6 Signs and Symptoms of Bladder Cancer

The bladder, as most people probably know, is a balloon-shaped organ in the pelvic region which collects and stores urine to be eliminated. It is able to expand to some degree in order to hold an impressive volume of liquid when necessary. Bladder cancer most commonly begins in the cells that line the inside of the bladder. It is more common in older adults but can occur in just about anyone. Bladder cancer is very treatable when it is detected early, and fortunately, most cases of bladder cancer are. Since bladder cancer is cancer that is very likely to return

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10 Health Myths Busted

Somehow, down through the years, a number of myths about our bodies and our health have endured and been passed on from generation to generation. Most people probably wouldn’t take the time to research things like this (it was a lot more difficult before the internet came along) and were quite likely to believe these myths, since they often heard them from authoritative figures like parents, grandparents, teachers and even doctors. Fortunately, a lot of these myths can be tossed onto the scrap heap now that they have been proven wrong. There is no need to concern yourself with the

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8 Fun Facts About Poop

Poop is not a popular topic of conversation for obvious reasons, but it is an undeniable part of life. After all, without poop, there would be no life for us and just about every other living thing on this planet. One might even say that poop makes the world go round. On that note, it might be interesting, or perhaps even entertaining, to reflect for a few moments on the weirder side of poop. 1. Lunar Load We all know that wherever humans go, poop is sure to follow. To say the the disposal of human waste while in space

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During the Holocaust, Polish doctors Eugene Lazowski and Stanisław…

During the Holocaust, Polish doctors Eugene Lazowski and Stanisław Matulewicz saved 8,000 Jews by creating a fake Typhus epidemic. The Germans quarantined the area instead of risking outbreaks by sending them to concentration camps. After the doctors discovered that by injecting a healthy person with a “vaccine” of dead bacteria, that person would test positive […]

In 1976, as part of America’s bicentennial celebrations, the

In 1976, as part of America’s bicentennial celebrations, the residents of Lake City, Pennsylvania raised $6000 to build a UFO Landing Port. Explained Jim Meeder, the businessman who organized the effort, “We said to ourselves, ‘Let’s not look backward 200 years. Let’s look forward 200 years.’ Everybody else was restoring railroad depots and things like […]

The Texas Dept. of Transporttion (TxDOT) buys…

The Texas Dept. of Transporttion (TxDOT) buys and sows about 30,000 pounds of wildflower seed (including Bluebonnet) each year. The peak wildflower blooming season draws tourists from all across the nation to see the colorful blooms each spring. 00

The 10 Coolest Pets You’ve Never Thought Of

Are you one of those people who likes things a little bit different? Do you like cats, but have always wanted to own a piece of the wild? This article might be exactly what you’ve been looking for. Today, we’re going to look at things you may not have thought could ever be pets.  A bit of warning: Please check your local laws before taking home any of these animals. Animal legislation tends to vary with location. For example, in the U.S., it is legal to have a Western hognose snake in most states, but not in my home state of

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The Central Intelligence Agency has a memorial…

The Central Intelligence Agency has a memorial wall at headquarters for employees who are killed while working for the US spy agency. Each year the CIA adds stars for deaths; some with names, some without. There are 125 stars as of 2017, eight more than in 2016 and 46 more than in 2002. 00