The Trolls Came out in Full Force in Reaction to Teen Vogue’s “How to Get Your Best Summer Vagina” Article

Yes, this is a real headline from Teen Vogue.

Photo Credit: Twitter,TeenVogue

The article is actually about “How to Keep Your Vagina Healthy All Summer” and has some helpful health information, but still, this definitely got a reaction on social media. How could it not? Let’s take a look at some of the responses that are bound to make you LOL.

Photo Credit: Twitter,everywhereist

Photo Credit: Twitter,jojomoyes

Photo Credit: Twitter,melstonemusic

Photo Credit: Twitter,LizHackett

Photo Credit: Twitter,typejunky

Photo Credit: Twitter,SheRa_Marley

Photo Credit: Twitter,BecketAdams

Photo Credit: Twitter,mollypriddy

Photo Credit: Twitter,Eddache_

Photo Credit: Twitter,saikocat

Photo Credit: Twitter,Becca_DP

And with all that being said, have a great summer!

h/t: Yes Plz

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14+ People Admit the Dumb Trends They Were Happy to See End

Are there ever trends and fads going on that just blow your mind? Like you can’t even believe people are super into that one thing?

Fads and trends come and go, and AskReddit users reveal what trends they were really happy to see go away forever.

1. You’re not alone…

“Ed Hardy. It was popular where I lived from around 2007-2009.

Oh man, it was a glorious time to be alive because for a brief 4-5 years you could spot all the glistening, bejewelled skull-adorned a**holes from a mile away.”

2. I’m not calm

“Keep Calm and ___

Our upper management occasionally try to get memes involved in the company newsletter.

I saw a Bob Evan’s shirt with this tag-line for sale today. I believe that is an indicator that that fad is dead, buried, and decomposing.”

3. Glad it’s over

“Cash me outside, how bow dah” Just oh my god… glad its over.”

4. This went away?

“Gigantic subwoofers in s***ty $1,000 cars.

Glad to say its been a while since I’ve seen a 97′ Civic producing sonic booms.”

5.  Scenesters

“Scene. I still see a ‘scene kid’ every once in a blue moon, but for the most part the trend changed to hipsters so the scene folks moved on.

AND THEIR POOR HAIR…bleaching to death after switching back and forth from black to blonde…killing their hair with coontails….TEASING IT LIKE MAD…it hurt to even look at…..

AND THE MUSIC. I was a fan of a lot of music during the scene era because I am a fan of hardcore/post hardcore/pop punk/etc…but sometimes I had to just throw in the towel and ask WHYYYYY???? Mostly with bands like blood on the dance floor.”

6. Like!

“The “Like for cookies, Like for Jesus, Like for Puppies, Ignore for SATAN” Facebook pictures.”

7. Unnecessary

“Band-aids on your face you don’t need. I’m looking at you, Nelly.”

8. Just give it to me straight

“I hope the fad of Internet recipes that are now 3000 word long essays die. Just post the ingredients and the fucking method and shut up, nobody needs to know that your Aunt learned how to make this in the 70’s and passed it on to you during the summer 1995 when you had to stay with her, which is when you also got into hip hop, and that boy Michael used to tease you and you thought he hated you but realized when you were older that he actually liked you. I don’t actually know why people do it either, I’m less likely to click an ad your page if I don’t like your page because it’s boring.”

9. This is good news

“All About That Bass” by Meghan Trainor seems to have quietly disappeared…”

10. I have no idea what this person is talking about

“The whole Kony 2012 thing. 99% of the people who latched on to this had never heard of him and most have undoubtedly forgotten who he is. He’s an evil bastard but self righteous Facebook posts somehow failed to stop him.

Admitting to being a sheeple idiot at the age of 13/14. Literally had never heard or did any research about him but yet all my friends were hash tagging #kony2012 so ofcourse I joined.. Sigh……”

11. Wankers

“Fake nerd glasses. You made fun of me for wearing glasses (which I wear to avoid going under a f_cking bus) that were WAY nicer than these faux nerd ones all the way through school! Then suddenly they’re a fashion statement? F_cking wankers.”

12. Gross

“I was so happy to see the Kylie Jenner Lip Challange trend die out. It was absolutely stunning how people all over the internet really thought it was a brilliant idea to put their lips into a cup and suck until all the blood rushes into their lips in an attempt to get big, sexy lips. The results on how some of those challanges came out are actually horrifying.”

13. I respectfully disagree

“When 13 year olds used to say ‘Deez Nutz!’ in response to everything.

My 8 year old nephew will say something mean about someone, then yell ROASTED and then dab. I love that kid, but that makes me want to drop him off in a field somewhere and drive away.”

14. This is odd

“In high school there was a span of a few months where people would sneak up on you and choke you out. First time it happened to me, I flipped the dude over my shoulder and he got mad at me! Glad that died out pretty quickly!”

15. Not cool

“WhEn PeOpLe TyPeD liKe ThIs All ThE tiMe aNd iT wAs ~cOOL~.”

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10+ People Admit to the Last Lies They Told

Liars are everywhere, people. Keep your eyes and ears peeled.

Some of these lies are small and harmless and some are…shall we say ‘a little larger?’

Let’s at least give these AskReddit users some credit for admitting to the last lie they told.

1. Kind of a weird one…

“A friend gave me a bunch of squash from his garden. I hate squash. I brought the bag of squash to work so my co-workers could take them home. I don’t know why but this became a big deal and all day long everyone asked me how I grew so much squash. Rather than tell them that the squash came from a friend I lied and told them that I grew the squash. I don’t know why I did this.”

2. Liar!

“I just told my coworker I was in the middle of something very important. I’m not doing sh-t, other than reading this thread.”

3. A common one

“Sorry I thought I responded to your text but never pushed send :(“

4. Good job Mom

“I told my 5 year old we are out of candy.

There is plenty of candy.

And it’s mine.”

5. Good luck!

“Told my boss just now that I’m leaving work early today for a doctors appointment. I don’t feel well.

Truth is I have an interview at 3pm. They received my resume sumitted last night and want to talk ASAP.

Not feeling well is a lead-in for me to take tomorrow off because I have another interview, with a different company than the one today.”

6. Did they believe you?

“Last night encountered 2 drunken girls attempting to lift a rock. They asked me to help them lift it. My response?

“Sorry, I don’t have any arms.”

I very clearly have arms.”

7. Always a bad idea

“I don’t need to write that down, I’ll remember it surely”

8. For a good cause

“I’m helping my mom’s boyfriend plan his proposal to her, so we’ve both been lying to her pretty steadily which has been enjoyable.”

9. Broken links

“A guy on an online dating sight was trying to show me pictures of his family jewels, I kept saying the links were broken to see how many different places he’d try to upload it, and how much tech support he’d offer to fix whatever the problem might be on my end.

Turns out the answer is four.”

10. Feel good about yourself?

“I told my dogs before we left for a morning of errands that we would be back in a few minutes…. I am an awful person.”

11. I’m down!

“I am totally down to hang out this weekend! Reality – I am laying in bed and doing nothing all weekend. I’ve had a rough two weeks.”

12. Customer service

“No ma’am, we don’t sell [enter product I know for a fact isn’t sold at my job]. They only come in [enter alternative product we do sell that she doesn’t want].”

“Are you checking??”

“Yes, I’m checking.”

13. Ha!

“I’m glad I have a free U2 album on my phone now.”

14. Hookin’ up

“I told the girl I have been hooking up with that I had dreamed I was waking up next to her and I was extremely disappointed when I woke up alone. Granted, I was extremely disappointed when I woke up, but I didnt have any dreams last night.”

15. Interview

“Had an interview this morning– so many lies.

“Talk about a time when you didn’t effectively prioritize your workload. What were the consequences?”

“I always effectively prioritize my workload and have great time management skills.”

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10+ People Share the Lamest Motivational Sayings They’ve Ever Heard

I’m on board with these people: I’m not a big fan of motivational sayings. Once, at a previous job, we were all handed lyrics to what was supposed to be an inspirational song and we had to listen to the song and follow along with the lyric sheet. It was incredibly painful and humiliating.

These AskReddit users shared the motivational sayings they really don’t enjoy, and they are right on the money.

1. Well, that’s not really working so far

” “Just be yourself.”

“Myself” is a 400 pound sack of sh-t who does nothing but eat pizza and play video games. That’s who I’d be if I let myself be “myself”.

What I TRY to be is the best version of myself. That’s why I work out, go to school, study another language, stay in touch with friends and family. To improve, and not settle.”

2. Not a fan of this one

“I was just thinking about this the other day.

Everything (does) happen for a reason (because of previous events).

Everything (does not) happen for a (future) reason (that is of supposed greater purpose).

It’s such a nothing statement.”

3. Really?

“Do what you love and the money will follow.”

4. Some good advice here

“I think variations on “stay positive”, because it’s made out like you should always be happy and positive about everything. They don’t tell you that you need to reflect and what brings you down sometimes.”

5. Work hard

” “Work hard, and good things will come.”

Sometimes it’s true. Sometimes it’s completely untrue and you work hard at a sh-tty job for the rest of your life and wish you were dead.”

6. And?

“Someone always has it worse.

Sure. But, this is my issue right now. Feeling sorry for some homeless dude at this moment isn’t going to fix my busted -ss car so I can get to work.”

7. My issue

“Someone always has it worse.

Sure. But, this is my issue right now. Feeling sorry for some homeless dude at this moment isn’t going to fix my busted -ss car so I can get to work.”

8. Don’t let go

“If you love something let it go, if they don’t come back they were never yours in the first place.”

F-ck that. Fight tooth and nail for what you want. Don’t let go until you know for sure it’s a lost cause.”

9. Mixed messages

“Good things come to those who wait. Sure patience and waiting have their time. But so many things need action and perseverance and so many people just need a kick up the butt to get them moving. Good things come to those who work for them.”

10. A little truth

“God never gives you more than you can handle.” What? People encounter things that kill them. It you take a bullet to the head and then you die, that was more than you could handle.”

11. BS

“You make your own luck!”

That’s literally not what luck is!”

12. Huh?

“A bird in the bush is worth two in the stone”. What the f-ck does this even mean?”

13. Fake it

“You gotta fake it, till you make it!”

That doesn’t take into account how much people enjoy exposing frauds.”

14. Not really

“You can do anything you put your mind to.

I had a debate once because my step mother once said that, and so I asked her “Am I able to time travel back to 1568 build a solid aluminum tower through the sun within 20 seconds” all she said was, if you put your mind to it.”

15. The background ain’t so bad

“The general consensus in this thread is that the saying “you can have it all” is bullsh-t.

That’s right on target.

You’re not going to be a rock star. Or a famous actor. Or a champion athlete. No matter how much positive thinking you engage in, you’re not going to make millions.

If you work hard, you might wind up being a session player in that famous band. Or an assistant coach on that team. Or a producer on that hit sitcom. And that’s okay.

Not everybody gets to be the star of the show.”

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12+ Moviegoers Share Their Worst Experiences at the Theater

People talking, looking at their cells phone, and otherwise making noise at the movie theater is my biggest pet peeve. It drives me insane and that’s why I only go see movies on Tuesdays at 11 a.m.

Anyway, enough about me. AskReddit users divulge their worst movie theater experiences…and they’re making my blood boil.

1. Teenagers

“Worst – Went to see Borat opening night (for some reason I thought it had been out a week already). The “obnoxious teenager level” was dialed up to 11 that night.

Best (at least most memorable in an amusing way) – nothing to do with the film, but years ago I went to see Wishmaster in the theaters with my girlfriend at the time. We were a minute or so late, so the movie already started. It was very dark, and we can see two people sitting right as we walk in. Thinking it was packed, we took the first two seats we could tell were open (which happened to be right across the aisle from the two people we saw.

A few minutes later, the next scene is the skyline of the city in the middle of the day. This cast light into theater, and those other two people we saw were the only other people in the movie, and we were sitting two feet away. I turn to my girlfriend and whisper “maybe we should move” which she said “no, it would be embarrassing.” _A minute later I hear the other guy whisper to his date”maybe we should move”and her say \”no, it would be embarrassing.” _We give each other apologetic looks and sit awkwardly through a pretty forgettable film.”

2. Didn’t even get a refund

“They were offering cheap tickets at a movie theater in a rougher area.

Group of kids playing with lighters the whole time.

One lit a chair on fire.

Smoke alarm went off.

Didn’t get a refund.”

3. It really does…

“I went to see one of the G. I. Joe movies with my brother in one of the worst theaters in my area. We were the only one in the room while watching. At one point my brother says out loud “man this movie sucks a**” and the guy working the projector said back “yeah it really does.” “

4. Ugggghhhhh

“Best/worse? A couple came in to a movie (Thor Ragnarok) with an infant and sat down not far from us. I was picturing the baby screaming through the whole movie. Nope.

The woman behind us talked through the entire thing. It was her 1st marvel movie.”

5. Waterworld

“Worst but best story

I saw Waterworld with Kevin Costner…and the ceiling started leaking from a storm so the rain literally soaked us. It was a $1 theater and I demanded a refund. And got it.”

6. I love this story for some reason

“I had the misfortune of watching Gone Girl in a theater with someone who thought it was a comedy. Gone Girl is a dramatic mystery, not a comedy in any sense of the word. At every mildly funny line, this person was hooting and hollering like it was an Adam Sandler movie. It really broke the mood of a tense, dramatic film.”

7. No sound

“Went to see _”Arachnophobia” _with my boyfriend at the theatre next to our college campus. Lights dimmed, previews played… then the movie started. About three minutes in, the sound goes out. Movie still playing. People start yelling _”Sound!!!”_ but nothing happens. A few jokers start improvising the dialogue, and it’s hilarious. More people chime in, effectively covering the entire soundtrack with gut-busting results. Never laughed so hard in my life. Then the sound came back on and disappointment permeated like a wave through the audience.”

8. WTF

“Experiencing “the crawler”

someone crawling under the seats to steal from people’s purses.


9. Great guy

“Drunk guy in front of me sh*t himself.

He waited at least 40 minutes before moving.”

10. Classy

“The couple immediately in front of us were getting pretty hot and heavy with a make out session, then the girl moved into the guys lap. At first I thought this was just cuddling, then it became quite clear they were having sex in a crowded cinema, and her head bobbing up and down was ruining my view of the film.”

11. WHAT

“The most outrageous experience was when the guy sitting next to me (in the dark) put his hand down into my hot-buttered popcorn and started helping himself.”

12. Best and worst

“I guess my worst and best cinema experience happened all in the same time.

In the very very early days of online ticket purchases… I purchased 4 tickets online to see 12 Monkeys, on opening day. I was taking a special date and wanted to impress her. Evidently, I was the first one to ever purchase tickets online for this particular theater. We got to the theater and the movie was sold out, even though we had purchased online tickets… The ticket booth was confused as to what was going on so they called the manager. The manager come out and explained that we were the first people to ever order tickets online and that it didn’t quite integrate with their ticketing system causing the theater to overbook. I was thinking… Just great. First date and this happens. I felt like an idiot.

The manager actually made it right in the long run… He suggested that we see another movie that was starting at the same time. He gave us tickets and we went to the theater. Right before the movie started he come in and brought us a full/big snack package, drinks, popcorn, candy, etc. Really great gesture. He said he would meet us after the movie to see how it went.

After the movie, sure enough, the manager was waiting right by the door waiting for us to come out. He stopped us and asked how the movie suggestion was. He then handed us tickets to come back and see the movie that we really wanted to.”

13. Oh boy

“In Doctor Strange, I was in the theatre opening weekend or something and so the theatre was pretty crowded. Right as the movie is starting, one mans phone starts ringing. In my head I’m thinking he will hang up and it’ll all be fine but NO.

So the guy picks up the phone and begins a conversation, at which another person in the theatre tells him that other people are in the theatre and he should hang up.

He responded to that suggestion by saying something along the lines of “I had cancer surgery yesterday and this is my f*cking doctor” much profanity was used.

The other man said “well you can walk out of the theatre so all of these people can not be disturbed”.

And at this point the one mans son is even telling him to stop but he feels it is important to argue his case so he says “I paid for my f*cking movie ticket now why don’t you piece of sh*t leave me the f*ck alone because this is more important than the f*cking movie”.

At this point he was standing up and yelling at the top of his voice. The other man had backed down and stopped responding but the one man was just saying “f*cking hell” and other profanity under his breath for the next 5 minutes.

I was in my theatre with my sister and I was actually scared a fight was going to break out, let alone the fact I was distracted and pulled out of the theatre experience the whole movie and missed the first 5 minutes.”

14. Nice family experience

“Went to see “Finding Dory” a few weeks after its release. Only people in the theater were my SO and I, another older couple with their kid, and a group of 4 teens in the back.

Anytime the movie showed Dory, one of the people in the group of teens would yell “FOUND HER!” with the entourage chuckling at their hysterical joke.

Eventually the man of the older couple ran out of patience and told the group to please be quiet. You would’ve thought he threw poop at them.

They all stand up and start harassing the couple. Telling them that they are going to rape their kid and force him to watch. Next thing I know, the dad flung himself over the seat and a 4-on-1 brawl began.

My SO and I ran out of the theater to get help. Fortunately this was a bigger chain of Movie Theaters and they had security on site. All 7 of them (teens, parents and kid) were escorted out of the facility even though it was the teens who instigated the whole thing.

At least I was able to enjoy the rest of the movie in silence.”

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10+ People Imagine What Jobs Would Be Completely Unnecessary If Everyone Told the Truth

Sadly, we live in a world chock full of liars and swindlers.

So let’s have a little bit of fun, shall we? An AskReddit user asked what jobs would cease to exist in a world where everyone told the truth.

Kind of sounds like a science fiction film, doesn’t it? Let’s see what these people had to say.

1. Sounds likely

“Companies that do background checks, maybe?”

2. No more spying

“Being a spy.”

3. And no more crystal balls


4. Crime will cease to exist


5. I can see your future…


6. Hahaha

“Advertisers would have it rough.”

7. Could happen

“No shops would need to be staffed with cashiers.

Customers could go in, take what they needed, and put the money owed in a box or tray or something.”

8. Another dig at advertisers

“People who write commercials.”

9. Bluffing

“Professional poker player.”

10. This would be rough

“I don’t know about unnecessary, but customer service would become very difficult.”

11. Religion


Now even though I’m an atheist, I don’t really think of regular centers of worship as dishonest. They believe what they believe, and so saying what they believe to be true is not an attempt to be dishonest.

Megachurches ain’t that. Megachurches are where giant lying charismatic scumbags swindle the poor and desperate out of what little they have, in the vain hope of a miracle.

In a world with no dishonesty, they wouldn’t work out so well.”

12. Time to look for a new gig

“Lie detector dude would be unemployed.”

13. Truth


14. Another truth

“Juries in a court of law.”

15. No more Tv shows or movies


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Pet Owners Share the Most Intelligent Things Their Animals Ever Did

Let’s be honest: most of the time, we only take note of the really dumb stuff our pets do. Ripping stuff up, eating the trash, etc.

But they do have the ability to blow our minds once in a while. Like the type of things these AskReddit users shared.

1. Good boy!

“My dad has always had problems with throwing his back out and it usually makes him unable to move for several weeks. Anyways, one time when he threw out his back, my dog grabbed a blanket in her mouth and slowly spread it over my dad while he was sleeping. We were all amazed and gave her a treat.”

2. Another good boy!

“Woke me up and brought me outside to under the deck, where he very obviously showed me the cat that got out and was hiding under there. He looked at the cat, then back at me, then at the cat, then back at me.”

3. He’s testing you

“My friend’s dog knows he’s not allowed onto one very specific carpeted area in the house and he knows never to step onto that area. How does he like to be a smart-ss about it? He grabs his favorite toy, casually tosses it onto said carpeted area, looks at us, and gives us the “well my toy’s there and I have to step onto the carpet to get it”. He does it so slowly and so deliberately that you know he’s being a complete smarta** about it. I can’t help but laugh every time he does it which is not often. He typically does it when he’s desperate for our play because he knows he’ll get a laugh and a positive reaction out of it.”

4. The lost watch

“When I was younger I lost a watch that I really loved. Around that time my cat developed a habit of using his front paws to reach under the fridge and just scramble around under there like crazy. He was seriously obsessed and did that for almost a year, until one night he pulled out a tray that had been under the fridge, and on it was my watch. After that he never touched the fridge again. He was a good boy.”

5. Imitation

“There was a time when, coming back from a trip, the balls of my feet were swollen and it hurt going up and down the stairs. My cat would actually imitate me by limping up and down the stairs (taking the steps one at a time) while meowing pitifully. I swear if he could talk, he would’ve said something like “see, this is how stupid you look.”

6. Saving the fish

“My cousin had a koi fish pond and two dogs. One night the dogs started barking during the middle of the night really loud and urgently, and they almost never bark at anything. My cousin and her parents knew something was weird and went out to check.

One of the fish somehow managed to jump out the pond and was flopping around next to the water on the concrete, and one dog was trying to help it back in the water with his nose while the other was barking for my cousin or her parents to help.

Once they watched them place the fish in the water, they went back in the kennels to sleep. They would watch the pond a lot from then on.”

7. Show us your puppies!

“Not my pet but the dog of a farmer in my grandma’s town that recently had given birth to puppies. When we were strolling around by the farm we saw the dog and said to her: “hey, show us your puppies!” next thing we know, the dog ran around the farm and came back with all her cute little puppies and let us play with them. What a wonderful day.”

8. Smart cat

“My 13 lb ginger cat always had to be near me. Some of the doors in my house didn’t latch, and he learned to open them by using his body as a battering ram. Okay, fine. So one day I’m in a closed room with a door that does latch, and I hear the doorknob rattle. It rattles for a bit then turns, and the cat pops the door open with his weight and saunters in.

I miss him.”

9. Hide and seek

“I actually have a story for this. I taught my dog to play hide and seek. I made him sit in the kitchen while I hid a rawhide somewhere in the house. He would then search until he found it and would then bring it back to me. I would then tell him to hide it and he would. One day I was searching for the damn rawhide for like 10 mins and could not find it. Searched everywhere. Eventually I had to give up totally confused. Next morning I open a dresser drawer to get a pair of shorts and there it is. He saw a slightly cracked drawer, dropped it in, closed it, and outsmarted a human. I was very proud.”

10. Pleased with herself

“I watched my Australian Shepherd problem solve how to get her tennis balls that get stuck under the furniture out by taking another tennis ball and rolling it to knock the stuck one out. She seemed very pleased with herself.”

11. Haunted

“Rock in a rocking chair. I thought my living room was haunted for weeks.”

12. Hiding pills

“He has to take antibiotics for ten days. They are pills.

In the beginning, i was wondering why he wasnt getting better. Turns out, the a**hole was keeping them in his cheek or under his tongue and spitting them out under the closet.

So now i hold him until he swallows and then i check his mouth.

It’s really one of those times i wish i could explain to him why i am ‘torturing’ him with eye drops and painkillers and whatnot. YOU ARE A SENIOR KITIZEN AND YOU HAVE A SEVERE COLD. Stop spitting things out!

On the other hand, he has never scratched or bitten me, just struggles and pulls away.he is a very sweet cat.”

13. A great pair

“Not mine, by my mother had two cats in Hawaii before I was born. She would tell stories about how one, Epo, was very intelligent, and the other, Popokie, was as dumb as a bag of rocks. Made a great pair.

She would talk about how they’d be playing out back and she would call them in for dinner. Epo would immediately show up, but Popokie would be lost in her very small backyard

She would just look at Epo and say: “Epo, go get Popokie!”

And Epo would run out and guide Popokie into the house and to his food dish so that he could have dinner.

Same sort of thing if she had no idea where Popokie was. She would just tell Epo to find him, and Epo would go search the house and bring Popokie to her.”

14. Faker

“Faked to have a paw injury so I’d carry him around the house.”

15. Head for the truck

“If I called my girlfriend at around 9 PM on a Friday, my dog would always get excited and head to the truck.

I was stationed in Shanghai for about a year, but lived for years in Thailand with my GF and my dog.

Whenever I had a long weekend I’d fly back to Thailand. My dog quickly picked up on the idea that whenever my GF switched from speaking Thai to English, she was talking to me. I would call her when I arrived at the airport on a Friday evening, as it was only about 15 minutes from our home, and she’d come pick me up.

My dog was able to put this whole scenario together and went ape-sh-t whenever I called on a Friday evening and he would immediately head for the truck to go pick me up. When I would call her at other hours of the day, he would look at her like he knew who she was talking to, but he knew that it didn’t mean that I was coming home.”

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10+ People Reveal the Things They Hate That Everyone Else Loves

We all have examples of this sort of unpopular opinion in our lives: things that everyone in the world seems to love that you just HATE. Could be a movie, a band, a trend, food, etc.

People on AskReddit revealed the things they really don’t care for that everyone else loves. What’s yours?

1. No thanks

“Take me out to eat for my birthday and get the waitresses to sing and smear cake in my face.”

2. Dummies

“To be irresponsible. FFS I’m not going to a party in a town a few dozen kms over without knowing how will I get back home. And even if I did, you can bet I wouldn’t spend all my money on booze.

They got stranded there, over 50km from home, with no money, with no one that could go get them, at 8 am.”

3. Weird

“Calling out to strangers pretending to know them. Walking up to them. Having a proper conversation and after they convince the stranger they met somewhere before saying oops wrong person…”

4. Different groups of friends

“Two different groups of friends. One loves heading out to places on the weekends where there’s always pounding music and shots, the other would rather stay in and watch netflix all weekend.

It’s killing me trying to drag either group towards a happy medium. I just want to go out somewhere for casual drinks where we can actually hear a conversation.”

5. Seems kinda pointless

“Buy the most expensive clothes and then not wear them again and buy more after a month or so.”

6. Nerd alert!

“Magic the gathering. Now I shouldn’t say I absolutely hate the game, I just never could get into it. What I absolutely hate is when we all get together to hang out, and they all end up playing for hours while I sit there not caring.”

7. Introvert

“Going out and bar hopping. Too much money and too many people. I’ll get faced at home, thanks”

8. Crappy

“I have friends who are in a really crappy punk band. I like punk, but their band is god-awful.”

9. No sex talk, por favor

“Unbeknownst to most of my friends, I am still a virgin. I don’t like hearing them talk about sex. It freaks me out.”

10. Anti-social media

“Taking pictures to post on social media. Can’t we just do something without having to talk about how many likes we’re getting!? It’s so annoying to me, I couldn’t care less. I mentioned this to one of them and apparently it was offensive. We’re in our mid-twenties. No one gives a s**t that we went out. Also I think it’s embarrassing to take a bunch of pictures over and over because they don’t like any of them, like get over yourself!”

11. I would not be friends with this person

“Horror movies. They go to the cinema on the regular to see whatever slasher-jump-scare movie is playing, but I just don’t enjoy it. I tried. I really did.

Now I either go and see a different movie that’s playing at the same time, or just meet them for drinks afterwards. It’s a good system.”

12. Let’s move on

“Get together and talk about their children. I liked it before when they had a personality and I could talk about more than 1 topic.”

13. Mallrats

“Hang around the mall. They never even get food while they’re there, they just look at clothes for 2 hours and leave! I just wanted Auntie Anne’s.”

14. No kids allowed

“This bar and grill that allows children after 10 p.m. My roommates and I come from the same city and they’re friends with some mutual acquaintances who have a daughter, so they always go to that place on Saturday nights because they can’t be assed to pay for a babysitter.

I’m not even a kid person in the first place, I refuse to have my Saturdays held hostage to a child.”

15. Let’s go to White Castle instead

“Going somewhere “nice” almost always entails some complicated booking system where we’re told we’ll get our table for 90 minutes only, and we have to jump through hoops if the party is larger than 6, somebody needs to leave a credit card number. You can sit down till everyone’s there. Half your group just want to instagram stuff so there’s that. The food is good but fussy and overpriced, you don’t want to say it but the steak you had at your local spot for a fraction of the price is more pleasant. If the order is not quite right you feel awkward or that you’re making too big a deal of it. Everyone’s sort of anxious and tense because we’re all uncomfortable both psychologically (ehh this is a place where some drinks cost more than my car) and physically (had to dress up to fit in). just can’t resist them.

I’m all for places that have better quality food, I’m 100% about getting out of my comfort zone and yes, sometimes it’s nice to be a little fancy. When I look back on some of the “ohh let’s go somewhere special!” evenings, objectively speaking I did not enjoy it.”

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9+ Interesting Facts About Airplanes

Where would we be as a society without flight? It’s hard to imagine it’s only been 115 years since the Wright brothers took their inaugural flight, but it’s the truth.

Since 1903, planes have evolved quickly and we now view our ability to fly from one corner of the world to another as a right, not a privilege.

Take a look at these facts about the miracle of flight.

1. Might come in handy

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2. Interesting…

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3. The middle seat

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4. Empty planes

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5. Felonious

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6. Hero

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7. Wait til you get out

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8. A mystery

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9. Quiet Zones

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10. Pink Flamingos

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10+ Facts About the Wonderful World of Comics

You may think you know a lot about comic books, but trust me, you can always learn more.

Even if you’re the biggest fan of the Marvel universe or of the classics like Superman, Batman, and Dick Tracy, you’ll learn a lot from these facts.

1. I wish this was real life

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2. Damage Control

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3. That would’ve been interesting

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4. Wow!

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5. I need to pick this one up

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6. Good job Dad!

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7. Nic Cage

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8. Father and son

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9. FYI

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10. Very cool

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11. Hellboy

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