The Strange Reason Iceland Gets Its Ice from Other Countries

The first time I found out about this, it totally tripped me up. You see, Iceland – a country with 11% of its surface covered by glaciers; a country whose name literally starts with the word “Ice” – imports most of the ice they use in their beverages. What the what?

Photo Credit: Pixabay

Maybe not so much, when you consider that the country’s rugged geography makes extracting many natural resources difficult. Not only that, but economics play a part; Iceland has extremely high domestic labor costs compared to cheap inbound shipping costs, which means they can import ice for far less than it would cost to pay a crew to harvest it.

If you’re interested in learning more, check out the video below from Half as Interesting.

The imported ice cubes are sold in grocery stores for far less than the price of native cubes, which can be up to 40% higher, and come from Norway, the U.K. and the U.S.

Biologist Rannveig Magnusdottir, who works at Icelandic Environment Association, commented that he finds “this completely insane, as I’m sure most people do, and I think our cousins in Norway and Scotland laugh at the fact that they can sell Icelanders ice.”

Photo Credit: Pixabay

Funny or not, believe it – it’s true!

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10+ of the Funniest Things Kids Said in 2018

Kids are such an endless treasure trove of ridiculous, random things, that I think sometimes that’s half the reason some people have them at all.

These little whippersnappers might have a career in comedy if they play their cards right.

1. Should’ve filmed it

Photo Credit: Twitter

2. What a coincidence

Photo Credit: Twitter

3. Little trickster

Photo Credit: Twitter

4. Blew his mind

Photo Credit: Twitter

5. That’s a lot

Photo Credit: Twitter

6. They’re real?!?

Photo Credit: Twitter

7. Probably

Photo Credit: Twitter

8. For sale

Photo Credit: Twitter

9. That’s not good

Photo Credit: Twitter

10. Why?

Photo Credit: Twitter

11. Bet that was quite a surprise

Photo Credit: Twitter

12. Sunscream

Photo Credit: Twitter

13. Sounds like a hoot

Photo Credit: Twitter

14. Not gonna happen

Photo Credit: Twitter

15. It’ll get there

Photo Credit: Twitter

C’mon, you LOL’d, didn’t you?

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15 Dogs Who Are Working Hard to Make an Honest Living

Dogs are man’s best friend, but they need to earn a living too, okay? Well, some of them do at least.

Take a look at these guys and gals. I’d say they’re all doing a SPECTACULAR job.

1. Staff Morale Officer

Photo Credit: Reddit

2. On the case

Photo Credit: Twitter

3. Can I help you?

Photo Credit: Reddit

4. Law enforcement

Photo Credit: Reddit

5. He sniffs out diseased beehives #scientist

Photo Credit: Reddit

6. The mayor of Cormorant, Minnesota!

Photo Credit: Reddit

7. Developing video games

Photo Credit: Reddit

8. Working at the grocery store

Photo Credit: Twitter

9. Leading cattle out of a flood

Photo Credit: Reddit

10. Sword salesman

Photo Credit: Reddit

11. Referee!

Photo Credit: Reddit

12. Breadfruit? Durien? Anyone know?

Photo Credit: Reddit

13. This is the best

Photo Credit: Twitter

14. The job site

Photo Credit: Twitter

15. Good boy!

Photo Credit: Twitter

We all better work a little harder before these pooches steal all our jobs…

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The Shocking Discovery this Woman Made in Her Hotel Room Is Straight out of a Horror Movie

Staying at a hotel definitely has plenty of potentially skeevy elements: bed bugs, dirty sheets, hidden cameras, and who knows what else. But, most of us deal with it and try to keep these things out of our minds. I’ll warn you: If you’re one of those people who reads a story and can’t get it out of your mind, you might want to stop here.

Because you’ll never be able to forget what you’re about to read, and I might never stay in a hotel alone again.

Victoria Rothe is a regular gal, returning to her hotel room with a co-worker after grabbing a meal or drinks or whatever. They’re probably in town for a work conference and not expecting too much excitement.

Photo Credit: Facebook

Then, she opens the door to her hotel room and finds a strange woman inside. She’s holding bags full of Victoria’s personal items and stares, caught like a deer in headlights. She mumbled nonsense about her key still working but was clearly unable to come up with a good excuse for being in a stranger’s room holding her things.

Assuming (correctly) that she’s being robbed, Victoria asked to see what was in the bags. Then, stunned and feeling slightly as if she’d walked into an alternate universe, Victoria let the woman go.

Photo Credit: Facebook

Then, she realized her medication was missing and tried chasing the robber down. When she couldn’t find her, Victoria called the police. They came, took a report, and went over the situation in the room.

There were some odd things left behind – a baseball bat, a necklace, and a flashlight that all must have belonged to the thief, since they weren’t Victoria’s, and bits of drywall in the sink that no one could really explain.

Photo Credit: Facebook

There was no forced entry, no unlocked windows, no adjoining room, so the police and Victoria assumed the woman must have somehow gotten hold of a spare key, or had previously stayed in the room and the hotel hadn’t reprogrammed the card (even though they denied it was possible). But later, Victoria got to thinking about those bits of drywall.

Photo Credit: Facebook

She and her coworker (who I assume was now her  roommate because HOW COULD YOU SLEEP ALONE) looked behind the mirror in the bathroom…

…and found a hole big enough for a person to crawl through.

Not only that, they found a space big enough for a person to live in, and enough personal effects to make it clear this woman (likely a drug user) had been doing just that for some time.

Photo Credit: Facebook

Photo Credit: Facebook

Living. In. The. Wall.

She had access to more than one room and was probably crawling out when people were gone to go through their things and steal medication she could take or sell.

I literally screamed when she got to the punchline.

Photo Credit: Facebook

Just. Nope.

I don’t know about y’all, but in the event I find a way to get up the nerve to stay in a hotel again, I will be checking all of the walls.


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8 Awesome Facts About All Sorts of Stuff

These facts are about a wide variety of topics, but they’ve got one very important feature in common: they’re memorable, interesting facts that’ll impress anyone you drop them on.

Heck, you might even share them with your pals.

You may proceed.

1. American Badass

Photo Credit: did you know?

2. Enjoy yourself

Photo Credit: did you know?

3. Did you know that?

Photo Credit: did you know?

4. A full investigation

Photo Credit: did you know?

5. Face to face

6. Keep that cat quiet

Photo Credit: did you know?

7. It’s that simple

Photo Credit: did you know?

8 Genius

Photo Credit: did you know?

Charles Darwin needs to be honored for this achievement.

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18-Year-Old Beauty Queen Speaks up Against UV Light Manicures After Getting Cancer From Them

When she was only 18, future Miss Illinois Karolina Jasko found out she had melanoma. It’s likely that she’d never have noticed it on her own, and was only alerted to it when her nail technician spotted a vertical black line on her right thumbnail

Photo Credit: Instagram

Karolina had gotten her nails done regularly since she was a freshman in high school, and even though Karolina’s doctors say the cause of her melanoma was most likely genetic, they do agree that the consistent UV rays from her gel manicures could have sped up the onset of the disease.

“I experienced a lot of different feelings when I got my diagnosis,” she told Buzzfeed. “I was scared, but also confused. I didn’t think that this could happen to me, so I was in a little bit of shock.”

The high school senior was suddenly faced with a cancer diagnosis, surgery, and the possibility that she might be living the rest of her life with only one thumb.

“Luckily, they were able to just remove my whole nail matrix. I don’t have a nail on that thumb and never will, due to them removing the matrix.”

Like any girl her age staring down a life-altering illness, she felt self-conscious about always looking different from her peers – she was left with scars on her groin, chest, back, and arm (in addition to her thumb).

Photo Credit: Instagram

“I was embarrassed because I thought people noticed them, and it was something to be ashamed of, especially the thumb. I wore a band-aid every time I was in public for the first year after it healed because of how scared I was of someone asking me or being grossed out by it.”

Stepping into her role as Miss Illinois changed all of that, giving her more self-confidence and validating that she’s still beautiful and has important things to say.

“Once I started to feel more comfortable in my role as Miss Illinois, and from speaking to my directors and everyone involved in my life, I realized I was granted an incredible opportunity.”

Photo Credit: Instagram

She’s using her platform to spread awareness about the dangers of UV rays and melanoma. Karolina also doesn’t want other girls to struggle the way she did, regardless of what they look like.

“I also wanted to show girls that they need to be confident in their own skin and with their imperfections. I was able to become Miss Illinois and compete on the Miss USA stage with mine.”

She wants girls to know that they’re perfect the way they are – and also that they should regularly see a dermatologist. Just in case.

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10+ People Who Survived When Others Didn’t Share How They Deal With It

It’s hard to imagine what it must be like to survive an event in which other people lost their lives. If they were people you knew, the sense of grief and potential guilt you’d feel would undoubtedly haunt you for the rest of your life.

In this AskReddit article, people who survived such incidents share how they cope.

1. Guilt

“I met a man who survived the Korean airliner crash on Guam. He had bent down to tie his shoe at the moment the plane hit the mountain and a fireball went through the interior of the plane. He told me he felt so bad that so many had died while he had survived. At the time, I was so confused and only years later realized he suffered from Survivor’s Guilt.”

2. Strong current

“I was swimming off a beach in Vietnam. There were a whole bunch of people. I was on the edge of the group further out. There was another guy, maybe 50 years old maybe five feet further out than me. Strong current swept me and the older guy out even further away from the group. In a slight panic, I started swimming and made it back ok. The older guy did not. I remember making it back to the shore and the lifeguard on duty was being yelled at by other people to go save the old guy.

The lifeguard froze up and it was several minutes before he swam out there and pulled the guy back in. The old guy was limp and they didn’t even try CPR. They just loaded him up on an ATV and drove him off.

I think about it and wonder every now and then if I could have saved him. But not being a great swimmer or trained rescuer, I probably would have died too if I tried.”

3. Remorse

“Was in a boat accident with my entire family when I was 8. I wasn’t injured but my sister was killed. I saw her bloody body in the arms of my grandfather in the remains of what used to be his boat. He was never the same man after that. I’m still unpacking how much it’s affected my life, but I know I’ll never forget the image of my dead sister.

Yes, I have very real survivors remorse, as this boat trip was the first time the whole family had been on the boat together, and my sister and I fought over sitting at the tip. I won, she died.”

4. I see their faces

“In the summer of 2012 I was taking a road trip with my family when we got T-boned by a guy going 50 mph. Luckily I was sitting on the left side of the car right behind the driver seat but my sister and my step mom weren’t so lucky. Almost every day I see their faces right before the crash happened and the sheer terror split second before they died. I very rarely take automobiles now and only like biking or trains.”

5. Boston bombing

“My mom was waiting for my sister at the Boston Marathon bombing. She saw the bombs go off and as a medically trained professional, she felt that she should have gone there to help but she also didn’t know where my sister was and whether more bombs would go off.

So she left and found out that my sister had only avoided being at the finish line because her period had started in the last mile of the marathon. It took them hours to get out of Boston. My mom said she could still smell the bombs and felt intense guilt for not helping and a lot of rage towards the bombers.”

6. Lucky to be alive

“Hit by car at 50 mph.

Ironically the girl in the car died from all of the glass and I only needed a few months to recover been 6 months still can stop thinking about her.”

7. Crazy story

“A relative of mine served in WWII, and apparently when he was stationed on an island base in the pacific (fighting Japan) a Japanese plane just showed up out of nowhere and landed on the airstrip. They just kind of left it there for a few days until they decided that it probably wasn’t a kamikaze, and went to confront the pilot.

They found him there starving to death and chained to the cockpit. Eventually he told them that he was supposed to have been a kamikaze pilot, and that all of the propaganda about how brave and willing to die all of the kamikaze pilots were was just to cover up the fact that no kamikaze pilots were volunteers, and they were all forced to die in those planes.”

8. A sad story

“I was in a head-on collision in which a drunk driver hit me and another car in the lane next to mine. The 82-year-old lady in the other car died the next day due to her injuries. When she was pulled from the car, one of her legs looked badly twisted and broken. But other than that, she looked much younger and in good shape, so I figured she’d be fine. I walked away with only some scratches from glass in my face, and some soreness. The drunk driver was taken away on a stretcher, but she survived and is in jail now.

I felt terrible for the lady who was killed. I didn’t find out till a day or two later when a police officer called to get my statement. I didn’t feel survivor’s guilt, because it had nothing to do with me, and I just felt lucky to be alive. I was 41 years old and getting married a few months later. The daughter of the lady who was killed contacted me a few years later, just to hear first-hand what happened that morning. I felt terrible for her and her family, especially since i lost my own mom and dad within two years after that accident. But I didn’t feel guilty. Just sad.”

9. Bomb

“I was on my way to school with my sister, our driver was making a turn onto the street where our school was when a bomb went off. Everything stopped and I huddled my younger sister under me as glass exploded.

It was just scary because I had no idea what to do in that kind of situation, I was just 13.

What’s crazy is that we had stopped for gas otherwise we wouldn’t have been late. A few kids and teachers lost their lives and one happened to be a teacher I was very close with.

I wasn’t able to attend school there anymore, I used to get scared from the vibration of big trucks and loud pops, even balloons lol. I don’t have survivors guilt but always will have that morbid feeling in my stomach wondering what if we hadn’t stopped for gas.”

10. PTSD

“Las Vegas shooting.

I actually don’t have survivor’s remorse, but I think I have (minor) PTSD from it. I feel uncomfortable in large crowds because I’ll imagine gunshots going off and seeing people running everywhere in chaos. It’s gotten better but still unsettling sometimes.”

11. Awful

“I do have survivor’s remorse. 13 years ago, I was running errands with my mom and my little brother.

My brother, who was 17 at the time, had just got his first job in the cafeteria of our local hospital. He just needed to complete his pre employment drug screen. We stopped by the clinic first thing to get it out of the way. After waiting for a bit I went back to my car because I wasn’t feeling well. I was a few weeks pregnant with my son and had awful morning sickness.

While I was in the car I saw a truck come speeding through the parking lot towards the clinic. I thought “wow they’re going too fast to take the turn” and they were. The truck hopped the curb and slammed through the clinic’s window at the end of the little road. My mom and my brother were sitting right where the truck hit. They died an awful, painful death and I nearly did too.

I feel so guilty for not being with them. It’s taken years but I have realized that my mom and brother wouldn’t be angry or upset that they died and I didn’t. I miss them so much.”

12. I miss him

“When I was 21, I was in a tandem hang glider accident that killed my dad. Just a few seconds after takeoff from the hill, a wire came loose and the glider plummeted to the rocky hillside. He took the brunt of the impact for the both of us and died two days later, while I was relatively unscathed.

My dad raised my brother and I on his own from the time my brother was still in diapers. I credit him for my values and my resilience in the face of misfortune. He died just as I was starting my career and finding my own way. I often miss being able to share my trials and triumphs with him – adventures, marriage, births and his grandbabies growing up.

But I never once wondered why it had to happen this way. Our only thought on the subject was to imagine that he would’ve had it no other way. Maybe he even, in those last few seconds, did what he could to shield me from injury. He was a skilled and advanced pilot, achieving his instructor rating after almost three decades of enjoying the sport. He likely knew the outcome of our predicament. But I’ll never know since the seconds before and after the impact are a blackout.

So no, there’s no guilt. That’s not where my head goes for acts of pure chance, however tragic. I just miss him, sometimes terribly.”

13. Poor souls

“I was born with cancer in the late 80s (Canada) and at the time chemo wasn’t really used on kids. A European doctor came to Toronto and took 14 of us and gave us chemo. I was cancer free by the time I was 4 but only half of us walked off the floor. I’m 31 now and have 4 kids but I often think about those poor souls who didn’t make it.”

14. Close call

“I didn’t ‘survive’ it, but I did make a choice to not get in the car that killed one and severely injured my best friend.

The driver was the one killed, but there was no remorse for the guy. He was always a dangerous driver.

However, there was a bit of anger towards him for what he did to my friend. It changed him. Years of childhood memories wiped away due to the head injury. The stuff he did remember was some of the bad times we had, including the argument that led to me not getting in the car.

Our friendship was never the same after that.”

15. Terrorist attack

“I survived a terrorist attack. Many people died and I survived and now I have the worst survivors remorse. I remember reading headlines about all the people that died. There was a father and a son who died together and the son was little like 12. I feel so guilty every single day that I got to to go my prom, go to college, make mistakes, have fun, get my driver’s license, and keep doing all those things when this little boy can’t do anything ever again.

He doesn’t get to keep learning every day like I do. His family will never get to learn his personality, he’ll never meet his first love, or feel pain, or accomplishment, or try something really hard and succeed. Its really hard to put in words the feeling that I feel every day. Its not that I want to die, its more that I feel this incredibly deep sadness and this feeling that I don’t deserve any day or any joy that I feel.

Other than that, any time I hear a loud noise, my entire body stops working for a second. I cant run or I have a flash back of running. Sometimes I feel like ‘That’s So Raven’ because I’ll be doing a totally normal thing and then everything just stops and I am transported back to the place. And I have a permanent bruise on the top of my foot which is annoying. Also, I have learned to use humor as a coping mechanism and it makes a lot of people feel uncomfortable, which is a bummer.”

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10 Fast Facts to Take a Look at Right NOW!

We get it, we’re all in a rush to get things done these days. So here are some fast facts that you can squeeze into your day at any time, then get back to it!

1. The law of urination

Photo Credit: did you know?

2. Nothing to prove

Photo Credit: did you know?

3. Get moving!

Photo Credit: did you know?

4. Glad they changed that

Photo Credit: did you know?

5. That is terrifying

Photo Credit: did you know?

6. The scent of snow

Photo Credit: did you know?

7. It’s okay to look away

Photo Credit: did you know?

8. Whoa!

Photo Credit: did you know?

9. What a story

Photo Credit: did you know?

10. Not a good look

Photo Credit: did you know?

FAST! And informative…

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American Kids Are Starting to Sound British After Watching Too Much ‘Peppa Pig’

It’s a pretty well-known fact by now that young kids love Peppa Pig. Like, a LOT.

The popular children’s show debuted in 2004, and has steadily taken over the world by indoctrinating the world’s children ever since.

Photo Credit: Entertainment One

But American parents have noticed lately that there’s been one strange consequence of their kids’ watching lots and lots of Peppa Pig.

Photo Credit: Twitter

As strange as it sounds, parents in the U.S. are noticing that their little ones are developing British accents from watching Peppa Pig.

And this guy isn’t alone. Look at all these other folks who are also experiencing the same phenomenon.

Photo Credit: Twitter

Roberto Rey Agudo, language program director of the department of Spanish and Portuguese at Dartmouth College, says the British accents are weirdly prevalent among kids in the U.S. “in part because Peppa Pig has been such a phenomenon with the 2 to 5-year-old crowd and it’s considered cute, whereas I don’t know what other shows have that kind of currency right now.”

I wonder why this didn’t happen with Mr. Belvedere when I was a kid…

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These #10YearChallenge Photos Show What a Different 10 Years Really Makes

Did you participate in the #10YearChallenge? I know a lot of people who did, and it was honestly fascinating to see! It’s crazy to see how much your friends have changed over the last decade… plus a few possible vampires lucky few who seem to have stayed eternally youthful.

So, how did 10 years change you?

1. Yep. I feel that.

2. Getting MORE awesome.

Photo Credit: Distractify

3. Working out paid off.

Photo Credit: Twitter, @maxthieriot

4. Ditching the emo.

Photo Credit: Distractify

5. Aging like a garbage can

Photo Credit: Twitter, @veganistotkist

6. Did Pharrell get younger?

Photo Credit: Distractify

7. WOW! She hasn’t changed a bit!

Photo Credit: Distractify

8. From karate instructor to actor.

9. Really she’s 70 years older.

Photo Credit: Twitter, @LenaArmas

10. Same hair, same face, more facial hair.

Photo Credit: Distractify

But some found the 10 years to be more…um…well, keep going.

How did your 10 years pan out?

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