5 Ways Smartphones Can Be Bad For Your Mental Health

It’s been estimated that the average user checks their phone around 150 times per day, and nearly a third of phone users even admit to being addicted. Psychiatrists from around the world insist the obsessive use of Smartphones is a medical disorder and are pushing for medical authorities to formally recognize and classify the disorder. 1. Obsessiveness Many are obsessive users, using popular social networks such as Facebook, Twitter and Instagram, but Snapchat, the app that displays photos for 10 seconds before being deleted, has seen huge growth – About 400 million photos are shared on Snapchat per day! When

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9 Health Benefits of Dark Chocolate

It’s not very often that the benefits of a treat like chocolate can be talked about as something that could improve your health. Those of us with a sweet tooth may be a bit disappointed that all these healthful benefits don’t apply to our beloved milk or white chocolate, but for must of us, eating dark chocolate is better than eating no chocolate. Dark chocolate definitely has a more “earthy” and intense chocolate flavor than other chocolates, and some people prefer it. These are a few of the health benefits you can enjoy while eating dark chocolate. 1. A Nutritious

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In 1995, McDonald’s asked Greenpeace activists to stop…

In 1995, McDonald’s asked Greenpeace activists to stop criticizing their company publicly and instead do it only in private with their friends. Activists said they’d agree if McDonald’s stopped advertising its products and instead only recommended their restaurants privately to friends. 00