Brazil is number 2 over all in the world at…

Brazil is number 2 over all in the world at producing models after the US. Rio Grande do Sul represents 5% of Brazil’s population but produces more than 50% of its models. The appeal of the region’s inhabitants is attributed to the historical migration of Germans and Italians. 00

Does Music Affect Your Heartbeat?

Music has a powerful effect on life. It has been shown to affect human beings, animals, and even plants. It is difficult to imagine life without music. It becomes a part of who we are, physically, mentally and even spiritually in a unique way. That being the case, it shouldn’t come as that much of a surprise to learn that research shows that the music we listen to influences the rate at which our hearts beat. That is more than just an interesting fact; it can have a real effect on the connection between mind and body. What genre of

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Does Saliva Help Heal Wounds?

We’ve all heard the expression, “licking your wounds.” In the popular vernacular, it means taking the time to recover from a setback or trauma. It was most likely inspired by the image of wounded animals retreating to lick their wounds after they were injured. A dog that was bitten in a fight will lick the bite in an attempt to sooth the pain. Maybe it isn’t that surprising that some people have started to wonder if there is something to licking your wounds. Is it possible that saliva has healing properties? Scientists have begun to look at that question and

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A rodent that was believed to be extinct…

A rodent that was believed to be extinct for 113 years casually showed up on the handrail at the front porch of an ecolodge in Colombia and let researchers photograph it for two hours before disappearing into the night, after which it was never seen again. 00