15 of the Worst Places in the World to Take a Poop

Sometimes needing to go in public is unavoidable, but I think we can agree the following places would all result in very traumatic situations.

I sincerely hope you never end up in any of these godforsaken places.

1. The gang’s all here!

Photo Credit: Reddit

2. When you’re done, jump on the elevator

Photo Credit: Reddit

3. Not very pleasant

Photo Credit: Reddit

4. Who put that there?

Photo Credit: Reddit

5. A view from above

Photo Credit: Reddit

6. It’s like an Olympic sport

Photo Credit: Reddit

7. Hello?

Photo Credit: Reddit

8. Let’s get to know each other…

Photo Credit: Reddit

9. Could you have put the TP a little further away?

Photo Credit: Reddit

10. Anxiety-inducing

Photo Credit: Reddit

11. Didn’t think that one through

Photo Credit: Reddit

12. Might as well remove the door

Photo Credit: Reddit

13. Like a museum exhibit

Photo Credit: Reddit

14. Okay…

Photo Credit: Reddit

15. Time to have a bite

Photo Credit: Reddit

The post 15 of the Worst Places in the World to Take a Poop appeared first on UberFacts.