John Wayne died of stomach cancer, which is highly suggested to have been caused by filming downwind of a nuclear weapons test. Wayne refused to believe the fallout caused his cancer and instead attributed it to his smoking. However, 90 others from the movie also developed cancer after.
In 1914 Daniel Hess refused to sell the last bit of his property to the city of New York…
In 1914 Daniel Hess refused to sell the last bit of his property to the city of New York after the rest his property had been seized via eminent domain, and today it remains on the sidewalk with a tile that reads “Property of the Hess Estate Which Has Never Been Dedicated For Public Purposes”.
In 500 million years there will be no more total eclipses due to the fact…
In 500 million years there will be no more total eclipses due to the fact that the moon is drifting farther away
You can tell identical twin babies apart from their navels…
You can tell identical twin babies apart from their navels, since navel is a scar and thus they’re different.
An unassuming middle-aged Texas woman dressed as a male cowboy and robbed several banks…
An unassuming middle-aged Texas woman dressed as a male cowboy and robbed several banks without using a weapon. She was eventually caught and served 15 years. Upon her release, “Cowboy Bob,” now 60, robbed another bank and was killed during her escape when she pulled a toy gun on police.
A US company cannot legally forbid you to talk about pay with…
A US company cannot legally forbid you to talk about pay with your coworkers.
Women in ancient China were told that drinking hot mercury would prevent…
Women in ancient China were told that drinking hot mercury would prevent pregnancy. Which is kind of true, since drinking mercury can lead to organ failure and death, so those women definitely wouldn’t be carrying a child anytime soon.
Scorpions are incredibly resilient. Scientists have frozen scorpions overnight, left them in the sun…
Scorpions are incredibly resilient. Scientists have frozen scorpions overnight, left them in the sun the following day, and when thawed, the arthropod walked away unscathed.
When asked how they discovered the hallucinogenic properties of the plants used…
When asked how they discovered the hallucinogenic properties of the plants used in the ayahuasca brew, many indigenous Amazonian people said they “received the instructions directly from plants and plant spirits”.
The Nobel Committee declined to award the Nobel Peace Prize in 1948 because…
The Nobel Committee declined to award the Nobel Peace Prize in 1948 because “there was no suitable living candidate.” This was meant as tribute to Mahatma Gandhi, who was assassinated earlier that year without receiving the Prize.