These 5+ Examples of Photoshop Are True Masterpieces

If you know how to photoshop images, then you see the world in a different way. Instead of seeing regular photos, you see untapped potential. So, it only makes sense that you would bring your visions to life using photoshop. Enjoy these masterpieces!

1. This is Azuki, the most popular hedgehog on Instagram.

Photo Credit: Reddit: Mal3ficent

Photo Credit: Imgur: PennyHop

2. Rushing through a storm with an ice cream cone. The possibilities are endless.

Photo Credit: Reddit: Darkbobman1

Photo Credit: Imgur: tiberius_magnus

3. This picture is great enough as is, but it can always be improved.

Photo Credit: Reddit: suri09

Photo Credit: Imgur: artunitinc

4. This cat looked like it was breakdancing, so…

Photo Credit: Imgur: doitforjohnny

Photo Credit: Imgur: twohubs

5. This intern fell asleep at work.

Photo Credit: Imgur: wavesatdogs

Photo Credit: Imgur: wavesatdogs

6. This one is pretty normal. What could you do with it?

Photo Credit: Reddit: YaBoyLantony

Photo Credit: Imgur: RexLeou

7. This contemplative eagle looks like it could use a friend.

Photo Credit: Reddit: MScrapienza

Photo Credit: Imgur: drewskey

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These 12+ Photos of Clumsy Animals Will Leave You in Stitches

If you’ve ever been to a zoo or an aquarium, chances are you’ve seen an animal do something goofy. They like to cut up just like us, and the animals on this list are no different. Try to contain your laughter when you look at these 13 clumsy animals caught in the act.

1. Behold, the graceful flamingo.

Photo Credit: Facebook: vokrugsveta

2. Ready for bathtime.

3. Help. I have been trapped by the bread.

Photo Credit: Imgur: bgeraghty

4. This is how you use chairs, right?

Photo Credit: Imgur: bgeraghty

5. Mmm…bagel necklace.

Photo Credit: Imgur: pdmcmahon

6. So beautiful. So graceful.

7. Alright, everybody say “cheese!”

8. Hammocks are not as relaxing as I thought they’d be.

9. Whoa.

Photo Credit: Imgur: TenaciousSiege

10. Enjoying some lettuce?

11. Hold on. I think this dog is onto something.

12. Getting downstairs is tough.

Photo Credit: Reddit

13. So close…yet so far.

Photo Credit: AcidCow

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It Doesn’t Get Much Worse Than These 12+ Examples of Bad Luck

Some days, your luck is so bad that you feel like you just want to crawl back into bed and wait for the next day to start. But no matter how bad your luck is, these 15 people definitely have it worse.

1. And that’s why we order takeout.

Photo Credit: AcidCow

2. That certainly “shifts” your mood.

Photo Credit: Imgur

3. See if you can guess whose car it is.

Photo Credit: AcidCow

4. The fortune cookie doesn’t lie.

Photo Credit: Imgur

5. “Send help.”

Photo Credit: Imgur: MrShinou

6. “I’m not reaching in there…”

Photo Credit: Imgur: Haelkaly

7. They dropped their phone while riding a bike. At least it didn’t hit the ground…

8. Catch!

Photo Credit: AcidCow

9. “I could have sworn I parked it right – oh, wait, there it is…”

Photo Credit: Imgur

10. Whoops.

Photo Credit: AcidCow

11. I think her daughter mistook her for a coloring book.

Photo Credit: Imgur: incorginito

12. I’d go ahead and throw away both of those.

Photo Credit: Imgur

13. Hang on tight!

Photo Credit: AcidCow

14. This doesn’t look good.

Photo Credit: AcidCow

15. Remember, always use straws while wearing helmets.

Photo Credit: AcidCow

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10 Celebrity Dads Who Totally Won the Internet

It takes a lot to be a dad. You’ve gotta read bedtime stories, change diapers, and make dinner, just to name a few. So, factor in the fact that these dads are also huge celebrities…we don’t know how they do it.

1. “Sunset with my beautiful boys.” David Beckham has raised three sons and a daughter.

Photo Credit: Instagram: davidbeckham

2. Matching outfits for DJ Khaled and his daughter.

Photo Credit: Instagram: djkhaled

3. Jimmy Fallon giving his daughter a ride on his shoulders.

Photo Credit: Instagram: jimmyfallon

4. Adam Levine taking his daughter for a walk.

Photo Credit: Instagram: adamlevine

5. John Legend relaxing with his two little ones in Bali.

Photo Credit: Instagram: johnlegend

6. Can you see the resemblance between Patton Oswalt and his daughter?

Photo Credit: Instagram: balvenieboy

7. Will Smith, the epitome of a “cool dad.”

Photo Credit: Instagram: willsmith

8. “The last 3 years of my life have brought more joy than I could ever imagine. Being a father is such a trip…”

9. “Not sure what made me more proud: when Jack insisted on holding this barracuda himself, or when he tried it raw!”

10. “I simply love you more than I love life itself.”

11. Shakira’s husband Gerard Piqué should be a role model for fathers everywhere.

Photo Credit: Instagram: 3gerardpique

12. Vin Diesel losing to his daughter in a wrestling match. Adorable.

Photo Credit: Instagram: vindiesel

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You Won’t Believe These 10+ Wonders of Nature Really Exist

There are some pretty strange sights in this world, and with how far technology has advanced, sometimes it’s tough to tell what’s real and what’s fake. But we assure you everything on this list is untouched by photoshop.

So, enjoy the following 12 pictures of nature’s most remarkable wonders.

1. This looks like an iguana head, but it’s really a rock.

Photo Credit: Reddit: vapingbull

2. “My dog’s nose is healing from a cat scratch.”

Photo Credit: Reddit: xsited1

3. A chameleon shedding its skin.

Photo Credit: Reddit: ZuzusEars

4. Panda Picasso.

Photo Credit: Reddit: gaydotaer

5. Sequoias never cease to amaze us.

Photo Credit: Pikabu: OKOSGLAZA

6. Looks like a baby dragon.

Photo Credit: Reddit: KILLSTER121343

7. These two-faced animals.

8. This baby falcon weighs less than a bar of chocolate.

9. These mountains are totally hidden by smoke.

Photo Credit: Reddit: CHIP-SKYLARK518

10. This waterfall is shaped like a woman wearing a dress.

11. A rare black serval.

12. Hitching a ride on a friend.

Photo Credit: Reddit: Secksay


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15 Photos That Prove All Families Are Crazy

Families know how to make each other laugh. That’s what makes them great. We hope these photos of families being crazy together remind you of fond memories with your own family.

1. “My mom fell asleep in a mall.”

Photo Credit: Imgur,

2. “My mom decided to put this in the toilet and I don’t know why. Now I have constipation and nightmares from this thing.”

Photo Credit: Reddit: nom_nom_pugs

3. “My wife is pregnant and she thought it would be funny to take a picture of our dog’s feet looking like they were her’s…”

Photo Credit: Reddit: Preventiongeek

4. “I had my sister watch my cat for a couple days, and these are all the updates she sent me.”

Photo Credit: Reddit: Lontology

5. “I asked my sister to dry my pants while I got dressed and I came across this.”

Photo Credit: Imgur

6. “My parents left these frames empty for too long, so I decided to fill them.”

Photo Credit: Reddit: Narraboth

7. “My boyfriend decided to take my dog to the beach today for some ’quality’ time together.”

8. “My little brother worked at my shop with me today, and I convinced him that brick mopping is a thing.”

Photo Credit: Reddit: SpkyBdgr

9. “My girlfriend was born without a nail on her finger.”

Photo Credit: Reddit: nofapventure

10. “A chubby Spider-Man bumping bellies with my dad in Spain”

Photo Credit: Reddit: TigerRaiders

11. That’s a good parent.

Photo Credit: Pikabu: alexxela24

12. “I’m buying a car from my dad for $2,500. This is how I’m giving him the money tomorrow.”

13. “My dad had a mop bucket, a sticker, and a vision.”

14. “My dad was dog-sitting my dog, and sent me this.”

Photo Credit: Reddit: Carliiful

15. “So I found my brother sunbathing…”

Photo Credit: Reddit: COWonROIDZ

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The Number of Young Adults Living with Their Parents Has Hit a 130-Year High

For the first time in modern history, up to 30% of young adults ages 18-35 are still living at home with their parents.

Of course, it goes without saying that plenty of parents love their children. But after they survive the preteen and high school years, parents are often ready to enjoy some peace and quiet around the house – back to the way things were before they had kids. Not only that, but they want to see their kids blossom into wonderful adults. That’s what they train them for, after all — why they put in the late nights, and read the books, and grit their teeth when their 16-year-old daughter’s mood changes for the fifteenth time in an hour. But it’s all worth it in the end, parents hope, because their kids eventually become confident adults.

Image Credit: Pixabay

I imagine it’s harder to see your children as grown, autonomous adults when they’re still living under your roof. Not to mention the potential arguments and awkwardness that can ensue when adults co-habitate — bills, groceries, cleanliness, romance…everything might end up feeling out of whack.

All of this is obvious, of course, which can only mean that young adults probably wouldn’t choose to stay at home with their parents unless their other options were limited. And we’re talking 24 million people here — so what’s up?

There seem to be several factors involved. Firstly, fewer people are getting married in their twenties, and more and more people are choosing to remain single altogether.

Image Credit: Pixabay

Richard Fry of the Pew Center for Research elaborates, saying:

“Dating back to 1880, the most common living arrangement among young adults has been living with a romantic partner, whether a spouse or a significant other. This type of arrangement peaked around 1960, when 62% of the nation’s 18-34-year-olds were living with a spouse or partner in their own household, and only one-in-five were living with their parents.”

Back then, there was also a lot of shame (mostly for women) attached to remaining single after a certain age. Today, most Americans feel that education and professional achievement outweigh the need to marry or have kids. That said, they could still move out on their own…

Image Credit: Pixabay

Except, unfortunately, young men aren’t earning the same amount of money as they were decades ago. Wages have both been on a downward trend since the 1970s, so financial stress factors into kids deciding when and if they can strike out on their own.

With kids earning less, feeling less enthusiastic about their options after spending hundreds of thousands on a college education, and less inclined to put romance over financial stability, the trend doesn’t seem likely to reverse itself anytime soon.

What does that mean for society? Well, we’ll just have to wait and see.

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Can You Believe People Followed These 5+ Crazy Fashion Trends Back in the Day?

Decades ago, people did all sorts of crazy things that we now know to stay away from. I’m talkin’ things like carrying radium around in their pockets! Or going to the dentist and not expecting anesthesia. Heck, they used lead and asbestos when they built their houses!

Fashion seems like it would be a safe spot compared to radium and asbestos, but many antique fashion trends were just as dangerous – if not more so.

Considering how conscious we are of what we put on and in our bodies today, it’s wild to hear about the poisons with which people used to get pretty intimate. Check out some of the harrowing examples below.

#8. Crinoline

Image Credit: Wikimedia Commons

Sure, wearing a giant dress that contained a hoop might seem romantic now, but it was less so to women who didn’t realize how large their gown actually was before they stepped too close to a fireplace…

#7. Toxic dye on fabrics

This beautiful dress, dyed “Paris Green” contains arsenic and copper sulfate — the same combination that was later used to kill mosquitoes and wallpaper people’s houses. Yikes.

#6. Ornate hairstyles

Image Credit: Wikimedia Commons

You’ve seen the pictures of pre-Revolutionary France — the ones where Marie Antoinette looks like a superhero just because she can hold her dress and her hair up at the same time? Well, the hairstyles were not only heavy and awkward, they could attract bugs and rodents looking to nest.

Women would wear the same style for days, and sleep wearing large metal cages to keep themselves infestation free.


#5. Killer makeup

Image Credit: East News

Think your makeup is bad because it comes from animal byproducts? Well, at least you don’t live in a time when women were expected to have porcelain white skin — even if it meant using lead powder that caused everything from major skin issues to hair loss to intoxication that could lead to death.

Oh, and just for fun, some types of blush contained arsenic.

#4. Corsets weren’t just for wedding dresses

Image Credit: Twitter

The first corsets weren’t made from pretty ribbons. They were metal, then wood, and finally a slightly more comfortable whalebone. They often seriously deformed women’s skeletons, displacing their internal organs. Some women began wearing them in childhood and never stopped, not even during pregnancy.

#3. Foot binding

In China, foot binding was a popular tradition among the wealthy until it was banned in 1911. It resulted in feet shaped like a lotus and women who were so crippled they couldn’t walk without assistance.

There are pictures of this out there, if you want to go looking.

#2. The highest heels

Image Credit: Wikimedia Commons

High heels are another form of torture that some women still refuse to give up — though the tallest stilettos of today have nothing on the chopines from Italy. They were invented so women wouldn’t have to walk in the muddy streets, but soon spiraled out of control, forcing them to need a servant’s hand if they wanted to walk anywhere.

Easy to fall and split your head? Yes.

#2. The pregnancy girdle.

Image Credit: Wikimedia Commons

As someone who is closing in on her eighth month of pregnancy, this one seems totally insane — a tight, restricting girdle worn during pregnancy. These “maternity belts”, designed to hide the pregnancy as much as possible, were heavily boned and zippered, tight to the point of being uncomfortable at best.

I’ll keep my yoga pants and leggings, thank you very much.

#1. Eyes shining…with poison

Image Credit: Wikimedia Commons

The toxic properties of belladonna were well known, but noble European women still dropped a distillation of it into their eyes to cause their pupils to dilate and their eyes to seem “brighter.” Many of them suffered severe eye problems and even blindness because of the practice, but it didn’t stop others from continuing to use the drops.

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These 6 Popular Words and Phrases Actually Came from Television Shows

Words and phrases are easy to take for granted. With the exception of some new slang, the words we use most often have been around since before we were born. But some might not actually be as old as you think.

These 6 common words and phrases prove beyond a shadow of a doubt that television is a part of our culture that can never be erased. While some of these might be obvious, I’m guessing others will be a complete surprise.

Either way, let’s get into it!

#6. “Cowabunga!”

Image Credit: Wikimedia Commons

If you think this comes from “Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles,” well…you’re not right. The surfer slang actually hails from the 1950s and a children’s show called Howdy Doody that used it as a (totally inappropriate) fake Native American language.

#5. “Spam.”

Image Credit: Pixabay

How did the name of a canned meat product come to mean unwanted mail? The meat (?) was invented during the Great Depression, but it wasn’t until 40 years later that “Monty Python’s Flying Circus” started singing about it incessantly, and for some unknown reason, computer nerds picked it up in the early 1990s.

#4. “Har-de-har.”

Image Credit: Wikimedia Commons

This classic, sarcastic and totally fake belly laugh is thanks to Jackie Gleason and “The Honeymooners,” also from the 1950s.

#3. “Poindexter.”

Image Credit: Wikimedia Commons

While for some of us, this word is synonymous with “nerd,” it actually comes from a show that was super popular in the late 1950s — “Felix the Cat.” In the show, Poindexter is the cat’s glasses-wearing genius nephew, and was supposedly named for the lawyer of the series creator.

#2. “Sorry about that.”

Image Credit: Wikimedia Commons

You’ve probably used this one more than once, but did you know it was made popular on the 1960s show “Get Smart”? There are also other lines from the show that might sound familiar including “missed it by that much” and “the old so-and-so trick.”

#1. “Five-O.”

Image Credit: Wikimedia Commons

You’ve probably used this phrase to refer to the police at some point in your life, but you’ve likely never stopped to think about why. It comes from “Hawaii Five-O,” because the police force in the show was named in honor of Hawaii being the 50th state.

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12+ Adults Reflect on the Silly Things They Were Scared of As Children

When you’re a kid, the world can be a pretty scary place — shadows, noises, and pretty much anything else you see and hear once your parents leave the room for the night. As adults, it’s always funny to look back at the things that frightened us so badly and how tame they seem now that we’re grown up.

…Except running up the basement steps before the monsters grab your heels. You never outgrow that.

And if I’m being really honest, many of these 15 childhood fears still sound pretty terrifying to me.

#15. I thought I was going to die

“Chucky Cheese. That giant rat used to scare the fuck out of me. Once he jumped into the ball pit and I thought I was going to die.”

#14. Bloody Mary

“Mirrors. That fucking bloody Mary thing, dude.”

#13. I freaked out every time

“My mother had a small metal turtle that’s legs wobbled when the wheels, under its belly began to roll. This would have been way before batteries, since she was born in 1918. Anyway, her German family had huge Christmas trees that were always decorated to the 9s. They even had under the tree Christmas scenes and little towns. One of the towns had a mirror lake, and this small turtle, maybe five inches long, obviously disproportional, would sit in the mirror pond. This turtle moved with my mom, when she married and became part of our family tradition. The turtle would be unpacked each Christmas, so it could repeat decades of mirror pond sitting. For some reason, my family members enjoyed rolling this turtle toward me, on kitchen floors, wherever. I freaked out every time. Even my maternal grandmother did this to me. I now have the turtle, but he’s beached, so to speak.”

#12. Into people’s cat flaps

“When I was about 4 I asked my dad why he was sealing up an old cat flap, I was to young to know the word ‘drafts’, so I spent about a year terrified there were bands of feral giraffes wandering around England sticking their heads randomly into people’s cat flaps.”

#11. As I fled

“My grandpa had one of those “Uncle Sam Wants YOU!” Recruitment posters. It hung up in his downstairs workshop, and nothing scared me like seeing that face and that finger pointing at me.

I would have nightmares of a dismembered torso chasing me through my childhood home, a grizzled war-ravaged bearded screaming “I WANT YOU!” As I fled.”

#10. Thanks, Mom!

“The dark, and it still does. Thanks mom!”

#9. I was terrified

“The movie Spirited Away. I was terriffied of Yubaba and No-Face. Also, the scene where Chihiro’s parents transform into pigs haunted me for years.”

#8. Grocery store milk coolers

“I used to be afraid of the workers behind the milk coolers in the grocery store. I can remember grabbing a milk for my mom, and seeing people walking around back there, and I was completely disturbed by it.”

#7. Everything would go dark

“Car washes.

Loud, claustrophobic, weird smells, everything would go dark… some scary shit right there.”

#6. Mind the gap

“The gaps between boards on a pier.”

#5. Letting it yell at me

“The drain in the bath tub.

I’d use my hand to make all the water drain quietly, instead of letting it yell at me.”

#4. To this day

“E.T. When he screamed after being found in the closet it really freaked me out. Then the scene where he turned ghostly white traumatized me. I still can’t watch E.T. to this day.”

#3. Extremely unsettled

“The X-files theme songs used to get to was only until recently in adulthood that I was able to hear it and not get extremely unsettled.”

#2. That one scene…

“The scene in Pinnocio when he became a donkey.”

#1. The Devil

“Flushing the toilet. For some reason, I was convinced that the devil could come out while it was flushing.”

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