In 1920, The New York Times ridiculed Robert H. Goddard and claimed that rockets could not function in space. On July 17, 1969, a day after the Apollo 11 launch, NYT formally acknowledged their error. 00
In 1948 in the US, pregnant women…
In 1948 in the US, pregnant women were not allowed to be teachers in 57% of public school districts because “the sight of pregnant women would unfavorably influence students” and because “pregnant teachers’ minds would not be on their work.” 00
When his music career famously sank…
When his music career famously sank, Vanilla Ice has kept himself afloat nicely with his home improvment “The Vanilla Ice Project,” with an estimated net worth of $18 million. 00
In 1967 a man appeared on Jeopardy!…
In 1967 a man appeared on Jeopardy! intending to win just enough money to buy an engagement ring. He won that amount halfway through and kept his mouth shut from there on. To prevent a recurrence, the rules were changed shortly thereafter, allowing only the winner to keep all his/her winnings. 00
Chewing Gum Can Help Boost Your Memory
According to the results of a study by Kate Morgan and her colleagues at Cardiff University, chewing gum really can help to improve your concentration and enhance your recall capabilities. Even though potential improvement is limited to a maximum of three words, this can be sufficient to trigger the brain into remembering facts, names, and places. The simple physiological action of chewing increases your heart rate and blood pressure and increases the flow of blood to the brain. This then gives the brain an energy boost and thus concentration levels improve along with memory recall. Chewing gum can also help
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