Man Still Mows the Lawn for his Ex-Wife After 28 Years of Divorce

Even when the circumstances are amicable, divorce can still be tough on both parties involved. After going through a failed marriage, some adults may have time to face their disappointments and start new lives. Children, on the other hand, are often blindsided and left to navigate divorce on their own. Their love for both parents doesn’t change easily, even if their parents aren’t in love with each other anymore. Unfortunately, there’s no way to get around it; kids are little witnesses to what happens when mom and dad decide their differences are so vast, the family must split apart.

For Codie LaChelle McPhate, her parent’s divorce may have divided the family, but the respect and kindness did not end.

“This is my dad, mowing my mom’s lawn.”

Photo Credit: Facebook

“They’ve been divorced 28 years.”

Photo Credit: Facebook

McPhate’s mother’s bad knees prevents her from mowing and her husband, McPhate’s stepfather, works out of town. Rather than ignoring a problem he knew his daughter’s mother had with yard work, McPhate’s father chose instead to show love by helping.

Photo Credit: Facebook

“This is co parenting,” 32 year old McPhate says in her post. Despite her parent’s divorce, which happened decades ago, she considers herself lucky. She grew up knowing she had parents and also bonus step-parents who made mutual respect a priority. To this day, she offers them as an example of how to treat people and love family.

Photo Credit: Facebook

McPhate noted her dad thought it funny his actions went viral. “I’m no saint,” he said. “We should all choose kindness whenever we can.”

Her parents never told her why they got divorced, and they never bad mouthed each other.

“I’m very fortunate to have such amazing parents,” McPhate told Love What Matters. “I know my moms and dads would do anything for each other, because we’re family.”

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This Teen Pageant Contestant Looks Just Like Regina George and the Internet is Going Wild

Believe it or not, this is not Regina George:

Photo Credit: Twitter

She is actually first runner up for Miss Teen Namibia 2018.

Photo Credit: Instagram

The internet, however, is pretty sure she is Queen Bee and leader of the Plastics, Mean Girls’ Regina George.

Photo Credit: Twitter

Photo Credit: Twitter

Photo Credit: Twitter

Photo Credit: Twitter

@Lord_Kartel has a point about Mean Girl Regina George, as played by Rachel McAdams, not being African. However, teen beauty Clarisse Muller is, in fact, Namibian.

Annnnnd the joke you all knew was coming….

Photo Credit: Memecrunch

Up to 100,000 Namibian citizens of European descent live mostly in the cities of central and southern Namibia. Windhoek, where Muller is from, is home to the largest white population in the country. Many of Namibian Whites trace their roots to Germany, Portugal and England.

But back to the Twitter war over not-Regina George. The debate raged so hard, the website for Afterbreak Magazine, which originally tweeted Muller’s picture, experienced technical difficulties.

“Due to the attention and engagement we have received on Twitter leading us to thousands of hit on our website, it has crashed. We are resolving this issue as quickly as we can. Thanks you for your patience.”

But you must admit, the resemblance between Muller and the mean character of Regina George from the blockbuster movie is undeniable.

Photo Credit: Paramount Pictures

Muller described how she felt about the comparison to BuzzFeed News, saying, “At first I thought it was weird, but I soon got used to it and it’s actually fun.” She also assured everyone there are only “some small similarities.”

However, others are still convinced they are the same people.

Photo Credit: Twitter

Photo Credit: Twitter

If only all this had happened on October 3. So close!

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From 1982-1983, three men…

From 1982-1983, three men in Allentown PA competed in a radio contest in which they lived on top of a billboard in tents. Whoever stayed up longest would win a house. Due to economic pressure from the recession, none of the contestants wanted to give up, so the contest lasted almost 9 months. 00

Bees don’t buzz during an eclipse…

Bees don’t buzz during an eclipse – Using tiny microphones suspended among flowers, researchers recorded the buzzing of bees during the 2017 North American eclipse. The bees were active and noisy right up to the last moments before totality. As totality hit, the bees all went silent in unison. 00

15 People Share Their ‘I Survived’ Moments

Lucky for these AskReddit users, they lived to tell their stories. All survived extremely harrowing situations and had close calls with death.

1. Almost drowned

“I got “sucked under” or whatever in the little Tennessee river at a common swimming spot, and couldn’t find my way up and kept rolling. I eventually went limp and popped up a little ways down the river and got to the bank and walked back and no one was the wiser.”

2. Don’t eat that

“When I was 5, we moved into a house where a massive oleander bush was growing over the fence. Oleander flowers littered the lawn. I played with them and then went inside, had something to eat, and played with my sisters for a bit.

Next thing I remember, I’m in a doctor’s office. I’m shivering and I ask for a blanket. The doctor puts a sheet of the paper that they use to cover the bed over me. They explain to my parents that I’m going to be fine and I can be taken home.

When I was a bit older (10 yrs), my mother told me that I had been telling her that my chest hurt and I couldn’t breathe, and she grew concerned enough to take me to the ER. I had fallen asleep in the car and stayed asleep until waking up in the doc’s office.

I googled it and read that Oleander is incredibly poisonous and works by paralyzing the respiratory system. Just one oleander flower can kill a horse. People have died from using oleander branches to roast food when camping. I had gotten pretty severally poisoned just by eating food with oleander residue on my hands. If I had bitten or eaten just a bit of the flower (which I very easily could have done since I was a dumba** that often ate random things), I would have died pretty quickly.”

3. Choking hazard

“I got to work before anyone else was there. I started eating a corn muffin and a huge chunk got caught in my throat. I couldn’t breathe and was choking to death. I finally dislodged it by ramming my body against a chest height counter over and over again until it popped out.”

4. Close call

“Had a car crash at 120mph and walked away with a fractured collar bone, pretty lucky I’d say. When the police came and spoke to me they said they saw the car and were expecting to be cutting bodies out of the car. I was a passenger and the driver had a few bruises but that was it.

They also calculated that my friend was less than an inch from caving his head in on a pole sticking out of the back of the lorry we hit.”

5. Don’t drink and sleep on your back

“Not glamorous or heroic at all, but I got completely trashed on wine one night and woke up lying on my back covered in vomit. It terrifies me to think I could have asphyxiated in my sleep.”

6. I’m not Mick

“Had a knife pulled out on me by a group of 4/5 guys while walking to a friend’s place after being out the night before, I didn’t realize I could run so fast let alone with a terrible hangover!

I’m not sure if they genuinely thought I was someone else that they had a grudge against but they where calling me Mick and apparently they thought I was him, they really did seem like they wanted to do some damage as well, sometimes I think about if Mick is a real person and if these guys actually did ever get around to stabbing him.”

7. Loco

“During our divorce, my ex-wife cut the brake cables on my bicycle. I figured it out before I went out into traffic. Didn’t die.”

8. Cold water

“I fell into a very, very cold creek when I was 12, wearing a winter coat and insulated boots (which get really heavy when wet, it turns out). The water was up to my neck before I started treading water. It took me 3 tries to find a branch that wasn’t rotted so I could pull myself out.

I very easily could have drowned or succumbed to hypothermia. And the only thing I could think was: my mom is going to be so pissed.

I climbed up the bank, facing my aunt’s house but on the wrong side of the creek, and clumsily went into the building behind me. I thought it was a rec center, but it turned out to be a fire station. They got me some dry sweats and called my mom’s cell (which my aunt happened to have). She called my uncle, who is a drama king and freaked out, screaming for my mother at the top of his lungs (which got her freaked out). Then they drove out of the subdivision to pick me up.

When they arrived, they informed me that the fireman told my aunt they had rescued me from the creek. I was pissed. My 12YO butt had pulled MYSELF out of the creek. Bastards, trying to steal my thunder.

I still get made fun of for falling in.”

9. Twister

“I was 7 when my mother attempted to race a tornado because she didn’t want to turn around and go back to her friend’s house to seek shelter in the basement. We were literally like a block or two away from their house and had just said goodbye as the tornado warning for the county we had to drive into (and our current county) was issued (about a 10-15 minute drive.) The weatherman on the radio was frantic saying typical stuff like it’s a very dangerous storm, get out of the car, do not try to outrun a tornado, get out of mobile homes and seek shelter in ditches, etc.

My family is full of idiots. She called me names when I started crying because I was scared and had me lean out the window to look for the funnel, and, because I was out of other options, I did. The sky went green, we were the only car on the road. It started raining hard and I couldn’t see shit. I thought about jumping out of the car and running back into the house or into a ditch but she was driving too fast on the highway and wouldn’t slow down.

About 10-15 minutes later we did drive through where the tornado had touched down, trees and powerlines were down, there was storm damage and hail/fog still on the road. We had narrowly missed it when it touched down and went back up minutes before we moved into the area.

I pissed myself in terror that day but I survived.”

10. Terrifying

“I was pregnant and in my last trimester. Having some strange symptoms, but I had just seen my doctor 3 days before and he said all was good, so brushed them off. Then that night had a terrific blinding headache, started seeing colored lights all around so I grabbed my phone to call 911. Before I could dial the numbers everything started getting blurry and then black.

I woke up 3 days later in an ICU, no longer pregnant and with a trach tube. Turns out my doctor didn’t diagnose my pre-eclampsia and it turned into eclampsia which caused me to have grand mal seizures for 11 hours, alone, until my roommate came home to find me.

She told me later that she thought someone had murdered me. There was blood everywhere, and all over me, since I almost severed parts of my tongue while seizing. There were also bloody handprints in the hall and kitchen since apparently between episodes of seizing I would walk around and try to do things. I have no memory of that.

Anyway after a 3 day coma, emergency c-section, emergency trach cut into my windpipe to establish air, lot’s of drugs to reduce my insane high blood pressure, tongue surgery to piece the sucker back together, then month long hospital stay to recover, and 2 month hospital stay for my son and both my son and I survived!

He was only 1lb and the size of a barbie doll, now almost 7 and doing great. And the doctors said they don’t know how I survived, but I know I am super stubborn and wasn’t ready to go.”

11. Country roads

“When I was 17 my mother was driving us to a nearby town for a lunch. On the back country road we hit an oil patch or something that made the road slippy. The car swung like a horizontal pendulum (lucky there was nothing else coming) for a stretch, we hit the side of the road and the back end of the car rose up and over. I remember when the windscreen cracked because it cracked in slow motion. I instinctively pressed my hands against the roof.

The car landed, the roof crumpled in quite a bit, the engine cut off – Katy Perry singing through the radio did not. Myself and my mum were ‘trapped’ because the doors were below the bank by the road and we couldn’t open them. Eventually a car stopped (after we counted about 10 cars driving past) and the occupants prised the door open. Getting out, standing up and brushing myself down, I looked at where the car had landed. One cars length forward, we would have sunk into the bog. Any further left or right, we would have landed on the boulders. The car had flipped into the perfect spot. Crazy moment.

Anyway, we eventually got home then ate locally for lunch. Fish and chips.”

12. Drunk driver

“I was almost killed by a drunk driver when I was in middle school. I was spending the night at my friends house with my younger brother when sometime around midnight we heard some people fighting down the street. Being dumb teenagers, we went to investigate just as one of the drunken guys that was fighting peeled off in his car towards us.

My friend and brother jumped into some bushes as I ran towards someone’s front lawn. Just as I turned around, I saw the car less than 10 feet way coming straight at me. I just froze. The car slammed hard into a tree that just happened to be slightly in front of me, saving my life. I was only hit with some debris and walked away… shaking but alive.”

13. Wife material

“The girl I was dating tried throwing me off a balcony and I was clinging onto the railing. Her dad had to stop her and pull me up.”

14. Beatdown

“I survived having 5 guys beating me half to death. All hits were on my head/face none on my body. Injuries so severe cops ruled it as an attempt of murder. Broke everything from the nose down. Cant say I survived the PTSD though. I still tense up when surrounded by people and prepare for a surprise fight.

Another Story: a drunk bus driver rear ended me while i was on a motorcycle. The injuries werent that bad but he could have easily run me over when i was sliding across the asphalt on my back.”

15. Rear ended

“1996. Had just come out of a tunnel midnight Saturday night/ Easter Sunday. Four of us in a 1988ish Honda Accord, I was riding shotgun and the girls in back were asleep. The driver did not know if she should take an off ramp so pulled off and put the car in Park to check the map. Yes, hindsight not smart but the roads were dead, it was so weird for NYC.

A drunk driver rear ended us going at what the cops estimated was 70 mph and hit us repeatedly, bouncing us 100 yards down the road. There were no skid marks from him trying to brake. The car must have bunny hopped 3 or 4 times before it stopped. All the doors were jammed and only 1 window would roll down, so that’s how we got out. It was totaled. The frame was twisted and trunk was literally compressed flush up to the rear window, but no broken windows.

The police were surprised no one was seriously injured, because no one was hurt. I had a very mild backstrain from twisting during the crash to look at the girls in back that woke up screaming.. it cleared right up after a hot shower.

I’ll always be so very grateful to the nice Jewish couple that stopped and let us pile in their car to keep warm until the police came. They were so sweet, offering us water and matzo bread to help as the adrenaline wore off.

We were so lucky. 1980s Honda Accords were tanks.”

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Movie Scenes That Went Very Wrong

Sometimes things go wrong on a film set, despite all the magic of moviemaking in Hollywood. Sadly, some of these accidents have even turned deadly. Action star Brandon Lee was accidentally killed in 1993 while filming The Crow. Three people were killed on set during the making of The Twilight Zone in 1982.

The following are some close calls, but luckily, none of the actors below passed away during these accidents.

1. Meryl Streep

Photo Credit: Universal Pictures

While making The River Wild Streep said she performed many of her own stunts, and during one take, she almost lost her life. “The boat surfed down into the hole, rose and flipped over, and I went into the river. I remember sinking down to the bottom with this powerful and freezing water pulling me in deeper. My first thought was that if I died, my husband would come to the set with a machete.”

2. Channing Tatum

Photo Credit: Sony Pictures Classics

Tatum went all in while making Foxcatcher and actually banged his head through a wall multiple times, which eventually earned him a trip to the E.R. However, he missed a stud in the wall by only a few inches, so it could’ve been much worse.

3. Margaret Hamilton

Photo Credit: MGM

The Wicked Witch of the West in The Wizard of Oz suffered third-degree burns on her body when a trap door malfunctioned and she was exposed to a pyrotechnic device.

4. Sylvester Stallone

Photo Credit: United Artists

Stallone has taken a lot of beatings over the years, but during the filming of Rocky IV, Sly explained, Dolph Lundgren really went overboard…but Stallone asked for it. “I said, ‘hey, I got an idea, for the first 45 seconds: really try to knock me out, I mean go for it.’ Bad idea. He comes across — boom, boom! He catches me in the chest. Next thing I know I’m in intensive care for five days. He hit my heart so hard that it banged against my ribs and started to swell.”

5. Brendan Fraser

Photo Credit: Universal Pictures

During the making of The MummyFraser said he was accidentally killed for 18 seconds when the noose around his neck was raised. Fraser said something went wrong and the next thing he knew, he was waking up.

6. Daniel Craig

Photo Credit: Sony Pictures

James Bond himself suffered a serious injury while filming Quantum of Solace. Craig lost a fingertip during a stunt gone wrong. Unfortunately, the finger was never found.

7. Jim Caviezel

Photo Credit: Icon Productions

During the production of The Passion of the Christ, Caviezel and an assistant director were actually struck by lightning on set.

8. Robert Pattinson

Photo Credit: Summit Entertainment

This sounds painful. Pattinson almost tore his glute (aka butt cheek) while making TwilightThe actor said, “In my second shot of the whole movie, of the whole series. They had to get a physiotherapist to come in and massage my butt cheek for the rest of the day.” Ouch.

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17 Haunted House Employees Recall Their Best on the Job Moments

As a teenager, haunted houses were one of the biggest things I looked forward to in this best-of-all-months. Now I can’t wait for my kids to get older so I can go again and pretend it’s so I can take them.

Below are stories from 17 haunted house employees recalling some of their best days at work, and you’re not going to want to miss a single one.

#17. Which made it worse…for her.

“I got beat with a shovel…and I thought it was hilarious.

The shovel was a prop in a scene last year. It seems to be a theme here;

The scene was a creepy campsite. Bloody clothes on a line, we had a real fire (since we were outdoors)…and I was the maniac with a chainsaw.

Anyway, my character came out and scared the shit out of a group of people. One of the two girls bolted to what was essentially a dead end, so of course I targeted her for more “stalking” by slowly plodding towards her with the chainsaw wide open.

I was walking towards her and I ended up getting caught up in the clothes hanging on the line. Wasn’t intentional…but I couldn’t see her for a second or two.

I didn’t flinch, stayed in character…I just kept my slow plod towards her…knowing I’d come out of the sheet momentarily.

And the second I did “CLANG!” She had grabbed the shovel and decided she was Babe Ruth.

I got it upside the face with the shovel. Thankfully it was a small, lightweight, aluminum snow shovel…and the girl swinging it wasn’t very strong either. It didn’t hurt at all.

I legitimately started laughing, which made it worse (for her) and revving the chainsaw up even more, and ended up basically having a “sword fight” with her. She’s be stabbing at me with the shovel and I was deflecting it with the chainsaw bar.”

#16. Some just took the loss.

“In college, my hall council turned the basement of my really old dorm and the really old dorms next to it into a pretty awesome haunted dungeon.

One year, the RAs had gotten permission to use pargos/electric golf carts to move victims from one basement to the next, and I was part of a zombie horde that popped out of the bushes and chased after the carts.

It was unseasonably warm, and on more than one occasion, girls lost their sandals by either running out of them or kicking them off on the cart. Every time that happened, one of my zombie horde would find the shoe and present it to the girl IN CHARACTER before they went into the next basement – slouching, snarling, groaning, etc.

The look on their faces was hilarious. Some looked really confused. Some just took the loss and ran off.”

#15. Mother of the year.

“So I had been put in charge of running a haunted house for a work family event. The only snaffu was that I had not been told it would be for 3-10 year olds. The best story that came from it would he the jump scare where the mother knocked her child over and ran leaving this screaming kid with me.”

#14. The princess farted on me!

“I worked in a haunted woods for several years. The funniest thing was the year they decided they wanted to have a pretty princess to throw people off. I was the pretty princess.. I stood up on a bridge that you walked under towards the begging of the trail and looped back around towards the end and you would walk over it. I had a handle I could pull that would blow air at the people walking under but that was the extent of my ability to scare anyone.

Now since I was on top of a bridge I was exposed to all the weather so I wore ALOT of clothes under my enormous princess dress. It’s a pretty loud place to be anyway with all the sound effects, chainsaws, vibrating platforms and general screaming. So I thought between those 2 things there was no way anyone could hear it if I passed wind. What I did not realize was that there was a little kid kneeled down directly behind me tying his shoe… he immediately stood up and yelled “the princess farted on me!!” And ran off.

A few minutes later one of the managers walks by to see if I need a bathroom break and I’m still laughing so I told her what happened. Now at the end of the season we would have a staff party and everyone would be “awarded” a certificate that said something cheeky about their involvement in the experience. That year my certificate said “I don’t need no stinkin’ air hose””

#13. That was a fun month.

“We made three people throw up from fear one night. And a grown man punched my 16 year old self in the face after I popped out of a coffin screaming in full demon bitch from hell make up. And the hottest guy at my high school who was on the under 18 staff came out to me because he said I was nice and I wasn’t enough of a bitch to tell anyone while we were playing pattycake next to the altar in the “Satan room.”

That was a fun month.”

#12. We got so many people.

“A large Halloween event I worked a few years ago (multiple haunted houses and such) had the best scare actor plant stunt I’ve ever seen. They would dress a scare actor up in normal clothes and tell them to go make friends in the queue line. The lines weren’t terrible, 15 to 20 minutes, but in that time their job was to make up a backstory (usually a story of why they were alone in line) and make friends with people around them. Once in the haunt this person would go through with the group and then all of a sudden get attacked/dragged away/taken by the monsters…all the while calling out for help from the people that they just made friends with. The best part of the stunt was that it was supposed to look like they weren’t in on it; they weren’t loaded with blood packs, they didn’t have UV paint on them, the were just ‘kidnapped’ into the haunt kicking, screaming for help never to be scene again. It was soooo damn simple but got so many people.”

#11. Total meltdown.

“My spot was very simple. As the groups turned a corner, I would reach out of a trap door near the ceiling, wearing a creepy alien hand, and poke them in the head or something. I’d always wait until the first person in the group passed, because the scaredy cats always hid behind the brave one.

One group came in, three good sized dudes. Dude 2 was clinging to the back of Dude 1. I reached down and pulled off his beanie.

He freaked out and started sobbing, total meltdown. I came out of my spot to show him hey, dude, I’m a highschooler with a glove on, here’s your hat, lemme direct you to the exit.

Turns out, I made the goalie for the local Ontario Hockey League team cry. Oops.”

#10. I think it’s a Texas thing.

“I scared a guy so bad he spit his gold grill out.

I was the chainsaw guy. I would fire the chain-less motor up behind a bloody clothes line.

I scared one group pretty good and noticed something shiny on the floor. I picked it up and got it in the light. It looked like a gold retainer and it occurred to me it was one of those “gold grills”. I think it’s a Texas thing.

I turned it into the front and they said he got it back.”

#9. A herpes showroom.

“If there is a dark corner or spot some one will have their hand in some one elses pants there. Half of what we did was yell at teenagers to stop fooling around. That whole places was basically a herpes show room.”

#8. Buy the ticket, take the ride.

“Lawsuits USUALLY go in favour of the haunted house when someone decides to sue.

It’s pretty hard to argue that you hurt yourself because you WILLINGLY put yourself into a scary situation.

Look up the case of Scott Griffin vs. The Haunted Trail in San Diego. The TL;DR version was that in Griffin ran from the chainsaw wielding maniac, tripped, fell, injured both wrists which required to be in casts for several months.

He sued.

The Judge sided when the haunted house. In fact, Superior Court Judge Katherine Bacal agreed with the Haunted Hotel, Inc. and dismissed the case, noting that Griffin “was still within the scare experience that he purchased.” She added: “Who would want to go to a haunted house that is not scary?”

He appealed that decision, and in October 2015, lost – again.

This time, Justice Gilbert Nares wrote, “Being chased within the physical confines of the Haunted Trail by a chain saw–carrying maniac is a fundamental part and inherent risk of this amusement. Griffin voluntarily paid money to experience it.”

The Haunted Hotel’s attorney summed it up with the best line ever: “Buy the ticket, take the ride.””


“I worked at a Maize Maze during a summer at University and at Halloween they changed it into being a Halloween themed place. It was really good and they had several attractions so, being a poor student, I signed up for some extra beer money over Halloween. It was awesome.

The main attraction was a walk through the cornfield where stuff would jump out at you. A tractor would drop you off at the start of a path and you’d make you own way through.

They made me up to look like some kind of demon/reaper with a cloak and massive head wound. As people came down this first path I’d emerge for the corn and scare some of them then.

However the tractor dropped off fifty people at a time so I was positioned a little way along the path to hold people in a queue, split people up and stagger them as they go through for maximum effect. On busy nights people would be standing around for a while so I’d have to entertain people a bit. Each group I’d do something different.

For one group I pretended to be mute and just made rasping sounds, which would freak a few people out. This time the line was quite long and so I had to prowl up and down to stop people getting bored.

Towards the back I noticed a bit of a commotion and realised that a guy had gone into the field and was pulling off some of the cobs. As he got back in line he hadn’t noticed me so I got behind him and bellowed ‘GET YOUR HANDS OFF MY CORN!!!!!!’ in a crazy voice I conjured up from somewhere.

He screamed, jumped two feet in the air and threw the cob he was holding over his shoulder and hit his mate in the face.

I had to try so hard not to break character and laugh in his face.”

#6. This poor, poor guy.

“One of the rooms in our guided haunted house was full of vampires feeding on a corpse. The head vampire would yell, “Are you still hungry? Then feed!” The vampires would rush the crowd and drag out someone we planted in each group while the guide freaked out and rushed the rest of the crowd out of the room.

When I was the plant I chatted with people waiting in line to give it more impact when I was dragged away. One guy and I hit it off talking about horror movies, and why isn’t there a movie about a haunted house where the attendees are really getting killed off. We made a pact right then that if something crazy happened in this haunted house we would have each other’s backs. Bro, we are so pumped and ready for this haunted house, bro!

We get to the vampire room. The vampires rush forward, grab me, and start to drag me away. I am on the ground kicking and screaming and selling this moment with all my heart, and I’m looking straight at my bro the whole time begging him to help me. This poor, poor guy freezes in panic. He is staring at me with horror and guilt warring on his face as he is forcibly pushed out of the room by the fleeing crowd.

I probably should have let him go on with his life always wondering if what just happened was real. Instead I went outside and caught him on the way to the parking lot. He was pale and shaking and staring off into the middle distance while his concerned friends pulled him along. He saw me and nearly collapsed in relief. Then he started apologizing profusely for panicking and not trying to save me. We had a good laugh, but he was clearly shaken by the ordeal. It was an awesome and humbling experience.”

#5. I’m not telling them anything.

“Ive shared this before but it’s still fun.

I worked at an amusement park with a haunted house. I worked in maintenance and my workshop was in behind the house. I could hear people going through on the other side of the wall getting scared, screaming all that fun stuff.

I would try to be quiet when I hear someone going through so as not to have people hear “Hey Joe, pass me a screwdriver.”

I also had things like chains and metal gates and industrial supplies, so in an effort to “help” out with some atmosphere if I had a moment I would rattle some chains, run a bar over the gate, or smack the wall with an extension cord.

After a few years the manager of the house was in my shop asking for a cord or something and remarked how you can really hear the actors well from back here. I said yes and rattled some chains against the wall.

His eyes went huge and he yelled “It’s been you!!”

Apparently, his young and creative crew working in a dark creepy environment have been certain that the place was really haunted because these “inexplicable” noises happen and kinda freaked them out a bit.

I said “Oops, well now you can let them know.”

He smiled and said “ I’m not telling them anything. Keep it up.””

#4. Knocked herself out cold.

“I worked a charity fundraiser haunted house about 15 years ago. I was a “leader” which meant that I was supposed to walk the group through and position them for maximum effect.

One girl got so scared that she sprinted for the exit and ran smack into a wood column and knocked herself out cold. I took the rest of the group outside and hit the light switch which turned on all the interior lights, then go back and find her. Per our policy we had to call an ambulance, but when it arrived she was already conscious and she refused to be checked out.

We had one group of neighborhood kids who would hang out near the haunted house but would never pay to go in, and would tell anyone walking up that our house sucked and that it wasn’t scary. We had two chainsaw murderer characters, so we sent one around the block. The first murderer started chasing them down the street, then the second one came up the back street towards them. Yeah, they were scared.

Last one was the douche-y bro who went in with his girlfriend. She was scared but he was just trying to act macho, saying “Aww, that ain’t scary.” At the end his guide quietly mentioned that he was supposed to act scared too so the girl would get close to him. He then spent the next 10 minutes trying to convince the girl to go again. He did not succeed.”

#3. The poor kid.

“Not a haunted house, but a haunted trail. We do a different theme every year. This particular year, it was a Stephen King theme and I was working the Christine exhibit.

So I’m sitting in the middle of the woods, hidden in this old black car covered in leaves and branches and definitely can NOT be seen from the trail, and my job is to wait until the group gets super close to the car, crank it up with the headlights on full blast and rev the ever living shit out of it. As people started running away up the trail, a St Bernard with foam on his mouth (Cujo exhibit) charged out of the woods, barking like a maniac. Every group left in total chaos.

It was great fun, employees got a good laugh, customers got a good scare, everyone left happy until the last night when someone decided that it was a good idea to bring their highly autistic son through (approx 8-9years old). By the time I realized this poor kid was not capable of dealing with everything going on around him, he had gone into total hysterics and we had to have an EMT crew come in, sedate him, and take him out on a stretcher to have a serious talk with his parents.

Moral of the story: parents, please make sure your kids can handle Halloween events. It’s upsetting and potentially dangerous for them.”

#2. Still echoing in the grove.

“I’ve been the chainsaw guy for 11 years at my family’s haunted house. Though as a grown ass man I’ve had to move more into the management side lately.

Scene: We set up the chainsaw scare one year to be in a large open area under some old oaks which is accessed via a trail about 100 yards long. We build a church at the beginning of the area, just off to the side and build a ramp down from behind the church facade. I’d hide behind the church and spring my trap as they filtered into the open area, usually looking away.

The Standard Douche Bro decides to be “funny” and run ahead of the group down the trail and straight through the open area. I let him go; everyone volunteers so we’re literally just in it for the scare, so you target the group and let the Douche just run off and miss everything. There’s a twist, however! Douche turned around and comes back, still at a run. Needless to say, I met him halfway with that old Stihl revved to the moon, head on. He was so scared he screamed, his eyes were the size of saucers and when he tried to stop, both his legs shot out from under him and he landed flat on his ass, his high pitched squeals still echoing in the grove. I turned and went back, preparing for the next group. His group laughed at him mercilessly, probably sick of him ruining the event for everyone.

I probably pick up a over dozen of these stories a year but that one is one of the best. I’ll never forget the feeling of triumph, his friends’ laughs, his screams.”

#1. Insane.

“The amount of people that literally pee their pants is insane. We used to get a $100 body fluids bonus. Anyone losing control of their functions would be noted and there’d be a bonus.

I once slammed open a door as a group of Japanese tourists were coming up into the first room. Made $700 without saying a word.”


Happy Haunting, everyone!

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20 Hilarious Bad Driver Memes

Bad drivers are EVERYWHERE. And there’s no stopping them. If you can’t beat em’, well, err….we won’t join them, but we can at least laugh at them, right?


Photo Credit: The Chive


Photo Credit: The Chive


Photo Credit: The Chive


Photo Credit: The Chive


Photo Credit: The Chive


Photo Credit: The Chive


Photo Credit: The Chive


Photo Credit: The Chive


Photo Credit: The Chive


Photo Credit: The Chive


Photo Credit: The Chive


Photo Credit: The Chive


Photo Credit: The Chive


Photo Credit: The Chive


Photo Credit: The Chive


Photo Credit: The Chive


Photo Credit: The Chive


Photo Credit: The Chive


Photo Credit: The Chive


Photo Credit: The Chive

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Thrift Store Employees Dish Some of the Strangest Donations They’ve Ever Received

You don’t have to spend very long in a thrift store to realize that there are some strange items hidden on those shelves. Who donated them? How did they get there? We may never know. Maybe these 15 items won’t surprise you. But then again, maybe they will.


#15. Two kittens

“In the six years I’ve worked there (still working there), we’ve received two kittens. They were in the donations so we didn’t see them when they were initially dropped off. Both went home with different coworkers. The most recent incident was this past Thursday.”

#14. Their soul

“used underwear​

someone tried to donate their soul”

#13. I was prepared to argue

“Not a worker but I found a pair of prosthetic legs when I was in my mid twenties.

They were fifteen bucks. At least that’s what the tags on the bottom said. I was prepared to argue if it was per leg instead if as a pair.

My band used one as a Tip Leg when we played live for years.

I still have them in storage somewhere.”

#12. Did it sell, though?

“A taxidermied coyote.”

#11. Completely unwilling

“A collection of Ouija boards. A couple of them were obviously homemade, one of them was glow-in-the-dark and one of them was a glitter Ouija board. There were about 15. Of course, the thrift shop that I worked for was completely unwilling to keep those in stock.”

#10. They wanted to call the cops

“There was a bong in a box of donations. The little old ladies who run the thrift shop wouldn’t touch it and wanted to call the police to come get it.”

#9. Lots of TMI

“Two black garbage bags of unprocessed marijuana leaves. Lost and lots of used dolls. A Jean jacket with a dragon jacking off on the back, and lost of Polaroids of peoples genitals.”

#8. But why?

“I worked at a Goodwill for a year, someone donated their entire video game collection, Ataris all the way up to Sega Saturns and N64s, tons of games. I was like… but why.”

#7. Every Friday morning

“My best friend used to work at Goodwill. Said they had someone, for the longest time every friday morning, theyd get to the store and someone had dropped off like a stack of toilet seats overnight, the white ones, and they were always stained yellow and brown and nasty as fuck.”

#6. Two live chickens

“My mom used to work at one and she said they opened a box to find two live chickens.”

#5. That’s not how any of this works

“A neighbor who’s a thrift store worker told me that – during the night – someone dropped off 2 dead deer (recently hunted) with a note reading: “Please sell the venison.””

#4. Magic 8-Ball Jesus

“A neon pink magic eight ball Jesus statue. I don’t think we ever sent it out for sale, it was just too weird to give up.

We also had a lot of people drop off garbage as a “donation” so that they didn’t have to deal with taking it to the dump themselves, which was always frustrating. Some of the worst instances:

a Rubbermaid bin full of dead fish
a cabbage
a bag of underwear soiled by menstrual blood
Edit: A picture of the statue:”

#3. Needless to say

“I found a family picture of a black guy, his mom, and his little sister (or his baby) and his graduation. It was in a very personalized frame.

It was priced for 50 cents.

Needless to say , I bought it and it’s been in my living room ever since.”

#2. Get the police involved

“High end prosthetic arm. Grenades and guns get donated all the time and we have to get police involved since for all we know they could have been used in a crime. Various forms of sensitive documents like passports, marriage licenses, and custody papers. Unfortunately common but I hate when people leave sharps like knives and syringes in bags of clothes – huge safety risk for us, especially our supported workers. Put sharp items in a separate bag and tell us there’s knives in there if you can.”

#1. A tri-hoof base

“We got a lamp which was made from the leg of a cow with 2 extra hooves sewn on so that it had a tri hoof base. Another was a nasty sewing stool/pin holder which had shoes, stockings and a dress on as to appear like the lower half of a small child but under the short “dress/skirt” were these nasty smoke tainted lace granny panties that had clearly seen some action. But hey it was 4.99 and believe or not, it sold after 3 weeks. See image here:”

Some people live interesting lives, I tell ya.

The post Thrift Store Employees Dish Some of the Strangest Donations They’ve Ever Received appeared first on UberFacts.