Check Out These 9 Different School Lunches From Around the World

Do you remember what school lonch was like when you were a kid? If you grew up in the United States, it probably wasn’t anything too remarkable.

But if things are so bad here, what does a healthy school lunch look like? Well, different people (and cultures) have different definitions, but these 9 photos might give us all a better idea.

#9. South Korea

Photo Credit: Sweetgreen for Schools

Fish soup, tofu over rice, kimchi and fresh veggies.

#8. Italy

Photo Credit: Sweetgreen in Schools

Local fish on a bed of arugula, pasta with tomato sauce, caprese salad, baguette and some grapes.

#7. Greece

Photo Credit: Sweetgreen for Schools

Baked chicken over orzo, stuffed grape leaves, tomato and cucumber salad, fresh oranges, and greek yogurt with pomegranate seeds.

#6. Spain

Photo Credit: Sweetgreen for Schools

Sautéed shrimp over brown rice and vegetables, gazpacho, fresh peppers, bread and an orange.

#5. Ukraine

Photo Credit: Sweetgreen for Schools

Mashed potatoes with sausage, borscht, cabbage and syrniki (a dessert pancake).

#4. France

Photo Credit: Sweetgreen for Schools

Steak, carrots, green beans, cheese and fresh fruit.

#3. Finland

Photo Credit: Sweetgreen for Schools

Pea soup, beet salad, carrot salad, bread and pannakkau (dessert pancake) with fresh berries.

#2. Brazil

Photo Credit: Sweetgreen for Schools

Pork with mixed veggies, black beans and rice, salad, bread and baked plantains.

#1. U.S.A.

Photo Credit: Sweetgreen for Schools

Fried ‘popcorn’ chicken, mashed potatoes, peas, fruit cup and a chocolate chip cookie.


I hope I inspired some of this week’s Bento Boxes, if nothing else!

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12+ EMT’s Share Bad Emergency Medical Advice That People Should Stop Following

There’s a reason why doctors, nurses, and EMTs train and study for so long before they can do what they do, so you might want to listen closely to the advice these 15 EMT’s say you definitely should not take.

#15. If someone is having a seizure…

“If someones having a seizure you dont shove something into their mouth or try and hold them down. Thanks for that lie Hollywood, now a good portion of the population does the wrong thing when someones having a seizure.”

#14. Literally killing people.

“If ribs crunch during CPR you’ve pressed too hard and broken some ribs.

Nope, in some people you need to get passed them to pump the heart.

The myth of don’t do it too hard or you’ll give chest trauma is literally killing people. Well they’re already dead, but softy gentle hands made sure they stayed that way.

CPR is brutal. But you are trying to save a life. Don’t fuck around.

To completely contradict myself as we often do do… bad CPR is better than no CPR.”

#13. Not all hospitals are equal.

“Don’t argue about what hospital we say we should take you or your family member to. Not all hospitals are equal. Some are better for trauma, stroke, heart attacks, psych, etc. If it doesn’t matter I’ll ask if there is a hospital preference.”

#12. You’re more like a liability right now.

“If we take our time on scene it’s because we need to make more tests or we are actively treating the problem. No need to ask “omg why are you still here just take her and go”. There’s actually quite a lot we can do ourselves, at home, that’s the same as in the ER.

Defibrillation stops the heart in the hopes it starts again normally. You can’t shock someone back to life. If the machine says “no shock advised, start CPR”, just pump the chest until EMS arrives, the machine is working fine and in this case giving a shock to the patient would not work.

Hitting the chest dead center like in the movies is called a Precordial Thump, you give it once. It may work in specific circumstances in the immediate seconds after that circumstance happens. Just do CPR, plug the AED if available, forget what happens in the movies.

I don’t care if you’re an RN, MD, ABCXYZ. I got no way to check your credentials and you’re more like a liability right now. I absolutely love when medical professionals are there to provide useful and pertinent info, though. Information is always welcome, busybodies are not.

Can’t shock a flatline. See my second point.

Take a CPR class people, you’ll be able to ask all your questions to an instructor and you’ll learn lots of useful stuff.

When in doubt, call 911.”

#11. Until they’re down.

“I’m just an EMT student, but we learned that kids are not smaller adults, they’re like entirely different organisms. And when they are experiencing difficulty breathing, they cliffdive. Their bodies will compensate, compensate, compensa-oof they’re on the floor in respiratory arrest. Adults will circle the drain, you’ll see them steadily go from “i’m having trouble breathing” “i’m really having a hard time” “i dont…i dont feel so good” “huhhhhhhhhhh” and THEN they’ll pass out. Kids are good until they’re down.”

#10. A lot more harm than good.

“Someone drank or ate a poison/chemical – please don’t make them vomit it back up unless the substance is identified and a medical professional has specifically advised it. Can do a lot more harm than good.

People who have fallen or been in a car accident generally don’t need moving at all unless they are in absolute immediate danger. Same for removing helmets – if they can breathe ok then leave them where they are and keep an eye on them.

AEDs are super easy to use. They tell you exactly what needs to be done, and will only shock the patient if they need it – never be afraid to try one if someone is not breathing.

NEVER, ever remove an object from a wound – be it a knife, stick, pole, whatever – leave it in place! Pulling it out can get them killed very quickly. If they’re impaled upon an object don’t take them off – get objects and people to support their body weight until rescue arrives to cut the object.”

#9. We need to know.

“Do. Not. Lie. To. Us.

We do not have to and can not report to the police outside of very specific circumstances. We need to know if you were drinking. We need to know what drugs you were using. Gentlemen, we NEED to know if you are on erectile dysfunction medication. We ask these questions so we don’t do something that will kill you!

Also. Narcan. It is a wonderful, life saving drug. That being said, you will likely need more than one dose, don’t just give narcan call it good and leave someone who is overdosing. Keep in mind though it’s a double edged sword. If your person overdosing comes to there’s a good chance they’re going to be pissed and often times they get violent because all they really know is you ruined what was probably the best high of their life.”

#8. We don’t care what you are on.

“Only a student but with my expirance there’s two major things:

1: Drugs. We don’t care what you are on. If you are cooperative and aren’t aggressive there’s no need to get the police involved. But if you get defensive and try to arc up when we ask you to move your drugs to a different area so we can work that’s how you get the police involved and have to make your friend wait for medical attention.

2: Clarification. (This isn’t quite what you asked but it still needs to be said) Drugs are crazy things, both medical and recreational. If you are on either you need to tell us, emphasis on medical. Because if I ask you what you are taking at the moment it’s so they any other drugs I give you don’t make you blood pressure drop and make you drop along side of it. I need to know what medication you take and what other medical conditions you have and the quicker and easier you are able to explain that to me the quicker I can fix you and we can all go home.

Edit: Sorry for weird format, I’m on mobile.”

#7. Okay John Travolta.

“Someone who overdoes does not need a shot of adrenaline to the heart.

Had a guy yell and curse at me when his brother OD’d to give him an adrenaline shot. Okay John Travolta.”

#6. Listen to people.

“Several of these that come to mind:

One that hasn’t been said yet: listen to people. People with chronic conditions know what’s going on and can help you help themselves. I once had a patient with anxiety and asthma. She felt her anxiety building at her desk and mentioned it her co-worker/friend so that person could help her to an empty office to allow her to calm down. That person called 911 and alerted other co-workers which triggered 10 people to want to help. The Patient repeatedly told her co-workers to stop crowding her because her anxiety triggers her asthma. Simply listening to her could have saved her several breathing treatments and a trip to the hospital.
Not an “Emergency” but people still using rubbing alcohol or peroxides on minor cuts or scrapes. It’s been shown they can slow healing. A cut or scrape just needs to be washed thoroughly with a mild soap and water then bandaged. More contaminated wounds (gnarly road-rash) can be irrigated with clean water/iodine solution with about a Nalege’s worth of water.
Splashing or dumping water onto a person that is unconcious or “passed out.” Skin color/temperature/moisture can tell alot about a patient and having them covered in water can cause us to think differently about their etiology.
Some bystanders are scared or apprehensive about helping someone in cardiac arrest. You can help someone by doing early compressions. Most 911 operators now can instruct people on how to do compression only CPR until we arrive.”

#5. Pulling to the left is unsafe.

“If an ambulance is lights and sirens behind you, pull over to the RIGHT when safe and STOP as close to the right side as possible.
I don’t care if you’re intending to make a left turn in a block, pulling to the left is unsafe. You’re putting us into a very difficult position deciding whether to sit behind you til you figure it out, unsafely pass you on the right, or go into the oncoming lane.
And for the love of god do not slam on the breaks in the middle of the road. How can you think that’s a good idea? Why are you panicking? This can’t possibly be the most stressful situation you’ve ever been in.”

#4. On essential oils…

“Essential Oils don’t cure Jack shit.”

#3. Until they can get better care.

“CPR is to try to keep the victim alive until they can get to better care. It’s rarely successful. One of my buddies who is an EMT says of all the people he’s done CPR on, only 2 have walked out of the hospital. The rest died or became some form of vegetable.”

#2. Seriously. You’re going to drown them.

“This one’s for you, college students!


Seriously. You’re going to drown them.

You can worry about their hangover AFTER we’re sure they’re not about to sustain permanent brain damage or asphyxiate on their own puke.

As a rule of thumb, if they can’t drink on their own, it isn’t safe for you to do it for them.”

#1. Please stop.

“Please stop doing CPR on people who have fainted, it does nothing but create problems.

Also, not dangerous but please don’t call me nurse, and please don’t call my male crew mate doctor. I literally have Paramedic written on each shoulder.”


The more you know!

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Here’s Why Dogs Walk in a Circle Before Lying Down

Dogs do many things that don’t make sense to us humans (enjoying a delightful afternoon snack of poop, for example), but if you remember that our domesticated pets are descended from wolves…their behavior may make a bit more sense. After all, they once had entirely different, feral lives.

Photo Credit: Pixabay

Take, for example, how dogs turn around and around in circles before seeming to find the perfect spot to settle in for a nice nap or snuggle down for the night. It seems odd, since we buy them beds that look more comfortable than our own, but according to University of Colorado-Boulder sociologist Leslie Irvine, the behavior is hard-wired and dates back to the days when our dogs’ ancestors had to build a safe nest.

She explains further in her book, If You Tame Me: Understanding Our Connection With Animals, that wild dogs had to pat down tall grass and underbrush to make a comfortable bed for themselves and their young. They prepared the area by walking in a circle over and over.

Photo Credit: Amazon

“In the wild, the circling would flatten grasses or snow and would drive out any snakes or large insects. I have also heard that circling the area and thus flattening it leaves a visible sign to other dogs that this territory has been claimed.”

Photo Credit: Pixabay

Even though our pups are safe and sound and comfortable in our homes, the behavior continues. It’s part of their dogginess, so let them be – it makes them feel even better about snoozing safely at our side.

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These 15 First Dates Were Hilariously Bad

At their best, first dates can lead to a second date, but at their worst they can be excruciatingly awkward engagements.

These tweeters went on the record and revealed the worst dates they ever had. Let’s have some pity on these people, okay?

1. That’s a good reason to leave

Photo Credit: Twitter

2. I’ll mail you a check

Photo Credit: Twitter

3. Class act

Photo Credit: Twitter

4. That’s a little weird

Photo Credit: Twitter

5. Hello!

Photo Credit: Twitter

6. That didn’t help matters

Photo Credit: Twitter

7. Charmer

Photo Credit: Twitter

8. That doesn’t sound uncomfortable at all

Photo Credit: Twitter

9. Kissin’ cousins

Photo Credit: Twitter

10. Was there a second one?

Photo Credit: Twitter

11. Wow

Photo Credit: Twitter

12. A true gentleman

Photo Credit: Twitter

13. Hmmmmm…I gotta go now

Photo Credit: Twitter

14. Cheapskate

Photo Credit: Twitter

15. Just got out of the clink

Photo Credit: Twitter

What’s your worst first date story? Tell us in the comments.

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These Husbands Went All out For Their Pregnant Wives

When a woman is pregnant, there are a zillion hormones coursing through her body (not to mention a human being), so husbands have to go above and beyond to make sure they are comfortable and happy.

Just look at these fellas and how well they did.

1. Searchin’ for the perfect pickle

Photo Credit: Instagram

2. Professional footrest

Photo Credit: Instagram

3. Just roll with it

Photo Credit: Instagram

4. Lay down the law

Photo Credit: Instagram

5. To the rescue!

Photo Credit: Instagram

6. Better do it right…

Photo Credit: Instagram

7. Now that is nice

Photo Credit: Instagram

8. Trying to take care of those cravings

Photo Credit: Instagram

9. The pregnant lady is burning up. Deal with it.

Photo Credit: Instagram

10. Let them know

Photo Credit: Instagram

11. Keep her laughing

Photo Credit: Instagram

12. There must be…

Photo Credit: Twitter

13. Hero

Photo Credit: Twitter

14. Ryan knows what’s up

Photo Credit: Twitter

15. Do whatever it takes

Photo Credit: Twitter

I hope you were paying attention, guys.

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These 18+ Tweets Are Just for the Ladies

Ladies, listen up! These tweets were written just for you.

I hope you enjoy them!

1. Just like Johnny Tremain

Photo Credit: Twitter

2. Always hard

Photo Credit: Twitter

3. Not efficient

Photo Credit: Twitter

4. It usually takes a while

Photo Credit: Twitter

5. Samesies

Photo Credit: Twitter

6. We all do (even men)

Photo Credit: Twitter

7. Agreed

Photo Credit: Twitter

8. Thanks!

Photo Credit: Twitter

9. A sad tale

Photo Credit: Twitter

10. Fun!

Photo Credit: Twitter

11. All of ’em

Photo Credit: Twitter

12. Straight chillin’

Photo Credit: Twitter

13. Tragic

Photo Credit: Twitter

14. That’s a lot of stuff

Photo Credit: Twitter

15. What did you just say to me?

Photo Credit: Twitter

16. Bring it on

Photo Credit: Twitter

17. Was this a mistake?

Photo Credit: Twitter

18. We all are…

Photo Credit: Twitter

19. Can’t be seen in public

Photo Credit: Twitter

20. Solid joke

Photo Credit: Twitter

I hope you enjoyed those tweets, my lady friends.

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15 Photos That Are Sure to Make You Angry

These photos may be totally random, but they all have one thing in common: they’ll make you very angry.

Read on and try to take a deep breath.

1. I love it when people do this

Photo Credit: Reddit

2. Always an a**hole move

Photo Credit: Reddit

3. Are you comfortable?

Photo Credit: Reddit

4. No, they can’t

Photo Credit: Reddit

5. That’s not gonna work

Photo Credit: Reddit

6. Make some binders, people

Photo Credit: Reddit

7. Why?

Photo Credit: Reddit

8. The worst

Photo Credit: Reddit

9. Not a good design

Photo Credit: Reddit

10. What happened?

Photo Credit: Reddit

11. So gross

Photo Credit: Reddit

12. Love those beans

Photo Credit: Reddit

13. NO

Photo Credit: Reddit

14. Craftsmanship

Photo Credit: Reddit

15. Revolting

Photo Credit: Reddit

Are you upset? If so, I apologize.

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All You Booze Hounds out There Will Appreciate These 16+ Drinking Memes

Whether you’re looking to get lit tonight or are currently nursing a hangover, these memes will inspire you.

Happy drinking!

1. Better believe it

Photo Credit: someecards

2. A rite of passage

Photo Credit: someecards

3. Focus

Photo Credit: someecards

4. Okay!

Photo Credit: someecards

5. You have no choice

Photo Credit: someecards

6. Time for a freakout

Photo Credit: someecards

7. Nothing you can do

Photo Credit: someecards

8. Every single week…

Photo Credit: someecards

9. Not articulate

Photo Credit: someecards

10. Keep an eye on ’em

Photo Credit: someecards

11. Rough

Photo Credit: someecards

12. Me too

Photo Credit: someecards

13. Blurred vision

Photo Credit: someecards

14. Happens a lot

Photo Credit: someecards

15. Funday

Photo Credit: someecards

16. 100%

Photo Credit: someecards

17. What?!?!

Photo Credit: someecards

18. My brain is floating

Photo Credit: someecards

19. Always a hard conversation

Photo Credit: someecards

20. That what Fridays are for

Photo Credit: someecards

Cheers, friends!

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These 12+ Jokes Are Just for Introverts

I love to spend time with my friends and family, but alone time is just as important.

That’s why these tweets speak to my soul.

1. Mixed emotions

Photo Credit: Tumblr

2. I can relate

Photo Credit: Twitter

3. Just breathe…

Photo Credit: Twitter

4. The perfect experience

Photo Credit: Twitter

5. Just smile and nod

Photo Credit: Twitter

6. Good question

Photo Credit: Twitter

7. Best regards

Photo Credit: Twitter

8. I still think that’s too late

Photo Credit: Twitter

9. Might as well not at all

Photo Credit: Twitter

10. The painful smile

Photo Credit: Twitter

11. Here come the waterworks

Photo Credit: Twitter

12. Let me ponder this

Photo Credit: Tumblr

13. Cool beans

Photo Credit: Tumblr

14. Probably both

Photo Credit: Tumblr

15. Uninvited

Now I need some alone time.

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Being in a Relationship Summed Up in 20 Funny Tweets

If you want to have a good relationship, you’ve got to have a good sense of humor.

These 20 relationship tweets are all pretty dang funny if you ask me.

1. Well, there is

Photo Credit: Twitter

2. That’s how it goes

Photo Credit: Twitter

3. I like this one

Photo Credit: Twitter

4. Disgusting. But okay

Photo Credit: Twitter

5. Crucial info

Photo Credit: Twitter

6. Spell it out for me

Photo Credit: Twitter

7. It’s all confusing

Photo Credit: Twitter

8. Don’t you dare

Photo Credit: Twitter

9. Sexy

Photo Credit: Twitter

10. Life goals

Photo Credit: Twitter

11. All apologies

Photo Credit: Twitter

12. That’s love, people

Photo Credit: Twitter

13. Sounds fun

Photo Credit: Twitter

14. Hot!

Photo Credit: Twitter

15. Romantic

Photo Credit: Twitter

16. Starts off good

Photo Credit: Twitter

17. It ain’t dead

Photo Credit: Twitter

18. Might as well admit it

Photo Credit: Twitter

19. Savin’ some cash

Photo Credit: Twitter

20. He had a life?

Photo Credit: Twitter

Awwwwww, wasn’t that nice?

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