In 2006, Guy Goma showed up at the BBC for a job interview…

In 2006, Guy Goma showed up at the BBC for a job interview as a computer technician. He was mistaken for Guy Kewney, a computer expert, and put on live TV to discuss a judicial verdict. Despite his amazing performance faking his way through the segment, he did not get the job. 00

In 1984, a 1-year-old received a heart transplant…

In 1984, a 1-year-old received a heart transplant from a baboon but ended up dying 21 days later due to rejection. When questioned with why a baboon and not a primate more closely related to humans, the surgeon said he didn’t believe in evolution. 00

From 1956 to 1996 the Mormon Church operated…

From 1956 to 1996 the Mormon Church operated a program where Native American kids would be baptized and placed in Mormon foster homes, thinking it would “lighten” them. It was based on the Mormon belief that Native Americans were originally white until God punished them by making them darker. 00