A Harvard Researcher found rolling a pair of dice was as predictive of your future income as your college GPA is.
A man loved his goldfish so much he paid almost $500 for a life…
A man loved his goldfish so much he paid almost $500 for a life saving surgery to remove its constipation.
Even though Google’s self-driving cats have logged over 700,000 miles…
Even though Google’s self-driving cats have logged over 700,000 miles, they have yet to overcome the navigational hurdles of snow, heavy rain, open parking lots, multilevel parking garages, construction zones, and when the sun is directly behind a traffic light.
Enterprising Kenyans pretended to be Somali pirates and gave…
Enterprising Kenyans pretended to be Somali pirates and gave fake interviews to foreign journalists for cash
Medieval peasants got more vacation…
Medieval peasants got more vacation time than modern workers.
Ruth Lawrence, a child prodigy, passed the Oxford University maths exam
Ruth Lawrence, a child prodigy, passed the Oxford University maths exam at age 10, coming first out of all 530 candidates, she then completed the degree a year early by age 13.
52% of Americans can’t afford the house that they…
52% of Americans can’t afford the house that they are currently living in right now.
A professor of medical psychology in New York started hearing a voice…
A professor of medical psychology in New York started hearing a voice in her head in 1965. Her colleague encouraged her to write down what it said. The voice produced 3 volumes of “spiritual psychology,” some of which is written in iambic pentameter.
The New Madrid fault created a massive earthquake a couple centuries ago…
The New Madrid fault created a massive earthquake a couple centuries ago, causing the Mississippi to flow backwards in 1811-1812. This backwards flow created Reelfoot Lake in North Tennessee.
Cold is contagious: In a new study, when subjects looked at someone dipping…
Cold is contagious: In a new study, when subjects looked at someone dipping their hands into ice water, their own hands actually grew colder.