12-Sided Calendar Fits the Whole Year Onto a Simple Desk Ornament

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From underwater dog photography to morbid anatomy, there’s a calendar theme out there to suit every taste. If you’re feeling overwhelmed with calendar options as the new year approaches, consider a simpler choice for 2017. The DodeCal, recently featured by WIRED, fits all 365 days of the year into a wooden package.

The finished product may look simplistic, but the work required to make it a reality was anything but. Ric Bell, designer and head of the London studio Post, knew he wanted to engrave a calendar onto a 12-sided shape, but dodecahedrons usually consist of 12 equal pentagons. To avoid the awkwardness of printing a square calendar on a five-sided plane, he decided to go with a rhombic-dodecahedron instead.

Carving a 3D shape with 12 four-sided diamond faces was exceedingly tricky. He enlisted the help of a toy maker and a furniture maker with a degree in math to get the final design just right: The result is one visually striking paperweight.

After retailing for about $96, the first 100 DodeCals quickly sold out. Early holiday shoppers can sign up online to be included on the preorder list for the calendar’s second edition.

[h/t WIRED]

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October 27, 2016 – 9:00am
