When That 70s Show started, the directors required all actors to be 18 or older. Mila Kunis, 14 at the time, told the casting directors she would be 18 but did not say when. Ashton Kutcher, Kunis’ boyfriend in the show, was 20 years old at that time.
“Inverted Spectrum” is a philosophy that states the possibility of people agreeing…
“Inverted Spectrum” is a philosophy that states the possibility of people agreeing on the names and characteristics of certain colors, though one person is essentially seeing a totally different color. If I have an inverted spectrum, we both say we see a bright blue sky, but if you saw it through my eyes, you could be looking at a bright red or purple or green sky. Compare to the fact that dogs are proven to have a very limited spectrum of color, humans may also be born with access to a limited or inverted spectrum, and never be aware of it.
According to the New York Business Journal, the Campbell Soup Co. has recently…
According to the New York Business Journal, the Campbell Soup Co. has recently dramatically increased its marketing budget with the launch of a multimedia ad campaign centered around a boy with a long beard (“The Wisest Kid in the Whole World”) who advises people to have soup.
– via Weird Universe.
Pickles are green and contain up to 5% of your…
Pickles are green and contain up to 5% of your daily amount of sodium.
An “ultracrepidarian” is somebody who gives opinions on subjects…
An “ultracrepidarian” is somebody who gives opinions on subjects they know nothing about.
Cherophobia is the fear of being too happy because “something…
Cherophobia is the fear of being too happy because “something tragic” will happen.
You need a license to dance…
You need a license to dance in Sweden.
The average amount of time a woman can keep a secret…
The average amount of time a woman can keep a secret is 47 hours and 15 minutes.
Norwegian explorer and writer Thor Heyerdahl stated that ancient people from South America could…
Norwegian explorer and writer Thor Heyerdahl stated that ancient people from South America could have settled in Polynesia, but most anthropologists didn’t believe him. So in 1947 he built a primitive raft and made the 101-day journey himself.
Historically, Chinese doctors only got paid if their patients were healthy…
Historically, Chinese doctors only got paid if their patients were healthy. Payment would stop if the patient got sick, until the health returned.