In 1999, Google was almost sold for $750,000 because the founders needed more time to study their schoolwork.
If you feed a moose, it may become aggressive and…
If you feed a moose, it may become aggressive and attack the next human it meets if it has no food to offer.
In 1974 Jane Goodall observed a social rift…
In 1974 Jane Goodall observed a social rift in a community of chimpanzees turn into a violent 4 year civil war for territory involving kidnapping, rape and murder, changing her perception of chimpanzees, it is known as the “Gombe Chimpanzee War”.
The Popsicle Index is a quality of life measurement…
The Popsicle Index is a quality of life measurement based on the percentage of parents who feel that their child can safely walk to the nearest store and buy a Popsicle by themselves.
An Australian research institute ran a four-month study
An Australian research institute ran a four-month study “to answer the age old question, ‘Where have all the bloody teaspoons gone?’”. Results: 80% of the teaspoons in the study disappeared, with the half life of the teaspoons calculated at 81 days.
In the first quarter of 2014, the mobile game…
In the first quarter of 2014, the mobile game Candy Crush made 56% more money than all Nintendo games combined.
A programmer that had previously worked for NASA…
A programmer that had previously worked for NASA, testified under oath that voting machines can be manipulated by the software he helped develop.
In France and Belgium there is a folk character…
In France and Belgium there is a folk character called “The Whipping Father” who accompanies St. Nicholas. He beats naughty children with sticks and carries them away in a bag.
Every bald Russian leader since 1825…
Every bald Russian leader since 1825 has been succeeded by a leader with a full head of hair.
If a person is connected to a high enough…
If a person is connected to a high enough voltage and is cut, blood will spray from the wound rather than flow as normal.