Fun Facts About Paris

Paris is certainly a great place to visit. It has so much history and the monuments there are not to be missed either. What a lot of people don’t know is that Paris is also home to some of the zaniest facts in the world and some of them are just hard to believe. Take the Eiffel Tower for example, it weighs 7,000 tons and every year, it uses over 50 tons of paint in maintenance. Even after all this maintenance, there were worries at one point that it would collapse, because a storm in 1999 blew at over 240KPH

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Facts About Roses

Roses are one of the most sought after and favorite plants, with over 100 species of roses available and most of them originate in Asia, while the rest are from Africa, North America and Europe. Roses were commercialized since early days and plantations of roses existed ever since 500 BC, which led to the creation of over 13,000 varieties of roses over time. Listed below are some of the most astonishing facts about roses that will fascinate you. Black roses? Although there are a few species of roses like The Turkish Halfeti Rose, better known as “The Black Rose of

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There is a fee imposed by local businesses that called…

There is a fee imposed by local businesses that called a TIF in Niagara Falls which is entirely voluntary to pay, tourists can ask to have it removed from their bills if they know about it. It pulls in roughly 15 Million a year from tourists with no regulation or tracking on where the money […]