particular girl who was always making fun of me and my group of friends and calling us nerds and losers. The other day I went to the supermarket and saw her for the first time after graduating, she was the cashier and she was clearly embarrassed that I saw her there.

But you know what, good for her for having a job. There is no reason to be embarrassed for being a cashier and I was kind of sad to see her ashamed. I wish her nothing but happiness.”

5. Two categories

“I also think they should be divided into two groups:

popular girls because they dressed questionably and were obnoxious party groupies
popular girls because they were friendly to everyone, intelligent, and going places
The 2’s are getting good educations at good schools, working good jobs etc. The 1’s are now single mothers selling multi-level marketing wraps and shakes, trying to pretend that they know more about health and medicine than the other girls who got real educations.”

6. Plain Jane no more

“I haven’t kept in touch with anybody from high school.

I did go to my 10th HS reunion, though, and have a story that kind of fits.

At our reunion, everybody looked and acted pretty much as expected, except for one girl, who was always really shy and kind of a “Plain Jane.” Apparently, she was a late bloomer, because in those 10 years since graduation, she’d become an honest to goodness fitness model. She was easily the hottest woman there, and it was kind of amusing to see all the husbands paying attention to her while their “popular girl” wives pretended it was OK. (Well, all of them except me. I, of course, was simply being polite, and not staring at her smoking hot body.)

I think a lot of gym memberships were bought and diets started the following Monday.”

7. A bunch of meanies

“One of ’em sings for a punk band now. She’s not very good, neither is the band.

Most others were pregnant before high school even finished, one became a volleyball player for some religious college, and the model tried to follow her modeling dreams and I think she’s like a D- tier celebrity now.”

8. Three paths

“Three I can think of off the top of my head:

One got addicted to heroine and became a stripper.

One had a kid and is a single mom now.

One I believe works in construction, and likes to run, seems like she stays pretty healthy (I see her jogging through our town a lot).”

9. Petty

“They seemed to plateau. They organized our 10-year reunion and were every bit as uncreative and obliviously petty as they were then. They weren’t/aren’t mean or catty like you see in the movies, just existed inside their own little bubble and the rest of the world might as well not have existed. They turned out exactly like you’d expect: Mommy bloggers, “photographers,” mid-level office managers, etc.

Our reunion was embarrassing. Despite putting out calls for requests for music, photos, etc. on the event’s Facebook page for months, there was no music whatsoever all night and the photos used in the slideshow were just of them and their friends from back in the day. No school colors, no school songs, no decorations of any kind, no group photo at the end of the night.

They then got up and gave a speech nobody could hear through a broken microphone and then posted pictures the next day essentially congratulating themselves for pulling off a “fantastic” night. My high school buddies who didn’t go, but saw pictures, all texted me asking if it was real.”

10. Driven

“Everyone seems to have put on weight and gone to grad school. The popular girls in middle school were mean as hell but the ones I recall from high school were just super driven. They were popular because they were the presidents of every club, star athletes of every sports team, etc.”

11. The truth

“They all went to college, got jobs ranging from school councilor to dental hygienist and got married, pumped out kids. Really boring answer but the truth.”

12. One exception…

“Speaking for the cheerleaders, all got undergraduate degrees, about half got masters degrees, virtually all got married, have kids and are stay at home moms still living in the bubble (University Park/Highland Park.) The one notable exception is one that I briefly dated, who went straight through undergrad into her MBA and went to work for one of the big consulting firms.

She’s a “senior manager” consultant/pretty face that gets to jet around the world for meetings. Honestly she seems the happiest of all of them. Tons of money, tons of time off, no kids weighing her down and 1st class travel all over the world.”

13. Drugs are no good

“Most of them have very normal lives. The popular girls at my school, save for a few, were generally nice people, and they continue to be nice people now and enjoy varying degrees of success.

There is one that wasn’t very nice back then, and whatever promise she had is shattered due to issues with prescription drugs. She’s lost her kids, looks well older than her 45 years, and is always in and out of jail. I feel sorry for her to a certain extent, but she’s done it to herself.”

14. More drugs…

“The girl voted Prettiest Girl spent years doing hard drugs. I ran into her at the DMV and she now looks older than my mother.

The actual prettiest girl in school is still stunningly beautiful… still looks almost exactly the way she did when she was 18. I thought she was her daughter when I saw her.”

15. Pretty normal stuff

“She went to more of a party college and joined a sorority where it seems like she made a lot of good friends. She put on a bit of weight, but she was very thin in high school and wears it really well. Then she graduated with an accounting degree and joined a firm a few states away. She’s not married yet, but she’s been with her current boyfriend for about a year and they seem good together.

I ran into her at a wedding a few months ago and she seems to really have chilled out since high school. She was overall friendly to everyone, but had her moments where she would be rude to the nerdier kids (i.e. me). She was a bit awkward at first, but after she realized that I had no hard feelings toward her, she loosened up a lot and we caught up on the past 5 years.

Overall, I’d say she’s doing very well, and I’m happy to say that I’ve come far enough as a person where I consider that a good thing.”

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Sacramento Is Now Home to a Park Named After “Reading Rainbow” Host LeVar Burton

Reading Rainbow aired from 1983-2006 on PBS, making it the longest-running educational series ever to run on the network. The show was hosted LeVar Burton and cultivated a love of books and reading in a generation-plus of children who eagerly watched it (this writer included).

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Season’s Readings…?

A post shared by LeVar Burton (@levar.burton) on

LeVar Burton grew up in Sacramento, attending two area schools and later launching his successful acting career that began with the 1977 miniseries Roots and moved to Star Trek: The Next Generation. He (and we) hit the jackpot when he landed the role of host on Reading Rainbow.

Recently, a park just down the street from the 62-year-old’s home neighborhood was renamed (formerly Richfield Park) in his honor, so if you’re hanging out around Meadowview (1900 Expedition Way) and are looking for your nostalgia fix, you might want to stop in.

Sacramento mayor Darrell Steinberg dedicated the park, telling the local news that he hoped renaming the park would inspire other local young people to reach their own goals.

Burton’s comment? “If I can do it, so can you.”

LeVar is busy these days, and his mission hasn’t changed – he raised over $6 million in 2014 through a Kickstarter hoping to use the Reading Rainbow platform to reach a whole new generation of students and teachers.

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A special message from @levar.burton ✨

A post shared by Reading Rainbow (@readingrainbow) on

In a recent interview, Burton says they’re on track to meet their goals, with their Skybrary – a subscription-based online library of interactive children’s literature – being donated to every registered teacher.

It’s his hope to use technology to bring Reading Rainbow into the digital age, using all of the new tools at his disposal to expose kids to the wonder of books and reading.

Just like the old days, only faster.

And probably with fewer sweaters.

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Sacramento Is Now Home to a Park Named After “Reading Rainbow” Host LeVar Burton

Reading Rainbow aired from 1983-2006 on PBS, making it the longest-running educational series ever to run on the network. The show was hosted LeVar Burton and cultivated a love of books and reading in a generation-plus of children who eagerly watched it (this writer included).

View this post on Instagram

Season’s Readings…?

A post shared by LeVar Burton (@levar.burton) on

LeVar Burton grew up in Sacramento, attending two area schools and later launching his successful acting career that began with the 1977 miniseries Roots and moved to Star Trek: The Next Generation. He (and we) hit the jackpot when he landed the role of host on Reading Rainbow.

Recently, a park just down the street from the 62-year-old’s home neighborhood was renamed (formerly Richfield Park) in his honor, so if you’re hanging out around Meadowview (1900 Expedition Way) and are looking for your nostalgia fix, you might want to stop in.

Sacramento mayor Darrell Steinberg dedicated the park, telling the local news that he hoped renaming the park would inspire other local young people to reach their own goals.

Burton’s comment? “If I can do it, so can you.”

LeVar is busy these days, and his mission hasn’t changed – he raised over $6 million in 2014 through a Kickstarter hoping to use the Reading Rainbow platform to reach a whole new generation of students and teachers.

View this post on Instagram

A special message from @levar.burton ✨

A post shared by Reading Rainbow (@readingrainbow) on

In a recent interview, Burton says they’re on track to meet their goals, with their Skybrary – a subscription-based online library of interactive children’s literature – being donated to every registered teacher.

It’s his hope to use technology to bring Reading Rainbow into the digital age, using all of the new tools at his disposal to expose kids to the wonder of books and reading.

Just like the old days, only faster.

And probably with fewer sweaters.

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A “Harry Potter” Beer Festival Might Be Coming to Your City

Have you been to Harry Potter World at Universal Studios in Florida? If so, then you know exactly how delicious butterbeer is in real life.

It’s like…cream soda but buttery and frothy and just an all-around delight. Get a load of this…

Adding alcohol seems like it would be the cherry on the butterbeer cake, and if you agree, you’re going to want to check out one of these Harry Potter inspired beer festivals when they wander close to your hometown.

Posted by Eventbrite for Organizers on Monday, May 20, 2019

The event is being organized by Rock Star Beer Festivals, and, according to the website, everyone who pays the toll will get access to samples of 20+ beers – including that adult butterbeer that is sure to knock your socks off.

Another option will be Snape’s Lair of Secret Cider Potions, which they claim is a cider, but I don’t know…Snape’s name is attached, so it could be polyjuice potion or something.

Make sure there aren’t any cats in the immediate area, is all I’m saying.

The venues will be “transformed into the Wizarding World of Harry Potter” for the event, with guests being transported to the Great Hall, Diagon Alley, and the Leaky Cauldron for the price of just $40 or $45 a ticket on Eventbrite.

You’ll also meet performers dressed as Hagrid and be able to dance the night away to the sweet sounds of the Sorceress Sisters and DJ Dumbledore, so it sounds like a magical event worthy of the Harry Potter name.

If you live in or near Fresno, CA (June 21), New Orleans (June 29), Philadelphia (July 13), or Boston (July 20), well…the rest of us are super jealous!

The post A “Harry Potter” Beer Festival Might Be Coming to Your City appeared first on UberFacts.

A “Harry Potter” Beer Festival Might Be Coming to Your City

Have you been to Harry Potter World at Universal Studios in Florida? If so, then you know exactly how delicious butterbeer is in real life.

It’s like…cream soda but buttery and frothy and just an all-around delight. Get a load of this…

Adding alcohol seems like it would be the cherry on the butterbeer cake, and if you agree, you’re going to want to check out one of these Harry Potter inspired beer festivals when they wander close to your hometown.

Posted by Eventbrite for Organizers on Monday, May 20, 2019

The event is being organized by Rock Star Beer Festivals, and, according to the website, everyone who pays the toll will get access to samples of 20+ beers – including that adult butterbeer that is sure to knock your socks off.

Another option will be Snape’s Lair of Secret Cider Potions, which they claim is a cider, but I don’t know…Snape’s name is attached, so it could be polyjuice potion or something.

Make sure there aren’t any cats in the immediate area, is all I’m saying.

The venues will be “transformed into the Wizarding World of Harry Potter” for the event, with guests being transported to the Great Hall, Diagon Alley, and the Leaky Cauldron for the price of just $40 or $45 a ticket on Eventbrite.

You’ll also meet performers dressed as Hagrid and be able to dance the night away to the sweet sounds of the Sorceress Sisters and DJ Dumbledore, so it sounds like a magical event worthy of the Harry Potter name.

If you live in or near Fresno, CA (June 21), New Orleans (June 29), Philadelphia (July 13), or Boston (July 20), well…the rest of us are super jealous!

The post A “Harry Potter” Beer Festival Might Be Coming to Your City appeared first on UberFacts.