Tweets About Americans That Are Very, Very Wrong

Americans have a bit of a reputation around the world. Our culture is unique, and we take a lot of pride in being from the US of A. This gives our friends overseas an interesting impression of us – and sometimes they pick up information that isn’t quite right.

Here are 17 tweets that miss the mark when it comes to Americans:

1. This is a horrifying thought

2. Where’s my basket?

3. Twice per day, actually

4. Only sometimes

5. This is more of a regional thing

6. That would be magical, but no

7. I don’t think it’s true, but it makes sense

8. Someone lied to you

9. This one’s actually true, and it pains my introverted heart

10. Only if they’re deep fried

11. Lawn dwarves is a terrible name

12. I believe this is true, and I regret not taking this approach in the past

13. Maybe I was asleep in science class, but I don’t think so

14. I vote cry

15. Clap? Occasionally. Stand up? Nah.

16. I’m so glad this isn’t true

17. Nope, wrong country

If you need me, I’ll be listening to “God Bless America” on repeat.

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In Japan in 1968, 4 bank employees…

In Japan in 1968, 4 bank employees were transporting 300M¥ in the trunk of a car. They were stopped by a young police officer, who claimed dynamite was on the car. When he crawled under to check and smoke came billowing out, they ran away. The “officer” then got in the car and drove away.

In 1959 a white man from…

In 1959 a white man from Texas disguised himself as a black man and traveled for six weeks on greyhound buses. After publishing his experiences with racism he was forced to move to Mexico for several years due to death threats.

A Man Offered ‘Free Dad Hugs’ at a Pride Parade and People Loved It

Scott “Howie” Dittman decided to attend the recent Pride Parade in Pittsburgh but didn’t give much thought beyond having a good time that day.

Dittman’s friend Denna was going to the parade with an organization called Free Mom Hugs and Dittman said, “‘well I’m going to go,’ and I hopped on Amazon and grabbed a ‘free dad hugs’ T-shirt. I just thought it would put a smile on people’s faces.”

Just got sent this picture from Sunday ❤ #freedadhugs #freemomhugs #prideparade #dadhugs #momhugs

Posted by Howie Dittman on Tuesday, June 11, 2019

It’s no surprise that many LGBTQ people are ostracized by their families because of their lifestyle. And, as Dittman realized, a hug goes a long way for people whose parents are no longer in their lives through no fault of their own.

He said, “You could tell they hadn’t had something as simple as a hug from their dad in a long time. That broke my heart.”

Dittman hugged a lot of people at the Pride Parade, and he shared this post on Facebook detailing two of his more moving encounters that day.

PARENTS.A handful of us went to the Pittsburgh Pride Parade today, sporting our FREE DAD HUGS and FREE MOM HUGS…

Posted by Howie Dittman on Sunday, June 9, 2019

Dittman’s post went viral and he said he’s received more than 1,500 messages from strangers who were incredibly moved by the story, including some parents. He said, “I’ve had so many parents reach out to me saying they’ve been crying for days, saying they’ve been those parents, and they’ve reached out to their children they haven’t talked to in years. How do even describe that?” he said. “How do you even describe the feeling that gives you?”

Dittman added, “It’s humbling, but it’s sad. It’s sad that these people needed a stupid social media post to have eyes opened and to feel welcomed. It’s sad that some guy in some small town western Pennsylvania is having that much of an impact when that impact should’ve been made and when they shouldn’t have even needed it because they weren’t abandoned in the first place.”

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Minnesota Offers Money for Residents to Create Bee-Friendly Lawns

Bee awareness has become engrained in popular culture in recent years, and for good reason – a dearth of our pollinating friends would spell disaster for humanity in terms of crop production and yields for years to come.

And if helping save the planet isn’t enough incentive, the state of Minnesota is willing to hand over some cash in exchange for its residents creating yards that are welcoming and sustaining for bees.

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20.06.2019 ''Ihr Zuckerwürfelchen, groß und klein, wir laden euch herzlich in unsern Garten ein. Kommt herbei von nah und fern, ihr seid willkommen, wir haben euch gern! Wir bieten euch Bettchen, Speis und Trank, für die reichlich Ernte ein herzlich Dank!'' Huch! Da ist mir doch glatt dieses kleine Bienchen während der gestrigen Eskalation im Gartencenter in den Einkaufwagen geflogen. Na sowas…wie konnte das bloß passieren? ? Wenn man einmal nicht aufpasst… Was mach ich denn jetzt? Ratlos stand ich nun da mit meinem Wagen und dem kleinen Bienchen. Zurückbringen? Aber wohin? Wo ist die Kleine überhaupt hergekommen? Mit hoffnungsvollem Blick schaute das kleine Bienchen über den Wagenrand ? Hierlassen oder gar am Straßenrand aussetzen? Oh nein! Das kleine Bienchen bricht in Tränen aus und flutet sogleich den Einkaufswagen ? Nein, das kann ich nicht über‘s Herz bringen. Mitnehmen? Was für eine Frage!?! Natürlich! Das kleine Bienchen hat doch überhaupt kein Zuhause mehr. Der Garten platzt zwar schon aus allen Nähten, aber für kleine fleißige Bienchen ist doch immer ein Plätzchen frei. Das war die beste Entscheidung! Seht euch die Kleine an…habt ihr schon mal so ein glückliches Bienchen gesehen? ? #bienenweide #wildbiene #wildbee #savethebees #beebetter #bienenwiese #wildblumen #wildflowers #natur #nature #bee #bees #biene #bienen #flower #gardening #insekt #insect #gardenlove #plant #vielfalthatimmersaison #garten #gartenliebe #blume #garden #gärtnern #flowerpower #spring #frühling #blumenliebe

A post shared by Butterbee & Friends (@butterbee_and_friends) on

Legislators there recently passed a bill that was signed into law by Governor Tim Walz that sets aside an annual budget of $900k to be specifically used to help state residents convert their lawns into bee sanctuaries.

Specifically, they’re concerned about the safety and survival of the rusty patched bumblebee, a pollinator native to the Midwest that is in serious trouble – their numbers have declined by up to 87% in less than 20 years.

Once the law takes effect, people will be able to apply for financial assistance to convert their lawns, with 75% of the total cost covered – or up to 90% for projects specifically aimed at helping rusty patched bees.

The projects should be planted with “native vegetation and pollinator-friendly forbs and legumes,” according to the bill, including “undesirables” like white clover and dandelions.

They hope to put the bill into effect next spring, though there are some details (like who will handle the disbursement of funds) to figure out.

Minnesota isn’t the only place willing to go the extra mile when it comes to the bees, either – the UK has banned pesticides that are harmful to bees, and Holland has instituted “insect hotels” to be strategically placed in order to give bees a safe place to land.

If you’re wanting to do your part on your own dollar, have at it!

Just make sure your homeowner’s association is down with “weeds” in your “lawn.”

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This Dad Took the Family Cat to the Groomer and Returned with an Accordion-Shaped Cat

There’s probably no one alive who hasn’t left a hair salon with that sick, annoyed, or angry feeling in the pit of their stomach that can only mean one thing – you got a bad haircut.

Our pets are not exempt from this rule, though whether or not they feel embarrassed over a poor snip is up for discussion.

Twitter user Caitlin Christine shared these hilarious images of her family’s cat after a botch job that honestly? Might not have totally been the groomer’s fault.


Because her father dropped the cat off and asked for it to “look like a tiger, do what you can do” in order to mess with his wife.

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Expectation vs. reality #slinkycat

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And this is what they got. Pure genius.

The family was fairly amused, but mom didn’t quite see the humor in owning an accordion-shaped cat for the weeks to come.

Image Credit: Twitter

Twitter, however, definitely came down on the “this is hilarious” side.

Because, come on… this IS hilarious.

Mom needs to grow a sense of humor.

Classic dad move…

Decide for yourself, but idk. I think she’s going to find the whole thing funny.


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15+ People Reveal the Most Disrespectful Things People Did in Their Homes

It’s pretty unbelievable that some people don’t have any clue how to behave in someone else’s house.

These people definitely don’t…and the results are hilarious.


1. Very Bed Manners

“She invited a bunch of sleazy guys over, despite me asking her not to. She let them in while I was in the shower, so I did not realize they were in my house.

She then took one into my housemate’s bedroom and locked the door (super disrespectful to my housemate who had so kindly offered that she could stay in her room as she was going to be at her boyfriend’s for the weekend).

When I got out of the shower, one of the guys was in my bed!

And I was like dude, get the heck out of my bedroom. And he refused and said my friend said he could stay there.

I was very not ok with that. I physically had to push him out of my house. The next day when she sobered up, I kicked her out of my house and did not speak to her for three years.”

2. Mirror Image

“It was my mother-in-law who came to visit my then boyfriend and I. We were in a rental that had a weird little bathroom that the rest of the house made up for.

But I got up in the morning and went to the gym and grabbed some food to make dinner. When I got home, I went to shower and she has taken down the bathroom mirror (which came with the rental!) and put up a new one that was really ugly and too small.

I wrapped myself in a towel and switched it back. She asked me why I did that and I told her it wasn’t my mirror and gave her the other one back.”

3. A Horrible Husband

“My ex husband and I had a couple that we were friends with. I grew up in the same neighborhood with the husband, and worked at a bar with the wife.

They had met and gotten married in Vegas 3 weeks later, so naturally there was a lot of buzz about their relationship, and her intentions (the guy was super sweet, and she was, well, sketchy).

We had them over for dinner and karaoke, and the night was fun.

She kept taking selfies on our disposable camera with my husband, and wanting to sing duets with him, but whatever.

Her husband and I finally tapped out around 2 am, and they stayed up. I woke up the next morning, and there was drink stains ALL OVER my bar room.

Clothes everywhere, half butted cigs, lip prints on my big mirror. She had slept with my husband while her husband and I were sleeping.

I don’t think the poor guy even realized what happened, I never even really had a fallout with her.

She quit the bar and I never saw her again. They did get divorced, but I don’t know if that’s why.

As far as my husband and I, I was young, and naive.

It took me a little while to realize my worth, but when I did, I went out with a bang. Sent him a pic of his belongings outside our condo and never looked back.”

4. The Piggy Bank

“My wife’s cousin was staying at our house because he was going through marital problems.

One night I woke up in the middle of the night and I heard some change rattling. He walks down the hall with my 5 year old’s piggy bank.

He was taking money from my daughter’s freaking piggy bank to buy drinks and smokes.

I was speechless. Like, ‘How could you?’ He claimed he was too embarrassed to ask me or my wife for money. So he resorted to stealing it.

If I would not have woken up that night, we would have never known. A day or so later, he got some money from somewhere and put $200 in her piggy bank. He was only sorry because he got caught. He left shortly after that incident.

Still bothers me to this day.”

5. Nope. Period.

“My college roommate invited a bunch of people over one night. We each had our own bathroom, clearly marked.

I go to get something from my room and hear obvious banging going on in my bathroom. I knock on the door and say, ‘Wrong one, get the heck out.’

After they came out, I saw that they had cleaned themselves up on my nice white towels.

Apparently, she was on her period.”

6. Something’s Fishy

“Back in college, my roommates and I hosted a birthday party for a mutual friend at our apartment. Earlier that day we gifted her a pet goldfish because she had been talking about getting a fish.

Fast forward to later in the night.

Our male friend, let’s call him Mike, decided he needed to find a way to impress our other friend, who I’ll call Darla.

Mike tries every lame joke and pick up line on Darla and fails time and time again. Then he sees the goldfish in his tank and scoops him up in his hand.

He says, ‘Check this out, Darla!’ He then plops the fish into his mouth and swallows it alive. My roommate and I immediately rush over and start trying to make Mike puke the fish back up.

Darla quickly makes for the door and leaves the party.

Sadly, that fish met its doom in Mike’s stomach that night.

He never apologized although he did complain about severe stomach issues for several days afterwards.”

7. Caught Red Handed

“When I was in cub scouts in third grade, my mom hosted a meeting for the scouts in my grade at school where we built bird houses for some badge or something.

While we were waiting for everyone to arrive, me and the scouts who had already arrived started playing in my backyard.

One scout, let’s call him ‘N,’ told us he had to go to the bathroom ‘really bad’ and left. When everyone arrives to start the project, I notice that N was sitting at the edge of the table looking down and my mom was REALLY angry, and was trying her best to suppress it.

She asked me and all the other scouts if I had given N permission to go in my room. Me and all my friends said, ‘No, he said he had to go to the bathroom really bad.’

This response only made my mom even more visibly angry and N ducked his head more. 5 minutes later N’s mom arrives and is apologizing profusely to my mom.

Turns out N went into my room, pocketed the 20 dollars I had been saving up (I got paid 2 dollars a week for mowing the lawn as an allowance), and was stuffing my toys and video games into his backpack.

My mom went upstairs to ACTUALLY use the bathroom and noticed the theft taking place and caught him red-handed.

He then lied to my mom and said I gave him permission to go into my room and he was just ‘checking it out.’

But no, my mom caught him red handed and my mom is SCARY when she’s mad. In total, he tried to steal around $150 in Game Boy cartridges, Pokemon cards and toys and around 3 months of allowance.”

8. With Family Like This…

“I was hit by a car when bicycling to work one day. I ruptured a kidney, broke my jaw and six teeth, and was in general pretty banged up.

My boyfriend at the time was overwhelmed by it and he called my family for support (without me knowing, otherwise I would have told him not to).

I hadn’t spoken to them in about five years at this point.

They drove 10 hours to our apartment. My boyfriend and I had arranged a suite of rooms at the beautiful hotel literally around the corner from us but they said it would be better if the FIVE of them slept in our one bedroom apartment with us.


I’m pretty out of it from medication, etc. They had never been to my city before so they insisted I show them around.

I got them behind the scenes passes to tour Pixar studios and tried to show them around as much as possible despite the fact I could barely move or walk from the pain in my kidney.

After a few days, I told them I couldn’t keep going places with them.

They said I was ruining their vacation. I responded that I didn’t know it was a vacation, I thought they came to visit me because they were concerned about my near-death accident.

My mother laughed at that. I told them all to get the heck out of my apartment. On the way out, my sister stole all my pain meds.

I didn’t realize it until several hours later when they were long gone and I couldn’t find them to take my next dose.

I had to go back to the ER and the staff didn’t want to give me more meds because they thought I was doing something illegal.

I had to recover from serious injuries without help.”

9. Stay Away From That Kid

“When I was a kid, my mom had a friend and her son over. They were over for a couple hours and just as they were leaving I noticed all of my video games were gone, I told my mom, she goes and grabs his backpack and off course they were all in his bag.

His mother immediately came to his defense, saying he’s got a lot of games and must have thought they were his.

It didn’t even make sense and she acted as if nothing had happened.

Anyway, terrible mother, kid had no chance.

He is now in jail for life no parole for shooting and killing a cop during a coke bust.

There were about 10 or 11 years between the time this happened and the time he went to jail.

I was around 7 or 8 and he was around 9 or 10.

Our parents stopped being friends, but they still hung around the same social groups.

He got expelled multiple times until he was expelled from the district. In middle school he got mad at someone and brought a peashooter to school and shot him in the butt.

Then a couple years later he made a pipe bomb and stuck it in a locker. He was arrested multiple times for vandalism.

His mother was always the type of person that would defend him at any cost.”

10. Immature Friend

“Buddy from college was traveling through town and stayed with my wife and I for the weekend. Nothing crazy, hung out and remembered our college years.

A few days after he left, my guest bathroom reeked. Took a bit to figure out but finally discovered an upper decker (poop in the sink) left for us.


He thought he was being funny. Our group in college would pull pranks on each other all the time (not this bad).

The problem is everyone else matured, he did not. Our paths haven’t crossed since he stayed with us, only a few comments in group chats.

He hasn’t apologized, told me to ‘chill, it was just a joke’… honestly, I’m done.”

11. Yeah, Ya Dumb

“My new neighbor moved into his house on the same day as my youngest daughter’s first birthday party.

He had a young kid (around 6 or 7) close to the age of my nieces, so I invited him and his family over.

After they’re in the house for around 10 minutes, I notice he’s no longer there, but his daughter is still eating pizza at my table.

I looked all over the house and couldn’t find him. I walked down to his house and knocked on the doors.

Nobody answered and his car was gone.

Nearly 4 hours later, the last of the guests had left, it was around 9:30 pm and he still was nowhere to be found.

He finally came back at 10 pm (walked right in without knocking) and acted like nothing was wrong. I pulled him outside and told him that it is not okay to leave a small child with complete strangers, certainly not for that long, and not without letting someone know.

His excuse? We seemed like decent people and he needed to pick up a few more boxes from their old house.

I actually have quite a few stories about this guy and he’s only been on my street for 7 months.

1) I had finished cutting the grass and went upstairs to take a shower. After getting dressed, I heard a noise downstairs.

I was home alone, my wife wouldn’t be done work for an hour or so, and my kids were at their grandparents.

So, I go to investigate and find the neighbor’s daughter in my rec room, playing with my children’s toys.

I asked what she was doing and she said she wanted to come over to play. I told her the kids weren’t here, she shouldn’t be here, and needs to go home right away.

I actually had to physically pick her up and carry her to her house, because she didn’t want to leave.

I told her father what was going on and he said, ‘Oh, yeah, I figured she went over there.’

That was it. No apology, no explanation, no talking to his child. I told him that from now on, unless he or his wife is physically present, she will not be permitted in my house.

I’m not interested in being accused of anything.

2) A few weeks before Christmas, I threw my back out and had to take some pretty heavy painkillers.

I was home alone, had just put some food in the oven, and he rang my doorbell. I hobbled over, opened the door and asked what was up.

‘I heard from [neighbor between us] that you hurt your back and wanted to check on you.’

‘Thanks, bud, I appreciate that.

I’m alright, just getting ready to eat some lunch, then take a nap. Why don’t you swing by later and play some games or something.’

I’m trying to be a good neighbor.

He tells me that he doesn’t have a lot of time, but figured he’d stay and chat for a bit.

‘Sorry, but I can’t really chat right now. My back is pretty bad, I’m due for my meds, and I really have to get back inside.’

He then tries to chat about whatever the heck was on his mind after I told him two more times that I’m in a lot of pain.

I finally just closed the door while he was still talking.

3) They had a baby a few months ago and my wife figured she’d offer to babysit for a few hours to let them get out of the house and relax.

She knocks on their door and this dude answers in his boxers and slippers. He’s not exactly the kind of guy you’d enjoy seeing in his boxers and slippers.

He invited my wife in and asked if she wanted anything. She’s like, ‘Uh, actually, I can’t stay. I was running to the grocery store and wanted to see if you were low on any baby supplies.’

4) My doorbell rang last Wednesday.

I open the door within 30 seconds of it ringing to find him sitting on my lawn. Not in the steps, not on the chairs on the porch, just in the grass facing away from the house.

He just wanted to come by and hang out for a bit until his wife and kids came home.

Side note: The shame of it is that he’s actually super nice, just incredibly stupid and awkward. I’m about 95% sure their daughter is on the spectrum, but I don’t think the parents notice because of how stupid the father is.”

12. What The What?!

“One night the girls who lived in the apartment across the hall brought a friend with them to hang with us.

As soon as she walked in, she screamed, ‘This will be hilarious. College guys always get the crappy, hand me down dishes from their parents!’

She walked into the kitchen and began pulling out pans and dishes and howling about how old and ratty they were.

Our friends were mortified.

When they tried to talk to her, she talked louder. After 30 seconds of this lunacy, my roommate and I told her to leave.

She threw a giant fit and called us jerks.

When we honestly tried to come up with some justification for her after the fact, the best that we could come up with was that maybe she was being (way, way) too familiar.

I can see a close friend opening my cabinet and saying good-naturedly, ‘Man, college kids are an excuse for parents to dump their old stuff and buy new.’

If that was her intent, she failed.”

13. Well, Shit!

“We had friends over for my girlfriend’s birthday and to celebrate moving into a new apartment together for the first time.

A guy we knew from college kept stealing people’s drinks throughout the night and got incoherently wasted.

He lived a couple hours away but was too wasted to go home, so we let him stay despite already having a friend from out of town who planned to stay with us.

In the middle of the night, the wasted dude stripped down, forced the other guest off the only air mattress and pooped himself massively.

He then tracked poopy footprints all over the apartment, smacked poopy handprints on all the door knobs, including in the bedroom where we were sleeping, covered all our towels/some blankets in his butt sauce, and peed in some places.

Oh but it’s not like he didn’t make it to the bathroom – he left a second, possibly third dump in the toilet.

No flush. No apology. Just left at like 6 am, without his poopy underpants. Those he left on the ruined air mattress in a steaming heap.

Needless to say, the surprise breakfast waffles for my girlfriend were not as enjoyable.”

14. In The Army Now

“When my husband was in the army, we invited a bunch of single soldiers to have Thanksgiving dinner at our house rather than let them languish in the barracks.

One of them was a childish private. He began the night by plopping down on the sofa to play with his Gameboy and announced that he hated turkey.

Ignored everyone else for the next hour.

Alright. No problem. I made a massive dinner and there’s plenty of other things to eat.

When it came time to serve up the buffet, people lined up and were heaping their plates and this jerk kept loudly complaining that there was nothing good.

Selected a few items and joined everyone at the table. Took one bite of one thing, visibly gagged and threw down his fork.

Announced that all this food was ‘dirt’ and left the table. Went back to the sofa with his Gameboy. I think that everyone was in such shock that nobody knew how to react.

This was so far outside of the norm that there’s no way to prepare for such a thing. Nobody wanted to ruin the evening by making a scene, so everyone focused on making me feel better.

(Lots of quick hugs and pats on the shoulder with words of encouragement.) Maybe they were waiting for my husband to do something and he was loading up at the buffet and talking at the time so he missed it.

Everyone blew it off and ignored him for awhile.

We enjoyed our meal and people went out of their way to tell me how lovely the food was and to thank me for inviting them.

People began to break up and get drinks. Music was turned up and we settled in for a nice evening.

About an hour after dinner, the stinker began to complain that he was hungry.

That there wasn’t anything to eat. He would NOT shut up. Demanded that somebody order pizza. At one point he asked for a peanut butter sandwich.

People were ‘hushing’ him, but he got worse, so I tried to placate him. I made him one and he was mad because it was whole wheat bread and he only liked white.

After he rejected the sandwich, I didn’t know what the heck to do.

I stood there holding the darn thing and I was pretty close to throwing it at him. Three soldiers abruptly excused themselves, pulled him off the couch, and marched him outside.

The soldiers came back in about fifteen minutes later, picked up their drinks, and continued the conversation like nothing ever happened.

I never saw him again. And I mean ever. He must’ve been banned from every social function from then on out because it’s like he never existed.”

15. Turn The Fucking Xbox Off!

“Years ago, my then boyfriend (now ex) came over to my house unexpectedly the day of my mom’s birthday.

My siblings and I were busy decorating. He made himself comfortable on the couch and played on the Xbox, he was out of the way so I ignored him.

Just before she gets home, I make him turn off the console. Mom gets home and we do the whole ‘Surprise!’ bit. Ex immediately (like, my mom hadn’t even gotten past the entryway) grabbed the controller, turned the Xbox on, slapped my butt and told me to ‘get him a drink’ as he sat back down on the couch.

I snatched the controller out of his hands and told him to go home.

I was already looking for a reason to break up with him.

I’d recently realized that his ‘quirks’ were actually unpredictable things he did because he had a drinking problem.

We only saw each other about twice a week so I hadn’t been up close and personal with the weird stuff he did after drinking and apparently he’d had a few before coming over.

At this point, it’s important to add that his license was revoked so he got around on a motorized Razor scooter.

But I had gotten really close to his friend group and didn’t want to lose them. I didn’t talk to him for a couple of days, had a chance meeting with my now husband, and dumped the ex via a ‘we should see other people’ text.”

16. A Pair Of Dolts

“My husband’s friend and her boyfriend arrived from overseas. We hadn’t met him previously.

On day one, the boyfriend googled ‘buy weed in (city name),’ got scammed into sending a lot of cash to Nigeria via Western Union to pay for it, then gave them our address for delivery.

No weed ever turned up, but the police did.

On day two, he wanked in the shower and his load got caught by the hair catcher in the drain, which I discovered when I cleaned the shower.

Nearly vomited.

On day three, the pair of them had a massive raging argument at our dinner table while the four of us were sitting down to eat.

They were yelling insults at each other and trying to get us to join in and take a side.

It went on like this for about a week until my husband told them to leave.

They tried to come back a few days later because they’d discovered that our country is expensive and they’d prefer free accommodation with us.

We declined.”

17. Disney Dummy

“I prepared a Disney-themed surprise party for a good friend of mine in my apartment. Every corner had a different Disney theme.

I made almost all the decorations by hand and the result was truly amazing. I spent around 3 days decorating my whole apartment and preparing her favorite foods.

It wasn’t supposed to be a party with a lot of people but I invited our close friends and asked them to come without having dinner first.

Some vegetarian friends who were coming mentioned that they were bringing a friend of theirs who was vegan so I made a big buffet including the birthday girl’s favorite foods, a few vegan dishes, a big pitcher of fresh mocktails to share, everyone’s favorite snacks including a few vegan snacks on the side…

Think the big picture, a baked Brie, nice homemade hummus, cut-up fresh veggies, vegan dips made with veganaise, vegan macaroni salad, nachos, French bread, hot spinach dip, bacon poppers, a spinach Asian salad, a huge pecan cake Frozen-themed, vegan marshmallows dipped in vegan chocolate, popcorn caramel cake pops…

That didn’t even include the snacks I bought since these were all homemade.

Anyway, my friends get to my place and they are late, but it’s not a big deal.

The birthday girl is truly surprised. It looks magical and the food looks amazing. I invite people to start digging in right away…

and no one grabs a plate except me and my boyfriend. Turns out they went out to dinner right before coming here when I specifically asked them not to.

I mention that I made a lot of vegan dishes since I knew their vegan friend that I never even met was coming…

yet she doesn’t thank me or attempt to eat anything. She says, ‘Nah, I’m good I ate before coming here!’

The birthday girl eventually gets some stuff but mostly the snacks I bought. I tried to camouflage my tears by inviting people to play games.

We played for an hour and a half until my friend said she was tired and wanted to go home. Other people just followed behind her.

3 days of decorating and cooking.

Around $100 worth of food and snacks. All of this for maximum two hours. When they left, I cried so hard and my boyfriend was livid.

He couldn’t believe how ungrateful my friends were. I used to be very generous to my friends but ever since that happened, I’ve stopped making parties, dinners and gifts.

It really broke my heart and my view on our friendships has never been the same since then.”

Sooo… which one was the rudest?

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Take a Look at the Cheapest Summer Flights to Europe from Every U.S. State

No matter what state you live in, there’s a deal for you this summer to fly to Europe for a fun vacation. And whether you live on the West Coast, the East Coast, or the Midwest, all the prices are pretty reasonable.

For instance, I live in North Carolina and the cheapest flight is to Reykjavík, Iceland for $663. If you live in California, the cheapest jaunt is to Barcelona, Spain for $583. Not so bad! crunched the numbers for the past year for flights from May 24-September 2, 2019 and came up with the median prices for these destinations for the summer. So you may see some fluctuation, but these are the middle-est prices.

Photo Credit: Thrillist

Let’s look at the whole list from each state (and Washington, D.C.). Where are you going this summer?!?!


Airport: HSV
Destination: Reykjavik, Iceland – $735
Airport: BHM
Destination: Reykjavik, Iceland – $660


Airport: ANC
Destination: Reykjavik, Iceland – $693


Airport: PHX
Destination: Reykjavik, Iceland – $831
Airport: TUS
Destination: Reykjavik, Iceland – $662


Airport: MEM
Destination: London, England – $985


Airport: LAX
Destination: Barcelona, Spain – $614

Airport: SFO
Destination: Barcelona, Spain – $583

Airport: SAN
Destination: Copenhagen, Denmark – $863


Airport: DEN
Destination: Reykjavik, Iceland – $618


Airport: BDL
Destination: Dublin, Ireland – $682


Airport: BWI
Destination: Lisbon, Portugal – $686


Airport: MCO
Destination: London, England – $661

Airport: TPA
Destination: London, England – $661
Airport: MIA
Destination: Madrid, Spain – $550


Airport: SAV
Destination: Amsterdam, Netherlands – $838

Airport: ATL
Destination: Reykjavik, Iceland – $754


Airport: HNL
Destination: Reykjavik, Iceland – $612

Airport: KOA
Destination: Reykjavik, Iceland – $619


Airport: SLC
Destination: Reykjavik, Iceland – $685


Airport: ORD
Destination: Dublin, Ireland – $721


Airport: IND
Destination: Reykjavik, Iceland – $720


Airport: DSM
Destination: Reykjavik, Iceland – $669


Airport: MCI
Destination: Reykjavik, Iceland – $616


Airport: CVG
Destination: Reykjavik, Iceland – $681

Airport: SDF
Destination: Milan, Italy – $985


Airport: MSY
Destination: Reykjavik, Iceland – $616


Airport: BGR
Destination: Reykjavik, Iceland – $631


Airport: BWI
Destination: Lisbon, Portugal – $686

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Airport: BOS
Destination: Oslo, Norway – $596


Airport: DTW
Destination: Reykjavik, Iceland – $648

Airport: FNT
Destination: Dublin, Ireland – $798


Airport: MSP
Destination: Reykjavik, Iceland – $487


Airport: GPT
Destination: Reykjavik, Iceland – $646


Airport: MCI
Destination: Reykjavik, Iceland – $575

Airport: STL
Destination: Reykjavik, Iceland – $616


Airport: BIL
Destination: Reykjavik, Iceland – $617


Airport: OMA
Destination: Reykjavik, Iceland – $605


Airport: LAS
Destination: London, England – $716

Airport: RNO
Destination: Reykjavik, Iceland – $754

New Hampshire

Airport: BOS
Destination: Oslo, Norway – $596

New Jersey

Airport: EWR
Destination: Dublin, Ireland – $608

New Mexico

Airport: ABQ
Destination: Reykjavik, Iceland – $635

New York

Airport: JFK
Destination: Madrid, Spain – $564

Airport: BUF
Destination: Reykjavik, Iceland – $616

Airport: LGA
Destination: Helsinki, Finland – $523

North Carolina

Airport: CLT
Destination: Lisbon, Portugal – $803

Airport: RDU
Destination: Reykjavik, Iceland – $663

North Dakota

Airport: FAR
Destination: Reykjavik, Iceland – $687


Airport: CLE
Destination: Reykjavik, Iceland – $453

Airport: CMH
Destination: Reykjavik, Iceland – $616


Airport: OKC
Destination: Reykjavik, Iceland – $656

Airport: TUL
Destination: Reykjavik, Iceland – $654


Airport: PDX
Destination: Reykjavik, Iceland – $638


Airport: PHL
Destination: Cork, Ireland – $661

Airport: PIT
Destination: Frankfurt, Germany – $679

Rhode Island

Airport: PVD
Destination: Dublin, Ireland – $441

South Carolina

Airport: CHS
Destination: Reykjavik, Iceland – $667

South Dakota

Airport: OMA
Destination: Reykjavik, Iceland – $605


Airport: BNA
Destination: Reykjavik, Iceland – $656


Airport: AUS
Destination: London, England – $752

Airport: IAH
Destination: Luxembourg City, Luxembourg – $664


Airport: SLC
Destination: Reykjavik, Iceland – $685


Airport: BTV
Destination: Milan, Italy – $647


Airport: ORF
Destination: Reykjavik, Iceland – $616

Airport: RIC
Destination: Reykjavik, Iceland – $616


Airport: SEA
Destination: Manchester, England – $729

West Virginia

Airport: PIT
Destination: Frankfurt, Germany – $679


Airport: MKE
Destination: Oslo, Norway – $694


Airport: BIL
Destination: Reykjavik, Iceland – $617

Washington, DC

Airport: IAD
Destination: Stockholm, Sweden – $685

The post Take a Look at the Cheapest Summer Flights to Europe from Every U.S. State appeared first on UberFacts.

15 People Remember the Conversations They’ve Had with Famous People

Have you ever had a real conversation with a celebrity? I’m talking about a talk that, while brief, wasn’t just you bumping into them randomly on the street? Or just posing with them for a photo?

AskReddit users shared their celebrity stories and some of them might even make you jealous.

Do you have your own celebrity encounter story? Share it in the comments!

1. Dave Chappelle

“Dave Chappelle. I was working Night Audit(overnight) at a Mid Luxury hotel in Napa. He and 6-7 friends rode up on motorcycles at like 2am and asked to get rooms for 2 nights. Apparently, they were in a road trip to nowhere and would just stop each night where they stopped. They had a few people following them in a truck and trailer.

He is a pretty legit insomniac and would sit in the front steps for 5-6 hours each night on his phone smoking. They decided to extend and ended up staying a total of 6 nights. On night 2, I went out and asked for a light and we ended up chatting a few hours. It repeated for 3 nights and I got to hang out with him about 10 hours total. Smart, thoughtful, articulate, and genuine person. The humor is just him. I was actually blown away with how precise his natural whit and timing was.

Saw him at a show in SF last year and he recognized me. Shouted out from stage “Yo… I know you… You still working nights?”

Great human.”

2. Buzz

“Buzz Aldrin. Just my family and I got to spend a few days with him touring around the Kennedy Space Center. I was 12 and had no idea what kinds of questions to ask him. So all I could think of was “Were you scared during launch?” and, “What does Moon ground feel like?”

I got back in contact with him l a few years back when I called to notify him that my Dad had passed away. He said that he remembered my father and was proud that I followed in his footsteps by majoring in Aerospace Engineering for my Bachelor’s.”

3. Two comedy legends

“Jim Carrey and Robin Williams. They visited the St Jude Children’s Hospital in Memphis TN. They both were incredibly nice and hilarious. This small kid fell into the floor and was crying and kicking his legs so Jim Carrey (in a very expensive suit) dropped to the floor and did the same just to stop him from crying. Robin Williams wore the nose from Patch Adams and much more hairy than he looked in the movies.”

4. Crocodile Hunter

“Steve Irwin in an elevator when I was 11. He asked me where I was from and if there was any crocodiles in the pool and I told him I went to his zoo and how cool it was. He was exactly how you think he’d be, just a really nice guy and a great dude.”

5. Ripley!

“Sigourney Weaver, just after Aliens was released on VHS. A buddy of mine and I were riding up the gondola at the mountain where we were on the ski team, she was in the singles line, and we didn’t know who she was until the end of the ride up (~10 mins), when she said something, and he and I (both being about 12, so we had both obviously seen Aliens, as good children of the 80’s) were both like… “Ripley?”

She was kind enough to repeat “get away from her, you bitch!” for us.”

6. A nice guy

“Jason Mamoa. Bumped into him when I went rock climbing with my girlfriends. He liked my Batman shirt hahaha.”

7. Dolly

“Dolly Parton. My grandpa is good friends with her. She’s a peach.”

8. That is amazing

“Played a round of golf with Bill Murray, was awesome.”

9. Swayze

“Patrick Swayze! Dude was super nice!

I used to work at a small airport in Van Nuys, CA. Mr. Swayze and his wife owned an older King Air that they flew themselves. My very first day on the job, while I was standing on a ladder fueling his plane, Mr. Swayze was inspecting his plane before a flight. He found a small puddle of fluid (left behind by a previous aircraft) on the ground under one of his engines and dipped his middle finger in it, held it up to me and asked, “Hey what the fuck is this?”

He clarified that he was just joking when he saw me internally freaking out. He usually tipped really really well whenever I helped with his bags and pulled his truck around (especially when his goldendoodle clawed me in the face once) and I remember his wife coming to an older, unused hangar once to pull a litter of kittens out from under a car to take them to the vet.

This was all before he got his cancer diagnosis, and I left the job before he died. I do remember being legitimately sad for his wife when I read he had passed. The guy didn’t really take too much time to know me, but he was always very friendly, very polite, and made it a point to treat us like people. I met a handful of famous (and not famous, but connected and wealthy) people while I worked there – but he was the one I’ll always remember. Dude was awesome.”

10. The Boss

“Bruce Springsteen stayed at the hotel I used to work at in college and I got to carry the band’s guitars from the hotel to the stage which was cool( he was playing before a speech from President Obama).

When I was grabbing them from his room his wife was nagging him about his hair and he just laughed and came out in the hallway with me and chatted for a minute or so. Asked me if I was married(I wasn’t) and told me to expect the nagging if I were to get married.”

11. This is great

“Samuel L. Jackson. Even got to end the conversation on him calling me a motherfucker. I put that shit on my resume.

Was in an IHOP at like 2 am. Went to check out and the cashier was all smiles and anxiously said, “There’s a celebrity behind you.” Rolled my eyes and figured it was gonna be someone like Jimmy Fallon or Joe Rogan. Turn around and there in all his glory is Samuel L. Jackson. In a pink plaid golf outfit. Hat and all. His friend was in the same but it was baby blue. I was legit star struck, mouth agape.

SLJ proceeds to channel some Jules Winfield on me and my friend, “DAAAAAAAAAAAAMN. You two acting like I held you up at gunpoint or some shit. Tell me, do I……… intimidate you? ”

Without missing a beat, and the only time I’ll ever think of anything remotely this witty, I tell him, “We’re not intimidated by anyone that can get their ass kicked by Eddie Murphy and Arsenio Hall with a mop handle.”

SLJ is caught flat footed for a split second and starts laughing his ass off. We get to chill with him for a bit and chat him up. When he says he’s gotta bounce, I ask for a favor. “Now, I don’t do autographs,” he starts. “Ain’t no one gonna believe me with some napkin or something anyways. Could you call me a motherfucker? ”

He laughs uproariously and stone faces us mid laugh, “you’re a motherfucker.”

I’m a six foot three dude and I melted on the spot, shivers running up my spine.”

12. Spike

“I once shot a movie with Spike Lee. Very low budget, independent thing with a tiny crew and tinier cast. We were together everyday for a week but he never said a word to me beyond some notes. Anyway, on the last day of filming we were coming back from lunch and I was standing outside having a cigarette when he comes walking by.

He says something like “Ahh, so this is where the smokers all hang, huh?” and I just kind of laugh and say Yeah. He looks at my beat up sneakers and goes “What kind of shoes are those?” I tell him I don’t actually know, and he looks at me like I just took a dump on the sidewalk and says “You don’t know?” and I tell him I’d run a 5k three years earlier and had needed some running shoes, so I bought the cheapest ones.

This dude reaches into the cargo pocket of his pants and pulls out a fat envelope. He opens the envelope and I see that it’s full of Nike gift cards. Like, a hundred Nike gift cards. He pulls out two, hands them to me, and says “There’s two gift cards, $75 a piece. Get yourself some new Jordans” and walks away.”

13. Full Metal Jacket!

“R. Lee Ermey, The Gunny. Just an all-around down to earth badass dude. Met him at WWII Weekend here in PA years ago, along with my younger brother who got inspired to become an US Marine. It was a honor to meet him.”

14. Tom Hanks

“Tom Hanks. He was the host for the national christmas tree lighting, and I volunteer with the decorations every year. He was looking at some and talking to his wife about them. As I was facing away at first I just kept thinking that sounds like woody from Toy Story.

I turn around and low and behold it was. The nicest couple you could imagine, just pleasent conversation for a few minutes and they were called off to do something. Both pleased and disappointed I didn’t ask for a selfie, but I was geeking out nonetheless.”

15. Rock star

“Steven Tyler came into my car dealership. One of the managers came up to me and said, “I need you to help a VERY special client.” I joking asked who and said, “it isn’t another footballer player, is it?”

He didn’t think it was funny. Walk to where Steven was and my jaw dropped. Hard to maintain professionalism when you have music royalty in front of you. After he had left, one of my coworkers came up to me and said, “whoa! That was the dude from American idol!” I wanted to slap him.”

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Big Idiots Share Their Misogynistic Beliefs and You’ll Be Rolling Your Eyes

We still don’t have equal rights for men and women just yet, but we’re getting closer and closer with each passing decade. True equality will eventually happen, and it’s only a matter of time.

So why do guys still hold these sexist views?

I’ll let these idiots speak for themselves…

1. Then you are a goddamn monster.

Photo Credit: Whisper

2. A boat of lies!

Photo Credit: Whisper

3. You should stay home and die.

Photo Credit: Whisper

4. Yeah, I’m sure they’re the problem…

Photo Credit: Whisper

5. Oh, you don’t like a woman who wants to breed?

Photo Credit: Whisper

6. Boring people are boring. It has nothing to do with gender.

Photo Credit: Whisper

7. Good luck on that!

Photo Credit: Whisper

8. What a piece of shit.

Photo Credit: Whisper

9. Oh, things are gonna change…

Photo Credit: Whisper

10. While there is evidence the last thing is valid, the other two are bogus.

Photo Credit: Whisper

11. You literally just said a SUPER crude thing.

Photo Credit: Whisper

12. Fucking gross.

Photo Credit: Whisper

13. Who are these people?!?

Photo Credit: Whisper

14.  Neither should you.

Photo Credit: Whisper

15. They are TV SHOWS!

Photo Credit: Whisper

16. Future Alabama Republican politician…

Photo Credit: Whisper

17. I hate these people SO much.

Photo Credit: Whisper

18. What does being straight have anything to do with it?

Photo Credit: Whisper

19. Incel problems…

Photo Credit: Whisper

DO NOT feel bad for these guys. The fact they can’t see women as equals is insane. They deserve to be ignored and forgotten by history and everybody else.

Done and done.

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