110416 newsletter

Newsletter Subject: 
A Brief History of Chain Letters (Plus: How You Sleep May Be Genetic)
Featured Story: 
Newsletter Item for (87625): A Brief History of the Chain Letter
From the Editors: 
Newsletter Item for (87625): A Brief History of the Chain Letter
Newsletter Item for (87246): 12 Oversized Facts About JNCO Jeans
Newsletter Item for (88262): How You Sleep May Be Genetic
Newsletter Item for (88221): 13 Sharp Facts About 'Hook'
Newsletter Item for (87112): 10 Musicians Who Recorded Their Hits in Simlish
Newsletter Item for (84871): Why Do Criminals Go “On The Lam”?
The Grid: 
Mercedes-Benz's Tech Promises to Protect Your Ears in a Car Crash
'The Chicago Tribune' Shares Their Cover From the 1908 Cubs Win
A New Type of Wheelchair Is Designed for Dancers
These Jeans Are So Heavy They Can Stand Up on Their Own
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The Pentagon is five-sided because that was the shape of its original site.

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