In 2011 a 99-year-old Italian man divorced his 96-year-old wife after finding her secret love letters from the 1940s, revealing she had an affair. 00
Humans have a negativity…
Humans have a negativity bias that makes us continuously look for bad news. The trait stems from early humans who developed it as a survival mechanism. 00
In the late 1700s and 1800s…
In the late 1700s and 1800s, there was widespread panic about the evils of book-reading, which was described as “an outrage on decency and common sense”. People were concerned that avid novel-readers were ‘addicted’ and were becoming anti-social. 00
A guy made a fictional…
A guy made a fictional restaurant the #1 restaurant in London using trip advisor and fake reviews. He served microwaved food and customers said it was the most exquisite food they ever tasted. 00
In Japan, lonely seniors are shoplifting…
In Japan, lonely seniors are shoplifting in search of the community and stability of jail. These people often say they have no one to turn to when they need help. 00
Socrates was very worried…
Socrates was very worried that the increasing use of books in education would have the effect of ruining students’ ability to memorise things. We only remember this now because Plato wrote it down. 10
At the start of Operation Good Hope…
At the start of Operation Good Hope, US forces were supposed to land on the beaches of Mogadishu under the cover of darkness. Instead, they were met by CNN who was covering the landing live on television. 10
In the years following the Kennedy…
In the years following the Kennedy assassination, when she found herself in need of money, Lee Harvey Oswald’s mother would go to Dealey Plaza and sell her autograph to tourists. 10
In a study of 640 dream journals…
In a study of 640 dream journals conducted by Harvard, psychologists determined the dreams of prisoners in WWII POW camps were less aggressive than the standard male population. Rather than visions of extreme violence, the majority of soldiers dreamed of escape, family, loneliness, and home. 00
After cutting off his ear, Vincent van…
After cutting off his ear, Vincent van Gogh painted a portrait of the doctor who treated him, then gave it to the doctor. The doctor hated it and used it to repair a chicken coop before giving it away. It’s now worth $50 million. 00