Electric cars are so quiet, they’re required by law to produce artificial noise that mimics conventional engines to avoid pedestrians from getting hurt. 00
After being married for seven years, a Brazilian couple Adriana, 39…
After being married for seven years, a Brazilian couple Adriana, 39, and her husband Leandro, 37, found out that they were actually brother and sister whose mother left them in their infancy. 10
Vegans in Australia almost killed their pet kitten…
Vegans in Australia almost killed their pet kitten when they tried to turn the poor feline into a vegan. The kitten was fed rice milk , pasta, potatoes which made it critically ill. However, it was fortunately brought into the vets where it recovered fully under a diet of meat and a drip. 10
A study found that Charlie Sheen’s HIV-positive disclosure…
A study found that Charlie Sheen’s HIV-positive disclosure in 2014 led to 8225 more sales than expected of in-home HIV tests, surpassing World AIDS Day by a factor of about 7, concluding that a “Charlie Sheen effect” represents an important opportunity for a public health response. 10
NASA is proposing to cool the Yellowstone super volcano…
NASA is proposing to cool the Yellowstone super volcano by drilling down 10km into the super volcano and pumping in water at a high pressure. They then plan to use the extracted heat as a resource for power. 00
According to top addiction experts…
According to top addiction experts, “Giving your child a smartphone is like giving them a gram of cocaine”. 00
Most toilets in Hong Kong are flushed with seawater…
Most toilets in Hong Kong are flushed with seawater in order to conserve the city’s scarce freshwater resources. 00
In 2014 in Thessaloniki, Greece on 2 separate occasions…
In 2014 in Thessaloniki, Greece on 2 separate occasions it was discovered that women had been buried alive, after people at the cemetery heard screams coming from inside the earth. 00
Steve Leech, a milkman who was doing his rounds, when he saw a shop…
Steve Leech, a milkman who was doing his rounds, when he saw a shop on fire. He used 320 pints of milk to put it out, and was credited with saving 7 other stores. He received the award for “Hero Milkman of the Millennium.” 00
Europeans feared eating tomatoes for 200 years, because when…
Europeans feared eating tomatoes for 200 years, because when wealthy Europeans using pewter plates, high in lead content, ate tomatoes off the plates, the high acidity in tomatoes would cause the fruit to leach lead from the plate, resulting in many deaths from lead poisoning. 00